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Favorite Answers6%
  • Should I make this trade Xbox 360 for ps3 (real all)?

    I don't play my xbox 360 anymore. I have a ps4 and I primarily play it. I wanted to sell my 360 and all of my games on it, and then buy a ps3 and buy this game I want so badly (kingdom hearts 2.5) but the game is ONLY out for ps3. Is this a smart trade?

    3 AnswersPlayStation6 years ago
  • Kim vs Kourtney vs Khloe vs Kendall vs Kylie?

    I say:

    1- Kendall

    2- Kourtney

    3- Khloe

    4- Kim

    5- Kylie

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Who's the hottest girl in the world right now?

    I'm talking not just on appearance but on success and wealth too.

    My answer is Hannah Davis

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Why has eating the booty become such a trend?

    Does it taste good or something

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is Ariana Grande hot?

    I think she was always hot. I'm not the biggest fan of super skinny girls but I really like ariana I think she has really nice legs and a beautiful face tbh.

    11 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • Should we feel bad for Roy Hibbert or not?

    I mean, I've just never seen such self-destruction in a player in my life. I have a feeling something has happened off the court that has either discouraged him or mentally broken him down. But if that isn't the case, then he's just pathetic. He has to find some sort of inspiration and dedication to the game of basketball, or they might as well just drop him ASAP and have Scola, Mahinmi or even Lavoy Allen or Andrew Bynum start :P

    6 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Who are youtube videos blurry on my iphone?

    Just out of nowhere, all videos are super blurry on my iphone. I'm connected to wifi, and I've tried other websites like dailymotion, and dailymotion had more clear videos. The videos are Crystal clear HD on my iPad and computer. Does anyone know why the videos are only blurry on my iphone?

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Storage problem on iPhone 5s?

    I've only had the phone for 3 months. It's been out of data for a while. I only have 5 apps, NO music, NO photos, NO video. I calculated megabytes into gigabytes & with the 5 apps I have, it ONLY adds up to 510MB. Which is ridiculous, because my phone says that 13GB have been used up. What should I do? I can't restore the stupid phone because my mom out the restrictions code in & doesn't remember it. iTunes won't allow me to use my phone with it because I need the newest version (11.1) WHICH I DO HAVE. I seriously need help. This is ridiculous.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Will a 1 seed finally go down this year in march madness?

    I just have this feeling that ONE of the #1 seeds will go down in the first round. It just seems like a weak set of 1 seeds to me. And honestly, I think if any of them do in fact get eliminated in the 1st round, I think it'll be Wichita State

    4 AnswersBasketball7 years ago
  • Why does spit smell bad?

    Like real talk

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How to stop masturbating?

    I CANNOT stop. I only stop because I know if I go longer without doing it, masturbating will feel better than ever the next time I do it. When I DO stop, it's for like a month, so then when I start masturbating again, it feels so good I just get hooked again. It's gotten so bad that barely any sperms are coming out. I'm worried about my health. Masturbating is making me gain weight too because I'm ALWAYS starving after I do it, so I just eat so much afterwards. Someone help!

    I don't really have a social life atm, I'm homeschooled until I move back to my hometown this august (I'll be back in public school) so I'm always bored. I just want to stop. Any tips? Thanks

    6 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • How do I make my eyes shine bright?

    I'm sure some of you know what I mean. Lots of celebrities have eyes so Crystal clear that you can tell what color their eyes are from a distance. My eyes are blue, but I can't even tell that they're blue just looking in the mirror. I want my eyes to shine bright. Any tips? Thanks

    10 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • What does a woman's feet taste like?

    My gf has clean, good-looking feet & she's always barefoot and playing with them in front of me so I think she's onto me. What do I do!?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What's so good about Miley cyrus?

    Like idgaf that she does what she does, but she should at least have some talent when singing. She's NEVER in tune when she sings. She doesn't do anything too daring, just too daring for her 10 year old fans (even though a lot of them have "grown up" with her)

    Miley isn't a "cool" person. I'll admit it's funny watching her twerk because she can't do it at all, but seriously what's so fun & awesome about Miley? She should just be in the adult industry

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Katy Perry vs Miley Virus vs Lazy Gaga vs KeSHITa?

    Queen Katy❤️all da way

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why are women so attractive to everyone?

    Lately especially. Even other women are like "oh I'm so straight but omf I'd go lesbian for you" it's like EVERYONE loves girls

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Is satan really the bad guy?

    Okay please don't give me a rude answer. I was never raised to go to church & I haven't read much of the bible yet. Everything I'm about to say may be 100% off.

    Satan gage true capacity for moral judgement. God didn't do this. God expects people to just obey his orders.

    God made us. We are human. God gave us sensations & temptations, so why when we get tempted and "sin" we have to face eternal punishment? We were made by HIM.

    If I read correctly, Satan only killed very few people, all of which he was demanded by God to do so. God is proud to admit that he's guilty of committing genocide.

    God will be celebrating the return of his son with death & blood.

    Satan doesn't ask anyone to "worship" him. He never even was a bad guy to me. He was created an angel just like the other angels that God created. Satan only felt disrespected by God for enslaving the angels. Even though God is the only reason satan existed, they were both equally human. So Satan went to the other angels and wanted to overthrow him, but the angels decided to tattle tell instead.

    Please don't hate me, I'm simply telling people what I've heard. I'm not saying one person is better than the other, but I don't understand why we need to worship God.

    If I'm wrong, please tell me politely. I don't need a harsh answer. I'm not as educated as others on religion.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do I have to earn points to ask a damn question!?

    This is rigged. I wanna ask some math homework questions & they is finna deprive me of my math answers!? Fuh dat

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Am I a creep or in love?

    Okay so there's this random girl who liked one of my instagram pics & I checked her IG profile and she's literally just gorgeous. Like her eyes & smile is unbelievable. She's one year older than me & I obviously don't plan on having a relationship with her since we don't know eachother, but I feel a warm spot in my heart everytime I see her post. And I feel like a creep for it. I don't stalk her, I just have a happy place in my heart whenever i hear or see her. It's crazy I've never felt like this before. What is going on?? Someone help

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago