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  • Neighbor child over too much...?

    There is a family that sends their 7 year old daughter over nearly every day, going on for a few years now. She is over several times per day, each day in the summer. Her parents don't ask. Last year i was working in the yard at 1:30pm and the dad asked me, "Did my daughter make it over there ok?" She had been over since 9:30am and I was mad. What if something had happened and she didn't make it over at all?

    Currently I won't allow the girl's 13 year old sister come over. She has been mean to my autistic 12 year old daughter and her mother is in denial, blaming my daughter due to lies the 13 year old has spun. I am fed up with the adults in the family because they were also in denial that their 7 year old attacked my 6 year old daughter a few times last year (choking her, banging her head onto the floor, etc, witnessed by myself). She recently has choked my 5 year old son, knocked him down, slapped him, and kicked him in the back, separate times.

    They are upset the little one comes over but the big sister can't. But, they continue to send her over, I'm pretty sure because they see me as a free sitter!

    I keep sending her home, 3 times today. The parents used to send notes at lunchtime like "send her home at 7:30pm etc but havent come to get her when she's been over as late as 9:30pm! I'm not on talking terms with the family (for good reason) and will never send any of my 3 children over there.

    Am I right to not want their child over at all? It's driving me nuts!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago
  • Daughter's dad is emotionally abusive...?

    My 12 year old daughter is diagnosed with autism, anxiety, OCD, & depression. Her dad has never been there for her & moved close by a year & a half ago. He has 3 other kids.

    He wasn't around for our daughter because he was using drugs. When I knew he was using and dealing I refused to allow visits.

    Now he is clean but my daughter has no interest in visiting with him but likes to text him. She asks him to initiate calls with her but he refuses to do so unless she comes to spend the night.

    He often refuses to respond that he loves her when she texts, "Do you love me?" He says things like, "I'm busy, gotta go!" His mother reinforces this to her by saying, "He's mad because you didn't go see him." He told her he doesn't have a phone anymore (which he does) and refuses to respond to her texts.

    He plays mind games with her. She is obsessed with food, especially icecream. When she doesn't want to go over he tells her he's taking his other kids out for icecream. When she changes her mind & wants to go he tells her "you can't come" or "now we're not going." Then she says she's not going over he'll change it & say, "Oh, I guess now we're going for icecream!" He's told me he does this "to teach her a lesson". This "game" of his brings her to tears.

    I'm so irate! I invited him to come to her next therapy session. He didn't respond and will likely not show. I don't want her to have contact at all with him anymore.

    Is it the right thing?

    3 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Dead beat dad... should I care?

    My daughter's dad (she's 11) hasn't paid child support for 2 1/2 years, 7 years of nonpayment in her lifetime total. He hasn't filed taxes for 15+ years either. The IRS is catching up to him (don't know how they haven't already). This means the IRS will garnish wages for the x-amount owed. He's PO'ed because I didn't go along with his request to stop all child support payments so he can catch up on child support arrears (it'd take him 5 years to catch up at his offer per month). I also did not agree to his offered $250 per month. The county level pursued child support as they always do and he's mad at the amount (not set by me). He's being a jerk & now has his mother on board. I said he can contest through the courts, not harass me about it. I don't feel bad for him (poor guy) and would be satisfied to see his a** reamed by the judge (even if they drastically lowered it, it would be worth it to have a judge tell him he's a POS in court). Should I feel bad or take him to the cleaner? As far as the rest of his family, none of them are bothered when he pays $0, but sure get riled when he has to pay! I'm done with their BS & will raise my children to have better values!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Babysitting troubles...?

    An unemployed friend of mine has been babysitting for me the past few years on days that I don't have daycare coverage, usually 4 days a month and sometimes double that. I pay her cash under the table and have even borrowed money when I'm broke to ensure I always pay her on time. I feel the amount of money is reasonable and never have become angry or upset if she cannot babysit.

