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Religion, Football(Soccer), Hockey, and Music are the main topics I answer.

  • Why do black people claim Egyptians were black?

    Black people like to say egyptians were black and the white man stole their history. Im white and I dont know any white people who claim Egyptians were white. Every white person I know says they were Arab and if you look at all the evidence it points to Egyptians being Arab. If you look at North Africa is in perfect alignment with the middle east, india, and southeast asia. You know what you find in all those places? Brown people. Now to the Egyptians, since the second half of the 20th century, most scholars have held that applying modern notions of race to ancient Egypt is anachronistic. Whey is is so important to black people to claim they were black? I've even meant blacks who claims Greeks were black, which is even crazier to me. Greeks were white, thats not a theory. So why do they do this?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Zelda for Wii U? Details?

    Ok so I just read an article that said the new Zelda will use the touchsc seen controller, even though the creators of Zelda said they will continue to use the motion controller even on the Wii U. I just don't think I could go back to pressing a button, the motion controller made the Zelda experience that much more ruler, it would be a huge setback. Also the article said it will go to a cartoony graphics look and not the realistic E3 trailer graphics it showed in 2011. Anyone else disappointed?

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii9 years ago
  • Serious question World War 3? Who will defend who?

    OK so allot of people think WW3 is gonna start soon. I was wondering if my info is correct. Apparently the US and UK have Israel's back and Russia and China have Iran's back. I also heard Germany and France will be on the US/UK/Israel side. Is any of this true? Any other countries Im leaving out on either side?

    Those were my questions, by here is my opinion on the matter.

    China and Russia are powerful countries and we(US) haven't fought a world power in a long time. China has endless amount of people, but the US has by far the strongest military in the world. So it seems like the US and China are gonna be ******* themeselves to save someone else's ***. Doesn't sound wise to me.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Soccer popular in America?

    Am I the only one who has noticed the more EPL games on ESPN and the amount of EPL and Champions League highlights on ESPN? I think european soccer is on the rise in the US and soccer is finally crossing over to mainstream american sports fans.

    7 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)9 years ago
  • Why do all races look down on black people?

    Im white and have latino's in my family and my family both white and latinos have no problem with interracial relationships as long as the person is not black, but no problem with dating asians either. Ive met asians who are the same why, can date latinos and whites, but not blacks. So why is it like this? Yes I know this isnt a religious question, this is just they ne section of YA that gets allot of responses and I really would like to know from all races why is it this way? Why are blacks treated the worse by all races?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • why do all races look down on black people?

    Im white and have latino's in my family and my family both white and latinos have no problem with interracial relationships as long as the person is not black, but no problem with dating asians either. Ive met asians who are the same why, can date latinos and whites, but not blacks. So why is it like this?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Something about believers that makes me mad?

    Do people who say we must always be thankful for everything god gives us even if its bad, piss you off too? I try not to got mad, but you have to be very self-absorbed and live in your own little world to say we should be thankful for the little thing because god gives us blessing you just have too look for them. Yes its easy for Americans or Europeans to say such thing because we have a so much, but if you credit that to god and not the fact you were lucky to be bon in the US or Europe you are a self righteous and are admitting that god choses to help you with you little problems that are nothing compared to other's problems he choses to not help. What about the little girls being sold a sex slaves in southeast asia? Should they be thanking god? They are sold to have sex with grown men against their will every day! What about the children in Africa who don't make it to the age of 5 from starvation or being born with aids? Do you really expect them to thank god for life when their life has been a complete miserable existence. How could you people honestly not only expect them to be thankful, but claim god has a plan for every individual? Some plan. I'm disgusted that the average human can think like this.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do people who say we must always be thankful for everything God gives us?

    Do people who say we must always be thankful for everything god gives us even if its bad, piss you off too? I try not to got mad, but you have to be very self-absorbed and live in your own little world to say we should be thankful for the little thing because god gives us blessing you just have too look for them. Yes its easy for Americans or Europeans to say such thing because we have a so much, but if you credit that to god and not the fact you were lucky to be bon in the US or Europe you are a self righteous and are admitting that god choses to help you with you little problems that are nothing compared to other's problems he choses to not help. What about the little girls being sold a sex slaves in southeast asia? Should they be thanking god? They are sold to have sex with grown men against their will every day! What about the children in Africa who don't make it to the age of 5 from starvation or being born with aids? Do you really expect them to thank god for life when their life has been a complete miserable existence. How could you people honestly not only expect them to be thankful, but claim god has a plan for every individual? Some plan. I'm disgusted that the average human can think like this.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Early prediction for 2016, will Julian Castro be first latino president?

    I always think the DNC and RNC are also stages to who each party feels will be their golden boy within the next four years and I think Julian Castro is gonna be the most likely to be the leading democrat. If thats the case I think he will be our president. I don't see the republicans winning an election anytime soon.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Americans moving to Canada because of stupid people?

    How many of you are serious though? Yes there are stupid people in this country like people who think Obama is a muslim, think he hates america, and a recent poll that showed 6 percent of people think Romney deserves more credit than Obama for Osama being killed. I myself would much rather live in Canada for many different reasons, not sure if that will ever happen though. Point is how many of you are actually serious about moving to Canada to get away from stupid people?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can someone explain the details of the PL's proposed Fair Play Rules?

    Will their be a spending limit? Or will teams only be allowed to use club money and not the owner's money. I think if they can only spend the club's money poor teams will never stand a chance at becoming great and United will win every year. A spending limit makes more sense.

    1 AnswerEnglish Football (Soccer)9 years ago
  • Who else wants to see a soccer/football 2K game?

    EA Sports FIFA is ok, but I think much like NBA, MLB, and when 2K did make NFL and NHL games it was far better than the EA Sports versions.

    3 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)9 years ago
  • Will you watch the NHL if they have another lockout?

    I don't think I will.

    1 AnswerHockey9 years ago
  • My Bin Laden theory, agree?

    OK I get allot of reactions for things I have claimed like us not really landing on the moon and 9/11 being an inside job. Well I believe that Bin Laden worked for the US and is now in hiding in area 51 where I believe we keep some of our made up enemies. I think the government though they took this Bin Laden story as far as it could go and they thought pretending he was killed would help justify this stupid war and make Americans feel less angry about this war. So far from what I have seen, it has worked. Many americans know feel like all those people died for something.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Please tell me Im not the only one who thinks people who believe in this illuminati stuff are nuts?

    Like they think they killed Lennon, Pac and many other celebs for telling the "TRUTH" and they were afraid of people who tell the truth. If it was them dont u think they would have killed them much sooner? You really think the illuminati which you claim to be so powerful would actually be scared by some musicians? You people are nuts. Also they think ALL celebs sell their imaginary souls to some imaginary devil and join the illuminati. WTF? Some people actually have talent folks! and yes some celebs actually get killed by idiots, not because they told the truth. Like a pic of Snoop Dogg on facebook he has a pic where he does this upside down triangle rasta thing the do with their hands. All the comments are like "No the illuminati got you too" "no not another legend taken by the illuminati". This isn't a few people, it most. Im amazed by how stupid my species is. and I posted this on religion bec because couldn't think of anywhere else too, plus allot of people are on this part of yahoo answers.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Red Dead Redemption sequel ideas?

    If I could chose, I think it would be cool if they made a sequel about Jack being a gangsta in the 1920s in Chicago. Of course I would like another cowboy game, but I'm taling about a sequel.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • If god was real he would have gave us more evidence, agree?

    Lets say God is real and I want to follow the lord and make him happy. Do I become a Jew? Do become a christian? Do I become a muslim? Do I become a mormon? They have the same amount of evidence for their God, a book. All books claim if I worship another God I go to hell, what if I chose the wrong one. How is that fair when all I want to do is please God.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do black think Egyptians were black?

    I got in this argument with this black girl today and she claimed Egyptians were black and whites are tying to steal their history like always.

    If you look at North Africa is in perfect alignment with the middle east, india, and southeast asia. You know what you find in all those places? BROWN PEOPLE! Now to the Egyptians, since the second half of the 20th century, most scholars have held that applying modern notions of race to ancient Egypt is anachronistic. I've also seen many pictures showing light skinned Egyptians teaching black Africans.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Am I the only non-australian who loves Aussie Football?

    Im an American and watched a game on Fox soccer Plus a few months ago and since then I've been obsessed with the sport. Kinda shocked that it isn't more popular across the world. Allot of of non-americans watch the NBA and allot of non-english watch the BPL so why won't the rest of the world watch the AFL?

    1 AnswerEnglish Football (Soccer)9 years ago