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Favorite Answers34%
  • I've got a job opportunity in a different state. My spouse and adult children will not be relocating with me.?

    The pay is comparable but the line of work is preferable to what I'm doing now. I won't be able to afford to maintain two households, so I'm not sure how I will be living. I can live for awhile in my truck and shower at the Y. I'm thinking about a used RV trailer but I would still need to pay to park it. Suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Womens, What is your opinion about men that would write poems for you?

    Totally non-erotic, just romantic and flattering. Juvenile? Sweet? Stupid?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What is an appropriate expression of well wishes to a dear Catholic friend after a new Pope is elected?

    I am non-Catholic, however I do want to demonstrate a recognition of what is a momentous event in the Catholic Church. Is "congratulations" appropriate?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • We've been married over 25 years & two teenage kids.?

    She suffered sexual abuse as a child so when she became disinterested in intimacy I didn't push it. I gave up my DOD career so that she wouldn't have to live away from her mother. She has never been without a roof over her head, She has driven every new vehicle we've ever bought. She's never been without health insurance or life insurance. I didn't force the issue about her getting a job after the kids started school, she had all her free time for an additional five years. She has never spontaneously told me she loves me (only in response to me saying it). When I try to kiss her she turns her head. And now she's keeping secrets and lying about seeing lesbian friends. I'm not the easiest guy to live with, but I'm faithful and home every night. I don't drink, don't smoke, & no drugs. So now that she knows I'm starting divorce proceedings she seems to be trying now. Intimacy has been more frequent but it's distinctly as if it's a chore to her, like taking out the trash. It's tearing me apart but I've had enough. Opinions?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • There used to be an incredibly knowledgeable Bible scholar on the television.?

    Within the past six to ten years, she knew Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. She had very long straight hair, and used a chalkboard or dry erase board. I don't see her show anymore and I can't remember the shows name (or hers). Anyone have any ideas?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A simple yes or no answer re: civil right act of 1964?

    Did you know that the majority of Democrats voted against the civil rights act of 1964? And that it only passed because the Republicans voted for it? A simple yes or no.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anatomy of an atomic explosion?

    Specifically: In many atomic detonations there appears to be a series of vertical lines. These lines seem to be vaporous in nature, and seem to distort slightly outward (away) from ground zero. Is this a natural effect of the physics of atomic explosions? Or was this caused by some kind of data gathering apparatus used during the test?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • What effect wearing 'blue blocker' sunglasses have?

    on seeing faint fuzzies? In particular nebulae. I notice when I wear them during the day anything green becomes very vivid. And after taking them off anything blue seems more noticeable. Since the blue blocker sunglasses block the short wavelengths, if I were to wear them all day and at night while I am becoming dark adapted should it help or hinder my ability to see detail in nebulous objects

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago