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How about that League of Nations faction?
A few months ago all of the guys (except Del Rio) were stumbling around the mid-card to lower mid-card and ending most of their matches looking up at the lights.
Now that they are all together do they seem like a dominate force or just a bunch of mid-carders waiting to get pinned?
4 AnswersWrestling5 years agoIs the Wyatt family finally going to win a feud?
So after losing to well.. everyone.. Bray and family are up against the Dudleys and Dreamer.
Wyatt's need a win and this would good time for it.
Should Bray and crew destroy the Dudley's or should nostalgia win again?
BQ - if Wyatt family comes up short on this one (again) how damaged are they?
5 AnswersWrestling5 years agoIf we had 7 hours of NXT each week would we be sick of it by now?
I have a theory that one reason people complain about WWE is that there is just too much "main roster" programming each week and the recycle the same old junk to fill the time.
3hrs of Raw + 2hrs Smackdown + 1hr Main Event + 1hr Superstars = 7 hours!
I think on of the reasons NXT is popular is because only being on 1hr once a week keeps it fresh. Am I right?
7 AnswersWrestling5 years agoCould the Ascension have been something?
Ascension did pretty well in NXT.
On the main roster - not so much. Are they hopeless or were they doomed from the start by bad booking?
11 AnswersWrestling6 years agoGood ol' JR says?
Good ol' JR says if WWE listens to the paying customers, gives them what they want, and stops with the stupid angles and 50/50 booking then the WWE will return to the magic land high ratings of profitability.
I say he's probably right.
So what do you paying customers want?
PS - he says a DB return ain't gonna cure everything.
4 AnswersWrestling6 years agoWho will be the 3rd man on Ambrose / Reigns team at NOC?
Easy as pie - be the first with the right answer and you get BA after we find out who it is at NOC.
My guess is it will be Kane. WWE will try to get the big new monster over by having him beat the big old monster.
3 AnswersWrestling6 years agoTell me about Enzo and Big Cass?
Rumor has it these guys will be called up to the main roster soon(ish).
Do that have what it takes to rise to the top of the tag division and get over with the crowd? or - Will be they lost in the shuffle and shuffle around with the lost in the abyss that is currently the tag division?
Enzo seems to be far and away the workhorse of the team. I'm guessing there is a reason for that?
4 AnswersWrestling6 years agoPush this guy, push that guy - name your 5 guys that should be main eventing wwe and tell me why?
The main event scene has always been limited to around 5ish guys. Always has been and likely always will be. There is only so much room at the top. But we always hear this guy or that guy should be there. So here is your chance. Give me the 5 guys that should make up the WWE main event scene and tell me why.
4 AnswersWrestling6 years agoWhat's the deal with Sheamus?
I read a decent amount of people saying they don't like the fella. Why not?
He's got the size, he's decent on the mic, works hard in the ring and has proven he can have a good match with anyone.
It it you don't like the way the fella has been booked or you don't like the fella?
5 AnswersWrestling6 years agoCould a young Dusty Rhodes have gotten a chance in pro-wrestling today?
6 AnswersWrestling6 years agoWhat is your favorite memory of Dusty Rhodes?
4 AnswersWrestling6 years agoWould TNA have done better to get a D-list actor to play the "investor" role?
Nothing against MVP. He likely should of went further in WWE than he did. But, kind of like D-Lo - many people are going to remember him as former WWE mid-carder from back in the day. So, him turning up as the mystery investor seems kind of a let-down to some.
Would they have been better off to just hire an actor nobody has really heard of before to play the role?
7 AnswersWrestling7 years agoHow cool was Bully's tribute to Mae Young?
Took me a second to spot it, but I thought it was cool of him to do that.
3 AnswersWrestling7 years agoAre you being sports entertained?
I am.. well mostly. The musical chairs thing was horrible, and the bit between FL GA line and 3 man band made my brain hurt..
But the rest has been 1/2 way decent..
Who else is being sports entertained tonight?
2 AnswersWrestling8 years agoBetter then or now - Brock, Rock, Goldust, & RVD?
Just as the question says.
Brock, Rock, Goldust and RVD.
Were they better back in the day, better now (even if they only wrestle once in awhile), or no difference?
5 AnswersWrestling8 years agoWhen was the last time WWE had all heel champs?
Right now WWE has all heel champs. WWE - Orton, WHC - ADR, Intercontinental - Axel, US - Ambrose, Tag - Reigns & Rollins, Diva - AJ
When was the last time the WWE had all heel champs and who were they?
3 AnswersWrestling8 years agoThe Iron Sheik is in LA, who will he humble?
..and will he suplex them or put them in the camel clutch?
2 AnswersWrestling8 years agoWhen did the era of the champ needing legit skills end with regard to holding the title?
..and who was the last champ of that era?
In the territory days the belt very rarely went on anyone who did not have the legit skills to defend it if need be. The promoters did not want some local mid-carder to shoot on the champ and force him to tap in the middle of the ring. They needed a champ who was a good enough shooter to keep this from happening.
That's why for many years guys like Lou Thez, Brisco, Race, etc held the belt.
When did that era end and who was the last champ of that era?
Obviously guys like Angle and Brock have legit skills and could prevent someone shooting on them. But, the era ended before them (I think) as many of the previous champs really did not have any legit skills to defend themselves from a skilled legit shooter.
5 AnswersWrestling8 years agoCNN Reporter Doubts if Obama actually shoots skeet?
A CNN Reporter actually questioned something that Obama said. She questions if he actually shoots skeet like he says and doubts that he does!!!
Is that allowed for a news organization (other than Fox or talk radio) to question the word of Obama!?!!
Should this type of thing be punished or encouraged?
10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago