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Lv 613,457 points

Nathan W.

Favorite Answers40%

ASE Master Certified L1 Advanced Level ASE Certified GM Master Certified motor alldata certified information specialist mark of excellence award 3 years in a row i've been a general motors technician for about 8 years now, i'm 27 years old, love to build and race cars. right now, its a 90 S-10 with a 406 SBC, built for racing, but street legal. i'm also into video games, hunting, fishing, and with my conceal carry permit, i always have my Springfield XD .45 on me. i'm a bitter Republican and vote on second amendment issues. i've been married for 8 years now with a beautiful 6 year old little girl. and a 4 month old son

  • People who tighten oil filters down too tight?

    well, I have a problem with people who change their own oil. Why do they think they need the oil filter strap wrench to torque the filter down to the point where it doesn't tighten down any more. Do they realize the amount of force required to remove that filter 5,000 miles later when they finally decide to come in and get their oil changed. Happens to me all the time. the oil filter is in some nook or cranny and it takes an act of God to get the filter wrench on there in the first place. I literally crushed one two days ago getting the dang thing loose.

    come on people!!!!! snug, by hand! no more!!!

    i've been a member here since 2008, answering people's questions non-stop, and this is my first question.

    why do people tighten their oil filters down to 851 lb/ft of torque?

    12 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago