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Jamie L

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  • How long should it take for my tax money to show up in my bank account?

    I am getting a bit worried about seeing my money. I let my dad file for me which I am beginning to regret. I hate to say it but I think he is holding the money in his account. It is my fault because I should have verified sooner the checking account that it was being deposited in. A day after we filed I asked him to call the tax guy to double check that it was the right account number and he said that he did. I used an online tracker and it is saying that the money was sent to be deposited on April 22nd. Is there a delay if it is electronically deposited? My brother received his paper check a couple of weeks ago so now I am thinking my dad has my money and isn't saying anything. Of course I am going to be sure before I accuse him of this but am getting irritated because I really could use the extra cash. To think your own parent is stealing from you is horrible. I am going to call my bank to see what is going on as well.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • If you were throwing a going away party for someone would you invite their kids? Or am I being a baby?

    Yesterday I came home and some of my extended family were there. I was very happy to see them but then they explained that they had been invited to a secret surprise party that my parents' friends had thrown for them. I was a bit pissed off because they didn't inform or invite their own kids to this party! We are their children. Don't you think we would want to be a part of them being around their friends and family for what may be the last time for a long while? Then the woman claims that she tried to contact us so she could try and get the phone numbers of people for them to call which is complete bullcrap. Am I being to sensitive?

    5 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Can anyone help with finding the name of the movie this very brief scene is from?

    It's been bugging me the last couple of days and I can't figure out where I remember this scene from!!! There was a woman that went to meet with her biological father who is really rich because she needed some money. He didn't believe her and thought she was just another scammer until she gave him a piece of jewelery that belonged to her mother I believe it was a necklace but could have been something else. I know it's not much to go on but I can't get it out of my head until I figure out where I remember this scene from.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Question about a scene from the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington?

    Okay maybe I just need glasses or I am just very dumb when it comes to computers. But in the scene in the first I think half hour of the movie and Beckett's law firm calls him while he is in the hospital about something very important missing for a high profile case. When he tells one of his co-workers to look up the file on the computer does the actual file come up on the screen and he lies and tells him that it's missing? I can't seem to read the screen and for some reason the face he makes when he says it's not there lead me to believe that the file was on the disc but he was told by the higher ups to fake it and later indeed got rid of it off the disc.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Is there a term for liking to watch other people get groomed or cleaned up?

    Whenever I have a hard time going to sleep or want to watch something relaxing I watch ear cleaning videos, hair washing videos, eyebrow threading and things of this nature. Is this strange? When I recommend doing this to people they think I'm weird.

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How do I tell someone to leave me alone and stop asking to borrow money?

    There is this woman at my job who comes in every morning and she was always polite and pleasant. Well I guess she played me for a fool because after a while after coming in she asked if she could borrow 2 dollars. I felt bad so I gave her the money. She stays at a shelter across the highway from my job so I really had no expectations of her paying me back. Now she keeps coming in everyday giving me this song and dance about how she is going to pay me back and then turns around and asks to borrow more money from me! Now this wouldn't be as annoying if all the while she is buying lottery tickets and comes over and tells me how much she won on a scratch off. Why didn't she just give me the money then if she really planned on paying me back? Anyway this 2 bucks is turning out to be more of a pain than I thought it would be. How do I tell her to just leave me alone in a nice but stern way? Other than the constant asking for money she isn't a bad woman or anything. If I tell the managers they would ban her from coming into the store.

    6 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Asian suspense movie I saw a while ago don't remember that much?

    If anyone could help me figure out the title that would be awesome. I remember the end and it showed a girl trying to pull her mother out of what was a dresser I think. The dresser then falls down and crushes the girl. Another woman goes into the room and walks in on this but for some reason decides to walk away instead of help because I think she was shocked or scared. Sorry for vague details.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • If I reserve a game at Gamestop that comes with something extra with a reserve will they hold it for me?

    Sorry if that isn't clear lol. But I reserved a game at Gamestop because if you do you will receive a free downloadable episode to go along with it. What I want to know if since I reserved it in January will they hold onto the code for me until I pick the game up when it comes out at the end of the month? I never dealt with Gamestop and preorders before and don't know anyone personally who works for them or has done a reserve thing with an added bonus attached. They are closed right now and I just got off of work so I didn't get the chance to call them but I was thinking about it so I decided to just ask here.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I have a small question about a scene in LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring as I have not read the novels?

    And it's a bit of a dumb question I'll admit. In the third movie the Witch King we are told can't be killed by a man and is one of Sauron's deadliest forces. Gandalf then tells Pippin that he encountered the witch king before which was in the first movie when they are on that tower and the Nazgul find them and begin to attack and he stabs Frodo. Aragon whom is a man seems to be able to fight off the Nazgul including the Witch King which I always found to be strange. Is there something that was not mentioned in the movies that may be in the books or is it simply because he caught them off guard and had fire with him? I don't know I was just thinking about this when the third movie came on television over the weekend. =)

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you think I was graded fairly?

    I am asking here because I want an unbiased opinion I asked my mom, friends etc and of course they were on my side because they were pitying me I guess lol. But anyway I am in an accounting course and we took a test. On the test I set up the problem wrong by not labeling the columns properly, put some of the columns in the wrong spot. Now although I messed up with the setup the math I did for the problem was completely right. I ended getting a D because my professor just looked at the problem assumed it was wrong and graded it that way. He didn't even bother to look at the journal entries which were correct. Now I asked him about this and he asked another student for their paper and said that's how it was supposed to look and basically made me feel like crap. He lifted my grade to a C(yay) but I feel that I shouldn't have had to bring that up to him. The day we took the test he said if anyone wanted him to correct then and there he would and I stayed. Because of my setup problems he said it would take him a bit longer to correct and that I could leave. Come to find out he didn't even bother to correct the test and just assumed that I had done the entire thing wrong which was not the case. I don't think it was fair that he gave me that grade based upon an assumption. Do you think he was fair in the way he graded my paper? It just agitates me because I am trying to hold on in the course and I can't afford any D's or even C's at this point. This pissed me off. The reason I got a D and not an F is because we had definitions on the test as well which "helped" my grade out.

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if Best Buy would install a radio in my car that I purchased somewhere else?

    They're closed now and I'm going to call tomorrow but I just wanted to ask here now to see if anyone knew. I am pricing different places but I had Best Buy install my current radio that I purchased from them a few years ago and they did a really good job so I wouldn't mind paying the price they want.

    5 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Are there special eye-glasses available for driving at night even if the person has pretty good vision?

    I don't know what it is but when I drive at night I can't see that well! I had the headlights on and everything but I missed my turn 3 times! I have 20/20 vision or so I am told(not saying this to brag) but it's like when i get behind the wheel at night I can't drive well at all. Thankfully I didn't do anything that endangered the lives of me or anyone in another car but instead of getting in the correct lane to make a left turn I was in the straightaway lane and stopped because I thought the red arrow was for the lane I was in. Oh woe is me.

    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • Would you re-order food if your waiter/waitress touched it with their hands? How would you politely do this?

    I went out to lunch today with my mother and the restaurant I went to happened to take my favorite meal from there off the menu. I asked the waiter if they still sold it and maybe I overlooked it and he explained to me that I would have to order the 2 components separate and I would be able to put them together like the original dish. I had no problem with this and I ordered the meal. Now we were seated by the kitchen and saw the waiters picking up the orders and all that stuff. I looked and I saw our waiter touching food with his hands which happened to be my meal and he was putting it together for me. Now I thought that was nice of him because I was going to do it myself but then after thinking about it I was kind of grossed out. Now I don't know if he washed his hands beforehand but if he didn't he was touching money, dirty plates, menus, and all that stuff before handling my food. He was a very nice guy and I didn't want to put him on the spot or be nasty towards him or anything so I made up an excuse about the pancakes being to dry and asked for another stack. I am not trying to insinuate that waiters/waitresses aren't sanitary but that just caught me a little off guard that he was rolling the stuff up with his hands like that.

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why do people insist on riding almost on your bumper as if that's going to make you drive any faster?

    There was a power line that went down and I had to take an alternate route home from where I was coming from. It was pitch black out so I was going about 40 so I made sure I wouldn't miss my turnoff. I was the only one on the road until this jerkoff comes behind me and proceeds to drive almost on top of my bumper. I didn't want to go any faster because as I said it was dark and didn't want to miss my street and there wasn't anywhere safe to really pull over like a shoulder or something because it was one of those narrow backroads. This just annoys the hell out of me. I did the brake test thing but they still didn't let up. ******* ridiculous. It's not like I was going 15 mph I was doing 5 under the speed limit because there were little to no street lights on the road we were on. Sorry to rant but this just pissed me off and at the same time scared me. I thought I was going to get rear-ended(is that the right term lol) or run off the damn road.

    4 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • If you work at a store that takes coupons has a customer ever tried to give you a coupon that expired over?

    a year ago? A guy tonight tried to use coupons that were dated from 2002 and 2007. I just looked at him and asked if he had any different ones and that those weren't valid anymore. He wasn't rude about it or anything but I just couldn't believe he tried to give me a seven year old and two year old coupon. Also have you ever had people that did the "trick" of cutting the dates off of coupons and saying they did it accidentally and tried to use them. There was this woman that had a huge pile of coupons with the dates cut off at the top but at the bottom it said it expired in 2004 anyway. She had done this before but came back to the store again stupidly and tried to pull the same shenanigan. Sorry to rant but stuff like this just gets me mad when people try to get over on employees. I love coupons and if they are used right they can help to save alot of money but just hate it when people try to con you or something.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • If you've seen the movie Scream who did you think the killer was when you first watched it?

    Odd question I know but I was watching this last night with my cousin and she asked me this. I thought it was Dewey at first lol or the Principal until he was murdered.

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Have you ever went to sign up for a college course and only 2 other people had signed up for it?

    Hopefully more people will fill in by next Tuesday but I just think it would be odd to have a class with only 4 people or worse having the class canceled and messing up my schedule because no other students signed up. My counselor told me not to worry because it probably won't be canceled but I don't know. Personally I would feel a bit more comfortable with a few more people in class. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have Professor Layton and the Curious Village? Do you need to solve the things?

    in the Professor's trunk before advancing when you get to a certain part? I am up to puzzle 83 and the task is to ask about town and I have talked to all the villagers twice now!! The status is not changing and I am not getting no new information or puzzles. Is it because I didn't put together the painting in the trunk yet? Or made the Layton's and Luke's rooms perfect?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Need help remembering the name of a movie but very vague and maybe wrong details sorry =(?

    I just remember the "twist" but I believe a doctor and his family had moved into a new home. The doctor had lived there when he was younger and was a part of a religious cult or something. But when it came time to kill the young doctor his parents I believe decided not too and so the house they live in is now haunted and the ghosts want to get them or more particularly the children. I think at one point in the movie the lights go off and there is a demon/monster on the ceiling. Also the people get possessed easily by the spirits and you couldn't tell who to trust. Man sorry for the cluster **** of details but that is what I remember from the movie but can't seem to find it. If anyone can help or understands what I am talking about I appreciate it =) Oh the "twist" if I remember correctly the doctor had purposely moved there to save himself and sacrifice his kids. Don't know if that's accurate though.

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else feel uncomfortable asking their parents to borrow money? Even if it's for something important?

    I have to borrow some money for my parents in order to cover my tuition fees for this semester but I don't like asking people for money because I don't like to owe anyone. I don't know I just keep pushing it off because to me it's awkward. I mean don't get me wrong I've asked before but the amount I need this time is a lot more so I feel weird/wrong for asking even though my mom says I can ask my dad for it. Well I guess I should have asked does anyone feel uncomfortable asking a parent for money because I can ask my mom no problem but my dad complains alot and gets frustrated easily and blow things out of proportion and I don't want to hear his mouth frankly. Anyone else like this?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago