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Beyond the Limits

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Living Life Loving~~~! Love is Lovely...Let It Flourish!~~~~ If you have Nothing to Die for, What is IT then that you have to Live for? Please read the following Paper on the further Understanding of Existence. It could TRULY be Eye-Opening for You! Nothing negative attached to it. Share to Spread........If you Care! -Courtesy of 'the Architect' (The true and Only 'Advocate of Truth'), a dear User and Top Contributor of Answers Yahoo.-

  • Leaving college and financial aid?

    Hypothetical scenario: Let's say this fall is my 4th semester in college and I have other plans. If I simply do not enroll (NOT dropout in the middle of the semester) for the fall semester, will I have to re-pay all the grants I received in previous semesters for not graduating?

    Would this also apply to scholarships? (I do know I would have to start repaying loans right away). Just not sure how free financial aid works.

    Thanks for the help!

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid6 years ago
  • ¿Amigos: Como mejorar la educacion de Mexico?

    Hola a todos,

    Hace algun tiempo lei el libro por el periodista Andres Oppenheimer, Basta de Historias, que realmente te abre los ojos sobre la educacion y deja bien/o pesimamente parados a varios paises al respecto. Mexico, por suspuesto muy decepcionante. El libro de verdad me dejo pensando...por que en Mexico existe tan pobre calidad educativa? Por que Mexico siempre es de los primeros en lo malo? Drogras, corrupcion, violencia, obesidad, educacion... en eso siempre somos los "Lideres del Mundo".

    Que tiene los paises Europeos, EU, Canada, Japon que Mexico no puede sonar y lograr ser?

    No se ustedes pero estoy harta de que a Mexico siempre se le atribuya lo pesimo. Y todos los paises que mencione anteriormente tiene un factor comun: la educacion, la educacion y la educacion! La educacion es la raiz de todo mal, al igual que la solucion a este. Y en Mexico, la educacion es nuestro mas grande problema, pero tambien nuestra mayor oportunidad.

    Asi que porfavor, dime lo que piensas?

    Que podemos hacer para Crear y Crecer un Mexico Educado?

    La educacion de Mexico deberia de ser la Tarea de solo de nuestro gobierno o de la SEP.

    ...Nosotros, los simples pobladores de Mexico verdaderamente podemos reformar al simplemente dijeramos TODOS....Basta de Historias! Que empiece la accion!

    1 AnswerOtros - Sociedad y Cultura7 years ago
  • Poll: List your top 5 Soup choices...?

    along with your top 5 Salad choices!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Selling Home-made Peanut Butter at Farmers Market?

    Simply, I still have some questions to face and that I keep pondering about.

    Please some advice on:

    -I am selling my butters in GLASS JARS and am buying empty jars directly from a container provider that creates their own products and containers: Do I have to still sterilize my jars for the butter? If so, do I have to vacuum seal them to ensure they last longer and truly preserve the quality I intend and which I am selling?

    -How long will home-made peanut butter last? And, do you have to refrigerate after you prepare and pour it into the jar or will vacuum sealing it preserve my home-made butter just fine?

    Meaning, when selling my butter they don't have to be refrigerated or keep them in a cooler where I sell them? Maybe they will need to be kept at the fridge after the customer opens it to eat some of their butter but that will be once the product is formally opened to consume and not refrigerated while selling and prior to buying and consumption.

    -I know home-made butter contains vegetable oil and the peanut naturally contains oils of its own. Therefore, separation of oil in the butter is perfectly normal, which simply is a feature of home-produced peanut butter. Thus, is there anything to do about this? I simply don't want to be selling my butters with the oil from them sinking to the bottom of my jars, and being notoriously visible to my potential customers.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Selling Peanut Butter at Farmers' Market? Advice please?


    My local farmers' market for winter is around November and just right around the corner. This will be my very first time selling and making any home-produced products at all. My target is simply peanut butter and butters of other sorts, and all of a home-made nature of course.

    Simply, I still have some questions to face and that I keep pondering about.

    Please some advice on:

    -I am selling my butters in jars and am buying empty jars directly from a container provider that creates their own products and containers: Do I have to still sterilize my jars for the butter? If so, do I have to vacuum seal them to ensure they last longer and truly preserve the quality I intend and which I am selling?

    -How long will home-made peanut butter last? And, do you have to refrigerate after you prepare and pour it into the jar or will vacuum sealing it preserve my home-made butter just fine?

    Meaning, when selling my butter they don't have to be refrigerated or keep them in a cooler where I sell them? Maybe they will need to be kept at the fridge after the customer opens it to eat some of their butter but that will be once the product is formally opened to consume and not refrigerated while selling and prior to buying and consumption.

    -I know home-made butter contains vegetable oil and the peanut naturally contains oils of its own. Therefore, separation of oil in the butter is perfectly normal, which simply is a feature of home-produced peanut butter. Thus, is there anything to do about this? I simply don't want to be selling my butters with the oil from them sinking to the bottom of my jars, and being notoriously visible to my potential customers.

    This is it. Any advice on this for me would be tremendously helpful, specially for a first-time experience in such thing.

    Thank you very much for any help in advance!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Jobs for non-English speakers in OHIO?

    Hello all,

    My mom and I after going through the huge and quite endless legal process of immigration just became legal residents of the United States. It was a 17-year wait and we are so blessed that we are finally a part of this country and legal members of this society. We waited in line for our turn and it has finally paid off....almost!

    There is an issue,

    As I said we just obtained our residency but now in time my mom is over 50 and ever since now we had lived in our native country. It has been a long while since my mom applied for legalization and we never thought it would take these many years. The process should have taken 10 years but the system now takes 17. Of course it was another period in time ever since my mom first applied and as I had said we never thought the 'green card' would arrive until now.

    My mom is obviously not 30 as she used to be back at the time of applying and now she is over 50 and never got the chance when young or during these years to learn any English.

    Now that we have the legal right to work here, how can she work when she does not speak the language?

    To obtain a residency it is not necessary to speak the language although the residency gives you way more rights and certain duties that either way demand you to know some way or the other.

    We have tried

    everything: Employment offices that help you find a job, searching online, searching locally... but it is limited where she could work without finding herself to have to speak English at some point.

    Please, she needs to get working. We need the income.

    We waited our turn, we came to this country through the front door and went through the legal process. We followed the rules and now have the right to be and work here. We earned this.

    But now, what can she do?

    My mom will learn the language but that takes Time to accomplish and we need the job now.

    PLEASE any help. I ask:

    Any jobs for non-English speakers in OHIO?

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Can you negotiate with Meat Farmers...?

    for a better deal and lower price per POUND of meat if you were to purchase several of their meat and fresh (eggs+ milk, even vegetables) for a formal business of your own, like a resturant?

    Thus, can you negotiate a lower price for meat if you were to puchase their items exclusively for a business of your own?

    Wouldn't that also be convenient for them since I, in my business, could make some publicity for its brand and farm by presenting it as the exclusive meat products of quality of my entire business/restaurant sold there?

    I would only sell their meat products in my business for those purposes and thus , in a deeper sense, I would give exclusive privilege to that farm brand at using it and promoting its products...without any other meat competition to worry least not in my business and from my part (since their meat would be of the only kind and brand I would be using to provide the food and cook for my restaurant- thus their meat being the one and only star for my meat-based dishes- their meat and only their meat).


    Would meat farmers be willing to negotiate like this if presented with a scenario like the one above?

    I have already looked up various meat and organic farms that sell you directly their products by pound of product, obviously, and you can simply purchase their items at their website right away through paypal, without even having to contact them directly. Some prices are not bad at all, while others are simply the regular or even a higher price: but a deal would certainly help and make a difference- the prices could simply be better.

    But once more, If I were to contact a meat farmer individually and personlly, would they be open to negotiation- or are their prices on their website already set and done for good: that is the only price they will offer since that is simply the price of the product, period?

    Please, knowers of these practices and with farm experience...kind help will be appreciated!

    Thank you in advance to any helpers..

    2 AnswersAgriculture8 years ago
  • How do scientists figure out the genetics of living organisms?

    Have you ever wondered? I have always been SO intrigued by such processes!

    How do they figure it out? Their stucture, what it is all made of, how it is structured and how they manage to put it back together once they take it apart to study the organism!

    I am NOT referring to the genetics of complex orgaisms like ourselves for I know that for such complexities, science research and mere inquiries there has been much work and progress done already and even on with the Human Genome Project and such, that have already attempted to 'sort out' these matters and how they ALL work.

    *But what about a simpler bacteria?

    *What about the plants living in my front yard?

    *Could I even myself figure the simple genetics of the life surrounding me?

    Gosh! I just am so DARN curious!

    Open to discussion.

    4 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Can I grow an AVOCADO TREE in a set-up greenhouse?

    Hello all...question on botany, planting-growing and gardening here!

    -I hit a Google search for 'planting Avocado Trees' but all of them assumed and explained under 'natural conditions' like growing it in your backyard or inside your house if the weather gets cooler, not cold (since the Avocados are 'cool' with cool weather , yet not being able to bear cold one).

    - I live in the NorthEast of the Country (the U.S. of course). More specifically and for the sake of making my point, I live in the state of Ohio- Vast farmlands, thus vast opportunity to vastly grow all varities from fruits, veggies or other kinds of gifts from the Earth! Thus, in here it is common to see a good deal and variety of organic stores.

    -However, it gets pretty darn Cold in the winter and the winter season by itself and alone can get pretty long! (We are April already and it was predicted to snow here even though we are already in SPRING!).

    -Also, and due to the nature of the weather, here avocados are truly overprized and yet so yummy to consume but difficult to get for the price set in comparison to the quality and QUANTITY you are receiving.

    -Thus, is it possible to grow avocado trees in a set-up greenhouse of its own, set-up specially to meet and fulfill its growng needs and yet the consumers' demands, thus being able to function and thus produce avocados all year round - no interruptions at all even if the one year is not enough time for the tree to grow- despite and even during the winter seasons (so the trees still growing inside its 'warm' climate inside the greenhouse even though it may be hellish cold outside it).

    Anybody KNOWLEDGEABLE of botany, growing techniques or plain agriculture can offer some kind advice: What do you think, possible? Cost- effective? And possible to sustain for the period of time the avocado needs to grow- whatever time it needs, the green-house can operate for that same lenght of time?

    **By the way, how long does an avocado need to grow- -3 , even ten years is what I read... TRUE?

    Thank you in advance..

    3 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • How can I delete an already RESOLVED Question...?

    here on Answers Yahoo?

    The question I want to delete already has had some time up here and when I went back to it to delete it, such option to 'delete' question does not appear anymore... I am pretty sure that would be because it is an already 'resolved' question and not a recently posted one that yet needs to be answered and voted on.

    Can I sill delete my question nonetheless?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Are there any INTERNET forums out?


    Are there any Internet forums out there( as in forums exclusive and dedicated to discuss topics like the internet, technology in itself, and computer systems- but still primarily dedicated to talk about the Internet)?

    I am a curious person and a beginner at understnding how the most basic trace of technology works!

    Thus, I would like to get educated on the subject as I know so little of it:

    I alread attempted to start an open Internet discussion here on Answers Yahoo- but my question being very detailed since the suject of the Internet covers many parts was therefore somehow lenghty.

    I think the lenght of my question influenced its outcome as to nobody answered, reacted or responded to my question at all!

    It might have something to do, although it could also be that there simply aren't many people knowledge of the Internet or of computer systems here on this forum of Answers Yahoo- thus, maybe that's why nobody answered: maybe the majority of people in here simply don't know any about the subject.


    To avoid this problem and stop assuming that if I post a question on a certain forum about a certain topic then the people of that forum would therefore know the answer to that one question being posted in THEIR forum: then do you guys know any INTRNET FORUMS about and for the Internet you guys know for SURE they are dedicated exclusively for that?

    I already hit a Google search on my own since I thought it would be as simple as to look it up: But I found nothing by searching "forums about the Internet " and NOT 'Internet forums' as that implies a forum by and in the Internet and not FOR and about the topic of the Internet in itself".


    Can anybody please offer some advice?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Anybody here familiar with the SQUIDOO system?


    I am user of Squidoo and a newer to its system (I signed up with them a few days ago).

    I have already sent two e-mails directly to the FAQ and assistance centers , but the days pass and pass and still no response (they said it could only take a few days but even whole weeks to get to you).

    Thus, since I cannot get direct assistance from the Squidoo guys themselves precisely to solve a problem I am having with THEIR system, then I dont know what else to do ( I know they are pretty busy people, but if they cannot offer me help in the help center right away then with what am I left?).

    I tried to contact other friendly squidoo users but have no holy idea how to make contact with them (once again I am just a baby newer at the system-really!).

    I CANNOT wait any longer because my issue is with an article I very recently published and if you need to change something in material that is already public , then the change should happen within the next minutes and not in the days or weeks to come!).

    I still want my readers to get the same impression with the article once the changes are made, and hopefully they won't notice the great changes made to it- hope it isn't that obvious!).

    Here is the trick: I would NOT have to make any changes since evrything I needed to say were already up there....But I checked my article this morning and something is missing! It wasn't missing when I published it or in the small time that came...!

    Here is the ISSUE:

    I wrote an atrticle and added some nice polls to it that complimented it beautifully the point I was trying to get across. But they do not show in the final publish even though they DID before!

    It was not inappropriate questions at all but what is even more ironic is that when I click on 'Edit Lenses'...they ARE in there! They still showed up in the overall writing copy and thus could not have been taken down by SQUIDOO because they are still visible to me (since I am obviously the only one that can edit that article). It is when I hit 'PUBLISH' that they magically disappear).

    I ALREADY checked my poll module to see if the article wasn't by mistake under a 'hidden button' and thus that poll module not being visible to others. But NO, there even is such thing as a 'hidden button'!!!

    And NONE of my three polls show up even though they belong to separate modules (as if they all knew, the polls, that they need to 'hide' for the final publication... ALL of them!).

    HELP.. please?

    The sooner the better and thanks to all helpers.

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • How to create your own Games in 'Gameful' land?


    Pardon my ignorance but: I just became a user of the Gameful or Gameful land website and I honest to goodness do not know where to begin to start creating my own games: the main point of the website along with playing the game in itself and sharing.

    I have read the website in itself ALL the way through, somewhere in there should it say how the web operates: Nop...just makes reference to operating systems of your setting, profile, blahhhh...but not of its main function- to create or even play the game , as I stated before. I have looked right and left, top to bottom and have found no reference or holy clue on how to create a game in that website.


    There isn't even a FAQs section! (Frequently Asked Questions section) at all!

    I am SURE this website is in fact for also building your own games.In this sense, I am not mistaken. I checked on the developer, intellectual author, and creator of the web aside in her own official page. She said 'Gameful' was to play or make games and offered the direct link to it (which I of course followed and this is how I got and ended here).

    Here it is:

    If YOU can figure it out, or simply tell me, WHERE in this website do I start to create a game I will be etenally grateful to you, accept my defeat and apologize to you for my massive stupidity if the section to start creating a game was, in fact, in front of my noses but I miserably failed to see it, blinded by my dumbness all this passing time I could have started working on my game right away.

    (P.S. you don't have to be a signed up member to be able to figure out or even SEE how Gameful works,or where to begin creating a game in this case, and thus not a 'but' that interferes with you accepting this challenge). After all, Basic information on how the site operates should be displayed to any and all public, just available in general---> This being the case, only if you did NOT know , or even were familiar, with Gameful before hand and thus could tell right away what could be my issue with it).

    Accept the Challenge or not, IF you do not know already...?

    Even still, DO please offer some HELP!

    That is still needed nonetheless... with or without the need of accepting a challenge.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What is the cost for a Single, one-time, CT scan to the Brain?

    WITHOUT insurance, just out-of-my pocket: Approximate cost for a single, one time, CT scan for the Brain? (Cost just in general).

    AND...How much time is appropriate in between each time:Meaning, if some time passes by after the first scan, and I wish to scan my brain for a second time: What time would be medically appropriate to be in between each scan?

    Thank You...

    6 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • What do YOU think is NECESSARY to be Mentally Healthy?

    What do YOU think is NECESSARY to be and stay Mentally Healthy?

    Everybody takes care of their physical health with regular exercise and special diets but how to take care of your MENTAL health?...That ONE also needs to be taken care of..

    Thus, what is NECESSARY, in YOUR opinion, to be Mentally active... to be 'Brain Fit'?

    I think Body fitness has been overplayed by the media. It surely IS impotant specially due to Obesity, weight problems and eating disorders...but nothing outbeats the relevance and power of the Mind. The Mind is after all, what you think with, feel with, plan for, and crave the desire to keep going, moving on, and keep forward with your life...with keep on living. No mind ,no motivation. Actually: No mind, no desire to want to live, no desires at all, or even have a sense of 'life'. And quite frankly, if you ask anybody just with plain common sense: I think emotional unstaility ranks higher in top worries than Bulimia. Both certailnly ARE issues, but you gotta weigh the severity of each one. Same nature, but far different manifestations and future complications.

    The Mind is a santuary of Life, the body simply carries around that Life. The body performs a task, the Mind conceives of the concept of what a task even is. When the body is broken, first reaction is sympathy. When the mind gets broken, first reaction is fear. The only aspect I see the Mind and Body are mutally equal is the notion that if the Body gets sick, why can't the mind? The Mind and Body are different in their nature, function, living, and manifesting but still vulnerable to illness and other harms, and destined to a certain death, or end of their daily tasks, a cease to their functioning, bounded to biological and earthly natures, thus bounded to have performed biological and earthly tasks for their and this biological and earthly life.

    It's time to talk Mind/ Mental Health...

    What do you think of the subject?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • What is the cost for a Single ,one-time, CT scan for the Brain?

    WITHOUT insurance, just out-of-my pocket: Approximate cost for a single, one time, CT scan for the Brain? (Cost just in general).

    AND...How much time is appropriate in between each time:Meaning, if some time passes by after the first scan, and I wish to scan my brain for a second time: What time would be medically appropriate to be in between each scan?

    Thank You...

    1 AnswerMedicine8 years ago
  • What article WRITING Compnay for which to work?

    NOT recommend Xomba or Yahoo Contibutor...!

    Simply looking for a Company for which to work writing articles to publish online.

    a)Any accredited company that obviously is regulated, revised, has estalished standards but NOT with unecessary and constraining restrictions or absurd and many after many requirements to meet. NOTHING restricting way TOO muhc my freedom of wiriting: neither too many restrictions or requirements on topics to write, or avoid, writing about. (But with quality standars to adapt and EXPECT to follow).

    b)With fair payment: Fair payment for the work I do for them, just as fair amount for them to pay for the work quality I present.

    c) Paid through an accesible via- I want to be able to get paid though an accesible via. Nothing requiring too much personal information from my part like my bank, card or ID personal numbers. Simple PayPal should wok more than fine. I had MUCH trouble with Xomba. They required me to get paid through a formal Google Adsense account which I had to create first, but which could not pocceed or even had a point on creating if I had not already created a personal website for which the Google Adsense account will function and serve, and for which the LOONG process will have to get approved. (Not even 'applying' for such Google account Xomba required of me was a guarantee...I would still have to await for fomal approval from Google, despite the fact the matter was WITH Xomba yet trivially involving Google in the middle).


    Please avoid suggesting Xomba or Yahoo Contributor...I already had my experiences and troubles with both. They are out of my option (possible) and checked (already tried) list.

    ANY kind and serious suggestions more than WELCOME!

    2 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago