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I am a Christian. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Without him I would be nothing. Glory to his HOLY name.

  • Would law enforcement officers lives be at risk wth gun control?

    I can picture it now. Most guns are seized by the Feds leaving the average American defenseless.

    The criminal would not give up the guns they already have. It would take billions of dollars to try track down and to confiscate guns from criminals and the mob surely wouldn't give up their guns.

    Criminals who didn't have guns would acquire them any means possible.

    Criminals could possibly start killing police officers to obtain their guns even if it meant running an officer down with a car or attacking them at home as they left for work.

    We would have a very dangerous situation.

    What do you think?

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Would Martin Luther King be ashamed of Obama?

    Obama is complete opposite of Martin Luther King

    King was in favor of freedom and the American dream with no oppression.

    Obama's dream is to put all Americans under control of the government.

    8 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Are politicians nuts in gun control talks?

    They can't even balance the budget and are talking about gun control.

    Are they insane or what, it seems like they are all on drugs for the most part.

    What are their priorities?

    If there was a gun control wouldn't it be wise to eliminate all guns even for law enforcement and military?

    6 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • What makes your candidate more promising than Ron Paul?

    Many voters will be voting for the lesser of two evils in their opinion.

    Many will vote for Romney because?

    Many will vote for Obama because?

    I will vote for Ron Paul because he believes in what the USA is supposed to be.

    He is 100% for the Constitution of The USA

    He believes in freedom for Americans, and less Federal government which imposes on our rights.

    Does your candidate stand up for what America stands for? or do they just tickle you with charm.

    I believe the federal government has to much power already and it's getting worse.

    Abortion and gay marriage and many other issues should be left up to the States to decide.

    I could say much more but I just want to know how your candidate feels about liberty and justice for all and what have they got to offer you.

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Does Mitt Romney remind you of a high pressure car salesman?

    I'm not for Obama but Romney talks like a smooth talking car salesman.

    Does he lie just a little?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Isn't it amazing how much more intelligent the big boom was compared to our science?

    If the big boom was responsible for building a universe and all the living things in it including man, it was more intelligent than man. Wow how unique that gasses and a little matter could do what no scientist can do or even completely understand.

    The big boom had to have some kind of awesome mind and creative power. Man has a long way to go to even get close to the power and brains of the big boom and we are still in the primitive stage.

    Wouldn't you say the big boom was controlled by God?

    You have to admit that if the big boom was reality it definitely is more intelligent than us.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do atheists spend so much time on Bible questions?

    It is very interesting how much time Atheists spend reading Biblical questions and giving weird answers. There must be a deep seated fear within them, without the PEACE of God in their hearts.

    It seems to prove that Satan is working overtime as their answers always seem as though they're irritated.

    Irritation is a attribute of Satan and his demons.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What do you think Kroger should do over this food stamp indecent?.?

    Watch the video posted and give your opinion.

    A woman who is on food stamps is harassed by store employee.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why do conspiracy's frighten so many people?

    Many people deny all conspiracy theories such as 9-11 even when the evidence is overwhelming and there is no rebuttal from investigators. The committees will not take into consideration any evidence that suggests a conspiracy. I believe all evidence should be put on the table and nothing should be hid.

    As for those who deny conspiracy evidence, they remind me of a song sang by Steppeinwolf.

    I have posted some of the lyrics here.

    Songwriters: KAY, JOHN

    We'll call you when you're six years old

    And drag you to the factory

    To train your brain for eighteen years

    With promise of security

    But there's nothing you and I can do

    You and I are only two

    What's right and wrong is hard to say

    Forget about it for today

    We'll stick our heads into the sand

    Just pretend that all is grand

    Then hope that everything turns out ok

    You're free to speak your mind my friend

    As long as you agree with me

    Don't criticize the father land

    Or those who shape your destiny

    'Cause if you do

    You'll lose your job your mind and all the friends you knew

    We'll send out all our boys in blue

    They'll find a way to silence you

    But there's nothing you and I can do

    You and I are only two

    What's right and wrong is hard to say

    Forget about it for today

    We'll stick our heads into the sand

    Just pretend that all is grand

    Then hope that everything turns out ok

    © Copyright MCA Music (BMI)

    All rights for the USA controlled and administered by

    MCA Corporation of America, INC

    4 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • How much money does the humane society spend annualy on advertising?

    They sure run lots of TV ads and I was thinking that's very expensive.

  • What is the pleasure in acting sophisticated?

    It seems as though it is very important to many people and it seems totally unimportant to me.

    So I was wondering what it's all about.

    2 AnswersSociology9 years ago
  • How concerned are you about your freedom as a US citizen?

    We are losing are rights as citizens of the USA and have been for many years now.

    Since the early 1970's and perhaps before that we are gradually giving up our rights which were guaranteed under the US Constitution.

    What was once a right is now considered a privilege by many Americans.

    It is a shame to see how many people trust what our politicians are doing to not keep the Constitution as the number one concern in America.

    Every year scores of new laws are made that are unconstitutional and how many care?

    In fact many look at videos such as this one by Aaron Russo as being insane.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Why do people ride bikes on streets and highways and not on sidewalks?

    Sidewalks are a safer place to ride bikes. A pedestrian is less apt to get hurt by a bicycle than a bike vs. and auto. Is there any logic to bikes on streets.

    10 AnswersCycling9 years ago
  • If most skiers are environmentalists how do they explain destroying mountains?

    I don't know what it's like in other places, but here in Utah, ski resorts have ruined mountain landscapes. They have built scores of apartments and lodging buildings not to mention the stripped mountainsides. Parking lots that accommodate thousands of cars and so on. They have taken beautiful and serene places and nearly destroyed the landscape.

    2 AnswersOther - Environment9 years ago
  • Could the Grand Canyon be formed in months?

    If not what is a good reason for your hypothesis?



    A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

    A proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth.

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • Is there absolute indisputable scientific evidence of Earths age?

    Scientists claim to know the age of the Earth, but do they have absolute proof, leaving no doubt.

    Is carbon dating without flaws?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • tax campaign contributions?

    With the government in a large deficit, wouldn't it be wise to tax political contributions.

    The tax being paid by the recipient.

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Is there any hard evidence to uphold the theory of BMI ?

    Body mass index is a bunch of baloney true?

    My ring finger is size 14 which is 4 above the average mens size.

    My fingers have no fat on them.

    Would not your hand size be better translated into true BMI ?

    In other words I have a heavy frame and a man with a size 9 finger would have a light frame.

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Who invented daylight savings?

    Who invented daylight savings and who makes the laws that we have to abide by it? Why don't citizens have a voice in the matter.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is Not the Christ, The Lord OF All?

    Christian Calender, we all live according to it right or wrong.?

    The earths time table revolves around Christ.

    The BC and AD calender is the defacto standard for most of the world no matter what religion. This puts Jesus Christ Our Lord at the center of all humans lives and we cannot escape that fact in modern society.

    Even if some cultures have had their own calendars in my opinion they cannot escape the reality of the most popular calendar ever. The one centered around God.

    I would find it interesting if one could legitimately dispute this.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago