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  • I got my wisdom teeth out but my stitches are placed weird. Is this normal?

    I got my 4 wisdom teeth out 3 days ago.

    The left side of my face is incredibly swollen and in pain while the right side is basically back to normal. I can eat on that side, I can move my face, etc, but on the left, I can't open my mouth much, it hurts, and is much larger than the other side. You can imagine this is incredibly uncomfortable.

    I took a look into the left bottom region of my mouth to see if a bit of food was stuck or if anything out of the ordinary was causing that side to be much more swollen and painful than the other but what I found was that my stitches are stitched from my gums to my cheek and back to my gums and I know that's what's causing the pain and the tension based on how it looks.

    Is it normal to be stitched to my cheek? What can I do about it? Because I need to go back to school tomorrow but I can't with my face this size or with the pain that i'm in.

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Help with wisdom teeth swelling?

    I got my wisdom teeth out friday (today is monday) and ive been icing it and everything for the past 3 days but its still just as swollen as ever. i have to go back to school tomorrow, but i look ridiculous.

    one side of my face is huge and the other is only a little bit swollen.

    i need the swelling to go down my tomorrow

    what do you suggest to help swelling to go down quickly?

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Questions about hair bleaching?

    A year ago I bleached my hair and it wasn't too damaged. I mean, I would call it like model healthy hair, but it wasn't terribly awful. In december of '10 I bleached it again to get it whiter and I got a lot of damage, but it was an awesome color.

    It was so damaged though, it literally didn't get any longer for like a year. In fact, it got shorter. I'm not joking.

    So about 2 months ago I dyed this light brown/orange tinted color and cut all the dead off.

    But it doesn't go with my face and I really want to dye it blonde blonde again.

    Of course, I'd get it done professionally and when I was getting my hair dyed 2 months by a different lady that bleached it last year she told me it shouldnt have been as damaged as it was, as in, my old hair dresser wasnt the best. and tbh, it didnt seem like she what she was really doing as much as the new lady.

    I straighten my hair once a week and wash it once a week. I know it's good to go a while without washing it. It luckily doesn't get very greasy so it's not like i'm walking around with greasy *** hair for a week.

    Last year when my hair was blonde I washed it 2 or 3 times a week and straightened it about that much too.

    It's really healthy now which I'm guessing means that less damage will happen when/if I bleach it, but if I were to do this, what could I expect as far as damaging, and what can I do afterwards to prevent it from being damaged, as in aftercare?

    Sorry this is a lot of writing but thanks for answering. :)

    1 AnswerHair10 years ago
  • Is it degrading to call mentally handicapped children cute?

    The other day I was in the special education class at my school and one of the kids said something funny and I thought it was really cute, so I was going to say something like "aw, that's the cutest thing ever!" but I'm not sure if that's like, offensive to say? Like, maybe they don't want to be seen as cute and maybe seen as "normal"? I usually make comments like that about lots of people, but I'm just unsure if that's something that should be said?

    2 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • I want to stop restricting and start eating healthy. Will I still lose weight?

    A while back I wanted to lose weight so I started doing it the unhealthy way. I know it's wicked bad for me so I want to start eating healthy. A healthy amount of calories and healthy stuff. You know, fruits and veges and stuff. But I still want to lose weight.

    Going from restricting a lot to eating healthily and eating a significantly more amount of calories, can I still lose weight?

    48 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • How many calories does it take to gain a pound if you only eat 300 calories a day?

    I know that typically, 3500 I think it is, calories = 1 pound. But that would differ depending on your caloric intake and therefor, your metabolism.

    Someone who were to eat approximately 300 calories a day would have a much slower metabolism, so at that slower rate, how many calories would it take to gain a pound?

    (p.s. I'm not looking for a lecture on health or caloric intake, please just answer the question if you know the answer, otherwise, please don't comment. thanks.)

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Question about dangerous ants?

    Hey so I was pulling weeds out of the cobblestone walkway in back of my house and I guess these little tiny black ants, not red, lives under them, so every now and then I'd pull like the entire root out and all these little ants would come pouring out of the hole. I didn't think much of it because they were just little ants and they weren't red so I didn't really care if they crawled on me... Until they started biting me.

    I'd feel a poke every now and then and then they really started to hurt so I said **** this and came inside.

    I have a couple little dots on my legs that burn and itch only slightly and there's little red marks. I put some cortaid anti-itch cream on them and they feel much better, but are these ants dangerous?

    They're very small and black and probably appear in gardens.

    Oh, btw, I live in New England.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • What can I do to get my energy up?

    I probably don't eat enough but I can't eat much more for medical reasons. I know that's why my energy is low, but what can I do to get more energy in other ways? I'm assuming getting enough sleep will help but I'm still really tired.

    Please don't lecture me on not eating enough, there are medical reasons behind it that I shouldn't need to get into.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Is there a word for straight girls who act like lesbians?

    Like, theyd like all the cliche lesbian things, like motocycles, muscle shirts, leather jackets etc, and probably look like cliche lesbians too, but they're totally straight. Is there a word that could be used to describe this type of person?

  • What do dreams about caged cats mean?

    Well I'm a teenage girl, first off.

    So this was the dream:

    I was babysitting, or rather, cat sitting this lady's cat. I went over to her house to feed it or whatever and his boy I've been hanging out with lately was with me. I went upstairs and her cat was in some sort of cage so I picked it up out of the cage.

    That's all I remember of the dream but here's the thing.

    I usually love cats. They're my favorite animal and I want 50 of them. But when I woke up from that dream, I had more of a distaste for cats.

    My mom and I were talking and kind of joking and we were like, well maybe I'm more of a heterosexual that I previously though. (I am straight btw, we were just like joking around.) and then she said something like... "It seems the cage represents your parents."

    If you understand the reference.

    Haha, so yeah, what do caged cats mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Random sharp pain in neck/throat?

    Not like a sore throat, more like knife being stabbed in my neck, like where the underneath of your jaw becomes your neck, through the hard thing that's like your throat at the front of your neck (am I stupid for not knowing what that is?) Also in the back of my head, where the back of the skull becomes the neck. It hurts to swallow, like pain, again, not like a sore throat, but sort of like when you're sore from working out, but more of an excruciating pain than that. If I tilt my head back it makes it worse in all places. It also hurts a bit to talk.

    I was just sitting there, doing nothing in particular when this happened. Absolutely excruciating, i felt like I was dying. It got better within a minute or two but it's still very painful.

    What could this be?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How to get the roller-coaster feeling back?

    When i go on roller coasters, i dont feel that weightless roller coaster feeling and that's no fun. so im wondering how i can get that feeling back. :)

    4 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • Where can I get these boots?

    I hate my self for asking this... But one time I was watching Hannah Montana, it was the one with David Archuleta and Miley was gonna go with the nerdy guy to prom but bailed.. When she was first talking to the nerdy guy when he asked her to go with him, she was wearing these really cute boots. Anyone know where I can find them or ones similar? Thanks a lot.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • If you're familiar with the ABC diet or skinny girl diet?

    Which one works better?

    How much, if you've tried either, did you lose?

    Which one helps you lose more faster?

    That's all I want to know, dont lecture me about that not being enough calories or whatever, that's not needed here.

    And if you dont know what it is, & but you can't help me, so don't bother commenting. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How long should I wait between gauge sizes?

    I'm stretching my ears a little, I'll probably go down to a zero because they can still close at that size. Please don't lecture me about it.

    I'm at an 8 right now. I had my tens in for a week before I went down to an 8. It was fine. I figure that I should wait longer the bigger I go, right?

    So can you give me a rough estimate of how long I should wait between the sizes?

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Would you consider this 'scene' hair?

    I know she's like a scene site model or whatever, so don't go off that. I really like the hair, but I'm not scene and I don't really want to come across as being scene or trying to be scene.

    So if you saw someone with that hair, would you think they were trying to be scene?

    What's your opinion on that?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Where can I get this shirt?

    A shirt like this, at a normal store, not that weird online website. thanks.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a shirt like this?

    I found a shirt, but I forgot where it was.

    It was a three quarter sleeve with red sleeves and the middle torso area was either light grey or white.

    Where can I find this shirt?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago