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Lv 162 points


Favorite Answers4%
  • Can your level regress?

    You know how it says however many points until next level, and you get points by commenting stuff, and lose points by posting. Wel what if you got to the next level, but then you posted something so you lost the points, would you go back down a level?

    Rodents3 years ago
  • How did I reach my answering limit?

    It says that I've reached my limit of 20 questions, but I've only answered maybe 6 questions today.

    Yahoo Answers3 years ago
  • Why did my question disappear??

    Last night I asked what everyone's fav hot beverage is, and this morning I wake up and mg question has disappeared from my profile

    Polls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Why is my hair so dry?

    I deep condition my hair every time I take a shower, but my hair is still always so dry and so hard to bring a brush through! I use a lot of conditioner too not just like a little dab. But then the top of my hair gets so oily? I don't understand!

    Hair3 years ago
  • Why am I so hungry all of the sudden? Anyone experience this?

    Every night before I go to bed, and every morning when I wake up, I get so hungry that it makes my stomach hurt so bad that sometimes I gotta take a second to let the pain pass, and it'll growl so loud and just feels like it's eating itself. Also I don't know if this makes any sense or if this is normal, but when I get super hungry it feels and sounds like there are grains of sand dropping in my head and that's what happens as well. My eating habits have not changed any since this has started. Normally I don't even want to eat in the mornings but I do anyway so it'll get the feeling to go away because my stomach will not stop hurting until I eat. I would see a doctor but my mom can't afford to take me to one and I don't wanna go for something if it's just benign.

  • Why do I sometimes feel gross after sex/masturbation? Does anyone else feel like this?

    I'm 17, I've been masturbating since I was like 13, and sexually active since I was 16. Sometimes when I'm masturbating I'll just feel kinda gross and then after I finish I'll just be kind of sad. Same with sex, except it's a bit worse because I'm actually invonved with another person. I really have no idea why! I've only ever had sex with one person and I love him, there's no reason for me to feel like that. And then like 10 minutes later I'll feel better and I'll want to cuddle. This also doesn't happen every time, it's only sometimes, but it's almost like a feeling of regret even though I know that I don't regret it. Not sure why. Answers please. Thanks.

    Women's Health3 years ago
  • Why can I always feel my tampon?

    I put the applicator in literally as far as it'll go but I can still always feel my tampon. I've tried different brands. Has been like this for 6 years.

    Women's Health3 years ago
  • Sharp butt cramps during period?

    Is it normal that I always get sharp butt cramps during my period?? It ALWAYS happens during my first poop during that period, and then it usually happens every other time I poop too but not quite as severe. And it'll happen when I'm just standing randomly and I'll freeze up for just a minute and won't be able to move for a few seconds. Anyone else experience this?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health3 years ago
  • Why so many dislikes?

    Why are there so many dislikes on the comments on these posts?? No matter what it is, I almost always see comments with way more dislikes than likes. Why are the people on this website so angry at the opinions of others?

    3 AnswersVenezuela3 years ago
  • Why are my boobs saggy? Can I fix it?

    I'm only 17! My boobs have been saggy ever since they've been developing, I think. I've never experienced perky boobs, and I'm only a C cup do not that big. When I sit down while I'm naked, they almost touch my belly button that's how saggy they are. My nipples are at the bottom of my boobs. I'm very insecure about it, I won't even let my friends see me naked. Is there any way I can fix this without having surgery?? Does anyone know why they are like this?

    Women's Health3 years ago
  • Vulva odor?

    So on my vulva, where my thigh meets (the little crevice right there) there's always an odor? It's not super strong or bad but I can definitely smell it. I shower and wash there every day using an appropriate soap, so I figured it shouldn't smell. But then I got to thinking, I wash my armpits every day also, but if I don't put deodorant there then they will have body odor too. So do you think that I need to start putting deodorant there? Or is that not good? I'm not sure. Please answer. Thanks xx

    2 AnswersWomen's Health3 years ago