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Lv 31,279 points

Helga C

Favorite Answers18%
  • Piriformis syndrome?

    Ok I have piriformis syndrome. My back aches too. Are the two related?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture12 months ago
  • Friend who makes excuses for not meeting up for lunch?

    I know someone who, when we arrange to meet for lunch, always - and this has happened 5 times in a row now! - makes feeble excuses for not meeting? What is the psychology behind her behaviour. On a couple of occasions she has used the same excuse twice.

    By the way, she always cancels at the 11th hour, so to speak, that is to say, when I am on my way to our meeting point, or worse still, when I am there.

    Needless to say the friendship is now over, I'm so fed up with it.

    2 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • No bowel movement for 2 days?

    Following a bout of gastroenteritis, I haven't been to poo properly for 2 days. What can I take and how long will it be before bowels get back to normal? Thanks

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Party Wall Problem?

    A neighbour's builder has told him that rising damp from our party Wall, is affecting his property.

    It is not affecting us. Are we liable for any costs involved?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Ouch ouch - bruised sternum?

    Oh god it's so annoying. I tripped and fell on a hard footstool. I went to the docs today and was advised I have a severely bruised sternum. He performed various tests on me, i.e. pressing all over my chest; asking me to take in deep breaths, etc., etc. He told me that a bruised sternum can take anywhere up to 6 WEEKS TO HEAL!!!!! Aaaah

    He told me to take, regularly, antiinflammatry medcs including Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. It's early days really cos I only did it a week ago.

    Is this right - does it really take 6 WEEKS TO HEAL?????

    What other steps can I take to speed up healing?

    Ta guys

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Problems with mould!!!?

    Yeah it is like this - we used to have a gas fire in our kitchen dining room (separate room from kitchen) but because of a gas leak which has subsequently been fixed, decided to have an electric fire installed, with fake coals and stuff. Since having this on our walls behind our sideboard dresser and in the adjoining kitchen also, is black mould appearing? We NEVER had this problem with the gas fire!!!

    Why is this? In the kitchen the mould is appearing in confined spaces, that is to say where there are kitchen cupboards and ****.


    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Strained Muscle - how long should you rest it?

    I am a twit - I went into my lounge the other day without turning the light on, tripped on a footstool and fell, went flying. Now I have an ache on the left side of my lower part of my abdomen, which if I twist my body, it hurts slightly - not much.

    I believe I have pulled a muscle. There is no lump, let me say; also, when I press it it doesnt hurt it's just that when I walk I am aware of it?

    I have looked up its symptoms and it sounds like I have strained, or pulled, or whatever you want to call it, a muscle. How long does it take to heal If I lift anything heavy I am aware of it then.

    Help, please - thanks!

    2 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • How to make the perfect rice to go with Jerk Chicken?

    I made a Jerk chicken for my Jamaican friend the other day with some rice and peas. However, he said that while the jerk chicken was lovely, he likes the rice to be a dry rice with the coconut milk, not like a risotto (creamy) consistency.

    I have since tried to cook it like he likes it, but can't achieve the consistency. Clearly I am doing something wrong. Has someone out there got a good recipe I can follow, please? Also I used green peas, but he mentioned black eyed peas or kidney beans - which is better?

    Thanks, guys?

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years ago
  • Ready made seasonings and sauces?

    I want to make some Jerk Chicken using a whole chicken, for my friend Sean. Can anyone tell me if the ready-made seasonings (dry) are authentic and any good? I have been looking in Sainsburys in the West Indian section and they have a ready made Jerk Seasoning powder. Also, if I use this dry powder in order to coat the whole chicken, I presume it would be a good idea to add some olive oil to the seasoning so that it stays on the chicken? I plan to score the bird so that the flavours infuse right in?

    Quite honestly, I don't really want to buy the fresh ingredients - being truthful here!!

    Last question: why are black guys soooooooooooo cool???

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years ago
  • cost of running Dimplex OFRC10 1000w heater?

    How much does it cost me to run the above heater for one hour?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Psychological Headaches?

    I get lots of these headaches - does anyone else out there get them? Or am I the only one? They come on when I feel out of control, or too much is put on me, i.e. by people who are too demanding.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Exercises for musculo-skeletal torsion?

    My dad is 83 years and has been "stiff" all his life, that is to say he has never been a very flexible person. Now as he has gotten older not only has he severe arthritis in his back but he says he suffers from what is known as musculo skeletal torsion, i.e. a gradual stiffening all over. Does a condition actually exist? He read about this in a newspaper once and can identify with a lot of the symptoms.

    He is on 14 pills a day for various ailments and doesn't really want to take any more pills. He is wondering if, apart from gentle massage and heat therapy, he can do any exercises which would limber him up a bit, as he puts it.

    Help, anyone?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Apple Iphone 4S - delay in getting signal?

    To all you technophobes out there - my daughter has gone on contract with EE and is in possession of an Apple IPhone 4S. The guy in the shop said it could from take from 10 minutes up to 24 hours for her to get a signal - she took out the contract yesterday afternoon. To date, no signal, which is proving frustrating for her - and me, quite frankly! Any suggestions, peeps?

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How much can I earn as a Carer?

    Yh I am a Carer for my dad. Thing is, can anyone tell me how much Carers can earn per week if they had a job? Thanks

    Personal Finance8 years ago
  • Companies which pay 4 dividends per year?

    Can anyone tell me which companies pay 4 dividends per year, or where I can obtain this information from? Thanks

    2 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • Is it necessary to brush a cat's teeth every day?

    Our cat has some tartar on his back teeth. How often should you clean a cat's teeth - we have cat toothpaste and brush.

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Jammed lock on door - best thing to use?

    Yeah I tried to unlock a door, although the key goes in it doesn't turn! I have put some WD 40 but still not any success. What can I use to unjam the door lock?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Sustainable body weight?

    My daughter says that when she lost weight and got down to 10st. she didn't feel as though her body could sustain this weight. In other words, she feels at her fittest and well at 10st 9lbs. I feel well and sustained yet am underweight. How does this work?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is the Reichmark note worth anything?

    My friend has two 1000 Reichmark bank notes. She wants to know if they are worth anything? Also she's got 2 £20 notes from the Central Bank of Ireland. Are these worth anything, too?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago