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Favorite Answers45%
  • Unusually big kitten? Ten pounds at eight months?

    My kitten Red is an not-quite 8 month old neutered male tabby. He weighs almost ten pounds. That seems very large for a young cat, is it? He's not fat, just big all over.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • VBA Classes newbie help?

    I'm trying to teach myself about classes in VBA but I'm a bit stuck on this. Say I want to create classes called Pea and Pod. I want a Pod to contain a collection of Peas, and an Add method to add new Peas to the collection. I want to be able to reference things like myPod.Peas.Count. Can anybody help with the syntax of a collection as a member of a class? Thanks.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • SQL Query help needed.......?

    I'm stumped on what seems to be a simple SQL query.

    My data source is a table with fields Item, Date, and Quantity, like so:


    Apples 11/12/08 10

    Apples 11/13/08 42

    Pears 11/11/08 13

    Bananas 11/12/08 21

    Apples 11/10/08 8

    Bananas 11/14/08 15

    Pears 11/10/08 16

    I want to return the quantity found in the record with the latest date for each item.

    So the output would be

    Apples 11/13/08 42

    Bananas 11/14/08 15

    Pears 11/11/08 13

    I can't figure this. I'm sure it will be obvious once somebody else tells me the answer.


    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is there more to life than working and sleeping?

    It seems wrong somehow that that's all there is. Is anyone out there having any fun? Am I being childish, to expect more?

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago