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  • Would this be weird?

    I'm going to be a senior in high school next year and i wanted to join volleyball but I'm scared I'm going to be judged because of my size. I'm 5'3 1/2 but i wear a small 95 pounds. All the girls on the teams right now are quite tall and larger in size than i am. I am also a beginner and have never played volleyball at all. Would it be weird for me to join this late? what would be your opinion if you saw me? I just don't know what to do..

    1 AnswerOther - Sports7 years ago
  • Great Gatsby question!!?!? Help please!!?

    11. Gatsby says about Daisy, “Her voice is full of money.” (page 120). Discuss how class and affects the romances in the novel. Would Daisy be just as alluring without her status? Would Gatsby or Tom be attractive without their fortunes?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • I'm tired of life......?

    I know being sad and angry and all those other emotions are apart of life's roller coaster but it just seems like I'm riding one downhill that never reaches a stop. I'm so extremely tired of bullying myself. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. People are always telling me I'm to skinny because I weigh 90 pounds but I can't help it because I have fast metabolism. And with that I have a large nose and a glasses to enhance the unfounded planet on my face. As for all that, I'm the middle child. I'm in high school and I have an older sister and I can definitely say that she is the favorited one. She gets everything she wants even when she does absolutely nothing. Whereas, I'm still at home cleaning the house and there out all day. I'm just tired of everyone looking at me like I mean nothing. I cry everyday because of this and there's a lot more problems but I don't wanna lay here writing a 500 pound essay on it. I'm also in sports and other activities hoping ill possibly fit in and maybe life will get better.... But it hasn't.... And I'm just tired.....

    6 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why am I so ugly????

    I hate being ugly. I'm as skinny as a pole stick. I have a gigantic nose the size of the moon, and I wear freakin glasses which enhanced my ugly nose. I hate being so insecure with myself but I can't help it. I see all these blonde and brunette girls with perfect bodies and they have all the guys and I'm 16 and haven't even remotely kissed a guy or even had a date or anything. I'm in sports and school activities so I'm not that shy and I do talk to guys but they just are not interested in me..... Sucks to be ugly.....

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I feel like I'm under so much stress...?

    I know this is a common topic for teenagers but I feel like I'm under a whole lot of stress. I feel like I have so much to do between junior year where I have to sign up for all these different things and getting everything ready for college. And i have school activities. I feel like on top of that, the school work is excruciating and I'd have to stay up late for that. Sometimes I won't eat as much as I should but I feel like I don't have time. Then, on top of all of that I have my parents going out everyday lying to me that there bringing stuff for people when there actually going to the casino and leaving me with my little 6 year old brother. I'm just so tired.... Should I be worrying about myself or is it just normal??.... I just don't know how to cope. I'm exhausted and completely done with everybody in my life.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • What to wear with a super short dress?

    I have this really cute dress from forever21 and it ends just below my butt. I was just wondering what I could wear under it that wouldn't reveal to much!! I was thinking about wearing spandex or normal leggings but I feel like it would be really boring and I wanted to style the dress in a fancy way but not to fancy that I'm trying to hard. I've also heard of slip dress but I don't have a store near me that sells that.... Does anyone have any ideas???? Btw I'm super skinny so I don't want to wear something wrong to show off my really thin legs...

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Chemistry experiment question?

    What happens to the atomic level of a penny when it sits in NaOH? When its quenched in water?

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • is it weird to take the SAT now?

    So I'm a current junior and its like the 3rd quarter of school. I'm not sure if i should take the SAT on May 3rd, 2014. Is it weird for me to sign up at like 10pm right now on a random note?

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing7 years ago
  • What to do about my crush....?

    Ok so I have a crush on this guy and I honestly don't know what to do. I've had class with him and I used to sit next to him and we used to flirt and sometimes he'd call me beautiful but I think he was just trying to be a charmer and I think I came of as a little to hard cause I think he thought I hated him but idk... And he's also called me ' his girl ' when I walked past him. Idk if he's being a player or he actually likes me. He switched out of that class so now the only time I see him is when I walk to my 4th period class and we don't even talk at all. We just glance at each other every so often and ill walk into class while he chats with his friends in the hall outside my class.... And it feels like where just avoiding each other now. I don't want to waste my time on a guy that doesn't like me...... What should I do??! I actually thought about going up to him before class outside the hall and talking to him but he's always with his friends.... Idk I'm confused...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I wear this??

    So basically I wanted to wear an assymetrical white mini skirt but I'm just scared that ill be judged because I'm REALLY EEALLY REALLY skinny. People always tell me to eat burgers 24/7 and it's annoying. At first I really adored the skirt but now that I really look at myself in it... I just look like a scrawny stick. Idk what to do.....

    To give you a visual of how my body looks... THIS IS NOT ME btw!!! She just has a very similar body.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Should I wear these??

    I'm planning on wearing a pair of flats tommorow with a half a cm. heel and I was wondering if It would seem reasonable because I'm quite skinny ( 95 pounds....) and I'm 5'3 and my foot is a size 6.5 so I feel like it would be like a stick with some loose end popping out of it. And I tried it on and it makes my foot look HUGE but idk if its just me judging myself or something.... Do you think I should wear it or just stick with a pair of converse. And if you think I should what type of outfits would take their eyes away from the size and focus on the actual whole outfit???? :)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • I feel....... Insecure...?

    I don't know why but today i honestly feel so insecure. I hate that im so scrawny and I'm ugly and I have a huge nose. I'm just so tired of feeling this was EVERY DAY... I do try my best to dress nice and I'm in gymnastics and I have a few close friends but I just don't feel confident. Guys do flirt with me but I know it's only because they think it's funny. ( btw I'm 16 ). How can I feel more confident in my body and myself???? I just don't understand how others girls do it.... Sometimes I'd try to fake it to make it but I just end up crashing when I see other girls not even trying but they look so perfect. I just hate being the ugly one and with glasses in a group of pretty girls...... What should I do???

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I hate being ugly..........?

    I hate hanging out with attractive people while they try to take pictures with each other and avoid my face. There was a time when I was in the kitchen with my 2 friends and I went to use the bathroom and came out seeing them taking selfies with each other and when I entered the room they immediately put there phones away. I hate always being left out like no one cares about my opinion cause I'm ugly. And I always try to dress my best and wear makeup but that clearly isn't hiding my hideous big nose and my dark eyes hiding behind my boring glasses. I'm just plain and ugly. How can I boost my confidence???? Or even feel a small piece of beauty?????

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Does he like me or is he just flirting?

    Ok so he used to be in my physics class lets call him LJ( I'm a junior highschool btw and he's a senior ) so anyways we got seated next to each other for a week and we talked and flirted and I guess I was trying to be hard and all and I was giving him the cold shoulder for fun just to see what he would do and he was trying to get me to like him the whole week so I wouldn't hate him obviously. then we changed seats I sat next to this other guy and we hit it off quick and then LG came to him all friendly trying to Get my attention cause he usually doesn't talk to him (idk) lol. Ok so today I was turning something in during lunch with my friend and the hall was empty and he walked by and his friend behind me shouted his name and then he saw me and turned to go down that hall so we walked past each other and my friend heard him say ' my girl' when he walked past me, is he joking?..... But maybe he's just flirting and doesn't even care.. Idk UHGG.. I like him but idk if he likes me..

    Singles & Dating7 years ago
  • I hate being stupid.?

    I'm a junior in high school. I honestly wish i was naturally smart like other people. I do take AP classes and honors, i study for hours and i read and take a whole bunch of notes and yet i still fail my tests. Its disappointing, i hate looking at my grades and seeing 4 B's a C and 1 A. Does anyone have any tips for me? I just wish i were those people that look at a piece of paper and instantly memorize every little detail written. It sucks.

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • I feel left out even when i dont...?

    So currently, im in year 11. I do have a few friends like 3-4 that i usually hang out with during lunch and stuff but i just don't feel right with them. Before them, during freshman year i did have a best friend and she was since kindergarten and things just went wrong and we stopped being friends and she started spreading things about me so now some people don't even try to talk to me cause of her. But anyways i started going to the library for lunch that other half of the semester during freshman year and then i started hanging out with my friends now. I just sometimes feel like i don't belong in there group because there sort of embarrassing and im more of a girly type somewhat talkative while there a bit quiet and awkward.. I don't want to seem to mean but its the honest truth. Btw, im in Latin club ( im not Latin ), and CAN, and im in gymnastics but i still can't make friends. I feel like sometimes im just the one being awkward and maybe its because im ugly and that's why no one else really wants to talk to me. And yeah it may sound weird cause i am almost a senior but i just don't feel correct where i am. And trust me, I've tried making conversations with people outside my group but every time i do that, they seem bored and uninterested. I honestly have tried everything but i don't know what else to do... ? any ideas.. ??? thanks!!!

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I feel insecure..... :(....?

    Well first of I'm 16... I'm 5'1. I'm probably the skinniest person you'll ever talk to. And I hate the fact that I'm skinny because people are constantly calling me names and telling me to eat steaks 24/7 but obviously they don't get fast metabolism. I have a giant nose the size of the moon ... It's really not appealing. I wear stupid glasses and I have the tiniest eyes. I'm shy and no one ever takes a notice of me and ignores my presence cause I'm ugly. I joined gymnastics but I don't it in with those girls. I've joined clubs, still never fit in.... My sister on the other hand has the perfect body, she is super kind and talks to EVERYONe. She gets good grades and is probably the most perfect person... Everyone likes her basically... I barely reach a 3.0.. Whenever I attempt to talk to people they just give me a disgusting look... I just want to know if it'll get easier... I just feel so unliked and just invisible... It sucks... I'm sorry for my whole pg... I just want someone to talk to about it or someone to tell me it gets better...

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • I'm super nervous to use a tampon........?

    So I tried it today, and my sister was there to help me... Well she wasn't there she was standing outside the door but she was telling me what to do. I tried it and it wouldn't go in and I kept trying for like 30 minutes but it just wouldn't work. And she said it was because I was super nervous but I couldn't help it!!! It was my first time!! And for some reason, it sort of made me sore afterwards but maybe cause I was trying to hard and I just sort of felt sick... I am not even sure how you girls do it... I just can't... It freaks me out :(...

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I need help with what glasses i should get!?!!?

    Ok so I just need help on my frames!!! In getting glasses friday. I have an oval face shape because I'm quite thin and I have quite a large nose as well so I want to make my nose not the highlight of my glasses because it obviously holds it up. So I'm just saying I just want a frame that fits my face and doesn't draw so much attention to my large nose! Thanks!!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago