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  • What are the legal ramifications of a regular citizen releasing, with proof, the names of Confidential Informants?

    If someone knows of and has proof that not only are a number of CI's regularly committing additional felonies after signing their agreement, but their police "Handlers" are not only aware of their violating their CI agreements, the Handlers actively hide their crimes or get the cooperative local District Attorney to not press charges against them so they can continue being CI's, even though that is illegal for both the police and the DA to ever do.

    Since all 3, the CI, Cop, and DA are involved together in what is basically a Criminal Conspiracy, could any legal charges be legally brought against the citizen who released their names and proof of their criminal activities?

    Could people incarcerated based on information criminally obtained by the CI's file appeals and civil rights violation civil suits against the jurisdiction which convicted them through an illegally conducted investigation?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • I have a couple questions about a 1.5 ltr engine that I have gotten?

    I accepted this engine in trade for some work I did.

    1.5ltr SOHC 16 valve PMG-FI non-VTEC.

    1) Is this a D15B1 motor used in the 1988-91 Honda Civic?

    2) Which Civic Model or Models was it used in?

    Ok, further description and then a final question.

    Bored out to maximum tolerance, unable to afford proper Pistons and rings so inserted sleeves and reinserted original pistons and rings temporarily. Still has "Torque Converter Plate?" and exhaust manifold.

    Replaced Intake gasket, I think timing chain or belt, valve springs.

    Now has 1.6 ltr Distributor, ECM, and PGM-FI

    This was a Tech College Auto Class Project for the previous owner and the still received an A grade despite being unable to change the pistons and rings.

    I am planning to put this motor and a few other things on Craigslist Barter.

    3) What is this engine worth?

    1 AnswerHonda7 years ago
  • Christians: Do all unbelievers go to Hell?

    Does The Bible say that you can only gain Heaven through true faith in Christ our Lord?

    Since Christianity has only been around for the last 2,013 years roughly, and Christ died for our sins and opened the way to Heaven only 2,013 years ago, Why did all those unbelievers who never were given the opportunity to know Christ have to be tortured in Hell?

    Even after Christ died and Christianity was formed, why did all the pagan savages have to be sentenced to Hell until the Good God Fearing Christian Missionaries came and destroyed their cultures...oops, I meant came and saved them from their ignorance of the Truth that would save their immortal souls?

    And now, let the scramble begin to explain why even though the Bible is the Word of God and cannot be wrong, your God wouldn't really sentence all those people to Hell even though it is clearly stated you must have Faith in Christ to attain Heaven, and all unbelievers go to Hell.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, How can anything come to exist out of nothing?

    A good point many Christians make is that the big bang makes no sense.

    They do not accept any logical reason to believe that without a creator it is possible that out of empty space matter formed and with an explosion it created all that is out of nothing.

    I actually understand their doubt as it doesn't make sense to me either, of course I do not pretend to know anything about that field of study but it doesn't make alot of sense.

    Many Christians state that the very complexity of the Universe and everything and everyone in it demands an intelligent creator.

    They state that this complexity is impossible without a Supremely Intelligent Creator with the power to take nothing and create everything in existence in a sensible and logical manner.

    OK, If your God is complex enough to do all that you say, doesn't that complexity demand a creator?

    How can He exist in all His Glorious Complexity for all Eternity with no beginning and no end?

    You cannot accept that anything can exist without Him or come from nothing, but then illogically accept that He can just exist and have come from nothing.

    What part of this is logical or makes any sense to you?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, can you counter these facts?

    Without using your Bible, since that was written by humans and offers no proof, can you deny these facts with any sort of logic?

    I will give best answer to the most logical answer regardless if I agree with you or not. I am not looking for validation by another Atheist. I am looking for logical answers.

    Proof of the lack of existence for your God:

    Evidence of probable non existence:

    1) No one can see HIm

    2) He cannot be measured in any manner

    3) Contrary to claims of His caring nature, He does nothing to alleviate any suffering

    4) Personal Faith and Belief cannot be seen or felt by others, they can only be considered to be wiwishfulantasies by others without any viable proof.

    Evidence of logical impossibility of existence:

    5) His existence and origin are illogical and cannot be proven

    6) His followers claim that everything in existence must have a Creator because of it's complexity

    7) Despite His complexity, His followers claim that He always has existed without being created.

    8) His followers claim that nothing can just happen from nothing (ie. The Big Bang, evolution)

    9) His followers claim that He came from nothing and created everything from nothing.

    Evidence His existence is merely an assertion by humans to replace others faulty assertions:

    10) Stories about Him come from Humans and replicate earlier stories told by others whom His followers claim have lied without any proof.

    11) The very arguments used by His followers to disprove any other Gods can be applied to Him.

    Final point against his possible existence:

    12) Since their claims against any other God can be used exactly in the same way against Him,

    If His followers are correct in their claims against the existence of other Gods, then logically they must be wrong about His existence.

    Logically refute these facts and prove your God without using your Bible if you are able.

    Using your Bible will only show that you bebelieve book written by man can be considered proof; in which case you cannot deny the MoMormonsJeJehovah'sitnesses, Muslims or anyone else who has their own version of the Bible which they claim is inspired by their version of God.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists and Christians: Looking for both opinions. Is it wrong?

    Is it wrong if she asks me to stop because it feels so good, and I don't because it feels so good?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I see alot on here about free will, reap what you sow?

    If a child is abused from birth, grows up disdained and treated like crap at home by his parents and at school because of who his parents are, where is your God's mercy and his free will in the life he has?

    What has he sown to deserve this treatment that started before he could consciously make choices?

    If the Christians around him shun him and do not let their children associate with him, where is the Godly examples for him to follow?

    If he grows up as a criminal and only associates with other criminals who will accept him, is he damned to Hell for rejecting the God who he feels rejected him from birth?

    Because Adam sinned, he must live a life a torture and loneliness?

    Because Adam sinned he must accept that his life of Hell is meant in love from God and he should dedicate himself to this being he can neither see, feel, hear or touch who has never done anything for him or he will die and suffer another Hell for eternity?

    The fact that he is alive is not something he can be grateful for since he wishes every day to be freed from this painful and traumatic life but has been told that to commit suicide to escape will damn him to hell.

    This existence is simply a test he deserves because he is descended from Adam?

    God is perfect and knows everything in advance, never makes mistakes?

    Then why did God create this world of imperfection and pain for this innocent child to suffer until he could not endure it any longer?

    If we hold someone hostage and torture them until they either choose to fight back, close up within themselves, or cooperate from fear, we are considered immoral and horrible, Is your God somehow better than that when He knowingly created the situation?

    What makes any of this seem sensible?

    Christians claim to be moral, please answer and justify the above questions from a strictly moral standpoint without scripture.

    If you do wish to use scripture, please point out how God's love of children projects onto the situations above that many of His precious children face daily.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, let's pretend for a moment that I do completely believe in your God, can you answer this question?

    So, your God is the one and only "Real" God.

    He is the God of Abraham.

    From Him comes first the Jewish or Hebrew Religion.

    Secondly the Christian Religion, which still follows this exact same God.

    Third we get the Muslims who also still follow this same God.

    Now just for fun, lets toss in the Mormans, who also follow this same God.

    So far I have gotten it all correct, right?

    Ok here comes the hard parts.

    The Jews made a bunch of prophesies about a Messiah coming. When Jesus showed up they said nope, not Him.

    They are still waiting and reading their Book, which is actually a group of books written before He was born by a bunch of men who were guided in what to write by God.

    He claimed to be the Messiah, Son of God and A Deity in His own right, and a true follower of the Jewish God that Abraham followed.

    Thus, Christianity was born by those who believed and chose to follow Him.

    These followers rejected the Jews from whom they had learned about a Messiah in the first place.

    They use a book which is actually a collection of books written after His death by other men guided by the same God who helped the Jews write theirs.

    Along come the Desert Rat with a nasty past, including pedophilia, but when you compare some of the Old Testament heros that started all this; He isn't much better or worse than many of them...Enter Mohammed.

    Mohammad also follows the same God as the Christians and the Jews, He even mentions the two main previous Prophets, Moses for the Jews, and a Human, Non Deity Jesus for the Christians.

    However, he says that they both have a bunch of stuff wrong with their beliefs and teachings, and that God told Him these should be explained properly and be fixed.

    His followers still follow His book, written by Him, durring His life, guided by the same God who helped the Christians and Jews to write theirs.

    Now we jump to the Mormans.

    Old Buddy Joe jumps in here and says I have always been a Christian but God sees a bunch of Christians and others not acting right or following what He wants correctly.

    To fix this problem He sent an Angel to tell me where He stashed some Golden Tablets.

    After finding and reading these Tablets, He inspired me to write this new Book to go along with the Tablets and the Bible that the Christians use along with the Old Testament that the Jews use.

    His followers became the Mormans and are hated by everyone.

    They follow the New Testament, subject to their interpretations, The Old Testament, subject again to interpretation, The Golden Tablets and the Book that Old Buddy Joe wrote durring His life, guided by the same God as everyone else.

    Here's the questions:

    If all these guys claim to have been spoken to and guided by the same God, what gives you the right or athority to condem others to Hell, accuse them of Blasphemy, claim YOUR Religion and Book are the only truth and everyone else is wrong and should convert to your beliefs and follow your rules?

    Why do you reject the Jews claim that Jesus is not the Messiah they fortold. Their prophets created a Messiah, shouldn't they have some say in who fulfills their requirements?

    Why is the New Testament the only correct version of Christ's life and God's will when it was written after Christ's death by multiple people and then compliled into one with Humans voting in council to decide what would be allowed in it and what would not?

    Why are the Quaran and Mohammad, or The Book of Morman and Joseph Smith dismissed as false Books of False Teachings by False prophets when they were each actually written by men who claimed that God guided them?

    Why do you Christians reject the possiblility of human prophets recieving guidance from your God, but you accept that some dude named Jesus is actually not only the Messiah but also God Himself in disguise while rejecting the very people whose human prophets fortold the coming of a Messiah sent by the same God you all profess to beleive in?


    My question, my rules, if their books are not allowed, neither is yours.

    Please someone give me something to verify you are right without quoting your Book.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Information about a Cabinet Stereo/Record Player?

    Friend has a cabinet stereo which appears to me to be manufactured possibly in the 70's. It is an AM/FM Record Player. The cabinet is roughly 1 1/2' tall, 2 1/2 -3' long, about 1 1/2' deep, possibly designed to sit up on a stand, desk or counter?

    He sent me a bunch of information on it but I can't make sense of it. It says:


    Serial # X823864 64216

    Cartridge Code # 1945 / 268 35 70

    Model # M/me-4

    1 AnswerHome Theater9 years ago
  • If I came to the public through TV, Radio, Print Media and the Internet?

    If I had a Book I had written, and I swore God had guided my writing after appearing to me, and I had 7 friends who vouched for my story and claimed they had watched God take me 15 ft. into the air and bathe me in light and they heard him say, "This is the chosen one to prepare humanity for the return of My Son"

    How many of you Christians would leave your Churches and follow me?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I want a job where I can sit at home all day and be paid well to just cruise the internet and spout opinions.?

    Any ideas?

    I guess I could even settle for having to do some actual online work if I had too.

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • Christians, can you give any proof that is not from the Bible that you are correct?

    Why do Christians claim to have the truth and all other religions are wrong?

    Other than the Bible, a book written by men who claim that God guided their writings, what proof do you have that your book is better and more correct than any other religion based on men who claimed to be guided by God?

    To the other religions, why are your men right and each of the other religions wrong?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • All this fuss about E-Cars?

    We have Hybrids that run off Electric and Gas.

    We have total electric cars but their range is limited and then they need to be plugged in to recharge.

    Why can't someone just make one that recharges itself?

    Is that possible?

    2 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • Sol, Son, Sun, I woke up to this confusion?

    I woke up out of a dead sleep fixated on this question.

    I am not sure but I believe that Sol is Latin for the Sun.

    In English we use Sun for the sun, and Son for our male child.

    Does anyone know the origin of these English words and why our male child is not Sun, and the bright orb which lights our world Son?

    Why the different vowel then the Latin original?

    Silly question I know, but it seriously woke me up just now.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Christians, are you able to put yourself above the petty bashing on Y/A R-S?

    Many Christians on here seem to be able to at most times avoid retaliating against the many Atheists who seem to be here only to be hurtful and attack our Faith.

    Some however, seem unable to and take the Atheist attacks very personally.

    Are you familiar with this passage?

    2 Peter 1:5-11

    5: And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;

    6: And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;

    7: And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.

    8: For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    9: But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

    10: Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

    11: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    Should we not all strive to have these qualities when we are trying to promote the Love of God and His Son Jesus?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are Atheists on Y/A R-S?

    Since the Religious and Spirituality Section is about religion and spirituality, Why are Atheists here?

    I can see them coming to this section if they were curious and had actual questions regarding spirituality, but isn't it a little petty to come here and just bash others beliefs?

    Some Atheists are very adamant that they are offended by others forcing their beliefs on them.

    So why do you come to a section where believers are discussing their various beliefs and proposing or discussing the merits of their beliefs?

    I can see Pagans, Satanists, Christians, Wiccans, or any other spiritual or religious belief systems being here.

    But it seems that you are coming to our house to complain about how we live.

    So other than to bring hatred against believers, mainly it seems you target Christians and to a lesser extent Muslims, why would you be here?

    Just to hate us?

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Born Again Christians, Legitimate question about the Rapture?

    As I understand it, the Rapture is when God takes his true born-again Christians to heaven right before Christ returns for Armageddon.

    I consider myself to be a Born Again Christian in that I have turned to God and His Son and have embraced their love and teachings. I am now living my life in the way that I believe the Bible says they wish for me to live it.

    My question for you before I embrace this whole Rapture idea is this....Where in the Bible does it talk about the Rapture?

    I can't find it and am wondering it this is just another case of a religion interpreting specific scripture to mean what someone wants and then teaching it to believers as scriptural?

    I am not looking to start a fight, but I believe that if someone is going to believe something, it should come from scripture, not church.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have I failed in my attempt to accept God?

    If I felt God and wanted to become a Christian, have I failed?

    I truly felt gods forgiveness and love for my past sins. I have done horrible things and thought I would never be able to be forgiven for a couple of them but I decided after 25 years of struggle to try and ask for forgiveness and give myself to God.

    I gave into temptation tonite and got drunk. I am ready to sleep with my wife's best friend, but with her agreement, and I wonder if a drugged out criminal might be who I really am.

    Should I just give up and say Christians are *******?

    Even though I know in my heart that Christians are some of the strongest people around?

    I am so confused tonight.

    I felt God and knew from my study of the Bible what is expected of me, and yet, I am being tempted to discard it all to keep my earthly friends and family.

    I spent 25 years trying to reject God, finally gave in and realized his truth and love, and now I am feeling that it is too much to ask of me to give up all I have known for what I now know is the truth and path to salvation.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist to Christian?

    I have tried to be an Atheist, and have fought to reject Gods existence for the last 25 years.

    Throughout all that time, despite my efforts and blatant disregard for God, I have never been able to escape the feeling that He has a purpose for me that I was running from.

    I feel that he wants me to start a new Ministry, not as a religion with rituals, but as a Ministry to help people study the Bible and learn not what their religious teachers or anyone else tells them it means, but to actually discuss, read and learn what God wants us to do.

    Am I wrong?

    I have fought this feeling and use the Logical reasons for his non-existence for 25 years. No matter what logic says, my heart tells me that I have chosen wrong and should serve the Lord.

    My heart tells me that I should not join any Church as I believe their rituals and dogma have corrupted his desire for us to truly approach him and live our lives in the manner he desires.

    Am I crazy or should I go with this feeling?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist or Christian Identity Crisis, Who am I?

    I have a little problem. I dislike the militants on both sides of the aisle in this whole God debate.

    Personally, I find that if your God is real, why no matter how much I have prayed during my life, why does he keep screwing me?

    Many Atheists and Christians alike seem to be jerks to each other and so forceful about the ignorance of the other.

    While I choose to not believe in your God, I respect your beliefs.

    I am a Loyal American and believe that this country was founded by Christians.

    I want to see In God We Trust on my money.

    I want the Pledge recited in my childrens schools.

    I want Christians to have the right to display their Manger Scenes.

    I do not want Public Prayer in School unless my children are allowed to ignore it.

    You want to pray, do it in private, that should be between you and YOUR God.

    I do not want you knocking on my door to tell me how your God, who has made a habit out of screwing me, cares and will save me.

    So far, by everything I have witnessed, if my life is an example of God's greater plan and my eternity, KEEP IT!

    Why can't everyone be accepting of the others choices and quit cramming their cr@p down each others throats.

    So, am I an Atheist who is sick of Christians and their Holier than Thou Bullsh$t, or am I a Christian Who is sick of Godless Athiests telling us where we can and cannot practice our faith?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago