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  • What dog should i get for agility?

    i want a dog that is FAST and light on their toes, but has lots of strength. Also, one that is good with kids and will always be protective over me like a big guard dog. I mostly want one that is VERY smart ad can be taught tricks easily. So far i have been bouncing between border collies, Dobermans, Huskies, and Shetland sheepdogs. I can't decide. They need to be able to compete in agility competitions and pretty much any dog show. And i am going to teach my dog to be a helper dog too. One that is not afraid to get in the water, and in other words, not afraid of anything. Please help me decide. Number on things I want out of my dog:






    and Kindness to everybody

    ALSO, i do not want one that is bouncing off thew walls 24/7. I want one laid back, but quite active outside. And one that can catch a Frisbee.

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How do i change the pitch of a song on Sound Fogre Audio studio?

    It came with Sony Vegas Movie Studio hd production suite. I am trying to raise the pitch of a song so it sounds like a kid is singing it, not an adult. I found one way to do that, but it speeds up the whole song! And then it just sounds terrible! I have tried everything! PLEASE HELP!!!

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago

    I feel like screaming or crying as loud and long as I can. Or groaning. Also i feel REALLY lonely and depressed. Not to mention, I will all of the sudden feel like throwing up or have a stomach ache. I never do throw up.

    Also... I CAN'T SLEEP!!!! For the past 2 months, I have felt drained of energy, and tired, but when i lye down, I toss and turn and stay up till 3:00 in the morning. Sometimes, I never do fall asleep and end up staying up all night reading a book, or playing nintendo ds games.

    No, I don't have any "problems" and no I don't think i have depression; besides, I'm only 14! I thought 14 year olds can't get depression.

    The number one problem I have had, is i feel like a SCREW UP!!! or stupid, not meant to be living, a waste of air. BUT no, I am not thinking suicidal thoughts. In fact, I don't want to die yet. I still have plenty of things to do. (I have a long bucket list)

    Also, I have lost interest in my FAVORITE things. Like drawing, singing, hanging with family and friends, etc. And when my best friend sends me a text, or asks me to skype, I feel this sudden rush of disappointment and sadness fill me, and then i feel (well, already said this) like crying and screaming as loud and as long as i can. Please help!!! I feel lost and confused. I mostly feel like a screw up. is this depression? do i need "help"

    My dad says if i keep bringing this up to him, he'll take me to the hospital, and they will send me to a place for crazy people. Is that what i need? Do i need to be treated like a psychopath?

    My dad thinks I'm faking to get attention, and when ever I bring it up, he just tells me to knock it off, and stop it. My mom however sometimes comforts me, but she has more and more been saying the same thing as my dad.

    So far, all the websites I have looked at for help mostly all say my bodies lacking iron. so what should i eat to get enough iron in my system? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! I'M DESPERATE AND LOSING SLEEP!!!! and no, as my dad says. . . . . I'M NOT FAKING!!!!

    P.S, Don't say go to the doctor or therapist, because my parents think I'm faking. I've asked them if i can see a therapist, but they won't take me. So i basically have to figure this out on the internet, and /or on my own. : ( that's another thing. I feel like nobody wants me around. My brother (the mean one) said as usual, "shut up" or "Your faking" While my other bro says, "no, your fine, now go to bed!!!" WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY WANT ME AROUND!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • can i use cookie dough that has been out at room temperature?

    I made some white chocolate chip cookies yesterday, I still had a lot of cookie dough left, so i thought i would just make more tomorrow. Today, I found out I had left the cookie dough out instead of putting it in the fridge. So i thought it was no big deal! That it doesn't matter, but my brothers said if i leave cookie dough out for too long, the eggs in it will form salmonella! He said it will make me sick! So people, CAN i still use the cookie dough? I STILL HAVE A LOT AND I DON'T WANT TO WASTE IT!!!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • hey boys, how do i get a boy to ask me out?!?

    Alright boys in junior high, please tell me how to get a boy who likes me, but is shy to ask me out!!!!!

    There's this boy that is on my bus in the mornings, and sometimes on my bus in the afternoons. He is the most sweetest boy I've ever met. We went trick or treating together, he offered his gloves when i pulled the "damsel distress card," but I rejected him not knowing.

    I have been trying to get it pretty obvious that i like him. REALLY! I have hearts in my eyes, but I'm losing interest in him because he's not making a "move." I have been WAITING for him to ask me out for a year now. Although, I'm truly starting to give up, and try for another boy that's also sweet. I just wish a boy would ask me out!!! I don't understand, is it my breath, my look, my style, my voice, or my scent that makes him SO shy?

    Please help!!!! I really love him, not like him. Also, I know he would know who wrote this if he found it. We sat on the bus together yesterday, and talked about minecraft. Please ask me out (insert name here!)

    Whoa, I really do sound desperate, but I'm not trying to.

    P.S, I looked up how to know if a girl likes you, and I have been doing those things, to show I like him, but it's not getting his attention. If he truly doesn't want me as his girlfriend, I'm cool, I just wish I would get some kind of answer or symbol to know how he feels about me. :'(

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What kind of rodent should i get?!?

    OK, so for all of you who have answered my question on how to talk my mom into letting me have my friend's rabbit, well he sort of, ran away yesterday. My friend was REALLY upset and she's asking me to please take the cage because every time she looks at it, it reminds her of her bunny. My mom is starting to warm up to the thought. Plus, my granny has been talking my mom into letting me have a rabbit.

    So I have had second thoughts about guinea pigs, or a ferret. (Yes I know, I left a very long answer to this one person on yahoo answers who is asking the same question as me) and I told her she should get a ferret. Well now I'm having second thoughts about guinea pigs. But I want a rabbit. But then again rabbits are really scared of people. And guinea pigs aren't that scared. Plus, I was going to put the cage in the garage, and I didn't think the ferret's coat would be thick enough. Neither a guinea pig's. But my friend had the cage outside and her rabbit was never cold. So I'm kind of fighting against myself. So please help! The choices are:

    Rabbit Guinea pig OR Ferret

    6 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • how do i look at my private favorite playlists on youtube?

    I noticed that youtube has changed their set up once again! So now I can't find my play list. I want to look at my PRIVATE play list that has all many favorite videos in it. Thanx!

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • how do I talk my mom into letting me have a rabbit?!?

    My friend has a pet rabbit, and her mom is begging me to take the rabbit because my friend never takes care of it. (Her mom takes care of the rabbit ) I really like rabbits, especially that one, but no matter how many times I BEG her to one, she'll make up stuff like: They stink, I'll end up having to take care of it, they're a lot of work, You can't forget to feed them, you have to find a pet sitter which costs money, and your dad is allergic (Which he actually is.)

    I already have a cat, so I already do all that stuff, and my friend could take care of the rabbit while I'm gone, because I take care of the rabbit when she's vacationing. In fact, I'm going to be watching the rabbit in the summer while she's in hawaii. Her mother is even going to give me ALL the supplies, including the cage, food, hay, water bottle, toys, etc. Also, there's a spot in our backyard in an undercover area. That's where I'd put the hutch. Then, I would put chicken wire and a gate across the opening. So then the rabbit would have a little area to move around. Plus, they have a rabbit harness and leash, so I would let him out to graze in the grass. Does anyone have any ideas on how to convince my mom that rabbits are not stinky, puff balls of filth. Btw, her family had mean rabbits when she was little, so now she is convinced all rabbits bite and are mean. :' (

    4 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Where can I get free drawing software?!?

    I have looked everywhere, but all the websites I have found seems like they'd give my computer a virus! I downloaded gimp, but hated it! And I have tried to download photoshop Cs3 for free, but it looked un safe! I can't find any good drawing software for drawing wolf anime!!! I want a GOOD software for anime! Like this:

    Please help! I have been currently using paint, but it Absolutely SUCKS! Is there any FREE software? And is there any safe websites to get Photoshop Cs3 Free?!

    Thanks in advance to all of those who answer

    6 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • how do i make am iron door open when i put a boat on a pressure plate in minecraft?

    I saw a video where this guy got an iron door to open when he put a boat on top of a pressure plate. I have been trying to make a cool minecraft map, where one of the doors works that way. I have tried putting a trail of redstone from the pressure plate, to the iron door, and it works just fine if I stand on the pressure plate. But I can't get over to the door before it closes. So I want to be able to put a boat/mine cart (either or) on the pressure plate to activate it! Please help me figure this out. Thanks!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • why won't yahoo let me make my avatar female?

    I went to the website to create your very own yahoo avatar, and it works just fine. But when I try to make my person female, it won't let me. It acts like I didn't press anything! Is anybody else having this problem? It will let me change the clothes, hairstyle, eye color, etc, but all of that is boy hairstyles, clothing, etc. Please help!

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • How do i sooth my stomach and head?

    I have given myself some ibuprofen, but that didn't help. Then I tried sipping some montain dew, gingerale, sprite, etc. and water, but that made it worse. Then I tried lying down, but then I got a headache, and couldn't fall asleep. I even tried going out for soom fresh air. I gagged a couple times over the toilet, but nothing came out. I feel REALLY dizzy too. Please help. I ran out of ideas.

    5 stars to who ever has the best answer.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • how do i get a boy to stop being mean?

    To make a long story short, a boy I've known since 4th grade has been nice to me and always giving me tips and pointers to keep my head up. Although, when second semester started this year, he has been full out horrid to me!

    The first sign of him being mean, was when ALL the seats were taken on my bus. He was the only one sitting alone, and he wasn't saving it for someone because I'm the LAST person on my bus every day! I asked him if I could sit next to him, but all he did was shake his head no and give me a smirk smile. I ended up getting squished on to a small seat with two other people already on it! ( yes, my bus is VERY crowded)

    Every time he was paired up with me, he would grunt out loudly and roll his eyes. One time, while we were working in class, his pencil case fell off his desk, so I picked it up for him just to be kind and hope he'd lighten up. Although instead, he jerked it out of my hand and said to NEVER touch his stuff. It embarrassed me in front of the whole class.

    Just two days ago, we were paired up again in spanish class. honestly, I suck at spanish. So after class, he said loud enough that everyone in the hallway heard it, " you are the worst partner and spanish speaker I have ever seen! Go get a life you idiot!" I ran to the bathroom and cried until lunch was over, because everyone laughed at me. (everyone still teases me about that. they just won't let me forget that moment)

    We haven't been partnered up for a while because one time in class, he called me "Fea" (spanish word for ugly) and the teacher heard it.

    But now he glares at me every second of every day! I think he is being this way because before all this started, his best friend used to be the same way! I didn't know that they were best friends, and at that time, the two of us were friends! Not knowing any better, I told him about this awful boy. He got quiet after that for a while. What should i do? My locker is magically getting trashed on the outside! Not to mention, the boy I like now never even look at me! He acts like I scare him because he hides his face when I walk by, and his face gets really bright red. I need help on how to get this resolved!

    I already tried going to the counselor, but he just became even more rude! Please help!

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • homemade spa stuff? Please help!?

    I want to make a friend somethings you would find in a spa like: body scrub, bath salts, shower gel, etc. Those are the top three I want to know how to make. Plus, another friend is going to make a cd with calm, relaxing music, like ocean waves (her favorite) Please help me! Her birthday is in like 3 or 4 days! Also, I'm going to be making a sleeping maskwith her name on it! What do you think of that idea? huh! lol ; )

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays9 years ago
  • I can't find this castle in minecraft! Please help!?

    I downloaded this map, and you spawn in the middle of a forest! I have been searching for hours! Please help me find it! here's the link to the download:

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • I need some story ideas?

    I like to write stories for my family or friends but can't think of any ideas! All I have that's in progress is:

    1) a story about a princess who wants to know what it feels like to be normal. so she runs away from her royal life to become an average teenager.

    2) a story about a girl with an autistic brother who has to go to a special school for handy capped kids. While there to drop him off on the first day, she meets a blind girl who later becomes her best friend.

    3) A college student who is heading off to college, but somebody well, tries to kill her. The only problem, is that that one is a dead end! I can't think of the person that would try to kill her. Maybe you could help think of the villian!

    Please help! I can't think of anymore ideas! Also, number 3 like I said is a dead end! I have writer's block on that one, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me think of the enemy (person trying to kill her) Thanks to all who answer! ; )

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • what si an example of imperialism in ww1?

    I feel bad, but I can't think of one! I need at least two examples of imperialism from ww1 for hw. I can't think of any! Please help, I need an answers right NOW!!!!!!! thanks to all who answer. ; )

    1 AnswerHistory9 years ago
  • Will mo creatures delete all my worlds in minecraft?

    I went on a website and I saw a warning that said: loading a game that had a previous version of Mo'Creatures with tamed horses can cause chunk errors that could vanish your stables/house. Please back up your save game before updating. A sad but effective way of preventing this error is getting rid off your horses and then updating Minecraft to 1.0 and Mo'Creatures to 3.0.

    Does that mean that it will delete all my worlds I made, or just the one I put the mod on?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • will mo creatures attack me on peaceful mode in minecraft?

    I'm thinking about getting mo creatures in minecraft. I always play on peaceful mode, unless i want something like string, gunpowder, etc. So I was wondering if the bears, wolves, big cats, etc. would attack me on peaceful mode. Please help me!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • how do you get horse mod in minecraft?

    I have been on countless websites showing the mod, but I want the mod. I don't know how to get it. All I want is horses in minecraft. So please, where do you get the horse mod?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago