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I am a proud marine wife. He is the love of my life and my everything.We have been married for over a year now. We have a fun loving and beautiful puppy named Riley she is my life. I currently am living in NC on base.I love to dance, sing and act and I also love to get out and have fun.

  • Should I be worried?? pregnant or not?

    I stopped my Birth Control in November becuase me and my husband both could tell it was making me moody. I then missed my period in December. I thought I may be pregnant or it could have just been because I wasn't regulation it with BC anymore.I took 4 pregnancy test all were negative. Then about the second week in Janurary I got my period it was really heavy. Now about a week after mine stopped I Started bleeding again. I only bleed for about 4 days and it was fairly heavy. Now I am done bleeding but I'm getting some pains in my lower abdomin. Is there any reason I should think I'm pregnant? I am randomly feeling I have to pee and then I go to the bathroom and I don't really need to.

    Should I get another pregnancy test? or go to the doctor is there any reason for me to be worried? Does this maybe seem like a Eptomic pregnancy?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Average amount for Full time Babysitting?

    I was wondering what I should charge my neighbor for Full time babysitting this summer. I will be working from 8-5 5 days a week. The child lives right across the street from me. She is 7 years old, very hyper. The mom is a single mother. Also she wants me to take her to fun places like th water park, zoo ect. What should I charge her?

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What to do about my Military ID?

    My wallet got stolen with my Military ID in it. My husband is deployed right now and wont be back for awhile. I don't live on a base and the closest base to me is about 2 hours away. Is it possible for me to get a new ID? I'm not sure if they give spouses new ID if they are lost or stollen. What would be the best way of going about getting one with out my husband here and with out a POA. Can I still get on base?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Am I allowed to send this to Iraq?

    My husband is a Marine over in Iraq and he asked me to send him as many Tin's of Copenhagen as possible. Am I allowed to send that over to him or is it considered controband? I don't want to spend all that money on it to have it all taken away?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Estimated time to Iraq?

    I was wondering if anyone could estimate the time It would take for my husband to get from Cherry Point, NC to San Sin Jar or Ali Sad ( don't know how to spell it) Iraq?... He left today wiht no notice and I'm wondering when he will arrive there.

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to do this for Housing?

    My Husband is deploying in less then a month and I was wondering If it's possible to apply for on Base housing before he leaves to assure we have a house when he comes back. I want to move down there ( to NC wiht him, Cherry Point) when he comes home.

    It only takes about 2 months on the waiting list to get a house but can he go to housing on base and apply for housing so that i can move down there when he comes back and we can move in?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do you know the name of this song?

    I want to use this song for my Bridal party and I hae no idea what it's called?

    It's the first song in this video the slow motion one.

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • A quesiton about Tricare?

    I'am covered by Tricare as a dependant becuase my husband is a Marine. I was wondering if anyone knows what to do about this?...I have a current perscription for birth control and need to know how to get it put under my new insurance.

    I need to fil lme persciption and don't know how to go about having it under my tricare since i switch insurance.

    Does the perscription have to be administered by a tricare doctor or physican?

    I really need help with this, i don tknow how to go about doing it

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Question about BAH for Marines?

    I'm married to a marine and I was wondering if we are supossed to be getting BAH. He's stationed in NC and I live in michigan we got married Dec. 23rd and I'm not planing on moving down to NC till he comes back from Iraq which will be sometime by the end of this year. He is still living in the Baracks and has his meal card. I was wondering why we are not getting paid BAH because even though he doesnt need it there I need it here in Michigan. If you know any answers I would greatly appriciate it. He's station at Cherry Point if that helps for anything?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Opening a home day care?

    Are home day cares allowed in all communities in michigan? I can't find the answer to that any where can you please help it would be greatly appriciated!

    3 AnswersDetroit1 decade ago
  • Cherry point Lodging or hotel?

    Does anyone know what the name of or number is for the hotel on base? is there one? Also does anyone know of a nice inexpensive hotel NEAR cherry point?... I havnt had any luck they all have bad reviews

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • Hotels near cherry point?

    Does anyone know a nice inexpensive hotel near Cherry point NC? I have looked for some and they all have horrible reviews and I dont have the money to spend 100 a night?

    If you can help me that would be amazing!

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Lyrical songs for dance class?

    What are some good lyrical songs to use in my dance class? I want some more songs to add in

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Good hip hop songs for dance class?

    I need some nice hip hop songs that are appropriate for younger kids around the ages of 7. Also i need hip hop songs for teenagers.

    5 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • How long does it generally take??

    Me and my Fiance are getting married in late January early Feb. He leaves for Iraq in march will we have enough time to get me into the system before he leaves? How long does it usually take and do I have to be there with him? He's a Marine at Cherry Point in North Carolina

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Musicals based around children?

    Do you know any younger based musicals besides annie?..I'm doing a musical this fall at the dance studio i teach at and I want to make sure that I have more then chioce to choose from.. I have a feeling I'll end up doing annie becuase I love it i jsut want to know if there are any more?

    Proud Marine Fiance

    Proud dance teacher

    5 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Getting married to a marine?

    I hear that when you marrie a marine you have to move down there for 2 weeks to check in? Is this true? becuase me and my fiance are planingg to get married soon before heleaves for iraq and i dont think i can take 2 weeks off of work to go down there?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Good country songs for ages 7-12?

    I need to find two good country songs for kids ages 7 to 12 to beable to sing and dance to? any ideas I would like it to be up beat and happy if possible

    13 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Marine Cooks in afganastan?

    I was wondering what it is like in afganastan for marine cooks becuase my fiance leaves for afganstan in march? Also do you know what the average amount of time a marine is over in afganastan for? If you have any more information that I should know please add it in there :)


    Pround Marine Fiance

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • cherry point, NC?

    has anyone been stationed there? My boyfriend's duty station is there and he will be arriving there at the begining of july. I was jsut wondering what life was like there. What is there to do. Also how is family housing and life around there? were planing on getting married some time in the near future and I was wondering what it was like down there...

    anything you could tell me would be great thanks!

    Also he's a cook so I was wondering what he will most likly be doing around there?

    Proud Marine Girlfriend

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago