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I am a 40 ish male from Michigan. I am married. I am a Christian that can't stand political correctness. I am a poet and nature lover when I am not in the lab perfecting my knee machine. Favorite quote: "You are in the presence of genius and you are acting like a fool!"

  • Christians, why are you still patriotic?

    Not just Christians, but all americans. The government has taken our rights by illegal wiretapping, info gathering and TSA searches at airports, IRS audits illegally done to targeted individuals based on stereotypical criteria, to the government being for abortion, for taking God out of the schools and public, and for gays in the service and civil unions and allowing lobbyists of big business to mandate the quality of our foods that the FDA approves with their rubber stamp that ensures the big businesses keep their monopoly and keeps the good business farmers down. The government allows Vegas to burn their Kw's of neon signs while demanding energy conservation of us individuals. The Gov. allows pollution of toxic compounds in our streams and lakes at "safe levels". The gov. now forces it's citizens to purchase health insurance. They take away our right to bare arms by their imposed bans on certain weapons when our forefathers wanted us to have the same weapons as foreign and domestic armies have, so we can defend ourselves against tyrannical governments and mafia, drug gangs, Jihadist extremists as well as the crazies that go into malls, universities, and theaters. Instead the government that has shown to be ineffective against maintaining safety in the streets and in neighborhooods with poor response times and such, and yet they take away the rights of private citizens to protect their families against such "domestic armies".

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does any christian out there know what "the fornication of Esau" really is?

    I'll give you some hints...Deuteronomy 22:9 “You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seed, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled...Jeremiah 49:10 But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places, and he shall not be able to hide himself: his seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbours, and he is not (notice defiled and spoiled are the common thread) and that Esau took foreign wives which were greif of mind to his parents and here Esau is said to have spoiled seed from sowing diverse seed in his vineyard( family). Also see that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all made it a strict point to take wives of their own race of people, but Esau did not do this. Remember that God destroyed the world when mankind took wives of all (races) they chose and God said that "all flesh has become corrupted" and will be destroyed by flood. Then God reset mankind and each of Noah's sons were their own tribe, tongue and nation. Then, mankind lived together as one people in Babylon, and God said it is not good for man to be one and God confused the language so that the individual peoples could not communicate and intermarry. Also, Revelation speaks of the Great Harlot who causes mankind to drink the wine of her fornication and she is shown as sitting on waters. These are birth waters and the waters are said to be multitudes of peoples.

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • does anyone else have the stupid text under the questions?

    Every question posted on yahoo has 4 or 5 related links listed right under the answer question button. If someone asked if there were rabbits multiplying on the ark when Noah was on the water, there would be a 1. results for noah's ark rabbits at 2. Noah's ark deals at www.big etc. Why is this stupid crap up here for every question and it makes no sense!!!!! It really pisses me off!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • "fellow Christians" why or how is it that you disregard scripture that plainly define slavery?

    Bob Dutko said on radio that slavery of the bible was not like slavery in America. He said that it was when someone could not pay a debt and so they worked off their debt as a servant, voluntarily. This is not slavery of the bible, this is what the bible calls "bond servant". All the examples of slavery, such as; Joseph being taken against his will, Sarah with Hagar making Hagar lay with Abraham to produce an heir that would not be Hagar's, as a free will servant, but just as American slavery, the offspring were owned outright as the slave was their property, not an indentured servant. God is for slavery and even used it for His purpose in Joseph's case as well as the Hebrews in Egypt. They were slaves not by choice, either. The New testament does not forsake slavery, either. The book of Philemon is all about a runaway slave Onesimus. Paul writes to Philemon and says that he is sending Onesimus back to him to fulfill his duty as a slave. Paul does not say that Onesimus is a free man, but begs Philemon to be kind and not punish Onesimus upon his return. Ephesians 6:5-10, Col 3:22-24, 1 Tim 6:1-3, titus 2:8-10, 1 Peter 2:17-19 as well as other scriptures that clearly show that slaves are to be slaves and not somehow free under Christ. It is also clear by these scriptures that it is the slavery of the Americans as they speak of harsh treatment by the masters and someone who is a "willing" servant would not put up with abuse. Slavery of the bible is clearly the same slavery of the Americas. Bond servant is the biblical term used for willing servants that serve to pay debts. It amazes me that Bob Dutko and others claim that biblical slavery is not the same as American slavery and that those who hold that position are the ones that haven't read their bible properly! Instead of standing on truth, Bob and others twist scripture to fit societies ideal of what is proper and dress God up to be more appealing to the world. God's word says that mans ways are not His ways. God's word says that there is a way that seems right to man, but in the end is destruction. Is not God sovereign? Yet they put God into a box and say that He is this or He is not that. The same God that sent His Son to die for the world's sins is the same God that will slay every evil person and send them to a Hell where they will be tortured for eternity! Yet they dress God up to be this politically correct God that would never do anything that is harsh or that would appear to be cruel.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • what is one's opinion on the zero tolerance gun policy in schools?

    Heard about the 3rd graders that are kicked out of school for pointing their fingers at each other and going "bang" just as most kids have been doing for as long as guns have been around? My real question is with this zero tolerance where you cannot even have a picture of a gun, do any of the schools textbooks have pictures of civil war soldiers or the such? Does this violate this "zero tolerance" policy and will they have to buy all new textbooks or cover the pictures with censorship stickers? how ridiculous is this really gonna get? Are the teachers going to be suspended or fired if they let one of these pictures get through to a student's fragile little impressionable mind? Is the school board going to be fired for negligence of insuring that no such books exist in the classrooms and what about a library book that might speak of a gun? Oh my!!! They sure have their work cut out for them! It is all ridiculous and insanity, yet the public either thinks it is smart to do or they just ignore the stupidity of it all. If i was a kid and found such pictures in my textbooks, I would raise the biggest protest and fuss in regards to the double standard of the "no guns" policy. If I had a kid in school, i would go through every book in search of these horrible and nasty and dangerous pictures of guns before my kid gets hurt!

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What about these "zero tolerance" no gun policies in schools?

    Heard about the 3rd graders that are kicked out of school for pointing their fingers at each other and going "bang" just as most kids have been doing for as long as guns have been around? My real question is with this zero tolerance where you cannot even have a picture of a gun, do any of the schools textbooks have pictures of civil war soldiers or the such? Does this violate this "zero tolerance" policy and will they have to buy all new textbooks or cover the pictures with censorship stickers? how ridiculous is this really gonna get? Are the teachers going to be suspended or fired if they let one of these pictures get through to a student's fragile little impressionable mind? Is the school board going to be fired for negligence of insuring that no such books exist in the classrooms and what about a library book that might speak of a gun? Oh my!!! They sure have their work cut out for them! It is all ridiculous and insanity, yet the public either thinks it is smart to do or they just ignore the stupidity of it all. If i was a kid and found such pictures in my textbooks, I would raise the biggest protest and fuss in regards to the double standard of the "no guns" policy. If I had a kid in school, i would go through every book in search of these horrible and nasty and dangerous pictures of guns before my kid gets hurt!

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • Any Christians agree with me, that America deserves all the horrible things happening to this country?

    First, America made women equal to men, even though the Old and new testament clearly state that women are to be SUBJECT to man and that man is the HEAD of women. NT goes on to clearly state that women are not to teach(the WORD of God) or have authority over man, yet the nation as well as God's people eagerly and willingly accept the opposite to be true. They applaud women's equality. Satan tried that before by making woman equal to God when she ate the forbidden fruit. this time, Satan just tempted woman with equality to man, and she bit and man followed right behaind just as the last time. The Bible also clearly says that God forbids mixed marriage as in Gen esis 6. They took wives of all they chose(all races). The context is that of two bloodlines mixing, the sons of God and the daughters of man. Noah was perfect in his generations (heritage/ race). When God reset mankind after flood, they were individual nations, tribes, tongues. Then they mixed again and became one people in Babylon and God said it is not good. Abraham knew the importance to marry from own race of people. Isaac also knew and was displeased when Esau took foreign wives. Hebrews 12:16 says that Esau sold his birthright for a morsel of food. This speaks spiritually that he had a fleshly desire(hunger) and he rather filled the desire instead of follow God's instruction to marry own race. This desire of God was further laid out when the law was given. God said they were to not take wives of the foreign people nor give their daughters to them. God even gave natural examples to further impose the command to not marry foreign people. A$s and ox not be yoked together shows two types of beasts of burden, yet they are not to be yoked(married). The jews knew this meant to stay pureblooded. God also told them to not wear clothes made of mixed fabrics. This meant the same thing. Skin is an outer covering, as clothes are, and represents different races being woven together. Also, God explains this principle by saying dont plant your vineyard with diverse seed lest your seed become spoiled. Esau did this and in Jeremiah 49,it states that Esau is spoiled. Phillipians 3:19 says that ungodly people worship their bellies. It says that this represents fleshly desires. It further shows Esau's hunger as following his belly instead of Godly principle. There are many other NT texts that call mixing of races fornication. 2 Peter 2, 1 Corinth 10, Rev 2, Rev 17, also, Ezek 6, 7, and 16 all speak of Isreal mixing with foreigners and it being fornication. It is the fornication of Esau and the fornication that Balaam taught in Numbers 22-25 which 1 corinth 10 references as not being proper behavior for Christians. Yet Christians embrace this ungodly practice and call, what the bible calls evil, good. Now, the next step of the worldly doctrine that Satan (appearing as an angel of light) is selling, under the name of civil rights, is gay marriage. Again, many Christians have already fallen for this blasphemy. Civil unions is all a part of this world doctrine that has been happening in this country for over 50 years. Step by step, the world and Christians too, step right in line and join the march. The world took God's word out of our government, schools all in the name of liberty and civil rights. The civil rights movement is not from God but Satan. America deserves the killing in schools. This is what happens when God is taken out. Evil fills the gap and you reap what you sow. God destroyed the mixed race world and their offspring by flood, this time, He uses abortion, school shootings, hurricanes, public shootings and other means to punish the deserving masses. Until this country repents from these wicked practices, this is their heritage. They deserve the antichrist government that this country is headed towards. Why do you think they want to take our guns? They will control us! God has ordained it just as all the kings of old conquered the Israelites when they mixed races and adopted worldly ways. God gave them over to their evil hearts. He allowed them to be slaves and ruled by wicked, foreign kings.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why aren't the Christian Scientists upset at Obamacare?

    The constitution gives us the right of freedom of religion( even though the liberal governemnt has taken many of those rights away, already). Christian Scientists do not believe in modern healthcare practices, yet the government is forcing them to buy and accept health insurance that directly violates their right to not have health insurance or to obtain modern healthcare when sick. Just another way in which the government takes away our rights of religious practice by their laws. What part of the constitution that states the that congress shall in no way pass laws that restrict the the free exercise and expression of ones religion? denying prayer, public display of nativity, etc. are laws (or interpretations of laws) that blatently restrict our right to express and exercise our right to proclaim our beliefs.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How does everyone feel about aborted fetus cells in our food?

    There are many foods that use these cells from aborted babies and still born babies. Pepsi is not the only company that does this. Pepsi puts fetus cells into our beverages, but there are many other companies that put these smae cells into crackers, cookies, and potato chips as well as many other types of foods and sauces/ condiments. The real kicker is that a well known baby food company feeds, yep you guessed it, dead babies to live babies. The government and Obama gave the o.k. to this practice, yet the FDA stormed an icecream stand with swat teams to stop them from serving real strawberries instead of the sugary artificially flavored and colored "strawberry syrup" that causes diabetes and other cancer risks. Guess who the government cares about? Hint, It isn't you or I. It is big business and big business turns us into cannibals. Ever hear about human hair in our bread? I am totally sickened by these food companies practices and the lies that our government tells us to protect big corporations. Where do I sign up for "occupy Wallstreet"? We need to make some changes and I don't mean Mr. Obama's version of them. I mean boycott these companies and kick out these democrats and republicans that allow all this to happen. Ban Lobbying in Washington! It is "WE THE PEOPLE" not we the servants of the poloticians. They serve us, although they haven't been for many years.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is there no outrage against Saudi Arabia?

    The government of saudi Arabia just made it law and policy to not allow gay people, or even "girlish" boys or "tomboys" for girls, to attend school until they act properly for their gender type. Why is there no outcry of intolerance or hate speech against this Islamic nation? Why doesn't Hollywood and the liberal media demand that this type of behavior is wrong? If it were happening in Canada or France or any where other than an islamic nation, there would be an outcry of bigotry and intolerance and demands of boycots and economic sanctions against them for such practices. I guess it is like how the media never mentioned the riots of 100's of black teens against white people at the state fair in Wisconsin, but one man defends himself against a black teen and the whole nation gets in an uproar! I guess it is ok for a a black person to beat up on whites, but not the opposite. It is also obvious that it is ok to be against homosexuals if you are a majority islamic nation, but not if you are a majority, Christian nation.

  • Did you know that an ignorant fool is an anagram for?

    An ignorant fool is someone that is ignorant of God's ways and a fool is someone who says there is no God. some common anagrams made from "ignorant fool" are as follows:

    ATONING FLOOR: which is where they will be when they are before the Mighty Lord on His Day of Judgment, groveling for mercy.

    LOAFING ON ROT: Which is where they will be for all eternity in hell with the eternal rotting of their flesh and the heaps of their wastes.

    RATING OF LOON: which is the title they shall wear on their foreheads when they are marked as a demented fool fit for eternal punishment of mental torment and anguish.

    TANGO FOR LION: which is the erotic dance they perform with their father the devil, (1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour").

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • back in the days of the depression and elsewhere, you hear all the stories of little food and huge families...?

    You hear about the 10 brothers and sister living in a three bedroom house with mother and father. You hear about some days not eating or eating a handful of beans for your supper. You hear about wearing your ragged out hand-me-down jeans and shirts and bathing once or twice a week because of lack of water or whatever. Today, everyone forgets the hardships that made the proud, frugal, surviors of hard times that made them better people that appreciated the things they had, and we now have a bunch of selfish, entitled snobs. My proble is that if those families were alive today, CPS and other agencies would knock on their doors and take the kids from the parents because there are five brothers sharing one bedroom and they don't have proper clothes (ones without holes and freshly washed). Yet this was the way of life for most of america some 70 years ago. many went without lots of food for days, yet CPS will step in and take the kids away and put them on the welfare system or foster care (taxpayer funded) instead of leaving the kids in the family structure and helping some other way.

    My question is when did the government and the people of America feel they had the right to step in and take kids from families that live just as most did 70 some years ago.? it was the normal then, but now, it somehow has become less than acceptable and abuse and neglect.

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • What the heck happened on Survivor 3/7/12?

    First, how did Colton become the leader of the men that he hates and can't relate to? He gets the immunity idol and plots with the women. Now he is untouchable. He has no relevance to the merger, as the men are dominating the challenges and by the time of the merger, they will have the majority and can vote all the women off and anyone else they choose. Then, the men win immunity and then decide to go to council to vote the short guy off for breaking the trust, yet they don't vote that guy off, but the guy they were already planning to vote off next time they went to council. So they wanted to go to council to make the point to not break the trust, yet they don't vote accordingly. They should have used that time to vote Colton off as he thought there was no way he would need to play the idol and they could have voted his butt off! Yet it amazes me that Colton is calling all the shots and suggesting strategies that make no sense and everyone just goes along with the nonsense! WOW! Again, the men have the numbers, so the merger doesn't even play into the game. Colton has no value with the women making alliances after the merge. yet the men willingly give up a member that would have voted against the other tribe after the merger. I think it is all to more even out the tribes to make it more interesting instead of just having the men sweep all the challenges and all the women get voted out before the merger and after the merger. I think it was a Network decision to make for better ratings especially with all the controversy that was spoken at the men's tribal council. I wouldn't be surprised if Colton wins this thing, even though i am dumbfounded as to why everyone thinks he is untouchable and that he has any value to the tribe physically or politically.

    5 AnswersReality Television9 years ago
  • Christians: if a mother takes the mark of the beast to feed her kids?

    Is she A: showing selfless love and sacrifice spoken of in John 15:13 by laying down her life for her children; OR is she B: committing an unpardonable sin by taking the mark and not trusting God for her provisions and loving her kids more than God and Jesus, which Mathew 10:37 says if you love your family more than you do God, you are not worthy to be called by His name?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • spiritually speaking: if I were an atheist?

    would I need to wear a pin that says the intolerance of Christians towards others that have different opinions than them will not be tolerated!? just asking? cuz....

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If hundreds of species commit homosexuality and therefore it is natural?

    Then is it okay for humans to do it as we have many examples of this behavior in nature to prove that it is a natural tendency, therefore it should be accepted for human behavior? If so, Do we then look to the many examples of animals and fish species that eat their young and deem that it is okay for us to eat our young? We have already declared that it is okay to kill our unborn and even the failed abortions that survive, which brings me to my next point. Many species have males that kill any offspring that aren't theirs to ensure that only their genes are propogated. Also, they kill a females kids to put them back into mating mode. Do we allow this in human behavior as we have plenty of examples of this natural behavior in the animal kingdom. How about the fact that almost all species of animals have males that physically fight for dominance (sometimes to the death) to have the right to mate with the females of the species. Do we then accept this behavior fit for humanity? It is all natural and can be seen time and again in nature. Or as humans, do we have more intelligence, a higher reasoning and ability to create and build and think and plan and rationalize things. Do we not know right from wrong (supposed to know) and do not act on instinct and base animalistic urges that drive a dog to hump another male dog, a cat, a pillow, a human's leg? Animals do this on urges and without knowing any better of what is natural and right and wrong. humans, however, have had a sense of right and wrong and morality for thousands of years, yet it is only in the past half a century with God being taken out of society that these basic values have been under attack and scrutinized and such behavior has been accepted and promoted.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Am I wrong or arent you supposed to be 18 in order to view naked materials?

    i have watched several movies that show brief nudity and they are rated PG 13. When did the guidelines change that allow for the film industry to bypass this federal law banning minors from viewing sexually explicit material? Many of their covers even have to have body parts blacked out so children can't see nipples and such. Yet they are legally allowed to see a movie that shows a woman's breast and nipples...Parents of God fearing families BEWARE! The movie industry is their own watchdog and they set the standards of decency not the government. Hollywood has big money and we all know big money has poloticians in their pockets.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Am I wrong, or arent you supposed to be 18 in order to view naked pics?

    i have watched several movies that show brief nudity and they are rated PG 13. When did the guidlines change that allow for the film industry to bypass this federal law banning minors from viewing sexually explicit material? Many of their covers even have to have body parts blacked out so children can't see nipples and such. Yet they are legally allowed to see a movie that shows a womans breast and nipples...Parents of God fearing families BEWARE! The movie industry is their own watchdog and they set the standards of decency not the government. Hollywood has big money and we all know big money has poloticians in their pockets.

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Why does society lack any etiquette?

    People chew with their mouth open and talking, even on the cooking shows. People "poodle skirt" their gum and chew it loudly, snapping bubbles. People boom the bass in their cars with no regard for their fellow drivers or the people in their homes. People let their dogs bark loudly and non-stop for hours at a time without regard for their neighbors peace and quiet, especially these days with people working different shifts and sleeping at different times. What about all those darn pen clickers!? they aren't the worst offenders, but they drive me crazy, too. What ever happened to being considerate? i guess that went out the window when God went out the window and political correctness came in. Oh, and not to mention parents not keeping their kids behaved in public. We have to listen to their screaming and ranting because parents have lost the ability to spank their unruly kids for bad behavior. Again, political correctness makes it wrong to discipline a child. They think that a child can be reasoned with, when they lack the proper cognitive functions to reason their actions and consequences. A child just doesn't understand that if he plays in the street, he can get hit by a car, but they understand a swift smack in the a$s.

    4 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Why is it that all the top contributors to YA?

    Everyone that is high level or high contributor or best answer heroes all have their Q's and A's private? What are they hiding?

    6 AnswersReality Television9 years ago