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  • Is this considered a threat and are their any legal ramifications?

    "You better pray we never meet outside of this (phone, computer, other messaging system)."

    And are their any legal ramifications that the person saying such a phrase could possibly face

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How to update my windows phone from 7.5 to 7.8?

    So I need to update my windows phone. Supposable the newest windows phones are running on windows 8 now but I'm running 7.5 and I need to update to the next one (7.8) but here's the kicker.

    All the videos on YouTube say that I need to connect my phone to a PC with Zune on it. But I don't have a PC I have a MacBook Pro. . . . . soo yeah

    I've tried connecting my windows phone to my apple computer and they don't mesh at all.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Can I be a Marine and eventually a Doctor?

    Just as a disclaimer I want to become a marine and then a doctor, I DON'T want to become a doctor in the marines

    I would very much like to become a marine but it has also been a dream of mine for many years to be a psychiatrist.

    Currently I am 17 years old and I'm going to graduate high school next year.

    With 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and 4 years of internship. I'm not going to become a doctor until i'm at least 30 years old.

    I don't know where I have the room to include another 4 years of being a marine. I'm afraid that if I join the marines straight out of high school than I'll miss out on a lot of scholarship opportunities that I'm currently being offered.

    2 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Too good at being perfect?

    Disclaimer: I don't think I'm perfect by any stretch

    So my life sucks now.

    For starters here's a summary of me, I'm 17. Catholic. 4.0 gpa, I like martial arts, fashion, and working out. I'm straight. I wake up everyday at 4:30 without an alarm clock. I've never smoked, drank, or done drugs. I don't believe in pre marital sex.

    Now here's the dumb part . . . . I live in Las Vegas, the city of sin. And everybody is the exact opposite of me. Everyone in my school drinks, parties, and doesn't give a damn about their future.

    I seriously don't know what to do, I'm not getting along with anyone anymore. They expect me to understand their problems and why they're getting bad grades and why they like to sneak out and how they hate their parents and I can't relate to any of it.

    The other day my friends wanted to go eat. I suggested tony Roma's, they suggested sushi. We go to eat sushi. Later on that night 2 out of my 3 friends get food poisoning. And then they take it out on me screaming, and I mean screaming "you were right! You're always so f@@king right about everything"

    I don't know what to do. Everyone thinks I'm spoiled and nobody takes me seriously

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Would you ever cancel plans with your girlfriend to hang out with your guy friends?

    So one of my best friends has a girlfriend now and ever since he's started going out with her he's been pushing all of his guy friends to the side.

    He only hangs out with us when his girlfriend is busy

    Its just really annoying that we can set plans to hang out a WEEK in advance but as soon as his GF decides she wants to hang out with him, he'll cancel on us.

    I don't know, what do you guys think about this?

    Would you ever cancel plans with your girlfriend to hang out with your guy friends, i don't think he would but I would

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What the heck did this girl just do to me?

    So I'm on the hot or not app

    (it's this app where u vote either "hot" or "not" on pics of potential others and if u both like each other's pics than u are given the option to chat)

    Anyway , long story short I've been chatting with this girl for HOURS, I honestly think we've been chatting for over 4 hours. We talked about everything known to man, school, friends, family, our dreams.

    Things were going really well near the end. We started flirting a little. Finally she mentions something about skype and I cordially say "oh u have skype, that's cool u should add me sometime"

    Then she was all like " I don't skype ppl I don't know"

    I sat there with my jaw dropped in shock for 2 minutes.

    What could this mean? Does this mean she doesn't like me? Does this mean I just wasted 4 hours of my SUNDAY!

    What's the whole point of getting the app if not to hook up with ppl!!!!!!

    I'm so confused

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is hick a racist word?

    So on youtube I saw this guy post a racist comment, then the next day some other guy replied to his racist comment calling him racist first, then calling him a hick

    But the question that came to my mind was "Wait, isn't hick a racially offensive term too, in telling the guy that racism is bad then immediatly calling him a hick afterwards aren't you also a racist and a hypocrite?"

    I'd just like to know what you guys think, thanks

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • What are your opinions on 'perfectionists'?

    You know who I mean, the types of people who refuse to accept anything short of perfection in anything that they do.

    How do you feel about those people? Do they grind your gears? Do you think we need more of them? Could you care less?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Have you ever thought that you were the chosen one?

    Like have you ever thought, even for a moment, (in a non entitled way) that you may very well be the most important being in existence who is destined to change the entire fabrick of creation?

    Like you are what the universe has been desperatly awaiting?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What kind of game is this girl playing?

    The same darn thing always happens when I text this chick.

    We text for a couple weeks or so, at around the last couple of days our conversations get really interesting. And just when I'm about to ask her out I text her and get no reply.

    Then we start texting again another 2 + months later and go through the same exact cycle.

    This has happened at least 3 times already.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • if a stranger in public asked you for relationship advice would you help them.?

    so if you were just out and about (the mall, movies, etc) and a stranger asked you for some relationship advice would you help them.

    would u help them if they were of the opposite gender

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Where do you go when you need to talk to someone?

    I dunno today has been a really boring day. I don't feel like doing anything. I've got a lot on my mind I probably just need to talk to someone, where do you go when you need to talk to someone?

    Do people even feel like this?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • I don't have time for relationships but I'm lonely?

    As much as I would like to have a relationship with someone, to have someone to talk to and to listen to. I can't have one, my schedule is already filled to the brim. I'm in 8 school clubs and I'm trying to keep a 4.0 so I can get into stanford. It wouldn't be fair to my GF, I wouldn't be capable of giving her the love and attention that she deserves.

    But sometimes I just can't help feeling so alone. What should I do? What can fill this void?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Does this mean that she isn't interested anymore?

    I've been texting this chick for a while (bout a month). In that time we've talked about everything from college to flirting to threesomes to her being bi to a lot of other things.

    At one point in one of our conversations she told me that she has always thought that I was attractive. Then, last week she started texting me pics of her in bras and such for 'advice'

    I'm fairly posotive that she likes me.

    But out of nowhere she has just stopped texting me. I texted her happy New Year's at midnight and we had an extremely brief convo. (like she only sent about 4 texts and then left me mid convo).

    Then I haven't gotten a text from her since then.

    Soooo what should I do? I asked my friends and they said that I should ask her out as soon as possible but I'm a little intimidated because she has had a good amount of boyfriends and she is way more wealthy than I am.

    So I'm concerned that I may not be exiting or experienced enough for her to like me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I ask her out via text?

    I'm afraid that if I don't ask her out now Its gonna be too late.

    How can I ask a girl out via text messaging?

    * Please just trust that I can't ask her out in person even if I wanted too*

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • School or Relationship?

    Its obviously winter break right now but the week I get back to school is going to be super busy with finals.

    My teachers have already posted huge study guides on the school website.

    But on the other hand I've been talking to this girl and I feel as though I've reached the pinnacle point of the relationship where I can either choose to call it quits or move this thing onto an official bf gf type of thing

    What should I do? Whats more important?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Ladies, is this a dead giveaway that she likes me?

    So I was texting this girl, for about half an hour or so we were having a perfectly normal conversation until all of a sudden she just kind of asked me out of blue if I could help her with something

    I said sure and then she proceeded to ask me which bra looks better on her, then she sent me two pictures of her wearing a bra.

    That's pretty much all you need to know . . . . so is this a dead giveaway that she likes me.

    I mean would you send a text like that to a guy you didn't like?

    I don't know I guess I'm just really bad at this sort of stuff

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What's the opposite of a pacifist?

    What is the opposite of a pacifist?

    In other words, is there a term used to describe people who view war as an ultimate solution to legitimate conflicts.

    I've heard the term war hawk before but I don't think that thats really what I mean. You see war hawks prefer war because of the potential land and money they could gain from the war.

    I want a term used to describe someone who views war as the morally correct path to go down.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Christmas gift ideas, what do you want?

    I have no idea what I want for christmas and my parents have been really getting on my case about my christmas list.

    So far I only have three things on it. One long sleeve shirt, one pen (its a special pen), and protein powder for when weight training starts.

    What else should I ask for? I don't want anymore clothes. I already have pretty much everything I need.

    What are you asking for?

    Any ideas?

    PS I'm a 17 year old guy if this sways your answer at all.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Help, My parents got an instagram!?

    Hey so I've wanted an instagram for a long time but I was never able to get one because I have a windows phone. But on black friday I got an ipad for school and I downloaded instagram.

    When I was on my ipad the other day in the kitchen my parents saw over my shoulder that I got an instagram and they asked me how to get one.

    Now they made one and they started following me which really sucks because instagram is kind of like a getaway for me.

    Thats the whole reason why Facebook is dead is because their are too many adults on it.

    How do I nicely tell them to not follow me on instagram and that I would like my privacy

    7 AnswersTeen & Preteen7 years ago