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  • PC Build - Opinions?

    Please give opinions for the parts list. It's be housed in a Cooler Master HAF 932 case. I appreciate any opinions or advice as this will only be my second build. I have a 750W power supply already.

    3 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • Do I owe a deceased family member's debt?

    My brother in-law passed away in March 2013. He lived in a condo inside a senior community. He owned his condo at the time of his death. He had no money to pass on and no other debt besides the debt accrued from the condo after his passing, i.e. taxes, HOA fees and utilities. No will existed and I nor his brother, my husband, inherited anything after his death. We were never owners, co-owners or co-signers for anything on this condo or the property it stands on. We have NO affiliation with this property.

    The senior community is trying to sue my husband and I for the above stated accrued debts. Do we owe the senior community ANY money simply for being next-of-kin?

    We live in Palm Beach County, FL.

    Please list any links to any information you can provide.

    Thank you and Happy Holidays.

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Eve Online - Would you like to try it for free?

    I just started Eve Online and have discovered the next game in my life. I want to try to share this experience with others so I have included a link for an extended 21-day trial period. The normal trial is only 14-days.

    Just link to....

    If you sign up we both get cool free in-game items. Let me know if you have any questions.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Fan for Cooler Master Haf 932 Case...?

    I own a Cooler Master Haf Case 932 Full Tower. I bought it in 2010. My question is about the side 230mm fan. Is this fan an exhaust fan or an intake fan? I think I screwed it up when I was installing it. I'm pretty sure it's an exhaust fan but just wanted to know for sure.

    Thanks for your time and please provide a link to a source if you want Best Answer points.

    1 AnswerDesktops8 years ago
  • VA Disability % Assigned VS. Evaluated...Question?

    So I have recently been awarded a combined 60% disability rating.

    30% - Migraines

    20% - Seizures

    10% - TBI

    10% - Scapula Fracture

    My question is this....I just got my big white envelope in the mail a few days ago and page 2 breaks down the different percent assigned to each disability.

    #2 states: Medical Description - "Seizure disorder associated with TBI"....Percent Assigned - 20%

    On another page, where it breaks down each disability and why and how much they awarded it states:

    3. Service connection for seizure disorder as secondary to the service-connected disability of traumatic brain injury.

    We have assigned a 40 percent evaluation for your epilepsy, petit mal based on:

    At least one major seizure in the last six months

    Why does one say I have been assigned a 40% evaluation and another states 20% is actually assigned?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Homeonwer's Insurance Dropping?

    How is it legal for an insurance company to drop a person after they got robbed and everything in their house was stolen?

    Insurance is the biggest scam ever! We are forced to pay for it but it is really only protecting the bank's investment, now ours.

    Is this really legal?

    5 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • XBOX 720 in 2013....Who's with me?

    I think it is a guarantee to drop in 2013 and I would bet on Fall of 2013....probably September to November release date. I was confident of a 2012 release last year but this time I would bet a quite of bit of money on the 2013 date.

    My evidence is this......Microsoft stated they wanted to extend the normal 5 year life cycle of their console. The 360 dropped in 2005 so 2013 would be an 8 year life cycle for the system. This might be the longest cycle ever for a console.

    The recent issue of OXM "Crystal Ball" stated that Halo 4 is dropping in 2012 and Halo 2 Anniversary in 2014 on X720 and Halo 5 in 2015. Nothing yet announced for 2013 though. Previously, Microsoft has stated they wanted to annualize Halo, like COD or Madden. I'm going with an ODST type expansion for Halo 4 as a launch title for the new XBOX 720. They would have to keep this hush hush as best as possible so not to hurt sales of current gen hardware.

    Also, I believe it was recently confirmed that Bungie will be releasing their latest post Halo project...titled Destiny for "next-gen" systems in 2013. Again, possible launch title. Bungie launched the Original Xbox with Halo and may be given the chance to launch another system.

    Also, if you notice Microsoft has been giving XBOXs away with PC purchases for awhile now. They are trying to get rid of current stock as well as get as many people a 360 as possible so when the 720 comes out more people are likely to stick with their current brand console.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Does Loss of Consciousness = Concussion?

    So I loss consciousness for a few minutes while I was involved in a motor vehicle accident. I was in the back of a large truck when it flipped over and I was trapped under the truck. I was unconscious for a few minutes and when I was pulled out from underneath the truck I couldn't remember where I was or even the past couple of months of my life. The memory returned after a few hours. I fractured my right scapula and was pretty banged up but very lucky to be alive. In retrospect, I believe this was also the cause and source to my simple partial seizures and later generalized seizures.

    Does being knocked out equal receiving a concussion?

    Could this accident be the cause of simple partial seizures developing?

    Could these simple partial seizures worsen into primary generalized seizures over time (years even)?

    Please share any other info you have on head injuries and development into epilepsy over time.


    5 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Head injury and VA compensation?

    I was in an accident while serving in Afghanistan. I received a concussion and have now been diagnosed with epilepsy. My problem is that the injury that was documented was a fractured scapula. No head injury was ever documented. I am likely not going to be able to perform my current job due to the epilepsy.

    Will I be able to receive some kind of disability from the VA for this? How difficult of a fight do I have ahead of me because of the lack of documentation I had received. I was only 18 during the accident and had ZERO idea how important it was to have stuff on paper.

    Who should I contact to help me? Do you have any experience with epilepsy and the VA? Or any experience proving you had an undocumented injury?

    Thanks for any help!

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • How to prove medical condition to VA?

    I have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. I was in a vehicle accident while serving in OEF. The accident killed one person and injured several others, including me. I was knocked unconscious and lossed some memory for a couple hours. After the accident I had fractured my scapula and was banged up. My tour in Afghanistan was over and I was sent back to the States. A year later I was discharged from the military.

    I have no medical documentation stating I had any kind of head injury. My symptoms began occuring after the accident and have since become full blown epilepsy. I will be soon filing a claim with the VA but am sure I will meet lots of resistance.

    How do I prove that my current state is due to the accident I was in in Afganistan? Any tips would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Do I have epilepsy/seizures?

    So I just had my second seizure in 8 months. They were both witnessed by my wife and described to me as a grand mal seizure. They both happened after having a migraine all day long and a few minutes after I fell asleep at night. Anyone else have anything like this?

    I have no history or family history of seizures. I did have a concussion and loss some memory about 7 years ago. I don't know if there is any relation. Thanks for any info.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Firefighters & Seizures?

    I might be losing my job as a firefighter because I may or may not have epilepsy (unknown cause). Are there any firefighters out there who have kept there jobs after successfully controlling the seizures or should I start looking for a new career?

    The two seizures I have had so far have been at night right after I fall asleep. I had migraines for about 12 hours preceding the event. Let me know if you have anything similar. My wife described it as a grand mal.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Multiple 457(b) plans?

    I currently have two different 457 plans. Is this wise or should I invest all my money into the same plan?

    1 AnswerInvesting10 years ago
  • COD:MW3 or Battlefield 3 or GhostRecon:FS?

    Which do I get this holdiday season? Please dont say all 3. There almost identical games. I'm leaning to Battlefield over COD but I have always loved Ghost Recon. However GR's multiplayer has always been weak. Why dont they just make the multiplayer the same as single player I will never know!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Gamestop Trade Ins .......?

    How much will Gamestop give me for a AAA game (i.e. Gears of War 3, Rage, Battlefield 3) if I trade it in the next day after release?

    Will they give me any bonus since it is a new game?

    Do I get any more money if it's still wrapped and never used?

    Please let me know if you are a gamestop employee and have experience with this sort of thing. Thanks for the help!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Deserving of VA Disability?

    Do I deserve disability from the VA? I was in Afghansistan when my vehicle flipped and I busted up my shoulder. I still have the occassional pain the shoulder today. I can however do pretty much anything with it though that I could do before the accident Only found one motion that is uncomfortable to do.

    Should I receive at least 10% disability for this? Have you heard of people receiving disability for lesser things? Thanks for any info.

    4 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • GPU Upgrade? When to do it...When not to.?

    At what point do people upgrade their GPUs? I have a pair of Radeon HD 4890s in Crossfire. I'm not looking to upgrade just like to get a feeling of when people upgrade their GPUs generally speaking. Thanks for any info!

    3 AnswersDesktops10 years ago
  • Do I have seizures ???????????

    I got up out of bed at night and walked into the bathroom. I fell and smashed my face breaking a couple of bones. I then began to convulse. The doctor at the hospital put me on Keppra and stated I couldn't drive for 6 months. The doctor will also not release me for a year to return to work, I am a firefighter, as a precaution. I am at a huge risk of losing my job which could then me a domino effect for losing other things, like my house.

    I have no family history or personal history of seizures. Is the Dr correct for taking me out of work for such an extended period of time? All my tests, MRI, cat scan, EEG, were normal. The real test to see if I have a seizure disorder is waiting around for another seizure. Why put me on anti seizure medicine if we want to see if I'm gonna have another seizure? If I do have a problem, couldn't the medicine be working perfectly and a year from now when I get off the medicine I could be in a burning building and go down with a seizure? Shouldn't I be off the meds now to see if a seizure is going to happen now while I'm not driving and not alone with my new toddler?

    Has anyone ever had a seizure from a traumatic injury? I have also read about pseudo seizures due from stress or lack of sleep. I surely have those in my life right now! Anyone have a seizure from PTSD?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What is a medical discharge?

    I was in the Army National Guard and received a honorable discharge. I was released before my contractual obligation was met because I was in a vehicle accident in Afghanistan and hurt myself. After the accident I did a few months of rehab and was eventually released back to my unit in my home state. ( I didn't get to go back to my company in Afghanistan.) After my battalion got back from the deployment I was asked whether or not I wanted to remain in the Army National Guard. I declined because I wanted to start college. I was then given an honorable discharge 2 years before my contract was up.

    Is this considered a medical discharge?

    Is there special paperwork for a medical discharge, besides a DD-214?

    Is there some kind of paperwork stating the reason for my discharge?

    I ask these questions becuase I want to use the Post 9/11 GI Bill but will only receive 50% of benefits due to my time on active duty. If I was discharged due to a service connected injuty then I would receive 100% benefits.

    Please help me or direct me to someone who can help me. Thank You.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Fixing a Water Softener?

    My water softener doesn't work. I've noticed the timer never moves. How can I fix that?

    I couldn't tell you what kind of have. The softener itself has a black box head on top with gears you spin to set its regen etc. as well as a clock that you can set the top of the hour too. I always set the time and when I come back later it has not budged.

    I'm assuming since the time gear never spins the unit never comes on to use the salt I have in the brine tank. When I manually spin the gear to regen I hear the system kick on so that leads me to believe that it's just the clock gear not working.

    Do I need to buy a whole new head or can I just fix the clock dial gear thinga-ma-bobber? Thanks for any advice!

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago