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Well, you heard it here first - I'm not perfect. I'm a fallible, feeling, thinking, living being and because I'm willing to admit that I know I'm going to be a target. Awww, who am I kidding? Bring it on! By the way, there is no truth that can be known for which there is not an equal untruth.

  • What is the will to survive and why is it so hard to overcome?

    I've detected a level of insight and inquisitiveness on this site, from several groups in particular, which I find both stimulating and inspiring. In that spirit, I have spent much time in deep pondering over the past days. I want answers just like you, to questions that haven't been asked - and I think I've found one.

    It pains me to see the number of young people on this site who are mired in problems that seem impossible to overcome. So often that leads to tendencies and thoughts that can bring a person near the edge - but what stops you from falling over?

    What is the will to survive and why is it so hard to overcome? Tell me what you think - but remember, I like solid arguments. Substantiate what you propose, or else it's little more than a personal statement.

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Would you like the show to go on? Even if the show isn't what you think?

    This is to be a continuation of a question I posted, which seems to have really gotten under the skin of some people:

    Now, from the 30+ plus answers I've received thus far, they breakdown something like this:

    It's a pretty fair split between atheists and the religious, with a few agnostics tossed in to spice.

    50% of the responses I've received are well-spoken arguments, which all deserve some form of recognition (no best chosen yet).

    25% of the responses are fairly empty attempts at explaining why I'm wrong.

    15% of the responses are simply attacks on my person.

    10% of the responses make my brain hurt, as I try to figure out if the respondent even read my query.

    Regardless of how you might have answered my previous question, I hope all of choose to engage this one as well. I'm sure I'm stirring up the same trouble I did before, but I live to learn about my world and the people who live in it, so I can handle the heat.

    I was accused (by Christians and atheists alike) of being militant (only while I was serving in the military), not understanding my own beliefs (???), arrogant (well, you may have me there), self-righteous (can you say that without being self-righteous yourself?), and my personal favorite of not having any views.

    If I didn't have a view, I wouldn't have told ALL of you that I think you're wrong. From that single statement was born much dissent - but don't go thinking I'm going to retract what I've said. When I say something, I mean it. If any of you think that means I have a chip on my shoulder, or I'm too prideful, well you've missed the point entirely.

    And from all of that, is born this query: Would any of you continue to put such unabashed faith in your belief structure, if it were to be proven absolutely wrong? Wait, that isn't all: If you continued believing after being proven wrong, how do think the rest of humankind would react to you?

    MY ANSWER: You can prove that a god exists, or does not exist - it will not change how I feel about the subject. I AM an agnostic, but even more so I am a skeptic. You could prove to me, with all the math in the world, that space and time are truly linked in the web that science suggests, but I contend that all your proofs are based solely in HUMAN perception. Time is time and space is space (but what are those, really?)

    Therefore, if you proved "God" were real, my belief could only extend so far as your having uncovered a more "gifted" being. Not much different than a Glub-glub-gloo (yes, I made that up) that we might discover on planet X. The Glub sees a being that flies in strange ships, walks about, and speaks, but all the Glub can do is wiggle its eye clusters and jump around excitedly. It's found God!

    And atheists, so you finally prove that there is no god. My response is simply, "Have you looked everywhere? Even on the other side of the galaxy? The universe?"

    How would the world react to me? So easy - the same way they do now, as if I'm the one who's wrong because I choose to view life and the world in a more topical fashion and don't "choose sides".

    Do me a favor folks - make a good argument. I'm not trying to start a fight here, I'm asking a question about something I want to understand.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who has proof of what they believe (Warning: do not attempt to answer if you can't form a valid argument)?

    What am I getting at? Well, it's quite simple.

    I've read a lot of questions from the religious folks, as well as the atheists. I lump all of the religious people together and point specifically at the atheists because apparently, I'm the only agnostic who uses Yahoo.

    So, I'm sitting here on my fence, watching you guys go at it like its a tennis match gone awry. The religious hit the ball over, the atheists try a slam, then the religious ace 'em. The atheists serve, the religious return, but the atheists recover the point. Love all.

    I won't lie - I enjoy watching the show, yet there are times when I wonder if any of you realize the entertainment level you provide. All my religious people, you insist that god is real - really? Atheists, you have determined there is no god, no way, no how - but are you any different than your counterparts, making declarations you cannot prove?

    And there it is. I say you're all wrong. You can't know what lies beyond death. A light at the end of a tunnel, or oblivion, either way you've none of you, any proof.

    Prove me wrong. I say it's ludicrous that you all waste time debating the point, so somebody give me something to go on. Give me some proof, one way or the other, that your side is right. Otherwise, I'll just have to keep on thinking you're all propagating nonsense.

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Philosophy vs. sarcasm - what's the point, if you're just going to be derisive?

    They aren't just here, on Yahoo Answers. They aren't just on your street, in your town, or even your country. They're everywhere.

    I'm talking about people who don't have anything to say (I expect many shameful attempts at humor, based on that statement alone).

    I've only been answering questions in this forum for a few days. In that time I've read enough sarcasm, pitiful attacks and pure stupidity to last at least one - if not two - lifetimes. But like I said, it isn't just here.

    I can walk out my door tomorrow and go to work, with a guarantee in my pocket that at some point during my day I'm going to bump into a person who has nothing better to do than infringe on my peace. It might be that I'm a kind spirit and seem an easy target (which I am not), but I'd be willing to bet there are plenty of other people out there who see what I see.

    This isn't about fighting, arguing or even disagreement. This is about being snide. It's about being too sure of oneself. It's about believing in superiority and mastership.

    So, here's my question: Do you believe it is possible that humanity might be overtaken by its superiority complex? By its sarcastic and tunneled view of existence? Why?

    10 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago