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  • Any good Youth Hostels by a beach? England/Wales?

    Okay my friends and I are planning on going away this summer after our GCSE's, but we're having trouble finding somewhere good to go because we are only 16 and most places don't accept people under 18. We live in South Wales and we want to go on a 4/5 day trip holiday to some sort of Youth Hostel that is close to a beach so we could surf and also do any other activities. If you have any suggestion that would be great, or if you have any other ideas of what we could do this summer that would be even better.

    P.s If you do know a good youth hostel please post the link.

    Thank you!(:

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • I opened my mouth and said something i shouldn't have! What shall i do?

    Okay, so there are 6 of us and we're all 16. We're all really close friends and we all tell each other most things. My one friend came up to me one day and told me with a lot of courage that she has smoked about 3 or 4 times in the past. The reason why she told only me and not the others is because they are all against it. I personally don't want to smoke but i have no problem with it. Most people in my year smoke anyway. I don't mind that she has tried it, because face it, we're all at the age where we want to experience things and try things out. I guess if she told me she smokes 24/7 and she can't stop i would be like, that is a very big problem. Anyway so the other day my dad asked me if i smoked, and i said no. Then he asked me if any of my close friends does. I said yeah one of my friends have tried it. You probably think why the hell i told my dad, but i have a close relationship to him, and he knows i go to house parties and drink, and i don't think he'd mind if i did try cigaret. Anyway, that's not the problem. Today i was in a lesson with another friend (apart of our friendly group) and i was telling her how my dad doesn't mind if i drink or if i have tried a cigaret. Then i told her, "i even told him that ???? has tried smoking, and he doesn't mind about that either." It just slipped out, and she is the worst of them all , she is the one that is completely against it. What the hell have i done? I explained to her, and she understands why she only told me and not anyone else. Anyway, what im asking is.... well what shall i do? Shall i tell ???? that i told ???? ....? Just please tell me what to do!!!!!!

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Having trouble with my iPod touch?

    Right, all of a sudden i'm having trouble with my iPod touch. Basically when i play or don't play music, and my iPod is asleep, i used to be able to double click the home button and the play button, the volume... will pop up. Now for some random reason that has disappeared. So i've read some discussions on Apple support Communities and none of the answers are making any sense to me. This one person said "Select Settings>General>Home select Home with iPod controls toggle ON" , well i'm okay up to General, but i don't get select home? Because i can't find home and iPod controls? Then this other person said this: - Start music playing.

    - Go to Safari or anywhere else.

    - The phone rings or something.

    - Double-click the Home button to pause music.

    - Double-click the Home button again when you're ready to resume/unpause music.

    Well, that's not working either. So is it something i've pressed to make this happen? Because even when I'm playing music, and you are on any app and you can double click the home button, this little bar comes up at the bottom, and if you slide to the right, the pause button comes up there, but it's not letting me press it :/ But please, if you can help me... that would be great. If not, ill just go to the apple shop. But thanks anyway!!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Is this a mental health illness? What is it if you can help?

    There is this girl in my year who constantly visits the toilet between and during lessons. Some say she has got OCD, washing her hands and face, and some say she has a bladder problem. It is getting worse. Recently she has missed a lot of exams and hardly attends any classes. Twice she has walked out of class/exam room crying her eyes out and a teacher has had to comfort her. If she is in a lesson she doesn't work - no books and doesn't participate. She is socially awkward, and basically doesn't know how to act around people! If you have any idea what the problem might be, please suggest them. I'm really interested ... thank you !

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I am attracted to him ... and i really like him but i don't know what to do!!!! help please?

    I have never been in a serious relationship - just been out with boys that were stupid really. But there is this boy that I've liked for months now. We've gotten closer. I hug him and i talk to him like normal friends. But i'm just really attracted to him and i want to be more than friends. I don't like to tell people who i like, i cant even tell my best friends :/ And my advice to them when they like a boy is that they should just go for it - so why can't i just go for it? You see, we are so different, and it's so hard to explain how, but we just are! The other day he started asking me these questions and i heard his friend say "yes mate your in", so i thought .. omg this is it. But nothing happened. Look this is a sh*t question, but i just want to know what you would do if you were in my situation. Like , shall i pop up to him more on facebook... or do i sound really desperate? I think deep down he likes me too, but i don't know. But girls... or boys even.... just please can you give me some advice. Thank you :) !!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are the differences and similarities an Orthodox and Anglican church?

    I have to do a short essay saying the differences about them, stuff like what people wear, about the bible, and basically many ways how they are different. I've researched online but i cannot find anything. I also got to say some similarities between them. Thanks!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I used to be so good ... but now everything i do is sh*t ! what do i do ?

    I'm in year 10 and im starting my GCSE's at the end of the year . I have been having these tests in almost every subject .... some results are really good , yes i'm on a B but they say by the end of the year i will be on an A - which is what i really want. But in some subjects , im sh*t . My maths test was really bad . I'm in set 3 out of 5 , and had 57% My mum is really angry with me .... but i did revise , loads , more than 5 hours which is ridiculous for a test and not an actual GCSE test . But i completely went blank , i am really upset and disappointed with what i got . Also today i had a Physics test - and i know i did **** in that because i never answered harldy any question and i revised loads for that too, and i told my mum but she wasn't happy . In my english class and my welsh class i have gone from high marks to C's .... I think i'm really depressed at the moment and i feel that i'm not going to have a good future at all..... there's only one thing i like and im good at and that is acting - but it's not like im going to be an actress when im older because thats just impossible . What shall i do - i dont want to make my parents disappointed . thanks

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • The capital punishment exists in order to retain control.......?

    What do you think of thing ? Do you agree or disagree and why ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Is there any such thing as a coincidence?

    Because right - i was listening to a song that haven't been like played in ages ! If you get what i mean , it's in the charts then it's out ... ( by the way this was a couple of weeks ago ) . And i got like really obsessed with it , so i got it on my Ipod listening to it all the time , and then a couple o days later - It comes on Eastenders ... and i was like wtf what a coincidence!

    Also i was i was looking in my top draw and my phone was on top of it - and i stood there staring at my phone for a couple of seconds ( don't ask why!) , and then i go to put my hand on it and suddenly i have a text message :S I know that's not really a coincidence but it was pretty freaky at the time . It happened like months ago with a similar situation , i was like talking to myself (again dont ask why) and i looked at the phone in my classroom and said to myself it would ring 3 times .... and it did !!! 3 TIMES !!! WOW ..... there are other ones but i can't think at the moment . ..... OH RIGHT - i was thinking about a car crash one day and the day later i had one with my family - how weird is that ? But yeah Is there any such thing as a coincidence????????????

    thanks x

    5 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • Help if your good at English ?

    This is the sentence :

    She knew running away would be hard, but she had to.

    OR IS IT

    She knew running away would be hard , but she had too.

    8 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Is this how you describe rays of sun ?

    Or is this wrong

    crepuscular rays casts beams and shadows across the entire sky ??????????????????

    2 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • American theme party ... what shall i wear ??

    Okay hi ..... i havent got a clue what to wear to an American themed party .... could you give me loads of idea's what to wear and be specific ... thanks xx

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • The Fallen and the Immortal series coming to an end, what's next ? ?

    I have just finished Passion (the third book in the Fallen Series) and I am going to start reading Everlasting (the last book in the Immortal Series) . I love these books so much and I know I will be able to finish Everlasting in less than a week, and I really wish I could go on to reading the last book in the Fallen Series (Rapture). So whilst I wait till next summer - 2012 - I want to read something exciting as these two series. Does anyone know good books like these which you have read ? If have could you please list some ... Thank you !x

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Synchronizing my ipod on my laptop without getting rid of my music ?

    The other day my computer broke :( And my dad got it fixed but it got rid of absolutely everything !!! All my files .. all my pictures ... music and everything. So i'm really scared to plug my ipod in because i might loose all my music. So i got my laptop with some music that's on my ipod , but i bought like 5 songs the other day on Itunes on my ipod touch - if you get me :S ... so if i synchronize my ipod it will prob get rid of my songs... am i right ? Because i have no idea. Basically i want to know , that if i synchronize my ipod on to my laptop will it get rid of my songs ?? And if it does ... How can i sync my ipod without getting rif of my songs ??

    Thanks .... this is MAJOR to me ... because if i loose my music i will die !! Literally x

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Every religious person must go to pray ............. What do you think of........?

    Every religious person must pray in a place of worship ( as in a church or a synagogue, Gurdwara etc ...). What do you think of this , do you agree or disagree and why ??? Personally i disagree because i think you can pray anywhere , they say god is with you everywhere you go right ? But what do you think? Xx

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • There's this teacher .......?

    Right i really do not want to write this or anything but i feel like i have to ask you for your opinion on this !! There's this teacher .... and everyone thinks he's fit and stuff but i don't . And some times he just stares at me in this weird way, it's really freaky!!! And i feel under pressure when he looks at me. I mean it could be anywhere. We went away last week to this place in North Wales, and at the dinner table and in meetings and stuff he just starts to stare at me! Like maybe it's not me , maybe it might be one of my best friend's im always with but i haven't got a flipping clue whats the problem !! Help , do you think this is weird ?? Any suggestions what to do ?? Nothing to do with going up to him and telling my parents though k, coz at the end of the day im not really that confident and i just keep a lot of things to myself . Thanks xx

    2 AnswersTeaching10 years ago
  • Young people today are lazy and selfish ...?

    Young people today are lazy and selfish , and don't think about others . What do you think of this ?? Agree or disagree ?? Why ??

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Weired Dreams .... Help .....?

    Okay well im writing to ask anyone out there if they know how to help me control my weired dreams at night . There mainly about teachers .. and i ain't saying anymore than that ! i feel so embarrassed when i see them teachers in school ... because of the dream i had about him/her . Is there something im doing wrong ?? Am i eating something i shouldn't be or .... i just absolutely don't know .

    What i will say is .. i have dreams about this one teacher , but i think its only because , she just doesn't like me and gives dirty look to me in school . Which i don't understand why , i think she has got a big problem with me !!

    So if anyone has any ideas why this is happening , what am i doing wrong ... or you just want to say something about the whole teacher thing , please do say because i am getting scared and a bit annoyed .Thank Guys !x

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • my art project .. help !!!?

    i have an art project , and i have to create an old person . i don't want to do it out of clay because i will find that to hard . i want to do it out of news papers and paper marche and use paint and different materials . i don't know where to start and what to use . can you please give me a list of stuff that i can use and how to make an old person . thank you very much x

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago