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  • ¿quien conoce la historia del Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino?

    Quien conoce la historia del Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino?

    fui a la primaria , secundaria y luego a la universidad.. Nunca pero nunca en ninguna clase de historia Argentina. el profesor hablo de un tal Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino y de los diferentes tipos de pesos y moneda que circulaban en la Argentina hasta casi 1881. Me vengo a enterar en un viaje al extranjero por asuntos profesionales. Resulta que hace un par de semanas atras una persona de EE UU cuando se entero que era de Argentina. Me saludo y me dijo tengo algo para Ud. otro dias cuando nos volvemos a ver lo traigo y se lo doy (todo en Ingles pero eso es lo que quizo decir) . La proxima vez que lo veo me saluda y me da varios billetes de color verde y me dice estos billetes son de su patria. Los mire y parecian mas a un dolar americano que a un billete argentino. y se lo comente. Bueno me dice. fijese estan imprimidos en New York.

    Me sorprendio. parecese ser que alla por 1870 y pico habia un caos monetario. hasta billetes Bolivianos circulaban. Interesante es la historia Argentina. Me parecese que los profesores en el colegio me la contaron mal. Vaya uno a saber porque. Sera que a ellos tambien se la contaron mal y repetian como loros o sabian como era la historia pero estaban ajustados a un programa y guarda con pasarse .. Trate de buscar a travez de Google Oxandaburu pero no consigo nada excepto. la historia de los billetes emitidos por ese banco. Quien es este Oxandaburu? Si alguien conoce la historia y me puede guiar dandome los Links. se lo voy a agradecer

    1 AnswerHistoria9 years ago
  • ¿Quien conoce la historia del Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino?

    fui a la primaria , secundaria y luego a la universidad.. Nunca pero nunca en ninguna clase de historia Argentina. el profesor hablo de un tal Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino y de los diferentes tipos de pesos y moneda que circulaban en la Argentina hasta casi 1881. Me vengo a enterar en un viaje al extranjero por asuntos profesionales. Resulta que hace un par de semanas atras una persona de EE UU cuando se entero que era de Argentina. Me saludo y me dijo tengo algo para Ud. otro dias cuando nos volvemos a ver lo traigo y se lo doy (todo en Ingles pero eso es lo que quizo decir) . La proxima vez que lo veo me saluda y me da varios billetes de color verde y me dice estos billetes son de su patria. Los mire y parecian mas a un dolar americano que a un billete argentino. y se lo comente. Bueno me dice. fijese estan imprimidos en New York.

    Me sorprendio. parecese ser que alla por 1870 y pico habia un caos monetario. hasta billetes Bolivianos circulaban. Interesante es la historia Argentina. Me parecese que los profesores en el colegio me la contaron mal. Vaya uno a saber porque. Sera que a ellos tambien se la contaron mal y repetian como loros o sabian como era la historia pero estaban ajustados a un programa y guarda con pasarse .. Trate de buscar a travez de Google Oxandaburu pero no consigo nada excepto. la historia de los billetes emitidos por ese banco. Quien es este Oxandaburu? Si alguien conoce la historia y me puede guiar dandome los Links. se lo voy a agradecer.

    1 AnswerGobierno9 years ago
  • Question about Captain Francesco Schettino...?

    After reading the conversation between him and Capt. Gregorio De Falco of the Italian coast guard in Livorno. I came to this conclusion that either Captain F. Schettino is totally irresponsible and should not be a captain in the first place OR He planned this event because now he has entered into history books. He is immortal now. 100 years ago the Titanic sank..... and we read about this event. I am sure that in 100 years time not only they will be talking about the Titanic but also about the Costa Concordia. What Do you think about this Captain behaviour. The conversation reminds me one episode of MR BEAN. Please I want to know what other people think about his personality.. thank you

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • What this beer commercial means in English "O bere buna se bea cu masura?

    I saw this commercial I believe it is in Romanian language. also what Prietenii stiu de ce means in English...

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Is it true that in the last couple of weeks several people were kidnapped and some organs taken out of their b?

    Some one told me that he was told that in the last couple of weeks some people were kidnapped (mainly children) and some of their organs were taken out of their bodies. It is alleged that to one child the heart was taken out.. (very sad and dreadful if this is true)... to others their eyes were taken out..... So my friend (Filipino) is very worry. I did some research but I could not find anything... So please anyone who has heard about these stories tell me is there any true ....? thanks

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Is it true that the Heart is the only organ which do not need nerve input from the brain?

    Some one threw this question to me and other people. Which is the only organ in our body which does not need an input from the brain? I raked my brain for an answer but I could not find anything. Finally she said.

    The Heart....have not you heard of the purkinje cells in the heart? Yes I said but.... But nothing she said.. It appears that my knowlege in heart physiology is less than I thought.

    Please. What do you think. is she correct? In my humble opinion I think she is not.

    What she was trying to say, if I fully understood her was this. If the heart is cut out of the body and artificially given food and oxigen etc etc. it will keep pumping although it has been disconnected from the brain. She was so adamant and so sure that we did not dare to confront her

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • Where in Baiersbronn.Germany,is Warl Frey Weg (weg = way)?

    Please. I can not find Warl Frey Weg (the name of this street or way) in Baiersbronn.Germany.

    I can not find it in the Baiersbronn street map.

    It must be a very small road or street or lane or way.

    Could someone who has been in Baiersbronn or lives there to give some idea on how to locate this street on the map. Thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Germany10 years ago