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  • How come some people REALLY can't handle money?

    How hard can it be, every time I see people trying to get lower monthly mortgage payment, only to end up paying a lot more overal, my mind is just boggled.

    And that's just a minor thing, it's not necessarily bad, but what do they do with the money they ''save''? Spend it on unneeded crap! Like cigarretes, or more expensive food... Also: When people notice after a time of trouble, say, a recession etc... And things are getting better, they immediatly start spending a lot more, and not even investing or anything, no, instead, the money is going to, again, useless upgraded versions of things they already have. Then there's the more extreme variant, people winning the lottery, buying a fancy house and car and not realizing that they can't keep up their lifestyle for more than a few years, when they could've made a lot more money by investing it.

    I also encountered this: People who, for some weird reason, work for €3 an hour, so about $4 an hour, then say that money doesn't matter to them, and THEN they do want to do assignments/small tasks, for which the pay translates into less than what they earn, per hour! What kind of logic is that? Someone please explain.

    Although, I guess if you're dumb enough to not get a proper education in the first place, it doesn't really surprise me that you're working for $4 an hour, but I was also talking about teenagers working when they're still at High School.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Could 1 year terms with infinite re-election cause politicians to care more about their voters/the people?

    I have been thinking about this, right now most countries have either 4 year or 5 year terms, usually only 1 possible re-election. This means that politicians can either: Do things that they know people will forget before the election anyway, and: Not care about the people because they can't lose power because they won't be able to be re-elected anyway.

    1 Year terms with infinite re-election would force them to care about their voters and motivate them to maintain doing so because they can always get re-elected if people like them enough. Also every representative should be directly elected and the same system should apply.

    What do you guys think about this?

    2 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • I need to know the name of a certain song?

    There's this rock 'n' roll song, it's in GTA V and maybe in Black Ops 1, I really can't find it, I've checked multiple lists of the radio station songs, but I think I could describe it a bit.

    It starts with something like this (not voice, guitar, just used ''tananaa'' because that describes the length of the tone)

    tananaa (higher pitched)

    tananaa (lower pitched)

    tananaa (higher pitched)

    tananaa (lower pitched)



    3 AnswersAustin6 years ago
  • Why do cinema's and stores so strictly enforce ratings?

    Whenever anyone under a certain age is trying to buy their products they just refuse them, why is this? It's not legally required, it's just advise (the rating, I mean) and it would be to their own benefit to let them in, it's as if they don't even WANT your money. And out of all the people you'd expect them to care the least wether it's ''morally right''. So does anyone know what they get for enforcing it? I remember when I went to cinema with my younger brother who wasn't allowed in the woman at the door told us that she wasn't allowed to go in, or that it was forbidden or whatever, but it's not forbidden, not legally at least... And it's beyond me why a cinema would just refuse to let people buy tickets when it's legit.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How would one get rid of an Autism Diagnosis?

    Hello, before you answer without reading the entire story please note that my friends and classmates at school do not think i am autistic in any way and they were surprised when they found out, i asked this before, albeit in another form, so i won't tell you whole stories. Anyway, so we all know that autism can be quite severe (i've noted that myself as well with some other autistic people) and these people need help. On the other hand, what apparently does not come out is that a lot of people who have been diagnosed autism, have no issues functioning normally at all, and to be honest i really do think of it as an insult when people say ''Diffirent autists need diffirent kinds of help'', why? Because that implies they all do need help. Which in my case was never true, usually it was just assumed i had an issue, which no one ever really verified, one time i was even told (not asked) ''You have a lot of trouble with understanding the minds of others'' To me this was a surprise, i did know of the fact that you are generally treated as if you need help, but the fact that these organisations not only assume but act as if there is no other truth than ''You have autism, if the symptoms do not show up you're covering them''. To me personally this is very insulting, not emotionally but more as in discrimination. You know? Like telling Africans they are all poor and if they're not they stole it, that's discrimination too, why isn't this? After all you assume something without evidence.

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Gender based intelligence bias?

    Now, aside from my general dislike of feminism, i notice that these days a lot of people claim that girls are more intelligent than boys, that they finish their brain development earlier etc.. I feel very offended by this, i skipped 2 years at school, and all the people who did the same are boys, i am not generalising here keep that in mind. It does not worry me knowing that a lot of people don't take this seriously and it is not a direct threat, anyways, what does worry me is that i noticed some universities proposing Gender-based learning in favour of females. Including Harvard, essentialy discriminating boys, you know, for me personally, the speed of learning is way too slow. I think the way people are grouped at school should be based on personal skill, not on gender, or any feature that has little to nothing to do with personal intelligence, why can these ultrafeminists just not drop their superiority-complex and live with the fact that they are not, at all, superior? You may know that it ultimately disgusts me how people think like this. Not only is it arrogant, it is not even true. If you are female and read this, don't feel offended, i am not against gender equality, i am against gender inequality in both cases. But at the moment women are, despite what many people think, more favoured in society.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Would my be arm broken?

    Yes i know i could go to a hospital and get an x-ray yes yes, but the reason i want to ask this question here is because i've read countless symptoms of a fracture/break, and the only one i seem to have is pain, no swelling, no immobility, none of that, just pain when i move it in certain ways, it doesn't hurt when i just hold it still, or even when i'm typing. Thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • My school, managed to steal MY money.?

    My school, in the Netherlands, Province of Gelderland, Lochem, stole money, and that of around 1300 other students, allow me to explain: So, as most of you probably realise now and then you need to write something for school, essays, interviews, reports etc... And you need to print them, now, sometimes you have to print at school, and the printer obviously has a digital interface, now, for whatever reason you need to PAY to print, which is ridicoulous in itself, as you pay more than the printing costs, and school is expoiting things you have to do, outside of the money you already pay them, anyways, that money is digital, and you gain it like this: you pay in cash at the office of whoever controls the money, for example you pay €5, which in USD would be around $7, now, they get the cash, in exchange you get that money digital, for printing, the problem is, that right before the year ended, i put about €3 on there, i know these are all small amounts but i think it is a crime nontheless, also, they did it to everyone so that would be around €4000 in total, anyways, let's go on, so, i put it up there, the school ''contract'' does not speak about the money getting taken off, or even getting touched for that matter, after you put it up there, HOWEVER, during the holiday, they pulled the money off the system, so, in fact, i pay THEM, they already had the money, in exchange they give me digital money (which is not officially money, neither is it currency, so it isnt worth anything besides printing) so, they get €3, i get digital €3, digital €3 get's pulled off without being used, school makes €3 profit by stealing, because, they sold me digital money for money, and then they stole the digital money, so in fact they stole the real money as well, they did this to everyone and as i said before they stole around €4000 in total (rough estimate) My question is, first of all can i claim it back? Second, if they refuse, would i be able to get a trial for this? Thank you, note: I know school did some illegal activities, such as copying copyrighted material without license, so i would be able to use those in court. Anyways, thank you and if you have any knowledge of this please answer it, Good day.

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • Mount and Blade: Warband Floris mod pack Swadian issues?

    Hello everyone, so, i am playing a campaign in M&B Warband floris and i find that Swadia is getting destroyed very fast, the Nords are even more OP than before, and have taken Praven and my fellow lords cannot seem to win, Dhirim has also fallen to the Khergits, what can i do to steer Swadia away from destruction? And at least take back former territories and conquer the Nords, there seems to be too much internal rivalries (lords not wanting to help, stupid marshall weak king) I am not ready economically and right to rule/honor wise to start my own kingdom, so i wont do that, but i want to stabilize Swadia to be able to do that later, how can i save the Swadian empire from destruction? note: i have the extended version installed with native troops enabled.

    3 AnswersPC8 years ago
  • Religious people, explain your belief?

    I don't understand why out of billions of possible ways of the universe being created you people chose exactly this way, tell me, do you have any proof? NO, if your religion was true, it wouldn't have been based around a man pretending he was walking across the red sea, or some kind of holy god send child, you don't know if Jesus' mother was not made pregnant by another man, there is no way of checking it! yet you claim it did happen, how do you know god exists? Please explain for there is no proof at all, there are rules in religion right? why then if someone ignores them nothing happens? ''god'' doesn't intervene, you may not know but religion was only made to keep control of large masses of people and rob them, what do you think the cardinals care more for? god or gold? you know all the STOLEN gold, if god says you can't murder another man, i wonder why people begging for their lives still get murdered, or the plague, wrath of god? for what? for the same things we still do now? i don't see any plague coming, it is just as likely that i am god as it is that jesus is, or anyone else, or that there isnt a god, or that there are multiple gods, out of the billion possibilities, why believe this? please explain, thanks.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Stolen National Anthems?

    Hello peeps, well, i think we all know the British National Anthem is: God save the Queen, the Americans stole it naming it My Country tis of Thee, but the Original version is Heil dir im Siegerkranz, the National Anthem of the German Empire, does anyone know which existed first? Obviously if you answer the American one, you don't have any knowledge about it at all and i will ignore all you will say, thee be warned.

    Greetings Prince of Prussia

    4 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates8 years ago
  • My Rooster keeps attacking young hen/rooster(unknown)?

    My rooster Frederich keeps attacking the young hen/rooster of 23 days old, we have 1 rooster, 3 hens and then little hen/rooster, the past 23 days he behaved good and in the year and a half we have him he never behaved aggressively, i could Always pick him up, he'd eat out of my hand, dont get me wrong he still does that, but for whatever reason he attacks the hen/rooster, he's 2.5 years old, since the first attack yesterday we have split him from the group, he had to sleep apart, but this is no long-term solution, what can i do before he kills that poor little chicken, please don't tell me i have to get rid of him, in that case i rather get rid of the little chicken, thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerBirds8 years ago
  • I have an issue with Feminism.?

    Before all the women here come and hate, please READ the entire question, so, it is widely known that feminists want equal rigths for both man and woman, i have no problem with that, but there are 2 other things i don't like: 1. Men and Women both have things they are better at then the other, for instance men are usually better leaders, hard workers, soldiers etc.. While women are generally better in caring for others, teaching in schools(not university necessarily though) working in restaurants/hotels/cafe's, working in hospitals etc... Feminists want women to do leadership jobs as well, they want Women to take over mens position in those professions, while the men know that women and men have diffirent skills, and diffirent ways of approaching, women are generally softer than men, which makes them worse leaders, but better carers, you can't change the fact men and women have diffirent skills, then 2. The whole equal rights thing is one big joke right now, for example, women criminals get lighter punishment, when a men gets abused no one cares, but when women get abused its terrible, women(many) buy clothes they only wear 1 or 2 weeks, leading to WASTE of money, and then still claim women are as good economists as men, women are generally put before men, many women laugh like sheep at things which are dead serious, men gays are considered bad while nobody has problems with women gays, women are overall more arrogant and ignorant(in western world) than men, caring only for clothing, don't lie i have experience with that, women behave dumb and are still treated well, men behave dumb and they are treated like idiots.

    It is a fact women generally have less political and economical knowledge than men, are easier to convince(Adolf Hitler got a lot of women support, because he looked ''good'') women in politics these days(especially younger women) only look at appearance, i am sorry but i am talking the truth about the majority of women in the western world, I have no experience with abuse, or mistreatment i mentioned here, i know about it, but haven't had the experience myself, so i speak unbiased, i am male though, no way around:)

    Please don't hate but give a rational answer, if you disagree don't hate please tell me what you think, thanks.

    Greetings Prince of Prussia!

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why do so many people have problems with limiting pregnancies?

    There are 2 solutions to overpopulation, 1. kill 9/10 if humans 2. limit 1/10 of humans to 1 child, give them a license for it. Why do so many people have issues with this, they say: its our choice, yes but YOUR CHOICE affects EVERYONE when there are 20 billion people around. and then you complain about the overpopulation you created, dumb is you ask me, please explain,dont give me a weak answer like: they dont care, or: it will happen anyway. Thanks

    5 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Why is a mother allowed to murder a child before birth but not after?

    Yes why is that, abortion is legal, but if you kill the child after it is born its illegal, same child, right?

    Before you come giving me answers like: It isnt developed yet, or: its still a part of the mother, or : Its her choice or whatever, note that BOTH fullfill the required traits for murder, both are taking away someone's life while he/she doesn't agree with it. if you would say its the mothers choice, i can argue that obviously after birth it is as well, if you would say it isn't fully developed yet, 1. that still is murder, 2. obviously people under generally 18 aren't fully developed(mostly) either. if you were to say it is still a part of the mother i argue: Yes so what? is that a reason to kill someone? NO, and if you were to say you can get pregnant accidentally i would say: Thats not possible, you CANNOT become accidentally pregnant, oh but the pill didnt work, thats not what i mean, i mean its your choice to have sex. and finally, if you were to say: Its dangerous for a woman is the birth goes wrong again i say: if one dies for sure why take the other with you??

    This subject does not include rape

    Greetings Prince of Prussia

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Why do teens become pregnant?

    Is there any reason to it? any motivation for them? I know they can become pregnant, what i mean is why do they have unprotected sex, and then often cowardly murder the baby(abortion) Is there any reason for unprotected sex? I blame them equal, its not more the girls/boys fault than it is the others, but why? is it so hard to have either no sex or protected sex? or are they just dumb, if you happen to have dealt with teen pregnancy or been it yourself, please do not hate or respond: I just wasnt there at the moment!! YOU WERE, you and your partner are guilty, do not say it was an accident, it wasnt, because you obviously had the choice to have sex, ok i am not talking about rape thats another subject, you had the choice, you did it, you regret it later with the excuse: i didnt mean to, yeah why did you have sex in the first place? you knew this could happen, if you intend to hate on this question because it happened to you or family/friends, please not that you/they were stupid at that moment and accept it, in place of hiding it under an excuse. Anyone knows why they do it?

    Greetings Prince of Prussia

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • How to get these annoying laugh-machine girls to shut up?(Please i am extremely annoyed)?

    By the gods, there is this 1 girl in my class(Im in Europe just so you know) who laughs at EVERYTHING, LITERALLY EVERYTHING, how do stop this baby-behavior, i am ignoring her, but a friend of mine, also annoyed, thinks the way to stop it is to talk to her, i am sure, that she is doing it for attention, but my friend is acting so dumb he want's to go against me just because he can't win discussions against me, he's quite intelligent(yes you can be intelligent and dumb at the same time) so the discussions are pretty detailed( i mean as far as analyzing social interactions), but he Always loses because i am a very good discussor, he absolutey isn't, the problem is, he reacts to her, i say afterwards and while he's talking he shouldn't because she just wants attention and is to stupid to realize that, he says: I am trying to be friendly(he was helping her with Math) because our last discussion was about why people want to be liked, which he lost, i was refering to that and responded: why do you want to be liked by people who disrespect you(she called him gay for no reason, she said hahahahah GAAYYY literally like that) its like hate from intelligent people, he didn't answer... then in the break i asked again and he said: well uhh let it be(idiot), he is a good friend, but his reasons are corrupted by greed for winning sometimes, because he also says he is better at math(i dont care honestly) while he is doing the year over... Oh yeah and i am 2 years younger than both him and that girl. Back to the question, how do i stop this annoying stupidity? Thank you for answering.

    Greetings Prince of Prussia

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • When does Serbia get punished for what they did?

    That faulty country Serbia, caused 2 world wars and the crap after that, then the yugoslavian civil war and their war crimes, bastards, imagine if Gavrilo Princip(I hate the man) would have failed? Will Serbia ever be punished for probably the worst crime ever, and yes they did cause WWII because they caused WWI and WWI caused WWII and WWII caused cold war.

    9 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • Why do some women/girls on Y!A think all men/guys grope?

    Well i have seen many girls/women on Y!A thinking that because 1 guy groped them every guy gropes, why? They don't have evidence, no reason to think that, no form of proof whatsoever. Yet they say things like: Guys are dogs etc... I feel offended because i am not like that, And many guys not. What is the reason for this ignorance? I understand you feel unworthy after being groped, but you don't have to rage for it right? And randomly blame someone/a group of people without reason at all, you can't say everyone is like something, unless you met everyone and checked everyone for it. Saying all guys are dogs/pervs is ignorant, because you have NO PROOF. You know what's disrespectfull? Being ignorant like that and blaming random persons for nothing. Please explain to me why they say this? Thanks.

    Greetings Prince of Prussia!

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Why does the USA want to spread their ''ideas'' over the world?

    Now before Americans come here to massaly give me stereotype answers, please READ if you can.

    What makes you think we need your ideas here in Europe or in Iran or the Middle-East, what makes you think we need your crappy freedom of speech and stupid constitution, freedom of speech means i can just go into a church and face the statue of jesus and say he is an arrogant f*ck who masturbates on his followers, and f*ck the allowing of guns, if you want idiots to run around shooting people in the USA fine! but don't spread it to lands where you don't belong.

    Have you ever thought of the fact that many Europeans don't like your stupid constitution? And why did the democratic republic of Persia/Iran need your fascist dictator who gives you oil? Why? If you like freedom so much why do you destroy democracy in other places? THINK ABOUT THAT! The most ''free'' nation in the world destroys democracy and appoints facsist because they give free oil.

    I don't care if you kill yourself by eating crappy food and fluoridated water, but don't spread it to nations that don't need it! That you like something doesn't mean you have to enforce someone to like it, that goes against freedom hypocrites. And if you just stuck your nose out of WW1 there was no Nazi Germany, and don't dare to think Germany would have dictated the continent you just lack information in that case, they didn't start the war, please keep your ignorance to yourself and don't spread it. I don't try to insult you i just wonder why you find it ''just'' to enforce your ideas to others, enforcing freedom is NO FREEDOM! If you wonder why terrorists target the US that is because you as a US citizen are not innocent, you are guilty of US warcrimes, because it is a democracy and you indirectly decide what happens, also you might want to have a look at the gun law, what a nonsense ''if the goverment enforces bad things upon us we can defend ourselves!'' stupid kids, come on you really are paranoid if you think that, you behave like the revolution is still going on.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago