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I can´t be descrived, you have to get to know me.

  • Java help: non-repeating pairs?

    I need to make the pairs

    11 22 33 44 55 be scattered randomly in an array of 10, and return the sequence of scattered numbers.

    So far, I have:

    Ar=new int [10];

    do{ Ar[0]= (int) (Math.random ()*5); Ar[1]= (int) (Math.random ()*5)... etc}

    while ();


    Is there something I can put in that while to make it work?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • is there a way to save a dying laptop battery?

    the battery in my computer drains very quickly, and it's telling me to consider replacing it. I was just wondering if there was any way to delay the battery's death for another... 4 months, maybe?

    oddly, my computer (just NOW) suggested I change the setting to "lasting battery" or something like that... and for a while now, it's stayed on 97% saying that it's plugged in, but not charging. I dont think it's anything to worry about, but I though it would go to 80% (which is when it starts charging again) almost immediately.

    Thanks in advance for any advice :D

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • I'm looking for a specific bible qoute...?

    I think it's in the new testament, it says something like "if you are asked why you believe, you should have an answer for it"

    thanks in advance

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • is probability affected it an action is repeated?

    say for instance, there's a 1% I'll get hurt if I jump, common sense tells me that if I jump enough times, I WILL get hurt. Do the probabilities stack up or something? how is that expressed in a formula?

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • is there anything in the bible that talks abut free will?

    First, let's be clear on what free will is. Free will is the ability of sentient, conscious agents to make choices unconstrained by certain factors, (according to wikipedia, and to that I'll add...) one of which is other such agents.

    is that concept even in the bible? I've seen one or two quotes given out of context ("In him I can do anything" is about being able to do things, not the autonomy that free will assumes of people). What about god's supposed desire (obligation?) to not intervene with people's free will?

    I'm looking for bible quotes, and I will definitely look at it's adjacent verses to check context. Does the bible back up assertions about free will existing, and god not interfering with it? Let's see.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Should I say one last goodbye?

    There's a girl that 5 years ago asked me to be her boyfriend, I said "no" (like an idiot) because I didnt feel ready for a relationship. I immediately regretted it, but I thought, "hey, I'll tell her tomorrow" so I kept postponing it until she gets a boyfriend and I'm just sitting by myself admiring the HUGE mistake that I made. We knew each other, but we never really talked when at school.

    I then changed school and graduated, and NOW (about 4 years later), while feeling nostalgic, I found her on twitter and emotions flooded me.

    I started of with a "hey, I wonder if @her remembers me?"... nothing.

    Then she tweeted "sick of the same f**ing sh*t" and I responded with "may I interest you in a meal with a guy you havent seen in 5 years (me, you see, we went to school together...)"... nothing.

    I miss her, but I just wanna let go, so I though sending her a private message on facebook with a completely honest (and somewhat long-winded) "hey, I wanted to talkto you, but I'll take the hint and stop contacting you now".

    so basically... SHOULD I? I just want the heartache to stop, so that I can move on, but I already feel bad enough stalking the poor girl... I just know I'm sad, nostalgic and confused D:

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to re-introduce myself to a girl I like?

    The thing is that I haven't seen a girl in 4 years (details here:;_ylt=Ate8X... ) I saw her facebook and twitter... and I was thinking about talking to her. The thing's that I'm not really sure on which to contact her and in which way.

    She hasn't used facebook in months. but I can't send her a private message in twitter (which I would rather do)

    on a similar dilemma, I'd like to just tell her the whole truth and let my honesty speak for itself. But maybe it would be better to simply start with a "hey, remember me?" kind of thing BEFORE I pour my heart out.

    I know I'm probably over-thinking, but I miss her, and I dont wanna make a HUGE mistake.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Would calling a cease-fire with god help me at all?

    I am gonna contact someone from my past (I have the details in another question in this site) and I really, REALLY want to get into her life as a friend or a romantic partner.

    I am a person of non-belief in god (let's not bring labels, hell, or "well we KNNNOOOOWW god doesnt exist" into this discussion, OK? If you dont believe in god, play it as a hypothetical), however, I'm open to the possibility of such a being governing our world.

    Now, here's "the deal" I made. I would not bring into question it's existence or argue against any religion just so long as this goes OK. My question is, do you think your (or any god) would help, sabotage or leave-as-is this situation?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What would you do if next time you woke up...?

    you found yourself waking up 5 years ago in your "old body" and somehow confirmed that you knew what was going to happen in the next 5 years?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I wanna talk to a girl I haven't talked to (or SEEN) in about... 4 years?

    We were in the same class and she once asked me to be her boyfriend. since I was (an IDIOT) having some issues with stuff like not feeling ready to be in a relationship and low self-esteem, I say "no". I immediately regretted it, but I thought, "hey, I'll tell her tomorrow" so I kept postponing it until she gets a boyfriend and I'm just sitting by myself admiring the HUGE mistake that I made. We knew each other, but we never really talked when at school.

    I then changed school and graduated, and NOW, while feeling nostalgic, I found her on twitter and emotions flooded me. I wanna go to her college and just pour my sentiments out and hope for the best (although I'm not really sure what I want).

    Part of me says "be a doer, not (only) a thinker"

    Another says "what's wrong with you!? what you even gonna say!? 'hey, remember me from FOUR YEARS AGO? I sort of tracked you down'... SERIOUSLY!?"

    so then I decided to make the sexy people of the internet be the judges. What do you think I should do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • what is the difference between a liberal and a libertarian?

    also, what EXACTLY are they?

    thanks in advance, you sexy people of the internet.

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • how much would it cost to go to college?

    to be more specific a master's degree on something applied to computer science, and the possible restrictions there might be for a foreign person (such as myself) in the US.

  • have you ever imagined the dolphins telling the whales to shut up?

    they both make noises, and given the whale's size, I assume they have large brains. They might possibly understand the dolphin's noises.

    I might possibly be overthinking it, but meh.

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • do you think the internet is where religion comes to die?

    I was a doubting christian, but I never really let go of the faith until I got on youtube. then I just moved on and never looked back. It's very easy to see that a lot of people communicate with non-religious (atheists, agnostics, etc.) through online communities.

    I also see how a lot of people go like "hey, I'm a christian, but I'm no CREATIONIST!", opening up the questioning of the bible.

    I think the internet is where the old religions come to die, do you?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • help with a matrix inverse?

    I desperately need to get the inverse of the following 2X2 matrix



    without getting the letters in the denominator

    if you do so, could you show me the way you did it?

    thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • help with an algebra problem?

    I have 4 variables (s,r,f and q) and the following equations:






    I dont really know what to do, because I think I should first seperate the qr's and the sf's, but I dont know how to.

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • I need some help with a physics problem...?

    there's a bus traveling on a horizontal road, that has a hammer tied to the cieling, that forms a 47 degree angle, what is the bus' acceleration?

    I honestly have NO IDEA where to start...

    3 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • help with different tension on a rope with mass?

    there's a rope with 26Kg mass holding a a ball that has 75Kg of mass, What is the maximum and minimum tension on the rope? What is the tension at 3/4 length of the rope (from the bottom up)?

    I'm kind of confused by the max. & min

    also by the length... does it affect the tension? maybe it's 1/4 of the max tension?

    any help is apreciated

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • What do you think would happen if every single machine disappeared over night?

    I think society would break down for a while, then the smart people would start to rebuild, and everything would be back to normal within 100 years, or so, having built everything back from the knowledge that we already have.

    Also a lot of people would die... a few millions.

    What d you think will happen, sexy, beautiful and smat people of the internet?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • a quick question for anyone in the UK, what does "rubbish" mean, exactly?

    I get that it's an equivalent of "nonsense" which is pretty standard, but is it insulting in any way? or is it just a different way?

    it it rude to say "what you just said is rubbish"?

    I've heard someone say it's the english people's equivalent of bullsh**iet (misspelled, on purpose), but I doubt it.

    11 AnswersOther - United Kingdom9 years ago