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Lv 43,082 points

!!! Emma!!!!

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ciao a tutti mi chiamo emma

  • Working holiday Visa for Australia.. Help with the form?

    I am italian and lived for 2 years in Ireland.. If I write that on the application form will I need to undergo a Medical examination? Or everything should be fine with it?

    At the question " What employment do you intend to seek in Australia" Can I write Au pair? Because this is what I am going to do for 6 months

    2 AnswersGeneral - Australia4 years ago
  • Au Pair, Working Holiday Visa... sufficient funds?

    I'm 21 years old and I was thinking of going to Australia ( Sydney) to be for 6 months an Au Pair. Before asking and applying for a Visa I want to make sure that I won't have any kind of problems at the airport dealing with the sufficient funds I should have. Since i am going to be an au pair I will already know where i am going to stay, how much I am going to earn.. So my question is... Is it fundamental for an an au pair to have proof of sufficient funds? ( considering i will earn money since my first week of work?) Cause I seriously have no that amount. I even don't have a bank account.. the only thing I can show as a proof of some money is my boyfriend,s bank balance.. he is going to be in Australia as weel and can easily help me once he is there too..

    6 AnswersSydney4 years ago
  • Au Pair, Working holiday Visa... sufficient funds?

    I'm 21 years old and I was thinking of going to Australia ( Sydney) to be for 6 months an Au Pair. Before asking and applying for a Visa I want to make sure that I won't have any kind of problems at the airport dealing with the sufficient funds I should have. Since i am going to be an au pair I will already know where i am going to stay, how much I am going to earn.. So my question is... Is it fundamental for an an au pair to have proof of sufficient funds? ( considering i will earn money since my first week of work?) Cause I seriously have no that amount. I even don't have a bank account.. the only thing I can show as a proof of some money is my boyfriend,s bank balance.. he is going to be in Australia as weel and can easily help me once he is there too..

    2 AnswersImmigration4 years ago
  • is it safe to go for New Year in Brussel?

    I have booked fights for me and my boyfriend.. leaving the 29th of december and coming back the 2nd of gennuary. we were thinking ofvstaying 4 n ights in Brussels and we found a hotel in the centre.. do you actually think it's better to book a jotel in Brugge instead and passing there the time? and visiting Brussels in a day? please.. tell me something. I'm warrying a lot now

    7 AnswersBelgium5 years ago
  • free shipping worldwide.. and billing adress. please help?

    I have bought a watch online on an American page. it says Free shipping worldwide. I am in Ireland. . But why it was asked a billing adress? Do I have to pay something else more than the watch?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • What to visit in 2 days in Birmingham?

    I'm going for 2 days ( one night) to Birmingham alone. Just a trip for myself. I'll stay in a hostel. I have 2 full days. What do you suggest me to visit or do?

    2 AnswersBirmingham5 years ago
  • Giro dell'Italia in macchina da Roma a Venezia.. quale città mi consigliate visitare?

    Verso ottobre Ho intenzione di farmi un giro dell'Italia centro Nord. sarei con una persona straniera che non è mai stata in Italia. VOlevo partire da Roma e arrivare Venezia. quali città mi consigliate di visitare durante il percorso? Io pensavo di fare Roma. Statuina ( terme) Siena Firenze Pisa Bologna Verona e Venezia. che ve ne pare? cosa aggiungereste togliereste?

    2 AnswersItalia - altro5 years ago
  • giro dell'Italia in macchina. 9/10 giorni?

    Il mio ragaZzo è irlandese ed entrambi viviamo in Irlanda. Volevo fargli visitare L'Italia.. Io sono di Roma e pensavo di partire da qui. quindi io opterei per

    1) 2 notti a Roma ( Mattina presto si parte per San Marino quasi 4 h di macchina e la sera tardi ci si dirige a Ravenna dove si dorme)

    2) quindi 1 notte a Ravenna ( Mattina si visita Ravenna e sera si parte per Ferrara dove si dorme )

    3) quindi 1 notte a Ferrara ( mattina si visita Ferrara e si dirige la sera tardi a Venezia dove ci ai ferma per 2 notti )

    4) quindi 2 notti a Venezia ( mattina presto si parte e si visita Verona e ci si ferma lì la notte)

    5) quindi 1 Notte a Verona ( mattina presro di va a Bologna la si visita e ci si dirige a Pisa dove si dorme)

    6) quindi 1 notte a Pisa ( mattina si visita Pisa e ci si direge a Siena.. sera tardi si torna a Roma )

    che ve ne pare? Ci sono città che togliereste e altre che aggiungereste? Quanto pensate sia il prezzo della benzina per circa 10 giorni?

    2 AnswersItalia - altro5 years ago
  • Au pair Australia.. working Holiday visa?

    Hi. . I m Italian and at the moment I m an au pair in Ireland.. I was thinking to become an au pair in Australia or New Zealand.. i was reading about the working Holiday Vusa the one I should try to get.. But I really don t have AUD $5.000 with me.. do you think I ll have problems getting a Visa? Considering that I don t have to pay for myself since I ll get paid weekly by my future host family and I ll live in their house..

    1 AnswerImmigration5 years ago
  • Posso portare regali impacchettati nel bagaglio a mano?

    Parto con Ryanair e avrò solo un bagaglio a mano.. posso portare i miei regali di Natale incartato o creeranno problemi?

    2 AnswersViaggi aerei5 years ago
  • Edinburgh in one day. What to visit?

    We arrive at Edinburgh airport at 8.00 am.we were thinking to go to the castle. Then in the centre and visit the Scott monument and the scottish National museum. What else do you suggest us to visit? Se have booked an hostel already.

    8 AnswersEdinburgh5 years ago
  • Americamp, Camp Leaders, Camp America or Bunac?

    I'm thinking to apply for a summer camp job in Usa. But I don't know with which agency apply. At the beginning I though Americamp was the best but now I'm thinking about the ticket's plane. I don't know. Perhaps Bunac is better because flights are included. which agency do you suggest me?

    2 AnswersOther - Canada6 years ago
  • Visto per l'America. Sono italiana ma vivo in Irlanda?

    Ciao a tutti. Sono Italiana ma al momento sto facendo l'au pair in Irlanda. Il contratto finisce ad aprile. Prossima estate vorrei partire per un campo estivo in America. Mi informano per quanto riguarda il visto. Dove devo recarmi? Posso richiedere il visto all'ambasciata italiana di Dublino o all'ambasciata Americana di Dublino? O nessun delle due e quindi tornare in Italia e recarmi all'ambasciata Americana in Italia?

    Non so proprio dove rivolgermi. Non so se vi saranno dei problemi se io italiana entro in ambasciata americana a dublino. Nel caso nn si potesse ed io fossi costretta a tornare in Italia, basterebbe un solo giorno? So che si terranno il mio passaporto anche per più di una settimana ma al rilascio del visto e del passaporto c'è bisogno della mia presenza o sufficiente mia madre che li ritirerà per me e poi me li invierà in Irlanda? Vi prego aiutatemi

    2 AnswersUSA - Altro6 years ago
  • Visto J1 Usa.. intento di tornare indietro in Italia?

    Salve a tutti. Prossima estate volevo lavorsre in un campo estivo in ameriva. Quindi verrei sponsorizzata... volevo chiedervi solo quali potrebbero essere degli esempi per convicere l'america che non ho intenzione a stabilirmi li... non vado all'università. .avrò un biglietto andata e ritorno per america. Dite che basta? E se trovassi lavoro come au pair e scegliesse come documento il contratto che garantisce che io dovrò lasciare l'america ( anche se non per l'Italia )? Non lavoro quindi non guadagnò e per tanto non pago bollette ecc.. che mi consigliate di fare per ottenere questo visto?

    1 AnswerUSA - Altro6 years ago
  • Have you ever worked in a summer camp in USA?

    I'm from italy. . I am an un pair at the moment who's working in ireland.. i'm 20 years old. I can swim.. I did kayaking several Times.. but just for fun. . I didn't attend a course. I like baking and I can do Big cakes... do you think i haveany possibility to ne taken? ??

    2 AnswersUSA - Altro6 years ago
  • Work in a summer camp in america?

    Hi guys I would like to work in a summer camp in 2016. Which website do you suggest me? Is that ok if I am italian? I can still try to Apply for that job? at that moment I m working as an au pair in ireland. So I have some experiences with kids. And I think my english is fluent. What else do I neeed to become a camp counselor? I have 20 years old . I don t drive. I can swim.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Vetro rotto Samsung s3.. Funziona ha solo mooootle creature?

    Quanto mi costerebbe ripararlo?? Non ho intenzione di provare da sola e a chi potrei rivolgermi??

    2 AnswersCellulari e piani tariffari6 years ago
  • Danno da mangiare su voli dell'aer lingus? ( Roma- Dublino)?

    posso portarmi dei biscotti nella borsa che terrò con me sull'aereo??

    3 AnswersViaggi aerei6 years ago
  • Does anybody know Portlaoise? I'm an italian girl that's leaving to be an au pair?

    Hi everyone.. I'm leaving to be an au pair in Ireland, in Portlaoise. Do you know this city? Is it it nice? Can I relax there?? I also want to ask you if it is easy to find a job in Ireland. I want to become a pastrychef.. Are there any opportunities?

    5 AnswersOther - Ireland6 years ago