    Recently I asked her if the kids' Godparents could have the kids the next coming weekend instead, giving her a 6 day notice. She said that was fine as long as they took them an additional day she didn't want to take. I thought everything was fine until she started posting things on facebook stating I've ruined her entire weekend (a weekend that hadn't even happened yet), messed up her plans, and that she will no longer babysit unless she feels like it. I texted her and, again, thought things were fine, and she posted more about it on facebook the next day!

    I was fed up because she's talking as though I take advantage of her but, as I see it, I PAY her and the schedule is flexible. I deleted her from my facebook after posting something about people who whine too much (couldn't help myself!). I didn't comment on any of her posts about me.

    I've since got weekend babysitting covered by someone else and another backup daycare arranged. It's ridiculous to throw away a friendship over something so stupid. Am I being unreasonable or am I right to cut ties with her?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Score of 28/36 for Vedic Astrology/Marriage Match,?

    but no man has "No Mangal Dosha" and I have "Low Mangal Dosha". Scored 0 on Nadi. Does this mean we're incompatible for marriage?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Would this parent irritate you?

    My daughter asked to spend the night with a new friend. I don't know the girl or the mom. Both girls are 10 years old. I talked to the mom and she agreed to an overnight sleepover at her house.

    The morning of the day my daughter was to go spend the night the mom called and asked if her daughter could come to my house for a bit so she could run an errand that would take about 3 hours. It was short notice but she dropped off her daughter with me. I agreed to bring the girls to her friend's house in the afternoon.

    I gave the mom about 4 hours before I brought the girls over to her house but she wasn't home. I brought them over again later and she was still gone! She kept texting to her daughter that she'd be home soon but was 5 1/2 hours later than what she had told me! I dropped of the little friend and didn't allow my daughter to spend the night.

    Now I'm wary of making plans and sending my daughter over there. Any thoughts? Give her another chance or just have my daughter's friend spend time only at my home? She seems irresponsible.

    4 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Ex doesn't want to pay back child support...?

    My ex (we have a 10 year old daughter together) asked me today if I would wipe away back child support and not require him to pay anymore in the future. He cites that the purpose of this is so that he can buy a 4BR house and get his life in order. He owes a small amount of back child support and it is currently set at $0 since he has been unable to work. I have not received child support from him in over a year and the only reason I did get any is because he received an inheritance.

    Now he would like to start working again and doesn't want to have to pay me any money. He states he wants to open a savings account for our daughter in which he will put in $100 per month so that she has money for college. He said he believes this would be "a good deal" for everyone [especially himself].

    I understand that paying child support can be difficult and it makes it hard for him to afford rent, etc. I would be willing to ask the courts for a reduced amount of support but I receive Medical Assistance for our daughter and daycare assistance which makes it mandatory that I allow the county to order child support from him. The amount is set by the court, not me! What he doesn't take into account is the fact that I have worked my a** off all these years to support our daughter on my own. He has been there MINIMALLY at best and has paid child support off and on for only about 2 years of 10.

    Should I tell him to "F* off?"?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • The Law of Attraction...?

    Has anyone here used the Law of Attraction and did it work for you? (for money, love, career, success, etc.)?

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Why are spirits coming to me at night?

    I am psychic although I haven't fully developed it. I've been having spirits come to me at night. I'll wake up to spirits in my room. One was a little girl trying to talk to me. It wasn't scary, I just couldn't hear what she was saying. She walked away and disappeared.

    A few weeks ago I woke to a psychic energy healer (whom I've gone to for healing) pulling out negativity from my bedroom. I contacted her the next day about it and she told me she had a vivid dream that she was in a house she's never been to before, pulling out negative energy that was hiding in the bedroom. Craziness but cool! That incident surprised me but didn't scare me either.

    Two nights ago I awoke to a young woman in my room just standing there, staring. I had an immediate emotional response to it and woke up very scared. My heart was thumping like crazy but I was able to go back to sleep.

    A few other times I've had spirits in my bedroom but they didn't scare me. I periodically have intense moments where I wake because I feel like there's something ominous in my room that I cannot see, sometimes it's even like it's right in front of my face! Scary! I'll jump up and turn on a nightlight and it can happen a few times in the same night.

    If spirits are coming to me for communication (I have done mediumship a few times during waking hours, beginner) how do I talk with them without freaking out at night? I can't help but be surprised to open my eyes to a spirit standing in my room! I jump up and it goes away. Do I simply try communicating with them during the day and set boundaries that they cannot come into my room at night?

    8 AnswersParapsychology8 years ago
  • Anyone else have UFO experiences?

    I have seen UFO's several times from the age of 18-28. I haven't seen a UFO for the past 7 years. Anyone else have these experiences? I have woken to an alien next to my bed. I woke up hours later laying the wrong way across my bed on top of my covers. My friends and I were chased by a UFO for 8 miles of rural roads. The UFO came after the car and a beam of light came out of it. One friend and I had regressive hypnosis with interesting results. Every time I moved within the 10 years the UFO would follow me to my new location. I have seen a UFO during the middle of the day above a busy highway a week after mentally asking to see it in the daylight. I have chased a "little guy" with pattering feet through my bedroom when I woke up in the middle of the night. He zoomed up through the closet, up the attic crawl space, and was gone. I looked outside and there was a UFO out there.

    I have just recently realized that I am psychic and am an energy healer. I have successfully channeled people who have passed on and receive psychic messages. They say abductees can develop psychic abilities through their experiences.

    13 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Cheating husband... How do I get the other woman out of my head?

    I recently discovered that my husband cheated with his best friend's girlfriend in my bed! I am livid but I'm also relieved to have discovered the truth. I have suspected them of cheating with each other for nearly 3 years.

    Both deny cheating more than the one time they were caught but I'm certain they are both lying. They have lied to me for years. Both have denied contact with each other even though I have read texts, emails, and found out from a friend they met at a bar. To make it worse, the "other woman" was a witness to our wedding, has been rude, has refused to end contact with him in the past, and has proven she doesn't care about my marriage or how their tryst has made me feel.

    My husband is apologetic NOW, but I think it's only because he got caught. I'm convinced they would have continued their affair if I hadn't found out.

    I'm so upset that I can't sleep at night. I have been tired all week at work and anytime I'm alone I'm mulling over all the signs that they have cheated with each other for a long time. I have refrained from talking with her more than once over the phone even though I feel like sending her nasty messages and reaming her out! I demanded to know how long this has been going on, etc., but she's an idiot and not worth talking to.

    Can a marriage recover from this? Is it worth the effort to try to repair? He keeps telling me he wants to salvage our marriage but I'm feeling so betrayed and angry. What makes me even more mad is that I'm angrier at her than I am at him in a way. I keep thinking that I would NEVER do that to another woman, sleep with her husband. I really would love revenge but how do I get this b***** out of my head?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Brother refuses to help himself...?

    I helped my brother to become connected to Mental Health Services. For years he has been depressed and/or manic, has mood swings and anxiety, and has occassionally become suicidal. I was happy to finally convince him to see a psychiatrist and a therapist, helped him to place the calls, and accompanied him there to make sure he attended them. He threw the first bottle of pills away when they made him feel agitated after taking it once. He was then prescribed a mood stabilizer (he's like a ticking time-bomb ready to go off) and told me tonight that he threw those away also without even trying it once!

    I'm so frustrated and angry. I obtained housing applications for him to fill out, offered to fill them out with him, and have called and texted him several times to help. He has stated his life would be so much better if he didn't live with our mother anymore, but refuses to fill them out and is now making a thousand and one excuses not to do it.

    The best thing for him would be for him to be hospitalized in a Mental Health ward, have him take the medications there to stabilize, and continue attending therapy and psychiatric sessions. Of course he would never agree to this and I cannot make him do anything that he doesn't want to do.

    My mother found a suicide note that stated plans to kill himself on a specific date one and a half months from now. He since took the letter and threw it away, denying his written intentions. My questions is, what the heck can you do for someone if everytime you give them the tools, they throw them all out? He doesn't shower, doesn't brush his teeth, and then complains that he's lonely. He blows up at work, and then says that no one at work treats him with the respect he deserves? My family is frustrated. I feel like I've hit a brick wall. What is there to do for him?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Should using Meth during pregnancy be considered child abuse?

    My ex & his gf use meth. I heard that she was using meth while breastfeeding with her first child (so she likely used during the pregnancy also), had another that was premature and died of sid's (I believe from using meth when she was pregnant, especially since the police and first responders found meth paraphernalia when they responded to the 911 call). Since, she had a 3rd baby that tested positive for meth at birth. Although she completed an outpatient CD program, she continued to use meth while obtaining back custody of the baby. She found out she was pregnant again (4th child) and continued to use until about 30 weeks of pregnancy. She quit due to Child Protection involvement and then snuck off to have the baby at a midwife's home to prevent drug testing when the baby was born. I think it ought to be considered a crime, but Social Services views it as an opportunity for intervention, such as more CD Treatments. What do you think? Is it even possible that both parents can remain clean and sober now? It's sickening and both the mother and father to these babies act as though it's no big deal! My ex and I have a child together and contact is limited because I don't want my child in a negative, drug-infested environment. He has been flippant and laughing about getting away with the 4th baby not being drug tested. What a jerk! I'm definitely not opposed to jail sentences for women that intentionally use drugs when they know they are pregnant. The only ones who have had consequences to their drug use are their poor innocent meth-babies!

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is my husband cheating?

    My husband used to text and call a girl a lot last year (1 to 3 hours per day of phone calls and 30 or so texts). Let's call her Kay. They'd try to hide their contact and both denied any wrong doing. They both quit after I started telling her long-term boyfriend, who is now his ex-best friend. A few days ago, my hubby went out drinking with a buddy. He's an alcoholic and has been drinking once or twice a week. I read his texts after he passed out, something I haven't done in a long time. There were texts to and from Kay. She said, "You left a mark." He replied, "I don't leave marks." He invited her out to meet him at the bar. She said, "I don't want to play anymore." There was other stuff too. I confronted them both and they BOTH deny any contact. He immediately erased all messages and says he was too drunk that night to remember what bars they were at or texting her. He becomes angry when I bring it up and not says, "You have extreme highs and lows." Classic cheater?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • How to handle a manipulative supervisor?

    How do I handle a supervisor that treats others badly? My main boss doesn't believe the NUMEROUS reports he has gotten from myself and other coworkers over the years. My supervisor is manipulative and seems to have the ability to convince my boss of anything, no matter how rediculous.

    It seems that whenever we get a GOOD employee that is great at the job and has a degree [that would qualify them to take over her job if ever the opportunity arises], my supervisor "drives them out". She is in charge of scheduling and will cut someone's hours if they make her mad or insecure. Or, she will schedule them for days that were not agreed upon when they were hired or days that specifically don't work well for them. She will then report to the boss that these employees are difficult to deal with and that they complain about their schedule for apparently no good reason. She twists conversations to make people look as though they are stupid or handle situations badly. If you ask for a specific schedule and she doesn't like you, it seems that she purposely schedules the opposite.

    THEN, when she chooses to like someone even if they are horrible at their job, she will INCREASE their hours. She calls employees to her office and will ask them "to spy for her" to see if others talk about her. I work in the mental health field and she tells the employees that the main therapists are the ones that manipulate, not herself, but it isn't long before they catch on.

    It is very clear to nearly everyone at the workplace that she is NOT NICE. Things get worse on days when my main boss is not in the office. She is controlling and degrading and I believe she got her supervisory position in an unethical way (bashing others to the boss for months and getting someone wrongfully fired).

    Several employees have complained, and many have simply quit because this hasn't improved in the past several years. New employees often quit because they can't handle the dysfunction. My boss STILL insists that reports of her behaviors are MISPERCEPTIONS. Complaints have been made to the main office by employees who have quit and my boss and supervisor have been warned to "shape up". My boss did state that if he ever fires her, he will have to have supportive documentation because he fears she will try to tear him down with her and/or sue. Despite these statements, my boss has seemed to revert right back to believing her rediculous stories about others.

    I'm thinking of calling the Quality Assurance person at the main office to complain and have never done so in the past. I love the job, but this supervisor makes it much more stressful than it needs to be. My boss is great at what he does, but isn't entirely cut out for a management position.

    What to do?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Psychic dreams- a message from the deceased?

    I had a dream that I felt I needed to tell a friend. In the dream his father and ex-girlfriend were sending him a message- that his girlfriend, who recently died, wanted him to have a guitar of hers that was in storage, and that his father was showing him how to play it. My friend had found his father dead after he committed suicide when my friend was a teenager.

    In the dream, his father showed him that the guitar was a different type of guitar. His father showed him the difference of the strings. He placed his hand on my friend's shoulder and said, "You are doing a fine job, son."

    I decided to tell my friend about the dream because I had the strong feeling it was meant as a message to give to him. That his father is watching over him and approves of him, that his father is supportive.

    Now, I'm worried that I've really upset him. He cut the conversation short over the phone. I've had other psychic dreams in the past. My friend confirmed that his ex-girlfriend did have a bala-layka or other type of different guitar. It is consistent with my dream.

    Did I do the right thing by saying something to him, or should I keep these things to myself? Why would I have the dream if it isn't meant to be passed forward?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Meth baby- When did the mother last use?

    Meth Baby- How long ago did the mother use before giving birth?

    My daughter's father and his girlfriend just had a baby that tested positive for meth. The meth was on the baby's skin from the amniotic fluid and it was also present in the placenta when the baby was born. How long ago do you think she used?

    If the maconia (baby's first stool) had been tested it would tell if the mother used within the past 6 months, if the hair was tested it would tell if she used after the 20th week of pregnancy, and if the urine was tested it would tell if the mother had used within the past 48 hours.

    I have not allowed my daughter's father to see her without supervision for obvious reasons. He now swears up and down that he is CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. He's being a jerk and harassing me for unsupervised time with our 7-year old, which I REFUSE. I have thought of putting a harassment order against him, but that might make it worse. His texts don't make sense and he posted horrible things (untrue) about me on facebook (that I ruined his relationship with our daughter, I am evil, etc.). I think he's still using but he swears that he and his girlfriend have been clean despite current drug charges, their baby being taken from the hospital and placed in state custody, and acquaintences that say he's been dealing meth recently. His behaviors are escalating and he acts as though he's lost his mind! I guess that's what meth does to people!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Daughter's dad is a meth addict?

    Meth Baby- How long ago did the mother use before giving birth?

    My daughter's father and his girlfriend just had a baby that tested positive for meth. The meth was on the baby's skin from the amniotic fluid and it was also present in the placenta when the baby was born. How long ago do you think she used?

    If the maconia (baby's first stool) had been tested it would tell if the mother used within the past 6 months, if the hair was tested it would tell if she used after the 20th week of pregnancy, and if the urine was tested it would tell if the mother had used within the past 48 hours.

    I have not allowed my daughter's father to see her without supervision for obvious reasons. He now swears up and down that he is CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. He's being a jerk and harassing me for unsupervised time with our 7-year old, which I REFUSE. I have thought of putting a harassment order against him, but that might make it worse. His texts don't make sense and he posted horrible things (untrue) about me on facebook (that I ruined his relationship with our daughter, I am evil, etc.). I think he's still using but he swears that he and his girlfriend have been clean despite current drug charges, their baby being taken from the hospital and placed in state custody, and acquaintences that say he's been dealing meth recently. His behaviors are escalating and he acts as though he's lost his mind! I guess that's what meth does to people!

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Meth Baby- How long ago did the mother use before giving birth?

    My daughter's father and his girlfriend just had a baby that tested positive for meth. The meth was on the baby's skin from the amniotic fluid and it was also present in the placenta when the baby was born. How long ago do you think she used?

    If the maconia (baby's first stool) had been tested it would tell if the mother used within the past 6 months, if the hair was tested it would tell if she used after the 20th week of pregnancy, and if the urine was tested it would tell if the mother had used within the past 48 hours.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago