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Why did I not get the option to vote on local measures and bonds?
The only options I had to vote on were state and local office races AND Statewide propositions. I did not have any ability to vote on the local measures and issues on the ballot for my county.
1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade agoIs media ok to download if it has been broadcast over the air?
Do copyright laws account for media played over the air? When movies or music is played over the air there is no disclaimer unless explicitly said, most often for sports games.
So basically is it ok to download media that I could have pressed record on my tivo/radio or other media recording device.
I run my radio and tv through my computer and record things all the time just like when I had a vcr and tape recorder. Same rules apply?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoCan the government force you to patronize an industry?
I accept I must be able to cover accidents be it medical or automotive, but how can I be forced to condone a company I do not believe in allowing them to profit off me. If the government forces us to have car or medical insurance should there not be non-profit agencies available.
I do not think insurance is ethical, profit off misfortune of others and want to exercise my consumer power, the only power granted to me, since voting does nothing against these insurance lobbyists.
I know what the law is but why do we not make laws not favor a certain industry?
I am not interested in giving these people profits, so why I am forced to?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIs smoking marijuana a problem if you donate plasma?
Serious question serious answers please!
Is marijuana similar to alcohol in that if your body (liver/lungs) are processing properly and your blood is healthy enough for donation it is not a problem as long as you are not under the influence?
They also process the blood extracting only components, platelets and plasma, not sure if there is more, are there components I should not donate?
4 AnswersMedicine1 decade agoDoes my TV have a digital tuner?
Emerson model - EWF2004A
Thank you in advance.
3 AnswersTVs1 decade agoWhy does my youtube comment not post under the comment I reply to?
Happens to all replys I make. Comment without original has no context and often seems arbitrary or does not make sense.
Other peoples comments do not seem to have this problem.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhy is it not housing discrimination when rentors refuse to rent to pet owners.?
It is housing discrimination when a property rentor says no children allowed, no old people, no college students, no blonds, no women, etc.
It is not discrimination when they say if you own a pet you are not welcome, why?
If you have children you are protected by housing disacrimination laws, but if you have pets you are not protected. It is the owner or parent being discriminated against not the pet or child.
If they allow cats and not dogs, or blacks and not whites, how is that not discrimination.
Prejudice affect both. Minorities are criminals and dogs destroy property. Both are assupmtions and not true 100% of the time like all prejudices.
15 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoDoes the Geneva convention protect non-member nations?
In particular regarding water boarding. I understand it's illegal in the US and to perform on all member nations of the Geneva Convention, but how does the protection extend to "unlawful enemy combatants" which are not protected by the treaty?
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agowhat US law does waterboading break?
I know this is illegal internationally, per the Geneva convention. It has already been discussed and determined to be torture there, but is it a law in the US?
16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow do I find linked companies?
How do I find all affiliates/subsidiaries related to a company.
For example, how do I find out all the companies that are a part of and those associated with DOW Chemicals. I know they have parts that produce medicine under one name, chemicals under another and many other subsidiary companies with other names.
Is there a list or information created/collected when they apply for business licenses. If this infomation is confidential why?
1 AnswerCorporations1 decade agoWhich tax form do I file with? Have SSA 1099, 1098-T, 1099-G?
CA resident, I have received three forms in the mail. 1098-T (financial aide), SSA 1099 (Social Security) and finally 1099-G (Last years return). I tried to file online and was told by the company, a popular one, I was not eligible for online filing.
I am not itemizing, no frills, just need to file. Don't want to call the IRS, cost money for people to answer phones. Why waste tax money on beaurocracy when we can ask our community.
I went to the post office and looked at the 6 or so available forms. None of those forms mentioned or had spaces available for these forms. I have no W-2 this year, issue the online company had a problem with. I don't expect to have to pay or get money back, but need to file for FAFSA, financial aide.
Any help is good help thank you.
2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago