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Hello. I don't care to waste my time posting information people will most likely never read. If you want to know something, just email me. ♥Savanna

  • Movie/TV quote that I can't place?

    I am so sorry in advance because I know how vague this description will be but hopefully someone out there knows what I'm talking about...

    All I can really remember is that there was a young woman saying "but I love him" while crying and I think maybe she was, at the time, being comforted by an older woman, like her mom or her sister or something? Unfortunately I can't give any physical descriptions because all I can remember is hearing her say that.

    I feel like maybe the guy she was crying over was older than her by a little bit and (though I could be really wrong about this part) I feel like he was almost superhuman. Like someone who was leaving because he was going off to travel through the universe or something. However, she may have been saying this because he had died or went off and was presumably going to die.

    I can tell you right now that I'm not thinking of The Notebook, but I think that the show/movie I'm thinking of is pretty well known.

    Thanks in advance for any answers!

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • What kind of American media is popular in Britain?

    I would appreciate if people from Britain answered. I'm just curious which American TV shows, movies, etc. are popular across the pond. For example, in America Doctor Who and Sherlock have done pretty well in the states and bands like One Direction and the Wanted took off here as well. It got me thinking, what U.S. pop culture is well known in Britain?

    Thanks for any answers (:

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, Cancer Rising?

    Can anyone tell me what these sign combinations mean in terms of personality? Thanks in advance (:

    1 AnswerHoroscopes8 years ago
  • For those of you who read The Kill Order, what did you think?

    Please specify if you've read the Maze Runner series as well.

    (Spoilers below)

    Personally, I loved the story but I didn't like the ending in that I didn't see how Mark's story connects with Thomas's story, or even how it connects to the rest of the series. It just seems like Mark's whole journey was sort of pointless, considering how it all ends. I know they delivered Deedee to safety, which some could argue that started Wicked in their Trials by using immune test subjects, However, I think that's a little unbelievable, considering more immune people would have emerged and tests were probably already being run. Even Mark and Alec's plans to stop the spread of the Flare by destroying the Flat-Trans was fruitless, because the virus spread anyway. I know I'm reading a little too far into this, but I just really don't see how Mark's whole adventure after the sun flares amounted to anything that influenced the Maze Runner or the rest of the series...

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I don't understand Paranormal Activity 3...?


    Alright so I understand that the grandmother was in a cult and that the family has the sacrifice the first born male after the grandmother joined the cult or whatever. For the most part, I understand the back story. However, Paranormal Activity 3 confused me a little. Here's just a few questions I have...

    How does Katie get rid of the demon after it has possessed her (towards the end of the movie)?

    Did the mother die?

    Do the girls talk about what their childhood was like in the other movies (as in who they lived with)?

    What did they need to "get ready" for? (the grandmother said something like, "come on girls, we need to get ready")

    Do the girls remember this? I just remember them saying something in one of the other movies that "the stuff that happened with mom" might be back or something. It just seems like they didn't think much of it when really, wouldn't it be pretty serious?

    Thanks for all your answers! I pretty much just want to know what happened between 1988 (like immediately following the final scene of the movie) and 2005 in the movies.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • What is a word that describes split personality or feeling?

    This is kind of confusing to explain, but Bipolar would be an example of what I mean. Just a word that means a negative and positive energy, or light and dark. Something like that (: thanks to anyone that tries to help!

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Top 10 saddest movies you've seen?

    what movies make you cry? I want to watch a sad movie, but i'm not sure which to pick. The only movies that have made me cry are

    1. The Notebook: I was ABSOLUTELY hysterical. I was actually surprised by how much I cried during that movie. And it wasn't because they died together, it was because she couldn't remember her own life. And then when I saw she was the one that had written the book I was crying even harder

    2.Marley and Me: Of course I cried. The dog died, it was very sad.

    3. P.S. I love you: I had to kind of make myself cry during this one....but I didn't cry a lot.

    I've seen a Walk to Remember and I didn't cry at all, so please don't recommend it. Same thing with An Affair to Remember and Titanic.

    THANK YOU (:

    21 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Why is it that can't I cry anymore?

    Before I could cry and I would cry not a lot, but still I would cry regularly. You know, when something sad was on t.v. or I read a sad book or just something sad happened. Recently though, I guess it's been happening (or rather not happening) for about a year, I've found that I don't cry. I can get sad and I can feel heart ache but I don't cry. The thing is, it is really frustrating to not be able to cry. I get this feeling in my chest when I want to cry and I think that if I did it would go away, but I simply can't.

    I have watched sad movies and thought about tragic things, I've tried many things to get myself to cry and I can't. If I try really hard I might be able to get one tear out but then it stops and I don't really feel anything. If someone can please tell me what this means or how to fix it, I would really appreciate it.

    2 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • I have been very forgetful lately?

    I just keep loosing things, I can't remember a lot of things I'm told or things that have happened earlier in the year although if I try I can still remember other things. Lately I've also been forgetting words, like they just slip my mind even though I know them.

    I know it could be related to not getting enough sleep or stress, but during the summer especially I get a lot of sleep and there's nothing to stress over. So, I was just wondering if there was another reason I might be this forgetful. I'm 15, by the way so I don't think it has anything to do with dementia or something like that...

    3 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • What was the "new roof" metaphor in Marley and Me?

    During the scene when they're walking on the beach Jenny says that the next thing she wants to do is either "get a new roof" or have a baby.

    And yes, I'm sure it's a metaphor because towards the end she said "you know I'm not talking about an actual roof here, right?" Please only answer if you've seen the movie and know what I'm referring to, thanks!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • I've been having dreams with a lot of feeling and emotions?

    Lately in my dreams I've been experiencing a lot of strong emotions.

    In the first two, I felt really strongly loved and joyous. It was amazing! Even after waking up, recalling the dream a half-hour later brought back some of that happy, warm feeling that encompassed me in my dream.

    The next two dreams I've had were about death, but not about the sad aspect of a loved one's passing. I felt acceptance. In one dream I was the one that had died, (I was murdered) but I wasn't mad at my killer. It was someone I know and she explained why she did it...which unfortunately I can't remember anymore.

    I was just curious to see if this means something significant. Because usually my dreams aren't this filled with feelings. And no, I wasn't lucid dreaming, I am sure of it.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • What movie am I thinking of?

    I'm pretty sure it was the Unborn, because that's the only movie I know of that would be stupid enough to have their main character say this...

    "Some people.....are doorways."

    Am I right, or is it another movie?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Question about the movie Inception?

    What do you think happened at the end? Do you think Cobb was still dreaming or he had woken up?

    ALSO, do you think he remembers his extraction business and all that after going into limbo? Cause he told Ariadne (the architect) that if the Saito went to limbo the worst that could happen was he wouldn't remember part of his life...or something like that. So do you think after he went into limbo he remembered everyone that was on the flight with him, and what they did?

    All answers are appreciated (:

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Question about Psych (Dual Spires)?

    I just don't understand some of the stuff in the final scene at the end, in the diner. I DID see the entire series of Twin Peaks, but some of the stuff I just couldn't trace back to the show. Here's what I did not understand:

    -The guy in the football helmet, banging his head on the counter

    -The guy dressed in yellow/plaid

    The girl in overalls doing a weird dance (behind the tall guy)

    -Bob just walking backwards...that might not have meant anything though

    -Randy just saying "Hoot Hoot Hoot Hoot" at the dog outside

    If anyone can explain any one of those things to me, it would be very appreciated (:

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • I really don't understand the end of Twin Peaks?

    Well, I mean, I understand that Cooper becomes Bob; that was really obvious. I just don't feel any sort of resolution. I mean it's supposed to be THE END but it feels so...I don't know. I was nearly crying because I was so sad Cooper was gone (as in his spirit) because he was such a great character. The end of the series has just left me with some really unresolved feelings and I was wondering if this was the intention of the writers?

    ALSO, what happened with the bomb in the bank? Did Pete, Andrew and Audrey die? And what happened with Ben Horne (because he was Donna's real father)? So many unanswered questions!!

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • When will the 2010 Andy Williams Christmas Show air?

    On public television, in the Chicagoland area if that changes anything? I like to see it every year so I don't want to miss it. And I mean when will PBS air a rerun of one of his shows? I'm pretty sure they do it every year. Thanks (:

    1 AnswerChristmas1 decade ago
  • When will the 2010 Andy Williams Christmas Show air?

    On public television, in the Chicagoland area if that changes anything? I like to see it every year so I don't want to miss it. And I mean when will PBS air a rerun of one of his shows? I'm pretty sure they do it every year. Thanks (:

    1 AnswerTennis1 decade ago
  • When will the 2010 Andy Williams Christmas Show air?

    On public television, in the Chicagoland area if that changes anything? I like to see it every year so I don't want to miss it. Thanks (:

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to be scared of only bizarre things?

    So I don't really scare least when it comes to the normal things. Loud noises, guys with chainsaws, ghosts, none of that scares me. I usually only watch scary movies because they're suspenseful and haunted houses are just funny. But I am TERRIFIED of just like random, strange parts in scary movies or tv. For example, the one scene that scared me the most in The Shining was when that bear and the guy in the tuxedo popped their heads out of the hotel room and looked down the hall at the camera. When I saw that I was so freaked out! And just recently, I watched an episode of Twin Peaks, and in one part this really tall guy, like a giant, came into the detectives room while he was sleeping and started talking about this really weird stuff and now I'm just so scared! So I was just wondering, like is this something people are typically afraid of or I am just different or something....?


    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago