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Favorite Answers8%
  • Help me find this song?

    Alright so I hear this song for the first time maybe two months ago and then on the radio while driving a week ago and it's driving me crazy. I have to get it out of my system. I've tried using shazam but it doesnt work. Ok

    So the song starts out kind new agey. I think it's keyboard. The vocals are smooth. Female voice. It's sounds like it's been distorted though by something.

    The only "lyrics" I can remember are the chorus going something like:

    "Oh oh oh your...." And that's it haha. The "oh's" are short.

    Toward the middle/break of the song that lady singing kind of picks up the pace.

    The ending is just a repition of "ooooh oooh" and she says "it's always the...". These "ooohs" are longer. The second oooh is longer than the first ooooh.

    It sounds like it was made in the mid to late 90's/early noughties. Very reminiscent of the cardigans.

    If you help me with this, idk how I can repay you. I'll give you a shout out on the next article I write, idk.


    2 AnswersLyrics6 years ago
  • Can I say I want to build connections in a resume?

    I'm applying for an internship within the film industry, so do you think it is acceptable to say I want to build connections in the objective, since it's that kind of industry? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Is there a database a member of the public can access to view all of the veterans of the Iraq War?

    I'm looking for something within the last 5-6 years. I've looked around but can't find a comprehensive list of all the people enlisted in the military at the time. Thank you.

    3 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • how can i help ease this social anxiety?

    I recited a poem today and I had been practicing for over a week. As soon as I got up on the podium, my mind blanked and I started trembling and it sounded like I was going to cry. Nevermind that the audience wasn't very supportive. How can I help ease this anxiety attack? It was honestly one of the worst moments of my life and I'm still bummed about it.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Should I drop out of college?

    I feel I'm in a rut, a really monotonous rut when it comes to college and classes. I just started my 3rd year and I've been thinking about dropping out and trying to just become a writer. I know it sounds stupid, but I think I've learned enough from this particular place when it comes to literature and I don't know that the creative writing classes are helping me become a better writer. Still, I have heard about people that drop out of college find some success, but then go back to close that void in their lives. I also have a bunch of loans, but I don't want to keep taking loans out if my mind's not in it. What would you guys suggest?

  • Was in a car accident 2 weeks ago. What can I do?

    The gist of the story is that I was being picked up from the train by my sister and along the way guy didn't break completely when the light was read. We pulled off to the side and the first thing the guy asked us was that we not call the police. I stepped out to look at the damage and saw that there was a small scratch on the back as well as what looks like a bent rear. That last bit is hard to explain because our car is quite sturdy, so there was damage to the rear but is was far from totaled.

    After we looked at the car, we decided that we wouldn't call the police so long as they gave us their insurance info as well as their phone numbers and address so that we could pay for the damages. Lo and behold, here I am, 2 weeks later. The insurance didn't exist and neither did the address. The phone number is real and we have called him a number of times, but each time he blows us off and says that we didn't do him a favor and that he would've left whenever he wanted.

    I've decided it might be better to file a police report now, but I don't know whether I can. What can I do at this stage? Also, I live in IL, if that helps answer the question.

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Are we the last species to evolve?

    My dad said that we are the last species to have evolved. Now, that doesn't mean that we are never going to evolve, but are we the last species thus far?

    Edit: Are there any more recent species?

    8 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • How can I get rid of this person?

    There's this really creepy guy where I work who looks to be 50 years old. I've never really talked to him, only said "hi" once or twice and listened to him ramble on about his ex girlfriend while I worked. I've noticed him staring at me a lot lately and it makes me really uncomfortable. He always wants to help me with stuff but I'm a pretty introverted/ cold person so I ignore him. He can't seem to take a hit though and it's really pissing me off. I wish he would just piss off. What can I do?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do people make it through life?

    I'm just floored by people that can manage this existence. I mean, I feel crippled at the slightest hint of emotional distress. There's just too much but I want to try, but how the hell do you make it when the future seems so uncertain?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do people make it through life?

    I'm just floored by people that can manage this existence. I mean, I feel crippled at the slightest hint of emotional distress. There's just too much but I want to try, but how the hell do you make it when the future seems so uncertain?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is it dangerous to be out at night in Chicago?

    I'm planning on moving out there with my sister and the job I can only work in the evenings (2-10pm). Has anybody been harassed whilst out at these times? Thanks.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What is wrong with my foot?

    About a week ago, I walked 4-5 miles across the city because a nice day. Sadly, I didn't use adequate shoes (i.e, flat Vans') and now I feel like something is being pulled on the top of my foot. It's hard to describe but since I have to, I think it feels most like a rubber band. A grainy rubber band and it only happens when I stretch my foot upwards and when I wear shoes, albeit more comfortable shoes. Can anybody tell me what this is? I have a feeling I pulled a muscle but I don't want to go to the doctor because I don't have any insurance. Haha. The End.

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Jobs in biological diversity?

    This is going to sound corny, but I like the research people do on say, the animal planet or national geographic. I've mainly been fascinated with the ocean and the diversity of life in the deep blue. I also realize that these jobs are rare (or so I think), and that, usually, one needs to have a side job or main job. Can anybody clarify this?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do I obtain a job dealing with animal research?

    This is going to sound corny, but I like the research people do on say, the animal planet or national geographic. I've mainly been fascinated with the ocean and the diversity of life in the deep blue. I also realize that these jobs are rare (or so I think), and that, usually, one needs to have a side job or main job. Can anybody clarify this?

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Can I live on my own?

    I've had a falling out with my father after constantly berating my siblings and I as well as my mother. I'm not going to waste this space elaborating on him. He says my voice doesn't count in this house so I told him to go to hell and he could say goodbye to his daughter for a long while. Anyways, I'm 20 and an English major and I need to find an apartment or at least a room in the great city of Chicago. Is it possible to live on my own like that? I have a part time job where I make about 800 a month. At this point, I would put school aside so I don't have to eat my words. Thanks.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is it possible for me to live on my own and still go to school?

    I've had a falling out with my father after constantly berating my siblings and I as well as my mother. I'm not going to waste this space elaborating on him. He says my voice doesn't count in this house so I told him to go to hell and he could say goodbye to his daughter for a long while. Anyways, I'm 20 and an English major and I need to find an apartment or at least a room in the great city of Chicago. Is it possible to live on my own like that? I have a part time job where I make about 800 a month. At this point, I would put school aside so I don't have to eat my words. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Is "cute" a code word for ugly but loveable?

    All of my guy friends, which include prospective boyfriends, say that I'm "cute" and "adorable", and then they go talk about all these hot chicks and I'm sitting there wondering what the hell the word "cute" means. Thanks mannn!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why does it seem like I'm not even appreciated?

    I mean I work really hard. I go to work 27+hours every week and I have good grades yet all my parents like to do is talk about how cute and pretty my older sister is. The only time they even bring my life up is to ask whether I'm a lesbian. They really don't care about all these other things I do.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What if you have friends that don't like the same things you do?

    This is going to sound weird, but I don't have a huge list of friends that I actually talk to. Yeah, I probably have like 300 facebook friends, but in real life, I only talk to maybe 7 or so people. Anyways, there's this book reading I'm dying to go to and none of my friends really care for literature. I mean, I know they read, but I won't divulge into their reading repertoire. Should I just ditch everyone I know, say **** it and forget about them? I'd really love to go to this reading, but I'm also painfully shy.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Is there anyway to find someone based on where they work?

    I was having this fabulous conversation with this really interesting person at barnes and noble and I never got their name. The worst part is that I live about 30 miles from that store so it's unlikely that I'll go back soon.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago