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Married, two girls.A Devoted Christian and a Strong love for America and great respect for our men and women in the Armed Forces! My motto is I pass through this world once, therefore any kindness that I may show let me show it now, for I will never pass this way again.

  • If you were a religion that felt that all other religions were evil that needed to be destroyed, why?

    Why would you move to a Country that is full of people of that religion? Why would you not stay in or move to a country that is full of people that are your religion? I would think that if you have such strong feelings of contempt towards other religions and you feel that they are all infidels, you would not want to live around them. So why are all of these people moving to the United States when they know that 92% of American's are Christians and this is one of the religions that they consider infidels? Do they have a motive to infiltrate this Country with sleeper cells, by pretending to be quiet innocent people and all the time they are working on a plan to harm the people and the Country? Can anyone think of a reason why these people would want to move away from their own people, to a country full of infidels (in their minds)and live so far away from their home, their customs, their family, and all of the people that have the same religion? What is their motive? Is it distruction?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard anything on the news about 70 people in Texas that live on the border being kidnapped?

    My husband and I heard on the news tonight that there are 70 or more people that live along the border in Texas and they have been kidnapped by Mexicans, and there is no trace of these people. Our Government is unable to find them and they think that the Mexican police are involved in the Kidnapping. If this is the case, I think we need to build the wall very fast, and very long and tall.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have trouble with Muslims trying to convert them on this site?

    I am always getting Muslim Men trying to convert me. They make the grand mistake to think that I know nothing about my religion or theirs, but they are very wrong! I usually up making fools of them. So quit trying to convert people on this site!!!!! To say that you are protecting women by forcing them to over dress in these hot over heated clothes so in this mans words, "They don't get raped" I told him that if the men of the Muslim fath are such animals that they can't contol themselves they belong in jail and the women should be able to ear

  • Does anyone believe that the Muslim Religion is really peaceful?

    Just today alone almost every news headline was something dealing with a violent act that a Muslim or a group of Muslims have done. Yet they try to pass themselves off as peaceful. I have never heard a single Muslim speak against the behavior of the terrorist groups, I have never heard of a group of Muslims give money towards the group of people that were affected by the Muslims that bombed or harmed the other muslims. They are just so violent. Example in todays news: Father murders daugher because she would not wear her head scarf. Is anyone so blind that they actually believe that this is a good religion? There was a Muslim guy that was trying to convert me and he never gave me a decent answer as to why anyone would want to join a religion?I was amazed when he kept telling me that this was a religious

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is any one aware that America has the most people in prison because 35% are illegal immigrants?

    I was watching the news the other night and they were doing a follow up on American prisons and they said that America has more people in their prisons than any other country because 35% of them are illegal immigrants. Is this fair that we have to take care of these criminals? Or should we make our laws tougher on illegals and put the death penalty into play when it comes to an illegal immigrant?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should there be a law that states anyone that wants to run for a State or Federal office must first serve ...?

    In the Military? I believe that if we had a law stating before you could run for State Rep, Congress, Senate, President, Vice President,Govener, and even Judges, we would have a group of people that had a better understanding of what it takes to keep a strong Military, we would get rid of the rich Professional Polititions, We would have a group of people that were more apt to put their Country before their own personal intrest. I also think that we would get a group of people that understood the real life in America. Right now all we have serving us in Government are rich people that are far away from the real problems of America and they have no clear understanding of how to solve the issues because they don't live the average life of an American. Right now we have a group of rich people that think if they throw money at a problem it will take care of it. The problem is they always use the working person's money to throw around, while they keep themselves protected.We need real people

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If 87% of Americans are Christian,why do we let our polititions build Muslim churchs with our tax money?

    I just found out that in America they are building Muslim Churches on all the State ran Campuses, and they are using our tax dollars to do it. Why do we as American's let the Elected officials use our hard earned money to build things that go against our belief system and support the type of people that are known terrorists? Does any one else see a problem with this? I was very angry to find out that they were building a Muslim Church on the State Campus of the U of M and that they were spending millions of tax dollars to do it. What the hell is wrong with our elected officals? 87% of Americans are Christians and they don't build us Churches, why do we permit them to use our money to do things like this? It is like they are asking for us to be attacked again., and it is like they are trying to get a bigger following in the U.S so that they can destroy us easier. I believe that the Democrats are trying to destroy this country. Since it was their great idea to do something this stupid!!!

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • My friend has this boyfriend that sometimes does not treat her as well as he should.?

    They have been dating for about two years, she is very good to him, she never has a problem with any thing that he wants to do. He often leaves her at home so that he can go out and party with his guy friends. She is always buying him everything that he needs, cooking for him, doing his laundry, she takes him out to eat,and she does all of this because he is still in college. She will often give to him and go without for herself, and he has no problem telling her that he wants to spend the weekend with his guy friends, or an old friend that is a girl. I know that he is faithful to her, but just recently he told her that he was going to Jamica with a guy friend on Spring break so he only wanted money for Christmas. This really hurts her when he is always going off with his guy friends and leaving her behind. She is very pretty and there are a lot of guys that want her for their girlfriend, but she remains loyal to him. He is a nice guy, just not too thoughtful. What should she do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should there be terms set for elected officials to prevent professional politicians?

    How would we as the American people go about putting a law in place that would put limits on the amount of years that a person could serve in an elected position? A law like this would help to prevent people from becoming professional polititions, and it would stop them from learning the system so well that they can abuse it. Right now there are so many Senators that have been in office for so long they know all of the in's and out's of the laws and the money, and they know exactally where to buy up land because of a big project going up in that area in a few years,or they can develop companies that sell products and services to the government and so forth.IF they were only in office for a few years it would not permit them to get such a tight grip on controling things, and I believe it would be more of a fair market out there. It would also help stop bribery because the crooks would not know who they could and could not trust. I think that it would help make America a bit more honest

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If most people in America feel that our Elected Officals are over paid then how...?

    I previously asked a question if the American people felt that our Elected officals are over paid and I asked them if they thought that it was fair that they could vote themselves a raise when they wanted one. I also asked if the People thought that they should have to be on Social Security instead of having the special health care plan that they have. The Answer was absoultly YES! So with that Established How do we stop them from receiving special medical plans, and how do we stop them from voting themselves a raise?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else in America tired of letting our elected officals vote themselves a raise when they want to?

    In America elected officals such as State Reps, Congressmen,and Senators, can vote themselves a raise when ever they want one. Is any one else tired of this rule? Do you also think that instead of them having a special health care system, they should be on the same system as the American people are on, which is Social Security and Medicare. I bet if they did not have their privite plans, and they were on the same plans as the rest of the Americans, they would get Social Security and Medicare fixed really quick. But for right now they have an excellent health care set up and an even better retirement plan. Does anyone else get fifteen thousand dollars a month when they retire, plus excellent benifits that you don't have to pay for? The tax payer pays for that. Who else feels that we are getting screwed by the elected officals? Who else thinks it is time to put a stop to their free ride?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does any one really believe what our T.V stations media tell us?

    I think it is a big joke when news stations run adds telling us how they are here for us and they are our friends. I find our news media a joke and I rarely find them telling the truth. They take little blurbs out of complete conversations and edit it to mean what they want it to mean and they can either hang or make a person by doing this. I think it is wrong. I feel that when they take everything out of context they are out right lying to the American people. Does any one else feel this way?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • The democrats are trying to stop conservative radio, should this be allowed?

    The democrats and the Republicans were both given the same right to start a public talk show that had to be self supported. The democrats were unable to fund theirs because like everything else they do, they ran it broke, the Republicans ran their like a business and it is doing well, It is getting the truth out there and telling the people all of the sneaky things that our Senate is doing. Now Nancy Pelosi, and a few of her cronies, want to stop conservative radio from being produced and they are trying to force they to give the democrats equal time. They are also trying to take away each Radio owners rights to air any of the conservative messages. I believe this infringes on our freedom of speech, do you? Shoulden't we stop the Democrats from doing this? How will we ever find out the trut if they extinguish talk radio?

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Should Europe have to pay back the money that was given to them by the U.S.?

    About 6 or 7 years ago the United States kept the European Union from going into bankrupsy by giving it 44 billion dollars to stabalize the Euro. Should the European Union give the money back now that the dollar is falling and the Euro is strong? I think it should.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • My daughter was physically and verbally attacked by a black woman at her work, the company did not fire her.?

    I have a problem with the fact that my daughter was physically and verbally attacked by a very large black woman at her job. This woman was probably three to four times the size of my daughter and every time she worked with my daughter, she went out of her way to harm my daughter. There was no manager at the company at the time so I reported it to corporate and they sent some one out to talk to my daughter and others that saw her do this, yet this woman was only given a warning, I am very angry because my daughter quit her job because she no longer felt safe there, and the company did nothing to protect her. I think that the only reason this woman got by with treating my daughter so poorly is because she is black. That really pisses me off that she was not repremanded even when everyone told corperate how vicious she was.Should we sue her and the company?? BCBG Maxeria

    24 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong for Colleges to have communist leaders speak at the college?

    I had recently heard of a professor of some college that invited the leader of Iran to come over to our country and speak at the college. I feel that since Iran is in bed with North Korea, and North Korea was just busted because they were making and distrubiting counterfiet American Money in the United States and Iran is very vocal about being anti-American, this guy should not be allowed to speak in our Universities, and the Idoit that invited him should be tossed out of the Country or thrown in jail because I feel that he is a security threat to our Nation. People like that are threats to this wonderful country and they need to be dealt harshly with, because they sacriface the saftey of all the other people in America. When they sacriface our saftey, I feel that they should loose their rights. Just like criminals, when their actions harm or hinder another persons rights they should loose all of their rights. This is how we need to treat this college professor. He's a Trader!

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't it be legal to purchase as many medications as you need to from foreign countries?

    Since it is legal for business's to take their business over to foreign lands and have things made over there and then brought back to the U.S. to be sold, why should it be any different if the people want to purchace their medication from a foreign country instead of an American Company.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who else believes that all politicians should be on Social Security?

    I believe that our Social Security system would not be in the crisis that it is in if our politicians would have to be on it instead of having their own special health care system that is absoutely wonderful! The system that all of our politicians use is not in a crisis, and I believe that if they had to use the Social Security instead of having their own plush system they would get the Social Security system fixed right now. Who else agrees? If you agree, please send your Senators an e-mail telling them that you think that they need to be on Social Security just like all of the rest of the Americans instead of having their own plans.Please tell me what you think.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Don't you just hate it when movie stars try to push their political agenda on us?

    I find nothing more upsetting than when a Movie Star tries to push their political agenda and all of their weird ideas off on the public. We pay them to act, not to use their media time to push their political agenda. I think that this should be out lawed since it is free advertising for certain people in the political field. Does anyone else agree?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago