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People who tighten oil filters down too tight?

well, I have a problem with people who change their own oil. Why do they think they need the oil filter strap wrench to torque the filter down to the point where it doesn't tighten down any more. Do they realize the amount of force required to remove that filter 5,000 miles later when they finally decide to come in and get their oil changed. Happens to me all the time. the oil filter is in some nook or cranny and it takes an act of God to get the filter wrench on there in the first place. I literally crushed one two days ago getting the dang thing loose.

come on people!!!!! snug, by hand! no more!!!

i've been a member here since 2008, answering people's questions non-stop, and this is my first question.

why do people tighten their oil filters down to 851 lb/ft of torque?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People who over tighten oil filters do it because they don't know how to read or follow instructions. It says so plainly on the box of the filter. Apply a film of oil on the O-ring gasket and screw the filter on until snug then turn 1/4 turn.

    Source(s): 30 yrs home mech and Mech Eng
  • 8 years ago

    While your question is essentially rhetorical, the simple answer is ignorance on the part of the uninformed.

    Remember the difference between ignorance and stupidity;

    ignorance is the lack of knowledge, stupidity is the inability to gain it. :)

    Not only is over tightening the filter a common problem, the oil pressure foisted upon the filter housing causes some distortion resulting in even more stress on the threads. That is why even a properly installed filter usually takes a wrench to remove.

    Every new lube tech I've ever given guidance or training to has heard me tell him that if I ever catch him tightening a filter with a wrench I'll beat him with that wrench!

  • ky509
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Son, it`s called lack of education, p-lain and simple. Generally the diy feller has heard some where that he can save some cash if he does his own oil and filter change. Then once into the job when he`s tightening down the filter her becomes petrified about a possible oil leak if he does not get it tight enough. Thus he cranks it down. Most of the diy`ers also do not know to apply a little oil to the rubber seal which also complicates the issue. I feel for you because I was there for 40 plus years. However in my day there was room enough to drive a pry bar through the filter canister in order to break it loose. Today`s cars barely have room enough for the filter let alone a proper wrench. Good luck.

    Source(s): 40 plus years in the trades
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    People who tighten oil filters down too tight?

    well, I have a problem with people who change their own oil. Why do they think they need the oil filter strap wrench to torque the filter down to the point where it doesn't tighten down any more. Do they realize the amount of force required to remove that filter 5,000 miles later when they...

    Source(s): people tighten oil filters tight:
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  • 8 years ago

    you just need to get it hand tight.I have the same problem with oilers doing oil changes and they tighten the filter too tight.I work with big earth movers and we had to buy an engine in a Cat 777 haul truck because the engine oil filter came off.My inspection blamed the person who over tighten the filter.The threads that secure the filter got stripped and the filter fell off.Expensive mishap.Hand tight is all a filter needs to be

    Source(s): Cat field mechanic,mechanic/weldor,dad,family man.U.T.I.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Because they are morons.

    If they tighten their filters, and then do the next oil change themselves, they would quickly learn not to do that.

    You might want to institute a $3 charge for excessively tight filters. This fund would go to buy donuts for the mechanics on the floor. If people are going to be jerks, the least they can do is buy you donuts. If the filter has to be damaged to be removed, they owe you the $3.

    Plus, you are providing them a valuable educational service. Why should it be free?

    P.S. we see the same thing on aircraft engines. Aircraft mechanics should know better, but there are yokels out there who still do that.

    Source(s): life with engines.
  • i snugged my oil filter by hand several months ago. two weeks ago, i realised it almost vibrated away and that i was running for a quick and greasy problem down the way.

    "by hand" is as accurate description as "with the greatest force you can exert"

    you're a mech, who's supposed to sort that kind of things out.

    a hint for free.. next time, after you drain the old oil, simply stab the old oil filter through with a screwdriver. helps even where the filter collapses under the filter chain wrench. (i dont need to elaborate on this improvised butterfly nut, do i?)

    Source(s): but if you're asking, i never had a filter wrench and did several oil changes without problem. that goddamn car had simply been falling to pieces in general. italian design piece yet a crappy craftsmanship.
  • 8 years ago

    Most people hate to see a oil leak so in there mind the tighter the better, If they have to pay to get a hard one removed or have to lay on the cold hard ground, or worse yet have to pay to have the block repaired , where the center of the filter had warped it down they wont do it again, I fell your pain but you have to under stand money talks and bull S*** walks all you have to do is charge them and extra $100 one time and they will stop!!! Good luck!!

    Source(s): Trouble shooter for a transportation company for 10 tears and a Mech for 40 years!!
  • 8 years ago

    they have no knowledge about cars thyey see the filters bn taken off by a wrench so why not put them on with a wrench and they dont realive at the tuime someone has to get it off eventually all they care about is they are done oil filterz not leaking and theyre on the road again yes theyre in short iodiots// morons and i can think of more names ive called people un my 35 years bn in the business bn a grease monkey

  • 8 years ago

    Well's not your call, it's their call. Maybe you should get a good filter wrench and a engineers hammer if you're worried about getting them off.

    To answer the's probably other shops doing it and they're probably doing it for liability purposes (so they don't come off). You ever see a tire shop use an impact wrench with a torque stick while threading the lug nuts to the lugs? Nah? It's not because they're lazy (well okay, they might be lazy), it's because they don't want to get sued.

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