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  • Do Chevrolet Service centers require payment in full on receipt or can I make a partial payment on a reccuring status?

    I have a platnium service plan (prepaid/non-exclusionary) but the clerk always warns me to expect to pay hundreds though it's supossed to be a 0$ deductible to me. The last time despite his opinion the work was covered in full by the plan. NOW he says that if they dont find something needing repair I will be charged. I dont know whether to beleive him or not but just in case I want to be finacially prepared. Which is nearly impossible this month. I feel like I've been scamed and ripped off but I wont know for sure until Tuesday...

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling3 years ago
  • Do any other empaths/psychics struggle around places of death or even objects?

    Fairly recently after multiple visits handling a property exchange I noticed that I cannot tolerate being around human cremains. I get quite uncomfortable and can taste/breathe the ash no matter how clean or secure the facility. I have previously been effected by objects accossiated with violent deaths. I am still perfectly peaceful at graveyards. Anyone know what might be up?? Has this happened to you?

    2 AnswersParanormal Phenomena4 years ago
  • What would this action/character combination mean for interpretation?

    Last night I was chugging along in fairly neutral dreams when a ghost child appeared standing next to me in my living room (still in the dream). I recognized his name as Jeremy and we had a few random words before I reached out my left hand to him. I was creeped out but not wholly frightened by him until he took my hand and bite it up to the palm almost swallowing the fingers. He then proceeded to run high speed like a dog...except I was suddenly seeing myself laying down where I was in real life. At this point I forced myself awake because I felt threatened. Soon as my eyes were all the way open I felt my hand burning/stinging like all the blood flow had drained from it. Stayed awake long as I could to let my mind clear so I wouldn t re-enter the same scenario falling back asleep. Have horrible joint pain in that hand and I m still creeped out by it. Any thoughts?

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Do I need two passports?

    I am a American citizen who recently learned I also qualify for Canadian citizenship (by birth abroad of a Canadian parent). My mom already has dual citizenship and only needs her Canadian passport. If I am going the other way, American adding Canadian, do I have to get a US passport as well as the one Canada would grant me?

    7 AnswersImmigration5 years ago
  • Hypothetical Presidential Succession?

    If a presidential candidate who has won the general election is assassinated before he is sworn into office who is in line to inherit the POTUS position: his co-candidate VP or the presidential runner up of the election?

    3 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • How do I know which of my health conditions actually qualified me to receive SSI?

    I was approved in 2012 without appeal but never told what condition the final decision was made by. Now I am having my first review and scared out of my mind that in all of my specialist Doctors I may have missed one. Since my approval I have also gained some conditions but SSA doesn t seemed concerned with them. How do I know if I ve done something wrong before it is to late?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • What happens if I no longer want to enroll at college after a FAFSA is completed?

    I have already completed a masters degree and have chosen not to pursue a second at this time. Yet I already completed the 2015-2016 FAFSA. I was just informed some institution sent a correction but I am not actually registered or enrolled their (prospective college). Is the FAFSA itself a contract which can allow a prospective school to recieve money on my behalf without my permission?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Need help reading signature to identify this canadian artist?

    This image was part of a travelling salesman's bundle which visited my grandparents in Ontario, Canada. Most likely the sale was made between 1960-1970. I think the signature is for Pietro Adamo but the only comparable pieces I have are abstract with similar paint application and muddiness.

    The full length photo can be viewed here:

    3 AnswersPainting6 years ago
  • Should I make an animal cruelty report against a family member?

    I have a relative who crates her dogs in a dark basement for a minimum of 12 hours of the day. One of the dogs is epileptic and the veterinarian has claimed neglect previously because he was not receiving his medication. His recent trip to the vet has revealed a large bleeding access in his mouth which is infected. Now the same family member has begun crating her two cats all day as well with only one bowl of water and some newpaper for a floor. The basement floor is already covered in boxes of overflowed cat litter. She is not poor but her husband dislikes all but his dog. I am unsure as to wether she is just a shitty owner or if I should ask the humane society to intervene.

    Does this qualify as negligence, neglect or abuse?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Introductions in Islam?

    If a Islamic person says "As-salamu alaykum" when entering a room,

    is it offensive for a knowledgeable non-muslim person to respond "Wa-Alaikum-Salaam"?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can you transcribe this message?

    I'm trying to verify a birth record but I can't make out the title and location given to the father.

    Can anyone transcribe or read clearly the 5th entry in this image?

    Specifically I am referring to the occupation and place of occupation listed for the child's father. I am not familiar with Scotland's geography to recognize place names, ty!

    5 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Online Religious Degree not Christian?

    Hello All,

    I have been wondering about getting a accredited religious degree in Theology/Philosophy. I do not however want to be focusing on Christianity but World religions (Including Paganism) and religious cooperation. Does such a program exist?

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • Which Statute of Limitations applies to my debt?

    Hello All,

    I defaulted on a credit card from Capital One in about 2007. There has been no activity between me and collections in all that time. As of the first of this month, during the last six months of the statute of limitations for my state (Michigan), I now have a garnishment on my bank account. The only income I recieve is SSI for disabilty so it can't be siezed.

    My question is does the garnishment become invalidated after I reach the 6 years from the original written off date OR should I follow the date of a judgement they were awarded in 2009?

    Does the judgement have to follow the original limitation statute? or does it refresh the timer all together??

    My bank is protecting me so far because I am permanently disabled and federal law is on my side. I'm not even sure why this garnishment is suddenly applied for the first time right at the end of the statute. Could this mean they renewed the judgement for the 10 year span? I never received notice of the garnishment or a judgement renewal!

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • What language is spoken in Sprint commercial?

    What language does the Coach character use in this commercial?

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Does my "spring universe" theory hold water?

    [I have no education in Physics, so don't expect anything amazing]

    If our universe as we know it is spreading out away from each other, and dark matter/energy is the force keeping us clumped into gravitational fields/galaxies to begin with... I propose that the universe cannot expand endlessly into none existence because dark matter has a volume and thus when basic matter spreads to maximum it will be forced back in upon it's self like a rubber band from the tension thus creating a new Big bang. This new Bang would start the clock again somewhat like a wave going in and out...or a rubber band being released.

    Has anyone come up with a theory like this before?

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • If the Bible were true...?

    How long would a day have to last if the bible was right and the world was only 6,000 years old instead of what radio-graphic dating says?

    12 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • How to handle a spouse jealous of Disability?

    My boyfriend has been with me for six years and we have gone from poverty to just making it. Through that time it became increasingly obvious that my health was poor. This year I required life saving surgery and became a recipient of SSI.

    I am becoming unable to keep up with cleaning our apartment and losing my independence altogether for self care. Instead of trying to find support my boyfriend has taken to berating me for being lazy and a burden on him. How should I handle his emotional outbursts when we both know I'll be dead or confined to a wheelchair before my 30th birthday?

    I know he has his own burdens from choices he made when he was younger. It doesn't seem right that he would support me emotionally until now only to give up. I have a feeling that he is jealous that I am at home all day while he still works fulltime and those burdens I mentioned eat most of his check.

    How can he be jealous when he knows my limitations and sufferings? Is this a common issue between the able-bodied and Disabled?

    5 AnswersPeople with Disabilities9 years ago