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IT services professional, licensed pilot, licensed amateur radio operator, fluent in German, English, Mandarin Chinese, avid reader, French horn player, 63 years old, married for 35 years!

  • Would this fix President Obama's IRS problem?

    To: IRS Supervisors, Managers and Directors

    From: The President of the United States

    Subj: Targeting of Organizations

    If you are a manager in the IRS and you issued a memo or email directing your team to target organizations for extraordinary scrutiny based on the organization name including “Tea Party” or “Patriot” then you have violated a trust. Not just mine, but the trust of the American people.

    I direct, therefore, that you submit your resignation no later than close of business Friday, May 17, 2013.

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Will Governor Romney’s running mate release more than two years of tax returns?

    I don’t see how this works out well for Governor Romney. If his running mate releases ten years of data saying, “Sure. Have at it. Nothing to hide,” won’t that create a clamor for Governor Romney to do the same? And if he (or she) says, “Two years is all you get. I’m a team player – I show what the Governor shows,” won’t that raise cries of “Toady” and “Conspiracy”? Does anyone see this going well for Governor Romney?

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you think President Obama has a better chance of reelection than the polls indicate?

    Governor Romney won’t do that well in the debates.

    Gas prices are down (Speaker Gingrich is eating his words).

    Healthcare mandate is likely to be found constitutional.

    Employment is improving.

    Corporate profits are way up.

    There might be a deal with Iran (they’re really suffering under the sanctions).

    There are fewer American deaths in Afghanistan.

    All in all, it seems to be a bit more positive than the Republican picture.

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • In "Game Change," was Governor Palin treated fairly?

    I listened to pundits claim that “Game Change” was sympathetic to Governor Palin. Well, maybe, but I watched it carefully and I think she was portrayed as an enormous ignoramus and, at times, an angry, petulant child. “Governor Palin, do you know what the Fed is?”

    Selecting Governor Palin as Senator McCain’s running mate was a huge blunder.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How does my cousin get out of a Chapter 13 pickle?

    He is in month 34 of a 36 month plan, payments were all on time. He and his wife rent an apartment and were told by a lender that they could get a mortgage even before discharge. They qualified for the loan, signed an offer to purchase, and wrote an earnest money check Then they told their lawyer, who hit the roof! “BK Court can dismiss, you’re committing fraud, ALL disposable income goes to the court, the court should have had the earnest money. YOU CAN’T DO THIS!”

    Now what does he do?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Will the Supreme Court uphold the Affordable Health Care Act?

    It will be upheld by the Supreme Court or it won't. If upheld, the good parts will stay and the not-so-good parts will be improved over time, as is typical with major legislation. If struck down, the Republicans will finally, after decades and decades of blocking health care reform, have to step up and offer an alternative that does more than just line the pockets of the wealthy insurance industry.

    They have fought against access to health care except for the well-off since 1947. Now that better access is the law, it will be difficult for them just to go back to status-quo-ante. So, either way, something good is likely to come from President Obama’s health care law.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is copyright "fair use"?

    If I publish an index of the names found in another book (and the page numbers where those names appear) it's clearly a derivative work but is it a copyright infringement?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you find it significant that President Bush's mess is still with us?

    The Texas Rangers are in the world series for the first time. George W. Bush sold the team in 1998. Proof positive that it takes 12 years to recover from his leadership.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why not disclose the source of EVERY campaign contribution over $1000?

    Unrestricted and untraceable funding of the election process in this country is the root of corruption. Companies don’t spend money without an expectation of return and you can bet that the candidates know where the money came from and what’s expected of them. Consider Medicare Part D, the Government can’t even negotiate prices (for the love of Mike!). How much did that cost the pharmaceutical industry and how many billions did it bring them? Add big oil, and big banking and the infection is pernicious and deep.

    I think President Obama is right on this one.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I have the Antivirus2009 trojan. Is there anything available that will clean it off for free?

    Site after site offers to fix it for money. It's very frustrating. It seems like the protection racket.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago