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  • How often do you pray for our country. We are in a terrible state and 2016 is a long way off?

    Mandates, scandals, Benghazi, IRS intrusion, Obama-care......all horrible ....we need to recover from the damage...we need God's help.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • How many books will your teen read this summer?

    Do you visit the library to bring home books that will tempt your teen to read them.

    I suggest to mine that they read according to their TV programs....mysteries, spy stories, history, biography, poetry, religious history, foreign affairs

    I try to get the younger family members to read ten books. I promise I will read and name twelve books by the end of the summer, maybe more.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I've read that only about 30% of Christians have read the Bible front to back ,Why?

    How come so few? We've read other books that have more pages and yet the Bible with all of the rich stories and history goes unread? Curious?I wonder why that is.

    Before I read the Bible first page to last, I spent many years looking at suggested parts

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • TV ads are not considerate of proper manners or moral values. Agree?

    The Norelco ad due to be shown showing a man shaving his private area, ads of children talking disrespectfully to parents, ads using an idiot father theme, mothers trying to placate children, these are offensive.

    Children are to respect authority....starting with the parents....both of them.

    The language used in some is not a good example to impressionable children.

    TV has the distinction to encourage good manners, proper treatment of children and adults and sell products at the same time.

    We must not encourage this type of ad by purchase and we should discourage it by e-mails and phone calls.

    Children are at risk, behavior is changing for the worst. It is time to seek cooperation.

    1 AnswerEtiquette8 years ago
  • Do you think C-pac should have included Gov Christie>?

    Because of his reaction to Pres Obama after Hurricane Sandy, Gov Christie is being ignored. I think the Republicans should have pushed C-pac to include the Gov as a sign of good faith and a good opportunity to attract the Democrats who are not thrilled with Pres Obama.

    8 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Republican opposition to the "Gay" issues pending, main issue?

    It is said her that most Conservatives are Republican or Libertarian, so is the main issue of Gay promotion an anti Republican threat to antagonize many people ?

    Aside from the political maneuvering it seems to me that it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for the Government to mandate Parental causes or religious teachings to be included in schools or become issues in the workplace.

    Why suddenly, when pushing for gay marriage , has workplace protection come to the fore? I've never heard that it was a real discriminatory problem. This seems like an outrageous Anti-Christian movement and I hope that Christians aren't fooled into believing that they are serving their fellow citizens by supporting this. They are supporting an Atheistic form of government that dictates behavior.

    YOU WILL HAVE this or that teaching, you will do this or that.....hmmmm. Don't like the sound of that?

    5 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Could Blue Laws of old preserve the family and save energy?

    If stores and malls were closed on Sundays would the savings of energy be noticeable.?

    When they were in place, stores closed at six o'clock or so, dept stores were open on Thursday night and Friday nights to acommodate shoppers.

    Grocery stores closed on Saturdays at six.

    Delis were open on Sunday until about two o'clock.

    Bakery's were open Sunday mornings til noon or two o'clock and sold milk.

    People seemed to function within the posted times. Families were able to visit relatives, have Sunday dinner together, spend time together at play or together working in the house or out.

    Children had access to both parents, maybe Grandparents too.

    Think of the gas saving for a family that was able to stay home.

    Think of the energy expense that adds to the cost of everything we purchase....clothes, toys, food.

    We can do this....we would likely enjoy the free time, the togetherness, the time watching children grow and we could go to church as a family, walk to the park, have a picnic . Doesn't that sound great?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Do you believe I've been called a Liberal by Herr Totenkopf?

    This is fun, I've never been called a liberal before. In fact at bowling I was teased...."she can't even get the damn ball to go to the left"

    I just think we need to be civil. We can disagree but we need to be friendly to those who have total freedom to disagree with us.

    We have our Veterans to thank for that and for all of our freedoms. God bless America and all who serve.

    This belongs in Politics and Government

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Law of the Sea treaty threatens our sovereignty. Agree, or not and why?

    As a Sovereign nation we should not put ourselves in a position of being subject to the regs of an outside force.

    Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the law of the land.

    We cannot be regulated from outside, even with Hillary, agreement.

    I think Bill Clinton is seeking an international position, like head of United Nations

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Why are there so many names in Pres slot...don't they throw support to main candidates?

    We voted in our primaries for Republican and Democratic candidates.

    What good are primaries if every tom,dick and harry are listed for pres and deflect votes from the best candidate?

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you agree tha America worships one God?

    In the Bible it says that the house of God has many rooms, that in God's house there are many mansions.

    Regardless of the fine tuning they all have one thing in common they all recognize ONE GOD, God whose name appears on our coins, on our money on our buildings.

    We pay homage to God who has brought us through two hundred plus years of history, blessed America in many ways. It is not wise to go against our traditions and accept ungodly ideas because they are pushed upon us for political or financial reasons. It is true that it is cheaper to abort than to pay support, educate and perhaps incarcerate a child without a father.

    Consider ?????

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • By what authority are condoms available in schools?

    Do individual school systems have the right to reject this policy as intrusive on the rights of parents?

    Do people vote for such measures?

    Are they spelled out or hidden in other additions , seemingly harmless, in school policy or just mandated by the Government?

    As a parent , do you agree with this policy?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Why is it that the Separation of Church and State does not apply to Planned Parenthood?

    Taxpayer money is used for procedures that are against many religious beliefs.

    How does the Government justify using taxpayer dollars for an anti- family organization of any kind.

    Perhaps Planned Parenthood does good among people, but , they cannot expect those who oppose their policies to be forced to pay for it.

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Removing federal funding from Planned Parenthood, you opinion?

    The government money that goes to Planned Parenthood is money from Taxpayers who do not necessarily agree with the policies of that organization.

    Taking tax dollars from Planned Parenthood would not close its doors, it is still possible to function on the contributions of those who believe it is a worthy organization.

    However, there are people who see the work that they do , some of the work that they do as contrary to their individual religious beliefs.

    Many religions teach that sex belongs in Marriage and that marriage is a sacramental and legal bond between a man and a woman.

    There is a religious belief that birth control should not be available to the unmarried, the young and that the availability of condoms in schools usurps parental guidance and policy.

    It creates an atmosphere that allows the parents to be bypassed and a child is able to secure an abortion without parental consent.

    This undermines parental control and the very position of parents in the life of a child.

    Think about it....the school , the outside forces know better, the parents are morons, dinosaurs with antiquated beliefs .....what does that kind of thinking do for the preservation of FAMILY ?

    Planned Parenthood is a part of this system and is often depended upon to perform these technically illegal abortions where as the partner that arranges the surgical procedure , the school system, cannot provide the same child with an aspirin for a headache.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Are you deciding not to vote?

    Neither Candidate is a perfect fit for you?

    Please watch In Touch Ministries at five o'clock today when Dr. Charles Stanley gives a list of questions to ask yourself that lead to a vote that you can not only live with but be satisfied with.

    He explains the responsibility of voting as a duty of Americans and that it is a privilege to live in this country and the Candidate that we select has in front of him the path America will follow.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Who is teachibg hacking into secure computers to high school students.?

    I heard on talk radio a few days ago that "hacking" was being taught in high schools? Any body hear anything about this. It just seems incredible.

    2 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Do you agree that twelve names in Pres Candidate selection are a deliberate attempt to throw votes to Obama?

    Florida is an important state and must be in Mitt Romney's 270 needed votes to win this election.

    However, there are twelve candidates listed. Roseanne Barr? Isn't she there as a liberal attempt to force a win for Obama?

    Vote for one of the TWO candidates, please.

    Do not vote to stifle the voice of another citizen.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is there a deliberate attempt to siphon votes from Romney in Florida by 12 names in Pres columns?

    In Florida there will be twelve names of Candidates running for President. It seems to me that this is a deliberate attempt to take votes away from Mitt Romney and ensure a win of an important state for President Obama. Thomas Tryon said in the Trib today that there will be twelve candidates listed, one will be comedian Roseanne Barr.

    This is not a funny situation. We need all of the votes declared between the two candidates. We need to have Romney win Florida to begin the financial healing that he is capable of.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Want to support KEY issues?

    Promise to vote in this election and support the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and our individual freedoms in the USA today.

    Make a big cardboard key and attach it to your front door as a sign that you support key issues.

    Make a huge key for your car window, carry a Key poster on July 4th.

    Be a Key person in preserving our rights. God bless America

    3 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago