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Lv 623,387 points

Hylian King

Favorite Answers79%

I have $200 of Paypal money and $50 on my Amazon Gift Card balance, all of which I got for FREE from Sceptical? Would a scamming website have almost 1,000,000 fans on Facebook? Other legitimate freebie sites that I have received payment from: Opinion Outpost: Lockerz: (Ask me for an invite) Toluna: (Ask me for an invite) ---------------------------------------------------------- My Top 3 video-games: 1. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC) 2. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) 3. Okami (Wii) "Let's play good guys against bad guys... Yes. Let's play that. Are you ready? And when you're bad, you just run." - Majora ---------------------------------------------- About me: I live in Ottawa, Canada. I'm a Zelda fan, as you may have guessed. I also have a black belt in karate.

  • Is there a word for this principle/belief?

    "People should be allowed to think, speak, and do whatever they want to as long as this does not bring harm to others. Otherwise, no one should have the right to impose their beliefs on another."

    Is there a word or a term for this principle?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Why do men have lung capacities greater than those of women?

    Men typically have greater lung volumes (vital capacity, inspiratory and expiratory reserve, residual volume, etc.) than women. Is there a specific reason for this? If so, what is it?

    4 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • Is it possible to get viruses from capturing videos off the internet?

    For example, downloading Youtube videos using a Youtube to MP3 converter. I've always considered it safe, but I guess if the file is corrupted when put on a video site I guess it's possible for the file to be corrupted when I capture it, right?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Why does my Norton 360 virus scan pass over viruses without detecting them?

    When I run a scan on Norton 360, in the area where it shows what it's scanning, I notice that some of the items being scanned are actually well-known, harmful viruses. It'll say "checking W32.Mytob@mm", or "checking W32.Sality.U", among other malicious-sounding items.

    My problem is that Norton 360 doesn't identify these as being viruses. It just passes over them as if nothing is wrong. Should I be concerned? Are there actually harmful viruses on my computer?

    And please, spare me the "Norton 360 sucks" comments. I didn't choose our computer's anti-spyware program. Also, I've run scans with other programs, including Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware, without success.

    Can someone please help me?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What are jobs that no longer exist due to technology?

    I'm mostly looking for jobs in the tertiary sector (i.e. services industry), that no longer exist due to technology. This is for a school project I'm doing on the services industry.

    Please list as many jobs as you can, as well as why they don't exist anymore. Stating sources would help too.


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What specs would this kind of computer need?

    For a school project we need to find the specs necessary for a computer used in a certain situation. In our case, the computer is used specifically for the census of the City of Ottawa (population about 800,000). The census should hold the names and jobs of all the citizens of the city.

    This is the one and only purpose for this computer.

    What specs would this computer need (asking mostly about RAM space, processeor speed, and Hard Drive space)?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't it gradually get colder as you go south of the equator like it does when you go north of it?

    As you go north of the equator, the average temperatures gradually get colder. The U.S. is generally colder than Central America, Canada is colder than the U.S., and then there's the Arctic.

    South of the equator, it stays just as hot the further you go south and then, BAM! It's cold in Antarctica, colder even than the Arctic. How exactly does that work?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • In Runescape, is this rumor about Dungeoneering true?

    Someone told me that if you kill the dinosaurs (like the dromomastyx, for example), your overall xp at the end of the dungeon decreases (something like 100xp per dinosaur). Can anyone confirm this?

    Please, no yes or no answers (even though this might encourage you do so just to spite me, it's worth a try). Also, please state your source.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How much energy is created from the fission of a single atom of uranium?

    I heard 200 MeV. Is this true?

    Secondly, about how much energy would a pound of uranium release when each of its atoms is fissioned?

    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What are some well-known lakes and rivers found on the canadian shield?

    Like the Great Slave Lake, for example. Need to know for a geography project.


    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Why is euthanasia illegal in Canada?

    I need some arguments for a speech I'm doing in English Class. What are some reasons why euthanasia is against the law? Why do people think it shouldn't be legal?

    Just main ideas will do. Please try to keep it simple, I'm only in grade nine!


    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would be a good weight-lifting routine for a fit 15 year-old male?

    I'm fourteen, going on fifteen this month, and I want to start building upper-body muscle which I desperately lack. I'm in pretty good shape because of karate (could do 50 push-ups, maybe 100 sit-ups and run a 10k if I train hard enough). I'm almost 6'2", if that helps. I'm thinking mostly working on pecs, biceps and triceps.

    At home I have a bench-press and some barbells (5,10,15, and 20 lbs).

    I know it's a lot to ask, so I greatly appreciate any answer you can give me.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • In Runescape, which starting tutorial do you prefer (Learning the Ropes or Tutorial Island)?

    A question to all Runescape players who have had the chance to try out both tutorials.

    Quite frankly I prefer the old one over the new one. As a non-member, that was probably my best memory of Runescape, playing the game for the first time to the background of Newbie Melody, which is also my favorite Runescape soundtrack. In my opinion, it was one of the funnest parts of the F2P game...

    The new one, however, is so misleading and doesn't at all represent what the rest of the game is like, unlike Tutorial Island.

    You should really have the choice of which tutorial you want...

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Would someone like to trade me a Golden Wheel in the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass?

    It's the only ship part I don't have. I have plenty of other parts to trade, including a Gem Anchor, a Golden Chimney, Prow, and Handrail.

    I can also help out with Big Plays in return. For every 4 Big Plays, you can get a Golden Part from Fuzo on Cannon Island. So if I let you get all 16 Big Plays, that gets you 4 Gold parts (maybe even 5) for the Golden Wheel you give me.

    Feel free to email me at My Friend Code is 416857699692.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Does anyone want to trade ship parts in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass?

    I'm looking to get all the ship parts, and a trade would really help me out! My Friend Code is 416857699692.

    These are the ship parts I need:

    Swim Ring

    Utility Handrail

    Stone Bridge

    Stone Wheel

    Golden Cannon

    Golden Wheel

    I have spares of most everything else, including a Golden Prow and Gem Anchor. In your answer, please include your friend code and what parts you want. If you need to know how to trade ship parts, say so and I'll put the instructions into additional details.

    Feel free to email me for any reason.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Anyone want to trade ship parts in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass?

    I'm trying to get all the ship parts and it would really help me out. My Friend code is 416857699692.

    Here are the parts I'm willing to trade (and I have two or three for most, so I can trade with more than one person).

    ALL PROWS (except for Bell)

    Ancient Anchor

    Bell Anchor

    ALL HULLS (except for Tropical and Dignified)

    ALL CANONS (except for Red)

    ALL HANDRAILS (except for Wood and Utility)

    ALL BRIDGES (except for Barrel and Peaceful)

    ALL CHIMNEYS (except for Elegant and Tall)

    Simple Wheel

    Shell Wheel

    And in return, I need:

    Iron Anchor

    Swim Ring

    Tropical Ship

    Red Cannon

    Utility Handrail

    Peaceful Bridge

    Stone Wheel

    Red Wheel

    NOTE: I AM NOT WILLING TO TRADE GOLDEN PARTS, unless you are willing to trade golden parts in return. In that case, I have a spare anchor and prow.


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • In Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, is there any pattern for the ship parts available at Beedle's shop?

    I want to get all the ship parts, so I'm asking: Is there any pattern to when Beedle's ship parts change, like when they go out of stock? Is it a certain amount of time?

    I know it isn't after quitting the game, because I quit and came back and the items were still out of stock. I know they change eventually, but it would be nice to know the pattern so I could take better advantage of the shop.


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can't find Hayazo the Thief in Sei-An anymore on Okami for Wii?

    I know he's normally in the rocks near the guard in front of the spring that leads to Waka's place in Sei-An, but this time he's nowhere to be found, in ANY of the rocks in the whole city.

    I've met him five times before, and collected the last item from him which was the Tao Mask, when he decided to stop being a criminal. At the time I didn't know who to bring it to, so at one point I lost it (don't ask me how, maybe because I took too long?). Now when I look for the thief, he is nowhere to be found.

    Have I encountered a glitch that makes it impossible to ever return the Tao Mask? What should I do? What am I missing from not giving back the mask?

    Thanks for your time!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Which is harder: The original Super Mario Bros. or the first Legend of Zelda?

    I've already beaten Super Mario Bros. for the NES and I plan on getting the original Legend of Zelda for Virtual Console on the Wii. I need a general idea of how hard it's gonna be, to see if my goals are reasonable.


    13 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Name that Greek myth?

    I've been trying to remember this story and it's driving me nuts. It goes something like this:

    This king or a noble, maybe, has a son who goes out to war. Before leaving, the father makes the son promise that on his return (I think they return by boat), he would make a sign that he was still alive (I forget what the sign is. Something to do with sails?). The son agrees. When the army returns from war, the son forgets the promise and when the king looks for the sign and doesn't see one, he hurls himself off a building and dies.

    If it helps, I read it in these books based on greek mythology called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I forget which book and I've been searching forever but haven't been able to find it.

    I know it's not a lot to go on, but that's all I can remember...


    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago