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  • What do I do if someone is beating up my wife and kids?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    Let's say a group of girls unjustly beats up my wife, am I allowed to hit them in that situation? What about if a group of kids unjustly beats up my kid, am I allowed to hit them (meaning pushing them away violently, not punching them) in that situation?

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    9 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • How do you defend against combination punches?

    I can defend against single handed punches, but when it comes to combinations, such as 1-2-1-2-1-2-4-5 (if you're familiar with the number system, else: jab,cross,jab,cross,jab,cross,right hook, left uppercut). I always get confused with parrying and slipping and all that, that I get caught with a good one. How do you effectively block these if he is fast, aggressive and is advancing towards you. I thought a simple step back and forwards with jabs would be good enough but let's say he's good at advancing so he will come at you quick and continue combos even when you step out. I also thought a double hand block would be good too, but sometimes his hooks come round it and also I wouldn't like to be a punching bag if you know what I mean? So guys. How do you do it?


    7 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • How do you defend against combination punches?

    I can defend against single handed punches, but when it comes to combinations, such as 1-2-1-2-1-2-4-5 (if you're familiar with the number system, else: jab,cross,jab,cross,jab,cross,right hook, left uppercut). I always get confused with parrying and slipping and all that, that I get caught with a good one. How do you effectively block these if he is fast, aggressive and is advancing towards you. I thought a simple step back and forwards with jabs would be good enough but let's say he's good at advancing so he will come at you quick and continue combos even when you step out. I also thought a double hand block would be good too, but sometimes his hooks come round it and also I wouldn't like to be a punching bag if you know what I mean? So guys. How do you do it?


    3 AnswersBoxing9 years ago
  • How's the da'wah brothers and sisters?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    Alhamdullilah today I got another da'wah awakening. I heard one person say that he was thinking too much about himself and trying to not think about others hence he forgot about the da'wah. How should we give da'wah while at the same time not suspecting, criticizing and looking for faults in others?

    Also, I don't really know how to start da'wah. I mean if I even mention "God", they will completely know exactly what I'm trying to do (yeah it's widespread about muslim "missionaries"). If I tell my classmates about life and spirituality and anything other than work or our studies, I feel they become a bit turned off and feel wierd and suspect me. So how do I do da'wah in a way they find comfortable?

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun


    2 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • What things DON'T save you from the hellfire?

    From ‘Abdullaah Ibn Mas‘ood who related that the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) said: “Whoever has an atoms worth of kibr (pride) in his heart will not enter Paradise.” So a man asked: “What about a person who loves (i.e. takes pride in) wearing beautiful clothes and beautiful shoes?” So he replied: “Indeed Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty. Kibr (pride) is to reject the truth, and to despise the people.”

    This is something that is very common in our times. Different cultures, colours, languages, tribes, nationalities, power, wealth, religiousness (and this one is the BIGGEST - looking down upon non-hijabis, non-bearded men etc. (isn't this how Iblis developed his one from? Wasn't he the most pious before he became proud?!?)), etc.

    What do you think and how do we prevent this?

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun


    3 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • What is binding energy?

    I was taught that the binding energy increases with increases in mass number linearly. Then I was taught that the binding energy PER NUCLEON peaks at iron. NOW I'm told that actually the binding energy peaks at iron. I'm confused. What's binding energy? How does it behave with mass number? What's binding energy per nucleon? How does it behave with mass number? What possible could have been the misunderstanding?


    5 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Muslims: What should I do here?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    First of all, I'm a guy. I don't want you to think something else when I tell you this.

    So there is this one non muslim guy and he asks me for advice and help and things etc. I try my best to give him good advice and those things which he need etc. But then today he just came to my room and as a sign of appreciation and how much he considers me his friend, he hugged me and then he kissed me on my temple (not forehead) (as a friend - he does this to others he considers close to him). What should I do (as in my reaction towards that kiss, islamically (e.g. wash my face etc.))? That was quite shocking and it's the first time...

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    10 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Have any of you been or know about medina?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    What are the practicalities of living there? Are there good job prospects? Good pay to live a stable financial life? What about the resources? The weather? Is it bearable for someone who has been brought up in the West? What if I want to move there? What should I do? How can I move there?

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    2 AnswersSaudi Arabia9 years ago
  • this a good or bad thought my friend has?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    Well I was just discussing with my friend about heaven and hell and all that and he said that he doesn't feel anything when I say that. When I tell him about heaven, it doesn't motivate him and in fact he does a face as if he doesn't really care. I told him why? He told me that he only cares about pleasing Allah and that's all that matters. He doesn't care whether he goes to heaven or hell, as long as Allah is pleased with him. When he hears about the pleasure of Allah he is moved, but when he hears about do this and you will get heaven, he smirks. I really don't know how to respond.

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    10 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Would you rather marry a non-practising muslim, a jew, a christian, or no one?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    In order from 1 being the most probable and 4 being the least.

    Assume there are no other choices.

    Jazakallahu khayrun.

    11 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Christians, why do you hate those close to you in belief?

    There is another belief which believes in Jesus and loves him as a special person from God. It also believes in all the other prophets in the bible (it is mentioned in their scripture): Adam, Enoch, Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, Moses, Aaron, Ezekiel, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Zechariah, John the Baptist etc.

    It also believes in the worship of one God only and also has laws similar to the law of Moses (e.g. don't eat pork, don't steal, don't commit adultery etc.) Which religion is that? Hold your breath and open your mind...Islam. Yes. Have you read the Quran? I mean you personally from cover to cover. You will find it is very similar to the bible. But why is there so much hatred towards Islam by a lot of Christians? I completely have acknowledged all the claims by Christians as to why they do this and I've found them to be mere misconceptions (from the media or any anti-islamic source) e.g. Islam orders killing of innocent people, Islam oppresses women etc. This is a sincere question asking for sincere answers. Please. No insulting comments will be tolerated.


    5 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Christians, why do you hate those close to you in belief?

    There is another belief which believes in Jesus and loves him as a special person from God. It also believes in all the other prophets in the bible (it is mentioned in their scripture): Adam, Enoch, Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Jethro, Moses, Aaron, Ezekiel, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah, Zechariah, John the Baptist etc.

    It also believes in the worship of one God only and also has laws similar to the law of Moses (e.g. don't eat pork, don't steal, don't commit adultery etc.) Which religion is that? Hold your breath and open your mind...Islam. Yes. Have you read the Quran? I mean you personally from cover to cover. You will find it is very similar to the bible. But why is there so much hatred towards Islam by a lot of Christians? I completely have acknowledged all the claims by Christians as to why they do this and I've found them to be mere misconceptions (from the media or any anti-islamic source) e.g. Islam orders killing of innocent people, Islam oppresses women etc. This is a sincere question asking for sincere answers. Please. No insulting comments will be tolerated.


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What's the first strike you use as defence or offence?

    I am talking about a street fight, so this includes an eye gouge, a kick to the groin, a punch to the next and spit in the face etc. What is the first strike that you think is best to use? The most common is a punch to the jaw in an attempt to knock the person out, but that gets blocked quite easily nowadays. What is the best first strike? A kick to the groin? If the person is in an awkward sideways stance then this is hard without getting punched in the face. A poke to the eye? Again, a face strike is commonly blocked. So which one do you choose and why?


    8 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • What percentage of win probability is due to confidence?

    I really see that many people on the streets are so confident in fighting that they cause me to lose my confidence and completely go into flight mode (although they probably can't fight). How much does confidence contribute to winning in terms of a percentage? Like the other time, a guy got out of his car to try something with me, and I walked straight up to his face and looked him straight in the eye with confidence. He then just told me to move along.


    8 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • How do you prevent your kids from being influenced by bad people?

    I mean everytime they come back from school, they seem to have a new behaviour which I don't like. Their school is known to have primarily a bad reputation (most schools in my area are) not to mention the prejudice against different colours (which comes from both the good and the bad kids - they've influenced each other). How do I prevent this? I can't change school? I also can't prevent them from going to school as they need to have a stable future (financially). Whenever I try and talk them out of their bad behaviour, it seems their fighting against it due to their friend's influence.


    4 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Where is the best place to raise your kids?


    If you want your kids to grow up with good islamic conduct and behaviour, where should you raise them? Is it Malaysia (as they are known to have humbleness)? Or somalia (as they are known to have dedication towards deen)? Or Saudi Arabia (as it is close to Mecca and medina)?

    Keep in mind that this place also should have a fair job prospect and standard of living. No one wants to go to a place where their kids will live in poverty, unless Allah wills.

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    7 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • How can you adjust your style to unorthodox fighters?

    When it comes to sparring with people who do a similar art to me, I can handle it. But in street fights, they punch so awkwardly (as if at a curved diagonal angle coming from the sides to the centre of the face) and so it's so awkward to block. I know it is because they can't really punch and they're trying to sneak in a punch but I still find it awkward to block. How can I adjust my style to such awkward ways?

    BQ: What about sparring with people who do different arts which you haven't studied? How would you deal with their style when you don't know the tricks of it?


    8 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • Are there some type of people who are naturally good?


    I find Malays (whether practising or not) to be the most generous, soft hearted, and kindest people I've ever met (ever heard of the malay guy that got beat up in london?). I find iraqis and pashtuns to be the bravest, most confident, and toughest people I've ever met. I find somalis and yemenis to be the most dedicated to the deen I've ever met. What is it to do with? Is it in their nature? Is it the environment?

    BQ: So which country is best to live in when raising your children (to be good muslims)?

    7 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Does anyone have any dawah successes?

    I mean has your dawah actually turned into the conversion of someone? I would like to know personal tips you use for dawah that starts it. Normally when I start, they're like oh no this guys going to talk about God and All that stuff... And how do you end it? How constant do you have to be? Straight forward or beating around the bush a bit?

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    Salaamu alaiykum

    7 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • What is the definition of a kufar?

    Salaamu alaiykum

    It is very common among the ummah that people call anyone who is non-muslim kufar. So their neighbours are kufar. Their teachers are kufar. Their manager is kufar etc. But how can that be? Doesn't kufar in arabic relate to something which is deliberately covered. So how can these be kufar if they haven't got a chance to hear about islam? How can you just call anyone kufar when you haven't even seen what's inside their hearts and whether they are truth seekers? Kufar are those who deliberately reject islam despite knowing it's truthfullness no? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Jazakallahu khaiyrun

    5 AnswersRamadan9 years ago