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Lv 31,343 points

True Patriot

Favorite Answers10%

I am a 28 year old male from Utah. I have 3 kids...I know, I am young to already have 3 kids. I work as a project controls specialist and environmental compliance engineer and I make a very good living for myself. I love camping, rafting, riding snow mobiles, and just about anything else outdoors. I have a beautiful wife and my kids are great. I am very proud to be a loving daddy. My little girls are my pride and joy.

  • Who do you want to see as the GOP nominee?

    Who do you want to see be the Republican presidential candidate? Will you vote republican this upcoming election or will you vote Democrat or third party?

    I am a Ron Paul guy myself, but I would like to hear who you guys want to run and why he/she should lead our country.

    4 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Why do people think Ron Paul is so crazy?

    It seems to me that Republicans and Social Liberals should love Ron Paul. He is for the free market, limited federal government and oversight, sound money, the abolishment of the federal reserve and IRS... Can you imagine life without the fear of being audited? He wants the troops home and to stop policing the world. What is not to like (other than his stage presence)?

    13 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • If x<=y and y<=x then prove x=y?

    We have morning math problems at work just for something fun to do, but I forgot how to "prove" things. The guy who posted it is an old math teacher. It seems like a common sense problem. Obviously they equal each other. But how to prove it... Any help would be appreciated. I get a donut if I answer correctly.

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • How do you feel about Arizona's immigration law?

    It seems to me that the vast majority of people are for the immigration law in Arizona. Why in the world would the government try and step in if so many people are in favor of it?

    14 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Do you support House and Senate term limits?

    Do you support term limits on House and Senate seats?

    If you would, please state political affiliation and why you do or do not support them.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you ever own property?

    With property tax, even if you pay off your house, you could still lose it to the government, so essentially, you can never truly own your land or your house. Is this the true purpose of property tax? They could find other ways of funding schools and law enforcement (I know there are other things that get paid for by property tax). Couldn't they just add another 1.5% to sales tax or something? That would at least be better because it is a one time cost, and once it is over, you own whatever it is you purchased.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you sick of the stereotyping too?

    As I read questions posted on YA, I find that most people don't realize there is a difference between conservative and republican or liberal and democrat. People speak as though conservatives or liberals are the bad guys, but is this really the case? Are conservatives warmongers? Are liberals lazy? Neither one of these statements seem accurate to me.

    I consider myself a conservative, but I despise war. I feel that the poor do need to be taken care of, but by the individual and not by the government. I want a clean environment, global peace, prosperity for everyone, and a healthy nation. Is what I want and what liberals want so much different? From my perspective, we all want basically the same thing, but go about achieving it different ways.

    So are conservatives evil? Do conservatives and liberals have different end goals? Am I the only one who is sick of being stereotyped because I am a self proclaimed conservative (libertarian).

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are Conservatives Misunderstood?

    As I read questions posted on YA, I find that most people don't realize there is a difference between conservative and republican or liberal and democrat. People speak as though conservatives or liberals are the bad guys, but is this really the case? Are conservatives warmongers? Are liberals lazy? From my understanding, there aren't many conservative republicans in office.

    I consider myself a conservative, but I despise war. I feel that the poor do need to be taken care of, but by the individual and not by the government. I want a clean environment, global peace, prosperity for everyone, and a healthy nation. Is what I want and what liberals want so much different? From my perspective, we all want basically the same thing, but go about achieving it different ways.

    Am I wrong? Are true conservatives evil? Do conservatives and liberals want different end goals? Am I the only one who is sick of being stereotyped because I am a self proclaimed conservative?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What Are Our Basic Human Rights?

    A lot of questions on YA have been popping up about health care being a basic human right. And this would be according to whom? Who established what our basic human rights are and what are they? Can anyone name them all. I imagine there should only be a few.

    We all know the kindergarten answer of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, but does the list stop there?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What does it mean to be a delegate?

    What does it mean to be a local delegate? What is required to become one? Why would someone do it? Does the job pay? Is it a time consuming job?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is your political party?

    What political party are you affiliated with and why?

    Please, don't bash the other parties, but instead, explain what drew you to the party you chose. Highlight your political party and personal beliefs instead of degrading the other parties and their members.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you ever join a 3rd party?

    Would you ever abandon our two party system to join a 3rd party? If you have considered leaving your party, list which party you are with currently and which you are leaning towards.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Proper role of government?

    What is the proper role of the federal and state governments? I have my opinions, but I just want to know what the masses think. Should the federal government be limited to protecting our basic rights and the states take care of the details or should the federal government get more involved in our personal lives?

    Small or big? That is the question. Why do you feel the way you do? Please, explain your answer and share your insight with others. If you think that the government should provide jobs, health care, and subsidies, tell us why. If you think that the government should be small and less intrusive, let us know your reasons.

    Thought provoking reasoning is encouraged rather than blatant political bashing and harassment.

    Remember, please explain yourself so that we can all learn from your philosophies.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • "I" before "E" except after "C"...?

    If the saying goes "I" before "E" except after "C", then why is foreign not spelled foriegn? Is there any logic to it or any rule that I am unaware of? Should the saying be "I" before "E" except after "C" or if it comes before "G"?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Should the U.S. Government Give Less In Foreign Aid?

    The US has committed .7% of our GDP to foreign aid. This equates to nearly 97 billion dollars every year. When we can hardly afford to pay the interest payments on our Chinese loans, wouldn't it be more prudent to use that money here in the states?

    Should the government even support other countries? Everyone knows our money comes with strings attached which probably hinders other countries more than it helps them. Private donations from US citizens reached nearly 300 billion in 2006. Given, much of that stayed in the States, but still, Americans give...a lot. Maybe if we were taxed less we would give more to the causes that are important to us. I was reading an article that stated that the money donated and used through private charities goes MUCH further than the money given through government aid. Private organizations can build wells, teach classes, plant gardens, and provide medical treatment at a far lower cost than the government making each dollar stretch further. So it begs the question, should the U.S. government step aside and let private non-profit organizations/charities provide foreign aid?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite political conspiracy theory?

    Do you know of any good conspiracy theories concerning our government? If so share them here and add references to back them up if you can.

    Does the skull and bones society have tremendous political power? Does the bilderburg group control legislation and choose our leaders? Share your thoughts here.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who is really pulling the political strings?

    Do you think that Bush, Obama, Congress...were/are really dictating what is happening in the United States or do you think that other powers are the ones pulling the strings? Do you think it is big business (lobbyists), elitist groups, or foreign powers that are the ones pushing legislation through Washington?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which way will you vote?

    In the upcoming elections, will you vote your party or will you vote for the candidate you like the best regardless of party? Would you consider voting for a 3rd party candidate?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why Doesn't Congress Pass a Federal Sales Tax?

    Why wouldn't American get rid of income tax altogether and impose a lower sales tax that effects everyone equally? Wouldn't this increase tax revenue and decrease the burden on the government? You would no longer need the IRS. Nobody could cheat the system (not even drug dealers, prostitutes, or illegal aliens). The rich would pay more because they consume more. The super poor wouldn't pay at all because they would still be on food stamps and government assistance. The average person would keep more of their money because the over all tax rate would drop significantly for most people.

    Does this make too much sense for congress? It just seems too easy. Am I missing something? Is there a reason why we shouldn't take this route? What are the pros and cons you can think of about this method of taxation?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Weird Root Canal Pain?

    I had a root canal performed 3 months ago. Lately I have been having pain in that tooth. It hurts when I run, jump, or step hard. It is a weird pain. It almost feels like the inside of my tooth is filled with liquid. I know that sounds crazy, but it is the best way i can describe it. I don't have any pain in my jaw or elsewhere on my face, just the one tooth. Any ideas about what it could be? I have already dumped about $800 into this stupid tooth, so I don't really want to go back to the dentist.

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago