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Peace to all who pass. I am a middle aged Single Christian woman (Southern Baptist) from Texas who loves Art, both to create and to view, reading and writing Poetry, singing and listening to Music, Cooking and many crafts. I dearly love to share Scripture and pray for peace in this world. I praise Jesus for all He's given me and hope to somehow be a blessing to others. God Bless, and always remember - Jesus Loves YOU!

  • What is appropriate guest dress for a traditional Japanese funeral?

    A precious friend of mine has passed away. She was a WWII war bride. Her widowed husband is Caucasian/American and she was Japanese. They met during allied occupation of Japan after WWII.

    They will be having a funeral with fairly traditional elements - and I had always heard that while Americans wear black at funerals - the Japanese wear white. I do not know if that is still the case - if it is tied to traditional Japanese religions... Kayo had converted to Christianity.

    I want to honor the life of my precious friend. What is appropriate for me to wear? My brain simply isn't formulating the right questions for a computer's search engine, it seems.

    Thank you for all your kind help.


    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Icon - Farrah Fawcett - has died. Did her openness about cancer influence you to care for your health more?

    It is strange to see people we grew up with pass from this world, and even though we never knew them personally - it's like a personal loss to those of us who were fans.

    I saw her documentary about her struggle with cancer, and was wondering - did her struggle, or the health struggles of other famous people that you respect, influence you to get a health check up?

    Many of us operate under the "it can't happen to me" mentality. I hope that we all realize that it can, but that we can help prevent devistating results by being vigilent.

    Who has inspired you to be healthier?


    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Carpal Tunnel Pain - Can anyone advise me?

    I am a Diabetic, so when pain in my hands became extreme, I feared Diabetic Neuropathy. A nerve conductivity test revealed severe Carpal Tunnel instead.

    With the tendancy to heal slowly - and pain causing my blood sugar to rise uncontrollably - as well as the occasional loss of function in my hands due to the Carpal Tunnel's severity.... Are there any of you who have had the surgery, out there? What can I expect in the way of pain relief? General recovery time? Were you satisfied with the process?

    Is there anyone with experience in the surgical procedure who can advise me?

    Thanks - and God bless.


    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Can someone fluent in French aid me, please?

    I have turned into some kind of blithering idiot in a theology class that makes me very nervous.

    I want to make myself a book mark to keep with me while taking notes that reminds me to think before I start bumbling and stumbling through anymore responses. I want to have this little note to myself in French to reminds me ALONE. Unfortunately - it's been 25+ years since I took French.

    I want to have it say, "Shut your mouth! No one wants to hear what you have to say."

    I have it written as: Ferme sa gueule! Nul personne veulent l'entendre ce que vous avez `a dire.

    I don't want someone to see it - and know what I'm saying to myself... and I've got a shot, if I say it in French. (English and Spanish is commonly spoken around here.)

    Can you tell me if my recollection is right - or hopelessly wrong?

    What is the correct phrasing?


    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What is the most encouraging message/note anyone has ever given you?

    In my Church, a Bible Study group of dear elderly ladies is losing their teacher. She has stage 4 liver cancer. Some of these dear Senior ladies are friends of mine and know that I am available during their class time - so they've asked me to temporarily fill in as teacher.

    It breaks my heart to see their grief over their dear friend and teacher - and I'd like to offer words of encouragement by way of notes... but am intimidated. Some of these ladies I consider MY mentors, since they are 30-40 years my senior.

    Can you help jump start my brain by sharing bits of encouragement and wisdom that others have shared with you in your life?

    Thank you dear ones.


    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there ANYWHERE I can find a clear, concise list of Obama's cabinet appointments?

    A friend of mine asked If I knew who Obama's appointments were. I decided to Google and Yahoo and all - and cannot find just a simple list.

    Does anyone have any idea where I can find a simple list?

    Thanks, dear ones.


    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has anyone found a good, perhaps comic, year in review for 2008?

    I'm looking for a humorous summary to 2008 that covers all the political falderal we went through here in the states. Has anyone seen one?


    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you seen evidence of Y!A Disappearing?

    First the Y!A icon left my toolbar...

    Now the Y!A icon has left my Yahoo main page...

    With the recent massive layoffs at Yahoo - are we getting ready to lose our Yahoo!Answers family?


    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find statistical information on Cancer? Diabetes?

    I am Diabetic, My mother is Diabetic.

    My Aunts and Grandmother all had breast cancer, and I have had suspicious breast lumps removed.

    I am attempting to "wake" my sisters up - and tell them they need regular mammograms and blood sugar tests, but they refuse to go to doctors no matter what.

    Do you know where I can find statistics that tell you the likelihood of your chance at having breast cancer when your sibling has - or likelihood of Diabetes if your parent and/or sibling has it, etc?

    I try to google such things and end up with massive articles that I cannot wade through far enough to find the cut and dry info I am looking for.


    By the way - this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - please, if you are 40+ - see your doctor. Men develop this condition as well, so please check your health.


    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • How many US Governors later became President?

    I was driving home listening to talk radio - and some political pundent was ranting that Ms. Palin did not have enough experience on the National stage to operate effectively as Vice President.

    I immediately began thinking of all the men who were Governor and went on to be PRESIDENT!

    Is there a list anywhere of ALL the Presidents that were first Governor? I sure would like to fire off an informed retort to that pundent.

    I know George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Franklin Delano Roosevelt... who were the others?

    Thank you.


    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • My Crepe Myrtle has "powdery mildew." Any suggestions for how to kill off the fungus?

    Greetings dear ones.

    For as long as I can remember - my Grandparents had beautiful crepe myrtles the size of trees in their yard. Since they have passed away, and I now live in their old house, I wanted to maintain their lovely landscaping.

    The (40 year old) crepe myrtle is being killed by powdery mildew fungus. Do you have any fungicide suggestions or home remedies to pass along that I can use? I have dogs, and would like to not risk their health while I combat this.

    Thank you!


    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Are there good companies to invest with whose policies are "green"?

    It's time to look over my investments and try to build a good retirement package... and so I was wondering, can anyone give me leads on companies that have good "earth friendly" policies? Whether friendly to animals, or environment - I'm interested in looking over any information you can share with me.



    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Type 2 Diabetics taking Byetta - have you had this experience?

    Greetings dear ones. I live in a town with only one specialist in Endocrinology - so he's my primary Diabetes doctor.

    After he put me on Byetta - my scale showed that I was losing weight, but my body swelled up forcing me to wear clothes I wore when I was 20 pounds heavier.

    This has not subsided in 3 1/2 months.

    When I asked him - he said he had never heard of such a thing.

    My G.P. said he HAD heard that complaint - as have other former Byetta users.

    It is helping my blood sugar - and my weight is dropping, but the swelling is aggrevating my back injury, and making mobility a problem.

    Have you had this swelling side effect? Did it ever subside?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    (If you do not know the answer - would you please ask any fellow Diabetic contacts if they might know? Thanks.)

    Peace - and God bless you today.

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • What are good Father's Day scriptures or poems?

    I've been looking for good edifying verses to put in a Father's Day card for my dad - but I'm not satisfied with the ones I'm running across. I was hoping for one specific to an earthly Father. (Since June 15th is Father's Day.)

    If you don't know of any scriptures - do you have a favorite song lyric or poem to share that honors our Dads?

    Thank you in advance dear ones.


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • (Steven Curtis Chapman - tragedy) Are you moved to help children as he did?

    I hope I am not asking a question with redundant information.

    Steven Curtis Chapman is a Christian Music Artist who started an adoption foundation to aid empoverished children in finding homes.

    He has several children of his own that are adopted.

    Today, his 15 year old son was moving the family's SUV when he accidently backed over his 5 year old sister, killing her.


    Here is an example of Steven's music:

    (I pray their faith keeps them strong in the midst of such tragedy.)

    He tirelessly worked to aid children from all around the globe.

    Have you ever considered helping children in such a direct way as adoption? How would you handle such a tragic accident?

    May God bless you.


    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you know any silly made up words from the current election process?

    It's been one of THOSE days, so I'm looking for political humor.

    I've occasionally seen made up names for the Political Candidates on both sides that are reminicent of made up names like "Brangelina" etc.

    Do you know some that describe the candidates you are supporting or opposing? ...I'm just looking to lighten the mood on the forum... not slam, ok?


    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can you write documents on Microsoft Office Word - and burn them to disc with Roxio?

    I have Roxio on my computer - but absolutely no clue how it functions.

    I was wanting to prepare documents using my Microsoft Office on my home computer and then be able to burn them to a CD and share them with a friend on their computer. I am deeply computer illiterate - can you help me?

    (BTW - I have Windows XP and she has Vista/Windows 2007 Do you anticipate any compatability problems?)


    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can you please share a funny TRUE story?

    I logged on to Yahoo and the lead story on the Yahoo home page was about some rediculous guy messing up a whole High School's yearbook photos by altering them.

    It's both shocking, rude, unbelievable and only slightly funny... but it reminded me of some of the messes one of my former co-workers used to get into when they were goofing off.

    Since I'm R-E-A-L-L-Y needing a laugh today... do you have any goofy, crazy, weird life experiences to share that are funny?

    Here's the link to the Yahoo News Story:

    May your day be filled with laughter today.


    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with the Psychology of a stalker?

    My mother finally revealed that my 37 year old "baby" sister has a stalker. The gentleman has cornered her repeatedly at her church, crossed miles to "just jog" around her neighborhood, follows her around the Metroplex where she lives, has had multiple meetings with Ministers in their Church where they have insisted he leave my sis alone, informed him that such behavior would result in going to the police, etc.

    When she sought another church fellowship - he manipulated the new location out of people and showed up at the new place. The fact that she will not recognise this as viable danger and go to the police, comes from our family abuse background. I sought counseling for years - she refused.

    She looks like Alyssa Milano's 'twin' - and has a deep faith in God - so he may see her as some sort of "ideal" and fall under the erotomania catagory of delusion - but I am seeking guidance on the personality traits of the criminal stalker, and the serious way stalkers need to be handled.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Christians - have you ever dealt with a friend or family member involved in a cult?

    I found out Friday that a precious friend of mine (of some 20 years) has become involved in a cult. I am the "Godmother" to her children - and all my focus was always on them when it came to sharing Christ. I never for a minute thought my friend (who won her own parents to Christ, years ago) would EVER fall into a false path. She's become deeply verbally and emotionally abusive of her own children in favor of the pursuit of this cult. The son is 16 the daughter 11.

    I'm stunned, and in deep mourning over the situation.

    We live several states apart - and I am praying.

    If any of you have any advice - It would be greatly appreciated.


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago