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Salishan Bolt

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  • Moms, what is a good childrens indoor shoe that fits thick winter socks?

    We have very cold winters where we live and my kids usually have thick winter socks on. The problem is their thick socks are hard to fit into their indoor shoes.

    Any ideas on a brand,type or style of shoe that would accommodate thick socks?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Buying a car with high mileage, is it a bad idea?

    I'm looking to purchase a year 2000 Subaru Outback limited from a Subaru dealership. I'm paying 3700.00 including taxes. The car is in good overall condition, but it has high mileage like over 200,00.00

    Would that be a good deal? We just need a vehicle for a couple years until I can afford a brand new one.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • How do I give my dog enough excersise when he can't be trusted off leash?

    I have a male Jack Russell terrier, who is very very active and needs a lot of exercise to satisfy his needs. The problem I'm having is that although he has an excellent recall, he cannot be trusted off leash because when he is distracted by other dogs, or animals he chases them and all training goes out the window. He also barks at people and I. Worried about liability I keep hi. On leash at all times. I have tried riding my bike with him on leash, but he pulls to the side too much and makes it difficult for me.

    How do I get him the excersise he needs on leash?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Moms, what kind of indoor school shoes do you buy your kids?

    What do you think are the best indoor shoes for kids. I'm looking for non-scuff, durable, and preferably Velcro or slip on that are also good for gym.

    7 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • 3 yr old obsessing over certain toys.....OCD?

    I work at a daycare and we have a 3 yr old boy who is exhibiting alot of obsessive behavior that is causing problems at daycare. His mother says he also does it at home. He will latch on to certain "things" usually a toy of some sort. It seems to change from one thing to another over a period of time. At the moment it's 2 small plastic t-Rex dinosaurs. He comes in in the morning and the first thing he says is "I want the 2 t-Rex" then he will carry them around, not necessarily playing with them. When it's time for him to go upstairs for playgroup he will ask me to put them up high somewhere so no one will get them. If we or another child take the tress away from him, he will have a complete melt down, spitting, throwing stuff, screaming and banging on the wall. He will cry in the corner for several minutes. He cannot share them or anything for that matter.

    - He is also obsessed with the color red.

    - a certain spot on the circle time center

    - a certain spot in the lunch room

    - he will have a complete meltdown if he spills a little bit of lunch on himself.

    the list goes on and on...,,

    8 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Why does my dog hate our new puppy so much? ?

    I have a 1 yr old Jack Russell terrier

    (neutered male) named Bolt. We were so happy with him, that we decided to get our second Jrt puppy from the same breeder. We got a female, they are actually half siblings. Anyways Bolt hates her and growls at her constantly.They do play, but not very often and Bolt usually ends it by snapping at her.

    - when I let them inside from outside, he hesitates to come in, she runs in first, then he comes in growling and runs to his crate.

    - if he is laying down in the living room, he will lie there and growl just because she's in the same room as him. Then if she comes too close he will get up and go lay in his crate.

    - when he plays fetch with us, he growls at her with the ball in his mouth.

    - When we pet him and she comes near us he growls and shows his teeth.

    How do I teach him to relax abit. I could understand if she was really bothering him, but shes not.


    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Why does my 2 yr old find discipline (time outs) funny?

    Everytime I put my 2 yr old daughter in a time out, or talk to her in a firm voice she just giggles and smiles. She doesn't take me seriously EVEN though I'm consistent and keep a straight face...I don't understand why she thinks its all a big joke?

    Also we we are potty training her and she has days where she will use the potty fine all day, and days where she pees her pants constantly and tells me with a smile on her face....I guess she thinks thats funny too!!! I can't seem to get through to her the idea that it's not a choice to use the potty.....she has to use it!

    Soooooooo frustrated and feel very defeated!

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What breed of dog(s) are the most popular for "horse people" ? ?

    I know it's an odd question, but for those of you who own or ride horses in shows of any sort......what are some popular DOG breeds you see around horse owners?

    25 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • My dog has a very dangerous obsession with water, what should I do?

    My 1yr old Jack Russell Terrier loves to swim and retrieve sticks but has recently developed a strange behavior...he will swim out and start circling and spinning and swimming frantically and make this constant high pitched bark/whine, he completely looses focus on anything's like he's chasing something that's not there. I try EVERYTHING to get him to snap out of it and come back to shore but nothing works. He gets so tired that he starts sinking under and drowning....and I have to save him. He has done this the last 2 times I've taken him swimming at 2 different lakes.

    I'm afraid I won't be able to take him swimming anymore, even though he loves the water.

    Any suggestions? Anyone with a similar issue?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Can you reccomend a good collar or harness for a PULLING Terrier?

    My Jack Russell Terrier pulls alot on walks. He has a leather collar that has actually started wearing the hair off his neck. I tried a nylon slip collar and it started cutting his skin. (he has sensitive skin).

    I know that harnesses tend to encourage pulling more then anything, but it would take the wear off his neck, those non-pulling harnesses seem like a joke and kindof strange. So not sure what I should do?

    Any suggestions for collars/harnesses etc.....

    and yes we are working very hard on obedience, especially heel!

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • I work at a daycare, I want a child kicked out....boss doesn't agree, what should I do?

    Myself and one other lady (my boss) work at a daycare with anywhere from 8-14 kids ranging from 21 months to 4 yrs. We are currently short-staffed so the work load is heavy for us and days are long. We are the only daycare in town because we are in a remote community. Anyways we have one particular child, a 3 yr old girl who is VERY physically aggressive towards us and the other kids. She hits,kicks,punches,bites,head butts,pinches....often and sometimes without warning. We have been trying very hard to help her, and being very consistent with time outs even though she fights them, and trying to explain to her that its not ok to hurt other people, encouring her to use her words ect..... but NOTHING seems to be helping and its been over 3 months. In my opinion she has something wrong with her mentally and should be seen by a proffesional of some sort because her speech isn;t that good for her age and she does not communicate well with others at all. I would like her out of daycare because its not fair that the other kids and ourselves get abused all day.

    The problem is, my boss doesn't want to "kick her out" of daycare because she seems to think its beneficial for her being there and that we can "change her", but seriously its not working!!

    It sucks, I hate it. My own 21 month old girl attends and I'm always making sure shes safe.

    What should I do?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do you allow your toddler/preschooler to eat junk food (sweets)?

    I have a couple mom friends, who never allow their children to eat ANY sweets or junk food....even on holidays. I let my 2 year old and my 5 year old have small treats on occasion, at home or on a special day and don't really see the harm in it as long as they eat healthy and stay active on a regular basis.

    What are your thoughts? What do you do with your kids?

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Which Cat food is better Iams or Purina?

    I am fully aware that Iams and Purina are not very good quality....but if you HAD to choose between the 2.....which would be better?

    I'm asking because we live in a really remote town, that only sells, Iams, Purina and Whiskas. Its for a barn cat.

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does wal mart sell cat scratching posts?

    Like the bigger carpeted ones, they can climb/sleep on?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does Wal-Mart sell cat scratching posts?

    Like the bigger carpeted ones, the cat can climb/sleep on ?

    OR do you know anywhere online I could buy one and have it shipped?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do you still have to pay for something if you don't get a bill?

    I work at a daycare. I bring my own 1 yr old daughter to work with me (I work partime). I do have to pay the regular daycare fees for her, but the daycare board was in discussion about giving me some sort of discount.....problem is I've been working there for a month now and nobody has told me how much I owe......or given me a bill saying how much I'm supposed to be paying? I'm not even sure wether or not I'm getting a discount and nobody seems to know any I'm left kindof wondering why nobody has asked me for any money?

    So am I in the wrong here for not paying?

    I don't mind paying....just wondering what to pay?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Conflict between work and family.....what should I do?

    My employers want me to take a "first aid course" that I need for my job. They just told me when the next course is (Friday,Saturday and Sunday) March 11,12,13. Its a long course. They haven't signed me up for it yet but I'm totally freaking out because I can't make it on that weekend!!!! My husband can't get that weekend off to stay home with our two young children.....and I have no family where I live and none of my friends are available that weekend. I also cannot afford to pay a babysitter for a whole weekend.

    Do you think my boss will be mad if I tell her I can't make it to that course, and ask to be signed up for the next one?? I'm SCARED and I've been stressing about it for days, can I get fired for this?

    I can definatley make it to the next course, because my husband can make sure he gets the time off to stay home with our kids 1yrs and 5yrs,

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Work conflict with kids and money.....what should I do?

    My employers want me to take a "first aid course" that I need for my job. They just told me when the next course is (Friday,Saturday and Sunday) March 11,12,13. Its a long course. They haven't signed me up for it yet but I'm totally freaking out because I can't make it on that weekend!!!! My husband can't get that weekend off to stay home with our two young children.....and I have no family where I live and none of my friends are available that weekend. I also cannot afford to pay a babysitter for a whole weekend.

    Do you think my boss will be mad if I tell her I can't make it to that course, and ask to be signed up for the next one?? I'm SCARED and I've been stressing about it for days, can I get fired for this?

    I told her I would take the course when I was first hired a few weeks ago, but I didn't find out until now about WHEN the course was.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Work conflict with kids...what should I do ?

    I work at a daycare. They hired me and they let me start working there without my "first-aid lisence" but told me I would need to sign up for the next course that came available, and I agreed. (no one knew WHEN the next course would be).

    So they told me theres a course in 2 weeks.....and it turns out its on the one weekend that I won't be able to make it. Its a long course fri,sat, and sunday all day. It doesn't work for me when it comes to my own 2 young children and with my husbands work for that weekend.

    My husband and I have been stressing out about it and arguing about it and there is just no way I can make it to that course. I feel bad because I know its important that I take it and my employer REALLY needs me to take it. I can take the next one, whenever that is.


    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • We got a cat...what should I do?

    We just adopted a cat, and shes great, BUT we live far away from my mom and now that we got a cat, she won't come to visit and stay with us in the summer because of her allergies. She will not pay for a hotel and we cannot afford to visit her.......soooo what should we do??

    I miss my mom, I haven't seen her in 7 months......but I don't want to give our cat away.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago