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Lv 2423 points

I will never fall, When all hope is lost

Favorite Answers12%
  • Is suicide... Really the answer?

    I've heard it all, Hold on pain ends. Time will heal. Ect... I've heard it for years now. All I think about is my mom who passed away in 2003. I was 13. From that to girls playing games leading me on and off just to get what they want. I feel dead inside. I'm always feeling down just want to sleep. Can never eat. family problem always never was close to any of them met and them when I was 16. I feel like death everyday. I've gotten help didn't work. They put me on pills made me worse. I'm to the point suicide is the only option for me

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Help with girlfriends?

    I'm 25 and still never got the concept of girlfriends or relationship. I don't know what it is. My longest relationship is only 3 months. I figuared it's because I have massive insincerity issues and I'm too shy to go up and talk to girls. So, how would you break insincerity and shyness

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to step up your game?

    This is sad... I have a 25 and have a 17 year old sister. She say I have no game when it comes to girls. I'm very shy not a lets party bro at all. How do I step up my game and start talking to girls. I get scared and studder and my voice is really high for being 25. I've tried talking and they laugh there *** off. I need so game. So how exactly do you "Spit Game"

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • whats a good style for a widows peak?

    I've tried a few hair styles but none really work out. I have a widows peak and need help finding a new hair style

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • How to talk to girls... Real Talk?

    I don't understand this I can go up to a guy and start talking to them with no problem, But when I try talking to girls I start to stutter. I know some girls think that's cute but no... Not cool. How do I go up to an attractive girl and start talking without looking like a dumbass. Any ideas will help.

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Funny ways to tell someone your single?

    I always get asked why I'm single. Both by males and females. I usually say I can't stand relationship. Males laugh females get pissed and that leads so arugments with females.There has to be a funny way to tell them why I'm single. Ideas... Anyone?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Best way to flirt with girls?

    Okayy I've done the stupid pick up lines and made myself look like an idiot. How do you flirt with girls. Ive tried just about everything you can think of. There must be a ton of ways to flirt...

    So what are they?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Acoustic guitar help please?

    What are some good acoustic guitars for bar chords. I have small fat hands and cant reach the 6th string when I try to play bar chords. I'm looking for a slim neck guitar or tips on playing bar chords. I have $700 for a new guitar. So please someone let me know a really nice slim neck acoustic guitar.

    5 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Need help on talking to a girl you like... ASAP?

    I'm 24 and never really had a girlfriend because I'm shy and wont talk to them. The last few days my friends have been bringing this girl over. They told me she thinks I'm cute and she wants to talk... I'm positively sure I have no idea what to talk about I don't want to seem borning or anything like that. I don't want to come off to strong to. Any ideas on what to talk about?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do i black out in a fight?

    I been in a lot of fights. Today I saw a man push two girls I walk up took off my sweat shirt and hit him in the face. I didn't get hit at all but I don't remember what happened after the first punch. It's weird.. I know how to fight. Keep your head up and stand your ground. I have been hit before and I come to and realize what I'm doing. But this happens all fights. I black out and don't recall what happened or what I did. Is there any way to stay in a controlled zone. I hate blacking out and seriously hurting people because they hit me first or said something stupid.

    4 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Why do i black out in a fight?

    I been in a lot of fights. Today I saw a man push two girls I walk up took off my sweat shirt and hit him in the face. I didn't get hit at all but I don't remember what happened after the first punch. It's weird.. I know how to fight. Keep your head up and stand your ground. I have been hit before and I come to and realize what I'm doing. But this happens all fights. I black out and don't recall what happened or what I did. Is there any way to stay in a controlled zone. I hate blacking out and seriously hurting people because they hit me first or said something stupid.

    3 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Should i give up on life?

    I'm 24 I know I'm still young but nothing is getting better. I have a major learning disability do to an accident. My mom passed away when I was 13 and I never had a dad. I keep thinking my life can't get any more worse but then it does. I get walk all over. Really can't stand up for myself. I've never had a girlfriend, I help everyone I know with just about everything but they take me for granted I just can't say no to anyone. I feel worthless all. I tried to get Jobs they won't hire me. I tried school again and failed like always. What can go wrong does and will. I just done with my life I just want to die already. Who wants to live like this. I get told life will get better but seriously when. I don't think I can hold on for much longer. I have no idea what else to do. I'm lost lonely and broken with no one to pick up the pieces.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Need help before suicide :(?

    I keep feeling suicidal. I used to cut then stopped but I keep thinking life sucks. Nothing is ever good enough for me or anyone else. I keep being told I'm a piece of trash and should die. I'm starting to believe what people are saying. It's not true but if you hear It long enough it crosses my mind. I sometimes feel it would be easier to die so I wouldn't deal with this bullshit. Just to add I have a problem I can't make my own choices. It's been hard and I'm about to give up on life. I'm 24 never had a girlfriend. I get made fun of everyday and I'm tired of living. How do I go about this...

    6 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Are all twins like this?

    I have a huge problem...

    My twin sister is smart, pretty, and she's always been good at everything. I'm a male I've have a learning disability, never had a girlfriend and I f#@k everything up... I swear my mom dropped me on my head or something. Are all twins like this or did I just get the short end of life.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • MASSIVE!!! help with girls...?

    I'm 24 and had a few flings but never a real girlfriend. This sucks all my friends are married and has kids or has a girlfriend now. I've done everything in the book. I've changed my apperence, attuided and even my outlook on things. My longest relationship is sadly a month and when I ask all of them what went wrong of course they say its them not me... So I'm completely lost right now and ran out of options. I go out meet new people, have friends set me up on blind dates and nothing. I guess I'm just that Damn ugly... No but seriously what else can I do. Any suggestions or tips will help.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why does god hate me?

    Nothing ever goes right in my life. Everyone around me is always happy and joyful. When I'm depressed all the time. I can't remember the last time I was happy. Everyone around me has there boyfriends and girlfriends and I've never had a girlfriend and I'm 24 that's weird. God took my mom when I was 13 and I had nothing, no dad so I had to moved to a drug filled awful state. Everyone I ask tells me god is putting you to the test it will get better... Well **** I didn't ask him for this test... Wtf I hate test why would I ask for one. When will it get better I've been waiting for 12 years for it to and it hasn't yet. I don't know what to do. Death has crossed my mind a few times. If god loves me why would he make me suffer and put me throw this hell for so long. I tried to change my life. And I fail at everything I try to do to better myself. So yeah I'm convinced god has something out for me. Why would he put someone through this...

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I met this girl need help!!! ASAP?

    I met this girl and of course she's taken. She gave me her number and starting texting me first. She's really cute and we click and it feels different when I'm around her. I told her she was cute and she said the same I asked her about her boyfriend and she said he's just an asshole who doesn't treat her right... I don't want to stop talking to her but walking into an *** kicking isn't my thing. I know if she was mine and I found out another guy was talking to her I would be pissed. How do I go about this... The single life comes easy with me. I've been single for 3 years and want to change it. I would love to be with her just not sure what to do. Btw her boyfriend is a marine and will kill me...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Libra guy with girl issues?

    I know all about the Libra sign. Male Libra are said to be charming and good looking and all that. Well I'm a Libra and I never really had a girl friend. I'm scared to talk to girls in person or even over the phone. I hangout with girls and make things awkward. I never seem to get a girl to look my direction. I know most sun signs are attractive, but I lack in that section. I've asked alot of other Libra guys they all are married at a young age, kids, and have a good job. What can I do to change that

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Libra guy with girl issues?

    I know all about the Libra sign. Male Libra are said to be charming and good looking and all that. Well I'm a Libra and I never really had a girl friend. I'm scared to talk to girls in person or even over the phone. I hangout with girls and make things awkward. I never seem to get a girl to look my direction. I know most sun signs are attractive, but I lack in that section. I've asked alot of other Libra guys they all are married at a young age, kids, and have a good job. What can I do to change that

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why am I still single?

    I'm 24 and still single. I can get girls but I don't know why they leave after a month. This sucks I want a real relationship longer then a month. I'm a sweet and a nice guy and will do anything for a girl. So I don't understand why I'm still single... Any tips will help

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago