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Favorite Answers33%
  • Tattoo healing/aftercare issues?

    I got a tattoo on my foot a week ago and I've switched from Aquaphor to a good lotion. My first question is about scabbing. Should I have scabs yet? My first tattoo scabbed in just a few days, but this one hasn't yet. I've been really gentle with it so I know I haven't ripped them off accidentally.

    Also, is it okay to put more lotion on if my skin still feels rough and dry? I know it's bad for the ink to slather on tons of anything, but I don't want it to crack either, so as long as everything soaks in, is it alright to keep putting more on?

    1 AnswerTattoos9 years ago
  • Foot tattoo aftercare?

    I'm getting a tattoo on my foot that will take up a lot of the surface on the top of it. This seems like a ridiculous question, but what kind of shoes can I wear? Flip flops and flats will rub against spots where the ink is, so that's out. I have 2 full days before I have to wear something on my feet, so after that I was thinking I would wear some loose, soft slippers. They'll cover my feet but they won't rub or scrape, and I can slip them off while I'm sitting in class. Should that be okay? Might it be a good idea to wear nylon socks as well to try to reduce friction issues or will that suffocate my skin? Help?!

    4 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Help with names? (male and female)?

    Help! I'm brainstorming my next book. I need Girl's names meaning






    Boys names meaning



    Evil (again)




    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • "From possibility to actuality" in French?

    I don't trust google translate to be very accurate, so could someone who speaks the language give me some insight into translating this phrase?


    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • How do hippos carry their babies?

    I was thinking maybe in their mouths? Sounds silly, I know, but other animals do it. Or do the baby hippos just have to walk everywhere?

    5 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Words to go with a dandelion?

    I'm getting a tattoo on my inner wrist/forearm of a dandelion with seeds going up my arm. The words I was thinking of putting with it are from Tamerlane, one of my favorite Poe poems. "All we seek to keep hath flown." But I was wondering what single word/words/quote comes to mind when you think of a dandelion blowing in the wind? I always like to consider options from new perspectives. Thanks for any and all answers! :)

    1 AnswerTattoos9 years ago
  • Questions about re-inking a tattoo?

    I have a tattoo behind my left ear (small - about 2"x2"). It's about a year old, all black, and it has faded significantly since I got it. I'm not too worried about the fading because the guy who did my tattoo warned me about it beforehand and the first touch up is free. I'm just wondering if I get it redone now, will it just fade again over the next year, or should I be all set for a while?

    Thanks for any advice!


    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Help with tattoo pricing?

    Hi :) I'm getting a tattoo and I was hoping someone could give me an estimate for a fair price. I'm getting a peacock feather, about three inches ling on the inside of my forearm/wrist area. I want really rich, intense color and a fair amount of detail. I'm willing to pay a lot to have it done, but I don't want to be charged unfairly.

    Thanks :)


    5 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Help with tattoo ideas?? :)?


    I'm planning my second tattoo, and I was just curious to see if I could get some input from people who think a little more creatively than I do.

    I want this tattoo to have a lot of depth and personal meaning to me, so this is the story behind it:

    For a few years, I battled (and battle is an understatement, as some of you might know) depression. I'm a victim of sexual abuse and emotional abuse, and I never told anyone. That was the source of my depression and anger. I took it out on people closest to me, most extremely my mother. I drove her to the end of her wits and so we fought each other constantly. I was friends with the wrong people, and while I stayed sane enough not to get involved in drugs or anything like that, I did end up getting hurt by the people who weren't. I was hospitalized for cutting myself more than once, and at the height of everything, I attempted suicide.

    These days, my outlook on life and family is on the other end of the spectrum. I'm a happy, healthy young adult, but the journey getting there was hard.

    I want something to remind me of how hard I worked to get where I am, but also to keep me in check and remind me how bad it was before so I never go down that road again.

    Some nonsense about my personality:

    I'm happy, energetic, and thoughtful. I prefer a good book to a party, so I'm not too outrageous. I'm a naturally confident person when I'm in my comfort zone, but I'm shy and introverted on a day-to-day basis. I care about the happiness of others, and I'll go out of my way to provide for them.

    I already have ideas, but I'm curious to see what others can contribute.



    6 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Drum Major outfits?!?

    I'm the head drum major of my high school's marching band, and this year our theme is Hits of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. My songs are the 60s and 80s, and for our football games the DMs as well as the guard dress according to theme. Any ideas for how I could dress for either 60s or 80s? Even better, if I could wear something that would apply to both! (Like if I could just change a few parts of the outfit between songs).

    Thanks in advance,


    2 AnswersPerforming Arts10 years ago
  • Central Michigan University drum major camp?

    I'm going to be attending CMU's drum major and colorguard clinic in July, and I was wondering which part of campus the clinic is located in? Do we sleep in the dorms? If so, which hall? Are there places around campus to go grab snacks and stuff?

    Thanks in advance


  • High school drum major?

    Hi! I'm going to be the drum major of my high schools marching season this upcoming season and I have a few questions.

    My co-DM has a bit of a power complex, but he's a nice guy. Any suggestions as to how I can assert myself so I don't get looked over?

    We have the choice between straight salutes and mace salutes. Could I learn to control a mace over the summer well enough to perform an impressive salute, and if so, what should I be doing to practice?

    Finally, a girly question. Our DM uniforms vary by season, so we have a choice between themed depending on the show and more traditional options. This year, we're probably going to go with a tux for him and a gown for me. Our school colors are blue and white, so either a black/white full length tuxedo style gown that I already have, or an adventurous blue gown? What do you think?

    Lastly, ifthere are ANY other bits if advice you can give me, please let me know!!

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • I need a dress that I can move around in!?

    I'm drum major of my school's marching band, an I'll be wearing a gown on the field. My school colors are blue and white, so the gown I wear should either be black (or black and white, black with blue embellishments, etc) or blue. I'm tall, full figured (curvy, not round!), I have olive skin and dark brown hair. I need to be able to march without holding the hem, move my arms freely, and climb a ladder while still looking very formal. (and cute! :p)

    Marching band is very military-esque, so no poofy froufrou dresses or tutus! Lol

    Please post links or style ideas. Even names of stores to look at would help! I just need to know what will look best on me and allow me to move.



    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I need a dress that I can move around in!?

    I'm drum major of my school's marching band, an I'll be wearing a gown on the field. My school colors are blue and white, so the gown I wear should either be black (or black and white, black with blue embellishments, etc) or blue. I'm tall, full figured (curvy, not round!), I have olive skin and dark brown hair. I need to be able to march without holding the hem, move my arms freely, and climb a ladder while still looking very formal. (and cute! :p)

    Marching band is very military-esque, so no poofy froufrou dresses or tutus! Lol

    Please post links or style ideas. Even names of stores to look at would help! I just need to know what will look best on me and allow me to move.



  • I need a dress that's easy to move in?

    I'm drum major of my school's marching band, an I'll be wearing a gown on the field. My school colors are blue and white, so the gown I wear should either be black (or black and white, black with blue embellishments, etc) or blue. I'm tall, full figured (curvy, not round!), I have olive skin and dark brown hair. I need to be able to march without holding the hem, move my arms freely, and climb a ladder while still looking very formal. (and cute! :p)

    Marching band is very military-esque, so no poofy froufrou dresses or tutus! Lol



    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does loreal Color Zap work?

    I've heard that color Zap will take my hair back to it's NATURAL color. Is this true? I've dyed my hair near constantly for a few years, never letting it grow or fade out too much, but nothing ridiculous like dying every month. (every 3-4 for me). It's always been darker and never bleached, but will the fact that I've dyed multiple times effect how we the color zap works? I want to stop the cycle of dying and damaging my hair and go natural!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Does loreal Color Zap work?

    I've heard that color Zap will take my hair back to it's NATURAL color. Is this true? I've dyed my hair near constantly for a few years, never letting it grow or fade out too much, but nothing ridiculous like dying every month. (every 3-4 for me). It's always been darker and never bleached, but will the fact that I've dyed multiple times effect how we the color zap works? I want to stop the cycle of dying and damaging my hair and go natural!

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • Videos by The Decemberists?

    Could someone give me a list of videos the Decemberists have made? (Please no fan/student made videos. However artistic and beautiful they all are, I'd like videos made by the band officially. Thanks!)

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Instruments in the Marine Corps band?

    Hello! I am a Baritone Sax player, hoping to eventually join the Marine Corps band. I've watched videos and tried to find information on this, but as far as I can tell, there are no bari sax players in the band? The bari sax isn't traditionally a marching instrument because of its weight and all that... But, do they not have one because they didn't accept anyone who played it, or do they have no need for the baritone saxophone?

    Also, what is life like in the marine corps band, if anyone has any experiences or stories, I would love to hear from you.



    3 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Marching band - Bari sax solo?

    Hey there :) I'm a baritone sax player in my high school marching band (The only one, actually) And I was wondering if anyone knew of marching shows featuring a bari sax soloist? Even a solo for tuba would be fine, because I'd end up playing that too.



    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago