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Which Call of Duty (PC) currently has the most players (and suggest similar games)?
I stopped playing the Call of Duty series at World at War a few years ago. Now I'm interested in getting back into it, so I'm wondering which one is the best to get.
I want to know which one has the most players and which one has the best multiplayer features. I plan on playing on PC, so I'd prefer answers from PC gamers who have played the games recently, but all are welcome.
I'm also open to trying similar games. I enjoyed Blacklight: Retribution, but the ability to see through walls was a major game-killer for me.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoOnline custom plush toy store which ships to Australia?
Girlfriends' Birthday is coming up and I wanted to get her one of these "Minime" things as a little extra gift.
Problem is: One of these sites only ships to the US, the other only ships packages and samples to people wanting to start selling the items themselves.
I was wondering if anyone knows of an online store which sells and ships these things to Aussies. I've been Googling for a while and I keep getting unrelated pages.
If not, I'd like any other suggestions for sites which sell something similar. Any kind of small, customisable, plush toy.
2 AnswersToys8 years agoNFS: Most Wanted (2012) change camera?
When I press the 'change camera' button, it only cycles between two cameras. The first one is the third person cam, showing the full car on-screen (an immersion-killer for me). The other seems to be a camera mounted on the front bumper.
I've been using bumper-cam because that's the closest to first person I can get. How do I change this? It's been a long time since I played the earlier Most Wanted game, but I seem to remember it having quite a few perspectives to choose from.
I've really only just started playing the game and I'm sure there's an option somewhere which would help me out, I just need some help finding it. Thanks.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoRecommend Stealth Games (PC)?
The stick-to-the-shadows kind, not the blend-in-with-crowds kind.
I've been looking for something like Thief: Deadly Shadows or even something similar to the Tenchu games.
- First or third person doesn't matter.
- I'd prefer blades over guns.
- Wouldn't mind some eye candy, but gameplay>graphics.
- Games on Steam would be good for convenience, but suggest others as well (I don't wanna miss something special just because it isn't on Steam).
- Something from the last 10 years is preferred.
(Ignore any of these rules if you feel you have something really special to recommend)
Don't suggest:
- Hitman series
- Assassins Creed series
- Deus Ex series
- Thief series
- Splintercell series
- Mark of the Ninja
- Flash Games
- Specific character/play-style in a non-stealth game e.g. "Play spy in TF2"
- Dishonored (yet to try this. Is it any good?)
- and of course, games that aren't on PC
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoBRINK or Blacklight: Retribution?
Just wondering which is better. I've been playing Blacklight lately because it's free to play (and enjoyable), but BRINK is on sale right now and I was wondering if it would be a better game to invest my time in. Apparently BRINK's community is inactive and it can be difficult finding someone else to play with. Is that true?
I'd prefer answers from people who have played both games for at least 2-3 hours each. But if you've only played one of them, go ahead and share your thoughts anyway.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCreepy songs/artists?
Scary, creepy, disturbing, etc. anything that you'd describe with these words.
Whispers and talking with croaky voices are great. Screaming is also good, but I'd prefer pain screams which are used appropriately, not just screaming through the whole song.
Lyrics are important. The topic of the song doesn't really matter, it just needs to be expressed in a dark way.
6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoBattlefield 2 or Bad Company 2?
I'm interested in both of these games, but I only want to buy one. I'd like to know, from someone who's played both, which one is the better game?
- Which one has better/bigger maps
- Which one has most players
- Which one has better gameplay overall
I know BF2 is older by quite a bit, so don't take graphics into account when determining which one is better. The main thing I'm worried about with playing the older game is the amount of players. Have most of the BF2 players moved onto BC2? or is the BF2 community still quite large? I'd also like to know if either have many hackers? (I'll be playing which ever game I choose on PC).
And don't suggest anything from the Call of Duty series. I've had enough of them.
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoLooking to add some variety to the music on my iPod. Suggest some songs?
About 80% of what's on my iPod ranges between rock and heavy metal, 15% is comedy and the other 5% is what I call 'miscellaneous' (it includes a very small amount of rap, pop, techno and weird sound effects).
I spend a LOT of time listening to music and I'm starting to get bored of my 'rock - heavy metal' bands. I need something new and interesting, so suggest some of your favourite songs and list the genres as well.
Answers filter:
- Don't list anything which falls into a sub-genre of metal or rock unless it's a hybrid with another genre.
- I don't like rap songs which are about 'hot bitches', being in trouble with the law, having a hard life, being rich or gang wars. It needs to be something different.
- If you're suggesting a band instead of a selection of songs, tell me which of their albums you like the most.
- I don't mind religious bands, but songs which focus on religion ain't my thing.
- No instrumentals. There needs to be vocals for me to stay interested (language doesn't matter, but I really would prefer English).
-List as many songs as you can. I'm very greedy.
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoHow to block 'likes' on Facebook?
Yes, I know it seems silly asking this, since 'likes' are one of the things Facebook is most famous for. But I can't stand reading some of the garbage my friends 'like'. I don't mind it when they 'like' each others statuses, photos, etc. I just don't like the groups and 'like pages' or what ever they're calling them. I know something like this shouldn't bother me, but I can't help it.
4 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoIpod downloading videos stops at 1022kb?
I've been trying a few different file downloader apps for ipod touch. They seem to work fine at first, but once 1022kbs have been downloaded, the download stops and cant be continued.
At first I thought it was a problem with the apps. But I've tried about 5-6 different file downloader apps and they all do it. They all stop at 1022kbs.
Just to filter out some of the usual 'you're an idiot' answers:
- My internet connection is fine
- Battery is charged
- Not jail broken
- There's more than enough space available
- No other apps are running
- Everything is up to date
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoIs there a name for this art style (in games)?
Here's an example: Star Ocean -
Where 2D sprites are used on these sort of backgrounds (I'm not sure what to call them).
Is there many modern games which use this style?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoxk0.exe and xk1.exe, GoldS?
My task manager has these two things running and I have no idea what they are. Xk1.exe pushes the CPU usage to 100% and when I end these processes, they start themselves up again. I scanned them with AVG and apparently they aren't malicious, but they're kinda pissing me off. I tried Googling them and found no useful information. They can't be deleted. How do I deal with these?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoMale and female nipples?
Why do female nipples get censored, but male nipples don't?
The difference between the two is that female nipples are attached to breasts. But if this was the problem, then not only would 'man-boobs' be censored, but the entire female breast would be censored, rather than just the nipple.
You could say "men are more attracted to female nipples than women are to male nipples", but why does that make it OK? "You like this, so we'll hide it from you".
What's the origin of nipple censorship?
I'd like it if you didn't answer with "women are more self-conscious about their bodies than men". Everyone is different.
6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade agoHow to make someone feel safe?
Safe enough to share information that you can't usually get out of them.
I found that when I'm driving, or just sitting in the front seat of a car, I share all my problems. I recently talked to a friend about something I hadn't even talked about to my parents about. Could this have something to do with not looking into their eyes?
Anyway, I was wondering, how can I put someone in a situation where they feel this safe?
3 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoIs this called sleep walking?
(Sorry about the grammatical mess, I'm pretty tired right now :P)
Sometimes I get these weird dreams where it feels like I'm awake, but I know I must be asleep, because I do some nutty things when it happens.
Example 1: Last night I dreamed my friend was sleeping over, so I had to prepare a bed for her to sleep in. I took all the blankets and 2 of the 3 pillows off my bed, then I prepared an imaginary bed for my absent friend to sleep in. Once I had finished, I went back to my own bed, where I hit my head (I think this is what woke me). While awake, I tried to figure out what I had just done.
Example 2: I thought I had woken up, I rolled over and saw someone lying on the floor of my room holding a baseball bat. After about 2 minutes of doing nothing, the person stood up and faced me, so I cowered under the sheets for a bit and I think this is where I woke up because after a while, I tried to attack the person from under the sheets and the person had disappeared.
I felt fully awake both times and in the second example I didn't do any walking. So does this count as sleep walking or not? If not, what would it be called?
2 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoA site similar to Yahoo answers?
Is there a site similar to Yahoo answers but with less questions like "am I pretty", "does he/she like me" and "I cut myself and want to stop". Or is there some way I can block certain categories on Y!A?
10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoStar signs and personalities?
I see a fair few questions on here asking things like "are [star sign] men/women nice?" and then they usually get answers like "omg yus dey so nice, i iz kno lotts of nice peepol wif dat starr sine". But if we could really tell what someones personality would be like, based on astrology, wouldn't that mean there's only 12 different personalities shared by roughly 6,796,500,000 people?
2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade agoTouch, smell and taste your contacts?
We have web cams, monitors, speakers and microphones, so we're able to see and hear our contacts. But has anything been invented so we can touch, smell and taste them? Or maybe something that kinda simulates the feel, smell and taste of them? I know it wouldn't be very useful, but it would still be interesting.
1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade agoWhat was this show called?
I'm trying to find a show I used to watch when I was younger. I can't remember much about it, so I'll just list the things I do remember (I'm not 100% clear on anything in this list).
The main characters were short things that lived inside a tree, or something.
They had juice that made them jump, or gave them energy.
The bad guys were big trolls.
I think the word "jumping" was in the title.
I think there may have been a human with them, but I'm not sure.
The main characters may have been bears? or dwarfs? I can't remember.
The theme song may have had a line in it that went like this: "jumping, jumping, jumping everywhere, high up [something something something]"
3 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago"Virus identified Packed.DelfCrypt"?
AVG says this virus is in my computer. When I remove it, it seems to make more of them. What do I do?
3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago