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Heyyyy, I'm Dan, erm theres not much about me appart from the fact i enjoy things like free running, listen to alot of Eminem, Pendulum and NIrvana, favourite movies would be fight club or pulp fiction, and i hope to one day be a physiotherapist =)

  • For the music experts out there, can you recommend me some music similar to this? I absolutely love the sound of this song. Ignore the singing, but the general electro sound. What bands produce music like this?

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul7 years ago
  • How to sleep less hours during the night?

    I am male, 21 years old. For the past 3 months, I have been sleeping between 9 - 10 hours a night and since my hours have increased at work, my sleeping pattern is dramatically eating away at my day.

    Honestly, I rarely have breakfast and don't exercise much, but my job is very physical (I work in a warehouse and transferring several tonnes of stock by hand is a normal day for me) so I always work up a sweat.

    I never used to sleep this much, normally 8 hours a day was enough for me. I really want to start sleeping less, perhaps 7 hours a night, to give me more time to myself before and after work.

    Why does my body crave sleep so much? Even after 9 hours I still struggle to get out of bed, and I STILL feel tired during the day on occasion.

    Are there any tips you guys could give me? Any particular food or drinks or specific exercises to help raise my energy levels?

    Really appreciate any help :)

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Unplugged my compuer from the socket and now I get "Disk Read Error Occurred"?

    I unplugged the PC by accident, meant to unplug something else.

    Now when I turn it on, I get one of two messages

    "Disk Read Error Occurred press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" or

    "No Boot Device Available, press ENTER key to retry"

    How do I fix this?

    6 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • I'm a 21 year old male and my resting heart rate is 87 bpm. Is this dangerous?

    I've measured my resting heart rate 5 times over the past 2 days, 4 times getting 87 bpm and once with 89. I am physically fit, have very little fat on me, and do circuit training exercise around 6 hours a week (have done for the past 3 months). On top of this my diet is good, I have at least 3 of my 5 fruit and veg a day, and avoid fatty foods with saturated fats. So why is my resting heart rate so high? Is it unhealthy?

    5 AnswersHeart Diseases7 years ago
  • Why won't my iPad connect to wireless?

    I've got a brand new iPad. I'm trying to connect it to my Virgin Media Wireless Superhub while setting up my iPad. I am selecting the CORRECT network, I am 100% sure. I am typing in the correct password (which works perfectly for both laptops in the house - tested them today) however when I try it on the iPad I get the message "Unable to join the network virginmedia4345345".

    I have logged into my Virgin Media account online to ensure wifi is enabled and the password is 100% correct. Why will my iPad not connect and how do I solve this?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Internet Access on laptop, but cannot browes?

    Recently my internet went down for a few hours then by itself came back on. My Desktop is working fine, however my laptop, despite being connected to virgin media wireless and having 5 bars of signal, AND stating I have internet access, I cannot open any browsers or my work e-mail or anything to do with the internet. Why is this?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Where can I go to be alone on a Friday / Saturday night?

    I work hard all week, my brothers and sisters are home before I leave for work and are home by the time I get back. I work in a busy retail environment 10 hours a day Monday - Friday. I desperately want time ALONE to relax, and can't do this at home because I share a room. Where can I go out on Friday and Saturday night that is safe and quiet where I won't be bothered?

    Pubs are usually very busy Friday and Saturday and parks aren't particularly safe at night (I live in London). Library's are closed... Any ideas? I wouldn't mind so much if there are people there, just not too loud or busy where I can relax with my own thoughts and think.

    Ideally somewhere that doesn't cost any money!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, any help is VERY much appreciated.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Why does my computer fan make so much noise when I open Runescape?

    If I'm running any other high detail games it's absolutely fine, such as Star Wars Battlefront or WOW, but when I run Runescape it makes a horrendous noise. How do I stop it being so loud?

    6 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Do I need to plug into an aerial socket to get TV channels?

    I recently bought a new Logik 29" TV for my bedroom, however I cannot tune any channels. Do I need to plug into an aerial socket to get channels? We only have one TV aerial socket in the house which is downstairs and we don't have an aerial on the roof.

    6 AnswersTVs8 years ago
  • Why do some Pop and RnB songs have so many writers?

    For example, "Run the World (Girls)" by Beyonce has 6 people credited for it's writing, or "Stuck in the Moment" by Justin Bieber claims to have 7 song writers to it's name.

    How do so many people end up being credited to a single song that repeats itself a lot? Does it really take that many people to write it?

    Yet some songs such as Voodoo Chile that are a lot longer and less repetitive only require one writer.

    Does anyone know why those songs have so many writers?

    P.S, I'm not looking for answers such as "Because Justin Bieber is Sh*t", real answers, please!

    3 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • How do I use furniture in Fable II?

    I own one of the pubs and am keen to change the beds and shelves to increase it's value. I have also purchased the beds and shelves I want to use in my pub, how do I change the furniture?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Nicest cities to live in the UK?

    I recently visited Lincoln and thought it was beautiful. It's got a wonderful river, beautiful architecture and friendly people, though above all is how peaceful it was. I've lived in London my entire life (I'm 20 now) and am desperate to move to another city, where else is beautiful and peaceful that I may be able to move to, where cost of living is relatively cheap?

    8 AnswersOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • Is it possible to disprove God?

    I just do wonder how people keep their faith when there are so many different religions out there. Ignoring the thousands of less populous beliefs, of the main 5 religions there are still hundreds of branches. For example, Islam is composed of nearly 40 recognised movements, all of whom have their own take of the Islamic faith[1]. They can't all be right.

    Does this not strongly suggest religion is man-made?

    1 -

    18 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Why do I never have any fun?

    I'm 20 years old and so far I've never had any fun with my life. Strange thing is, I'm a very upbeat person. I constantly appreciate the positives of life and am so grateful for who I am and how lucky I am to have wonderful friends and family. I think the world is a magnificent place with so many beautiful aspects, so why do I never feel exhilarated or thoroughly enjoy myself?

    I'm always told that it's hard to have fun if you can't have an upbeat attitude, but I'm a very positive person who's always open to trying new things, so why have I never enjoyed life much?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What is your favourite song of all time?

    If you can't narrow it down to one, pick between 3 - 5, I'm curious to expand my music listening and want to know what resonates with different people.

    11 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • What does Kcal stand for on my food packaging?

    I have a packet of chicken which is 490g. The nutritional values are:

    Energy 585kJ/138kcal

    Protein 30.7g

    Fat 1.7g

    Sodium 0.06g

    Can you tell me how many calories are in this packet of chicken and how you arrived at the answer

    Thank you

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Intermediate maths games on the internet?

    Where could I find some intermediate maths challenges? I can only find games asking questions of 11 + 7, 90 - 30, 5 X 5 etc, where could I get some more challenging puzzles?

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Problem with playing my keyboard?

    I recently bought a new keyboard, an Acoustic Solutions MK-4100A. It's brand new, however when I play certain chords or keys together to make chords (for example F with an A as required to play Eminem's "Beautiful"), it produces this horrific sound very similar to that of an out of tune guitar. Why is it doing this? It was only a cheap instrument but there is no logical reason as to why it will not allow me to make certain chords without sounding horrible. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • What experience would maximise my chances to work as a cabin crew staff?

    I am very interested in becoming a Flight Attendant. I have done volunteer work at Heathrow for airlines in the past (in total 2 months experience). This is my long term goal but I am also keen to work at the moment. What jobs could I do that would give me a boost to get into working as a Flight Attendant?

    (What jobs would an airline like their staff to have previous experience in prior to joining their staff).

    3 AnswersAircraft8 years ago
  • How are the members of Westboro Baptist Church still alive?

    I don't understand how, providing the things they've done and everything they stand for, nobody has made any successful attempts or tried any mass assassinations on the group? Not that I'm particularly behind the murder of them, but in all of America, given the things they've done, how have they not been fatally assaulted? Do they have government officials heavily guarding the surrounding area they live?

    I'm aware that they are put under protection by local police authorities whilst performing their rally's, but in the time between their protests, how has their establishment not been burned down?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago