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<3 If I had You <3

Favorite Answers25%

I am sixteen years old and I am in the eleventh grade. I am a Company dancer at the Altoona Dance Theatre Company and have been for eight years. I dance Pointe, Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre, and I have a Jazz solo to "If I had You," by Adam Lambert. I <3 dancing and it is my life. If you have any questions about dance, I am your girl! I am, also, an active reader. I <3 the House of Night series, the Mortal Instruments series, the Infernal Devices series, the Twilight Saga, and the Main Street series. My fav books are: - The Host - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - House of Night: Betrayed - Old Yeller - Thirteen My fav authors are: - P.C./Kristen Cast - Stephine Meyer - Lauren Myracle - Ann M. Martin. - Cassandra Clare

  • College Selection Help, Please!!!?

    I am only a junior, but I am trying to get ideas of where I would like to go. Some ideas would be greatly appreciated and the pros and cons of going there; however, they must meet the following requirements.

    - I live in Altoona, Pa and I would like to stay as close to home as possible. (As in as close to Altoona as possible and definitely not leaving Pa.)

    - I want to Major in Education and Minor in Dance; so the college has to offer both.

    - I know for sure that Penn State Altoona and Slippery Rock offer both Education and Dance. I am highly considering these two colleges; so if you have any pros and cons about them, I would appreciate that as well.

    ~ Thank you

  • Survey for Biology 1 on Animal Abuse?

    I would appreciate it if at least sixteen people answered these questions.

     Age:

    1. Are you for or against animal testing?

    2. Would you consciously buy a product that was tested on animals?

    3. Why do you think scientists test on animals instead of humans?

    a) because they are cuter

    b) because of fewer legal issues

    c) because is costs less to test animals instead of humans

    d) there is no real reason

    Thank you very much!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What would be an appropriate title for my play?

    I had to write a play for school about the life of a nurse during the Civil War. The writing part was not a problem for me; but I can not come up with a title. Could you suggest one? Please, no harsh comments about my play, only post a title if you have a suggestion. Thank you!

    The scene begins with twenty-five year old Mary May sitting under the only undestroyed tree outside of the Medical tent at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. Mary May is shaking from her teeth to the tips of her toes; not only because of the chilly April weather, but, also, because of the ghastly sites she had seen just moments before. Mary May’s fiancé, John, rushes toward her and collapses beside her. John asks Mary May what had happened in the time that passed while he was delivering a message to another station. Mary May recalls the attack on Fort Sumter and goes into detail of the mangled men whom were brought in to the Medical tent to be treated, or to wait to die. “They were all crying out in pain – each and every one, at the same exact time. Not one stopped crying out to even catch a single breath of air. Their bodies were no longer complete. Some were missing limbs; some were missing eyes, while some were missing their entire torso! I tried to help them, I did, but there was no saving these men, they were goners from the moment they were hit,” she cried. John assures Mary May there was nothing she could have done for them. Mary May, eyes glistening, suggests that there is one last thing she can do for those men and their families. Mary May pulls several objects from her apron – pieces of paper and belt buckles. John asks Mary May what the paper and the belt buckles have to do with anything, although he already has a good idea of what the answer is. Mary May states that the paper and belt buckles holds the names, addresses, and units of her patients. Mary May explains to John that she wishes to write home to her patients families, explaining to them the attack on Fort Sumter, the death of their family member, and give her condolences. John smiles at Mary May and tells her that her kindness is the reason he fell in love with her, and offers to help her write the letters. Mary May smiles back, but denies his offer of help; because she feels the letters should come from the person who was with their loved one in their final moments. John’s smile widens and he bargains with Mary May that he will address the envelopes, as she writes the letters, and then mail the letters. Mary May agrees and they embrace each other with a warm hug, before departing in search of paper and pen, glad the other is alive and well after the tragedies of the day; and that they will not receive a letter like the ones Mary May is about to write.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Have you ever been caught in a situation like this?

    Running faster than the speed of light,

    She crushes the gravel below her tired feet;

    With all her might,

    She tries to beat,

    The evil one who mocks the pure,

    The one who controls the destiny that now stares upon her;

    But tugging at her is loves lure,

    This makes the demon seem as nothing but a blur.

    Embraced in the arms of her true love,

    The world seems right once more;

    Until reality strikes with a shove,

    From the evil man’s roar;

    She exchanged her true love vowels,

    With her one and only flame;

    When the evil man’s sword growled,

    And the sweethearts became his claim.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Please take My Global Studies Survey?

    You must be an adult (eighteen years or older) to take this survey. Thank you!

    Which Rights Are Most Important?

    Please rank the following rights from 1-10 in order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important.

    _____ Right to bear arms

    _____ Right to freedom of speech

    _____ Right to legal counsel

    _____ Right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment

    _____ Right to freedom of the press

    _____ Right to a jury trial

    _____ Right to freedom of religion

    _____ Right to peacefully assemble

    _____ Right to protection from self-incrimination

    _____ Right to privacy

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Please take My Global Studies Survey?

    You must be an adult (eighteen years or older) to take this survey. Thank you!

    Which Rights Are Most Important?

    Please rank the following rights from 1-10 in order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important.

    _____ Right to bear arms

    _____ Right to freedom of speech

    _____ Right to legal counsel

    _____ Right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment

    _____ Right to freedom of the press

    _____ Right to a jury trial

    _____ Right to freedom of religion

    _____ Right to peacefully assemble

    _____ Right to protection from self-incrimination

    _____ Right to privacy

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you like to participate in Disney Pixar trivia?

    Hi! :)

    I am obsessed with Disney Pixar movies -- as most are. :))

    If you are a fan, too, maybe you would like to answer a trivia question for ten "easy" points.

    If you are interested here is what you have to do:

    -- Answer the question correctly (duh)

    -- Be the first to answer the question (correctly)

    -- Do NOT use the internet to answer this question (it has to come from your memory only)

    -- You have until 10:00 P.M. (Eastern) tomorrow to answer this question

    Good Luck!

    The Question:

    How many outfits does Ken wear, through out the movie, in Toy Story 3?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you like to participate in Disney Pixar trivia?

    Hi! :)

    I am obsessed with Disney Pixar movies -- as most are. :))

    If you are a fan, too, maybe you would like to answer a trivia question for ten "easy" points.

    If you are interested here is what you have to do:

    -- Answer the question correctly (duh)

    -- Be the first to answer the question (correctly)

    -- Do NOT use the internet to answer this question (it has to come from your memory only)

    -- You have until 8:00 P.M. (Eastern) tomorrow to answer this question

    Good Luck!

    The Question:

    How many outfits does Ken wear, through out the movie, in Toy Story 3?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you like to participate in Disney Pixar trivia?

    Hi! :)

    I am obsessed with Disney Pixar movies -- as most are. :))

    If you are a fan, too, maybe you would like to answer a trivia question for ten "easy" points.

    If you are interested here is what you have to do:

    -- Answer the question correctly (duh)

    -- Be the first to answer the question (correctly)

    -- Do NOT use the internet to answer this question (it has to come from your memory only)

    -- You have until 8:00 P.M. (Eastern) tomorrow to answer this question

    Good Luck!

    The Question:

    Pizza Planet appears in all the Pixar movies except for one. Which movie is it?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you like to participate in Disney Pixar trivia?

    Hi! :)

    I am obsessed with Disney Pixar movies -- as most are. :))

    If you are a fan, too, maybe you would like to answer a trivia question for ten "easy" points.

    If you are interested here is what you have to do:

    -- Answer the question correctly (duh)

    -- Be the first to answer the question (correctly)

    -- Do NOT use the internet to answer this question (it has to come from your memory only)

    -- You have until 8:00 P.M. (Eastern) tomorrow to answer this question

    Good Luck!

    The Question:

    Pizza Planet appears in all the Pixar movies except for one. Which movie is it?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My First Pair of Pointe Shoes just Died...?

    My first pair of Pointe shoes just died, today. :'(

    When I get fitted for my second pair of Pointe shoes; will it be any different from when I was fitted for my first pair of Pointe shoes?

    Do I have to take my old Pointe shoes, to the fitting, to compare?

    Is it true the best pair of Pointe shoes you will ever have are your first pair?

    Anything else?

    4 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Will you please answer a few questions for my Business Systems Technology course?

    Hello! :)

    I have to ask several people questions relating to spreadsheet software. Will you please answer the following questions, with detailed responses; please? :)

    -- What spreadsheet software do you use (in business and/or personally)?

    -- For which business functions does your company or you personally use spreadsheets?

    -- What are some personal applications of spreadsheets, which you use?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Will you please answer a few questions for my Business Systems Technology course?

    Hello! :)

    I have to ask several people questions relating to spreadsheet software. Will you please answer the following questions, with detailed responses; please? :)

    -- What spreadsheet software do you use (in business and/or personally)?

    -- For which business functions does your company or you personally use spreadsheets?

    -- What are some personal applications of spreadsheets, which you use?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What is the name of the country song...?

    What is the name of the country song where the female signer is on the road and decides to make a stop at her childhood home? It mentions something about a tree outback where she and her family buried their dog.

    I want to play this song at my dog's memorial service, but I need to know what the title is and who sings it.

    5 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Repost: What does my dramatic dream mean?

    Ok, so I had this dream on Sunday, December 5, 2010 -- the morning of my birthday.

    The Altoona Area High School blew up, and the bomber was aiming to blow up Penn Lincoln Elementary, next. Myself and several others were trying to get the kids out of the school. A tree house was magically built in front of the school. I had no idea how it got their, but I knew it was built to protect my little sister (who was inside of it.) I could not see my mom, but my mind told me she was in the school. My dad was in his truck, outside of the school; waiting for my sister, my mom, and myself. Sections of the school would continue to blow up, but we got those kids out. The bomber appeared and I tried to nogotiate with him. He had the biggest bomb -- which would blow up not only the school and the people in it, but the homes and business surrounding it -- attached to a man; whom I did not recognize from real life, but recognized in my dream. The bomb was attached to the back of this man's leg. It was ticking and said how much time we had left to move EVERYONE within the area, since the bomber was non-nogotiable. However, it was attached backwards, so I could not read it. The bomber somhow attached himself to the man, so the only way I could read the bomb was to break the man's leg and twist it around. I did. The man was screaming in agony, but he told me, "Do it! Just do it! Save everyone, please!" We had thirty seconds left. I yelled, "EVERYONE RUN! GET OUT OF HERE! GO AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!!! SAVE THE CHILDREN!" I was trying to help more, when my dad called to me; he figured out a way we could stop the bomber, but we had to drive to our hotel to get what he needed. Our hotel (which looked like it was made of Legos and had a water park like Delgrosso's,) magically appeared behind Lowe's. *I don't know why we were staying in a hotel, because my home is ten minutes away from Penn Lincoln.* My dad was going to get out of the truck, to take the stairs, when the school blew up. Really sad music started playing and I screamed, "NOOOOOO!!!!!" The school, the homes and business surrounding the school, the people near there, my sister, and my mom -- all blew up. When I was crying, I watched a magnificent site. Two sparks flew out of the fire -- one from the school and the other from the tree house. They landed in a field about fifty yards in front of my dad and I, in the same exact spot. Two white orbs flew up in the air and to our truck. I looked out my window and there was my mom and my sister, much younger than they really are. They talked, but I could not hear the words they said. They waved to us and flew in to the air. I woke up crying.

    What does this mean?

    I posted this last night and one person answered. She said something would happen in 2011 that would "shake my core to my soul". Will this "shaking of my core to my soul" be extremely bad and not good? Will someone(s) die, whom I love?

    Please explain thouroly and give as much detail as possible.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How do you fix a cracked tap?

    My friend some how cracked a tap, on her Tap shoes. The cracked tap is the front tap. She literally cracked the tap! The tap is only holding on by a thread.

    How can she fix it? She doesn't want to buy new shoes and we don't know how to replace the tap with another one...

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • What does my dramatic dream mean?

    Ok, so I had this dream on Sunday, December 5, 2010 -- the morning of my birthday.

    The Altoona Area High School blew up, and the bomber was aiming to blow up Penn Lincoln Elementary, next. Myself and several others were trying to get the kids out of the school. A tree house was magically built in front of the school. I had no idea how it got their, but I knew it was built to protect my little sister (who was inside of it.) I could not see my mom, but my mind told me she was in the school. My dad was in his truck, outside of the school; waiting for my sister, my mom, and myself. Sections of the school would continue to blow up, but we got those kids out. The bomber appeared and I tried to nogotiate with him. He had the biggest bomb -- which would blow up not only the school and the people in it, but the homes and business surrounding it -- attached to a man; whom I did not recognize from real life, but recognized in my dream. The bomb was attached to the back of this man's leg. It was ticking and said how much time we had left to move EVERYONE within the area, since the bomber was non-nogotiable. However, it was attached backwards, so I could not read it. The bomber somhow attached himself to the man, so the only way I could read the bomb was to break the man's leg and twist it around. I did. The man was screaming in agony, but he told me, "Do it! Just do it! Save everyone, please!" We had thirty seconds left. I yelled, "EVERYONE RUN! GET OUT OF HERE! GO AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!!! SAVE THE CHILDREN!" I was trying to help more, when my dad called to me; he figured out a way we could stop the bomber, but we had to drive to our hotel to get what he needed. Our hotel (which looked like it was made of Legos and had a water park like Delgrosso's,) magically appeared behind Lowe's. *I don't know why we were staying in a hotel, because my home is ten minutes away from Penn Lincoln.* My dad was going to get out of the truck, to take the stairs, when the school blew up. Really sad music started playing and I screamed, "NOOOOOO!!!!!" The school, the homes and business surrounding the school, the people near there, my sister, and my mom -- all blew up. When I was crying, I watched a magnificent site. Two sparks flew out of the fire -- one from the school and the other from the tree house. They landed in a field about fifty yards in front of my dad and I, in the same exact spot. Two white orbs flew up in the air and to our truck. I looked out my window and there was my mom and my sister, much younger than they really are. They talked, but I could not hear the words they said. They waved to us and flew in to the air. I woke up crying.

    What does this mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Would you mind commenting on my poem?

    I have not written a poem in a while, because I have not been inspired by anything. Tonight, I sat outside when the sky was not quite dusk. It was so beautiful! I did not realize it until later that I was singing a poem to myself that I have never heard of before. "Weird," I thought. Then I realized that I made it up all on my own, just like that! Constructive criticism only, please...


    Midnight magic, on a cold winter’s night;

    Makes everything else in life not seem as bright.

    Midnight magic, shining down on me;

    Makes me feel an explosion of glee.

    Midnight magic makes me smile;

    I wish I could store it in a vile.

    Midnight magic, where did you go?

    You quickly began to melt away, like snow.

    Midnight magic, will I see you soon;

    Or will I have to wait until June?

    Midnight magic, I love you so;

    And I will forever miss your beautiful glow.

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Re-Repost: Please take my survey for my Algebra 1 class?

    This is the third time I am posting this question -- I will hope that it is the charm.

    I needed eleven people (plus myself, to equal twelve,) to take my survey, for my Algebra 1 class. Including myself, only seven people have taken the survey. I need five more people to take my survey.

    Please answer the following question in your text box: Which type of animal is your favorite – Panda, Owl, Both, or Neither?

    PLEASE HELP ME!!! Thank you!

    9 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Repost: Please take my survey for Algebra 1?


    I posted a survey earlier and I only got four responses. I need seven more! Please take my survey?

    Which type of animal is your favorite – Panda, Owl, Both, or Neither?

    Thanks! Please type your choice in to the text box.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago