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DBA, Mom, target shooter, swimmer, political junkie.

  • How do you stop the USCB from coming back?

    Recently, I received a letter from the US Census Bureau informing me that my house is "the Current Population Survey(CPS). Deep into the letter the letter reads, "…your participation in this voluntary survey is extremely important...". I read the letter. The agent (His card read "Field Representative" P) who came to my door was actually shocked when that I had received this letter before he got there. I told him that I am not interested in providing any information to the government and he should leave. He almost started to cry, telling me that his job depends on getting interviews and I should feel sorry for him. I told him I provide my name and address every ten years and that is all I am obligated to do per the US Constitution and that data is only to be used for the proportioning of the House of Representatives He reluctantly went away.

    Two days later some old woman, came to my house wanting to know how (agents name) insulted me and was he rude and ask if his behavior was the reason I refused to proved this "valuable data"? I told her No, the agent was actually quite polite and understanding. She then asked me why I would not give the data. I informed her that I am not legally obligated to do so. I told her that individual privacy has been a right of the free people since before the Constitution & is inherit in the 1st,3rd,& 4th Amendment.. Well, this month another person came to my door to redo this process. I called the CHI # only they will come back!

    5 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • Are they really worth the price?

    Okay, I have been given gift cards for and gifts of lingerie. Someone once gave me a tong from VS that was priced at over $50. Now can anyone justify that price. They do not wear as long as common 7 to the pack cotton bikinis for $6 - $9. Why do people buy this stuff for so much money?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Father's Day is Near: Naturalist/Textiles/others: What novel/strange/event?

    Did your father/parent allow, encourage, supervise, or do to you as a preteen and teen something that you remember fondly?

    Example: On Father's Day when I was eleven, we had our family get together at our house with my brother, and 2 sisters our aunt and uncle with their two children. Cousin Michael was 17 and would become an engineer, but he was very good with spray paint and he loved body painting.

    Dad suggested that Michael body paint an outfit on my nude body. The painted

    a yellow T-Shirt with a dragon across my chest. And a pair of convincing knee-length low rise white denim pants. He used several pieces of gauze (and body glue) to add depth and give the outfit the illusion of texture. Everyone was impressed!

    Dad then asked (required) Michael and I, still wearing only paint, to visit our neighbor, Lisa, who lived across the road. She was a widow with three children, Ellen (18-19), Jeffery(9+) and Mary(about 7). Her husband was killed while in the Military 18 months prior.

    Michael had a "crush" (as dad called it) on Ellen. Jeffery went to school with me. Mary was a very pretty blond girl. We all went over to invite this family over for some burgers and fun. They came over and Lisa asked where did I got my outfit that I was wearing. Dad reply, she picked it out and it fits like it was painted on. Jeffery kept looking me over. Mary just look at my nave/tush as we walked.

    I told Ellen that Michael helped me pick it out, blushing a bit.

    Ellen looked very closely at my outfit and then walked up to Michael and asked her if he could select one for her? He was somewhat shocked at the request to say the least.Apparently,our parents knew about Michael infatuation with Ellen!

    Mom,Dad,Michael's parents, Lisa and her family, all were in on this surprise on Michael.

    None of us children knew the Lisa's family were accepting of naturist living. I was shocked at Jeffery knew for as far as I knew he was just another brat who undressed everyone with his eyes and fantasized. He became a charming friend that summer.

    Michael actually started talking to Ellen saying that he would have to go shopping with her for any outfit. She replied that would be super! But why don't you just paint one on me as she stripped off her clothes and Michael spent a about 90 minutes spray paint a dress on her, using stripes of gauze to give the gown an illusion of gown's hemline, collar and cuff on the sleeves.

    We still talk about this each Father's day. It was the first time, that I recall being nude on public property when not in a naturist resort.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Naturist Families, What do child to as play?

    I have been naturist resorts and beaches in the US, France, Canada, and Israel and I have seen a number of young children playing (tennis, swimming, diving, et al) but I often wonder how children play with their brothers and sisters when at home? Do brothers and sisters horseplay, wrestle, have any normal physical (liked textiles do) contact with each other?

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • In MN May A Cop Stop Someone and Demand an ID?

    Recently, I saw a St Paul Cop stop an adult male (age 58-65) who was walking his pet and demand that the man present an ID? He did not have one on him. The Officer was rude and demanding? When the male asked why he was stopped, the barking officers said loudly that he had reports? When the male asked what reports and if he was being charged, the Officer became ruder and told him to show some ID--- He did not have it. I looked for a city statute to demand ID but could find none?

    Does anyone have to show an ID on the demand of a LEO?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Has Anyone Else been Bothered by the Census Bureau for a CPS Survey?

    Last week some obnoxious officious woman knocked on my door at 8 PM telling me that it was my civic duty and honor to complete the CPS Survey. She told me that I already got a letter explaining it. I told her that I did not receive one to which she said you just didn't read it "Honey". I receive this letter today nearly 4 days after her uninvited visit. [I now regret letting her in my home.] The questions are repetitive she asked about people living in my home like 4 times. She would not let me see the screen on her little HP laptop (she told me it was secret.) I refuse do give her my income then she asked how many live births have I had? This went beyond the pale. How can I get out of this? Can one call some office and tell her/them not to come again?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • How Random are Quick Picks in State Lottery?

    With the super hype to get the $600 million, people were buying the tickets in bulk $5 at a time.

    The odd are like 1: 176,000,000 or so. How are the "Quick Picks" selected in real time 65 taken 5 at time is what I believe it is. But is this with or without replacement for Quick Picks? And does each State lottery seed their pseudo random generator independently? I noticed that the 15 numbers the purchaser were given all started with a 7. His friend who claimed he purchased his in WI (not MN) all started with 02. Could this be just a random observation?

    3 AnswersGambling9 years ago
  • Any Proof that Qurans were Burnt?

    Now that this Administration has rolled out the Apology machine where the Military has twice been ordered to Apologize and the President made his Campaign gesture to Apologize for America's insensitivity to the Quran, has there been any actual evidence that the Qurans were burnt?

    Was not the defacing of these books by Muslims enough of an insult in itself.

    Would anyone put it past Obama and his aides to create this tempest in a teapot so that he can get more American men and women in the military and foreign service killed so that he can get re-elected?

    Would Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, F.D Roosevelt,or Clinton apologize to a foreign state over a book?

    Was a book or two actually burnt?

    It would be in the crook, Karzai, to seed the rumor that Qurans were burnt with garbage to cause disruption and violence, as he begs for more US Dollars to go to Switzerland or elsewhere.

    It would be in Obama's political theater to mock the US military in the field to belittle those who serve their country and are in harm's way, so he can blame any deaths on Bush.

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Need Help Removing Bing?

    My internet provider sent me a download to measure my connection speed. Well, I downloaded it and executed it once. It "performed" an upload test. Reported the upload speed. It then did a download the download completed (no report of speed) and did a "registry review". It then said for money we will fix your registry entries. I back out of it. Only to find that my home page was set to a Microsoft Trusted Provider, IE was installed and Bing was my search engine of choice NOT.

    I deactivated IE, Invoked Firefox. Reset my homepage and remove Bing from the Firefox list of search engines. Alas despite several attempt I cannot remove Bing? Each time I open a new tab on Firefox Bing opens and I cannot find a way to remove it. [Running XP if that is needed.]


    I also want to know how I can avoid this problem in the future.

    3 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • Prepaid Credit Cards?

    Recently, I received a solicitation for the "convenience" of a Pre-Paid Credit Card. Oddly, one of the requirements for this "card" is personal data. Name, Address, DOB, SSN, Tele NO, and "employer". All things one may want to disclose IF YOU WERE SEEKING CREDIT from a company, but you are not seeking CREDIT.

    But in this case, you were to go to a kiosk or bank give/get your card and give them cash to charge the card. One can add cash to your balance on the card at any time. The card does not earn interest and it is secured by a 5-8 digit PIN

    In effect this is a gift card.

    So why are all these data points needed. The ads tout is as easier than Cash. But cash has no identity attached to it. Gift cards do not have any identity (and most do not have a PIN), so why is this card or others like it demanding personal identity which can be used to track your spending, travel?

    Is no one else concerned about privacy.

    4 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • When did the media stop showing photos of murders?

    Recently, I was asked to clean out the papers/house/garage/storage bin of a recently deceased relative. Yes, both the husband (most recently deceased) and his wife (died 9 years ago) were hoarders. You could not get into there rooms other that the living room and kitchen which He left open for his State Social Worker. 9 room house only 3 were not clogged to the ceiling.

    Well they had newspaper from the 1920's and some of them had photographs of crime scenes and accidents showing body parts and blood pools,

    When did the media stop doing this? Why?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • What are your Personal Bests in Everyday Things?

    My family likes to set individual goals for each member and we have a somewhat silly list:

    What is the longest time you went without eating or drinking anything?

    What is the longest time you went without speaking to anyone, even yourself?

    What is the longest walk that you took alone?

    What is the longest walk that you took with some friend?

    What is the longest time you went without a bath/shower?

    What is your longest non-stop road trip?

    What is the longest time you were nude with your family?

    What is the longest time you were in the same set of formal/dress clothes?

    Most number of books you read in 1 month?

    Most number of days, without making/receiving one phone call/email/ or tweet?

    Most number of people you cooked a sit down dinner for?

    Add others: Shall provide my personal best after 4 answers

    3 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Your Opinion on Obama's Call for a Machine-Readable Health ID Number MRHId#?

    Recently the Obama Administrate is seeking to install a MRHId# for all citizens in the US. Medical data, something that was private since the 4th Century BC is no longer true in America. Police can and do get access to anyones medical data.

    So do news organization.

    The Obama administration is demanding that doctor request information on firearm ownership from all patients and especially children. (Kids tattling on Mon & Dad). This administration cannot keep secret military, intelligence, and diplomatic documents safe what allows people to think that your medical records will be safe.

    Your comments:

    Do you want your parents, peers, police, employers to know about your SDT history, abortions, PAP results, prescriptions? Do you want the police et al to know about aantidepressantsor firearm ownership. Well, if not, you best comment to Washington very soon.

    Public comments close on 6 Sept 2011.

    More Data here:!documentDetail;D=HHS-...

    8 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Fill-able Forms from the Internet?

    Is there some magic or some way to teach form designers to enable input for forms (job applications), address changes, et al.?

    I was requested to complete a MN State Form over the internet. Following the instructions, I downloaded the form to find that I had to use my own Adobe to reset the form to allow input in the fields. How many else are frustrate with this process?

    It is a waste of time to have to complete 5 or 6 "application" via web pages with no standardization and will not allow pasting. Are Web Designer's Ego so big that they think that they must redesign a data entry form for each screen?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Nude bike rides Rules?

    My 11 yo niece came to us to ask if we knew if there were any age restriction on the World Naked Bike Ride that happen in 74 cities around the world reportedly 17 in the US. Her question is could an 11/12 yo ride in the event (with or without parents)?

    Does anyone know how to establish such an event in other cities?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events10 years ago
  • Journalism Awards Valuable or Self Inflating?

    This morning NBC Today and other morning shows were wrapping themselves in the mantle of "quality" and ethics because they were self awarded 4 award Ed R Murrow award for self promoting, quality of mindless blather, and gotcha video editing.

    Does anyone care about such awards?

    Another question: How high on weed do you need to be to watch an award show on TV? Like the Tony's or the Golden Globe?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • Ought Not Advertisers Know the Definition of Words before Using them?

    Recently, I hear a CBS promo for it new CBS News anchor. In this advertisement, CBS use the term INTEGRITY. Does CBS, the station of Dan Rather, Andy Rooney, Katie Couric know what that term means?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • Yahoo Report Fake Story on PBS?

    Yahoo reported that a fake story about the death of a "celebrity" was planted on PBS?

    How could Yahoo tell this falsehood over all the other lies, mistruths, and half-truths that PBS bilges out daily?

    PBS tells falsehoods all the time and Yahoo does not report them.

    Global Warming. I

    It is Bush's fault.

    Juan Williams was not Fired for being only on Fox.

    Garison Keelior is funny?

    All are false.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Census Bureau Surveys Questions: Were my questions answered?

    Recently, I received a letter from the US Census Bureau informing me that my dwelling was in a survey for 16 months. I wrote the US CB with the following questions:

    May I refuse to answer this silly thing?

    Will I be harassed for each of the 16 months my dwelling was in sample?

    Lastly,Does the US Census Bureau, truly believe that the average citizen is so stupid to actually believes all the privacy and confidentiality crap that you sell with your Title 13 nonsenses?

    Does not the Patriot Act, the police powers to view medical records in the HIPAA law and the Requirement of all companies to disclose financial data under FCRA supersede any and all privacy nonsense in Title 13?

    The US CB replied


    Thank you. The Census Bureau conducts a variety of censuses and surveys, not just the once-a-decade census. Every month, quarter, and year we conduct surveys with households and businesses.

    We use a workforce of trained federal employees to conduct a variety of household surveys by telephone and in-person interviews, as well as the mail.

    If someone from the Census Bureau has contacted you, you may speak directly via telephone or e-mail with your Census Bureau Regional Office regarding any questions or concerns you might have. You can find a link to contact information for your Regional Office.


    1 AnswerCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Should the "Expires:" HTML tag be required?

    Okay, This has been a pet peeve of mine for ages.

    Have you ever been away from work or your e-mail for several days and on return you have a ton of email -- events that are already past?

    Would not the web be improved if any e-mail of an event is auto-magically removed by the system 1-3 days after the date of the event?

    Many do not code in HTML and the Header Expires(Tues Apr 4 2011 00:00:10 GMT) is seldom used.

    Surely data could be automatically archived for retention without subjecting all the recipients to trash past events.

    Events, items with expiration dates, meeting announcements all should just go away if you missed them.

    Look at the bandwidth that Facebook, et al could save if the "Super Important Event" on last Thursday would go to the bit bucket in the ether on Friday !

    Any ideas on how to do this without much coding?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago