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  • I was looking at a friends face when suddenly it changed.?

    Today I was sitting with a friend and we were staring into eachothers eyes to become closer because of an article we read. I was staring at her and her face began to change into someone elses. Her skin got darker and she, a caucasian woman with light brown hair looked like an Indian woman with black hair and dark skin. Is there a psychological phenomenon associated with this?

    1 AnswerPsychology3 years ago
  • Relationship advice?

    I've been seeing this guy for around six months, things are going well but he says that because of his issues with commitment that we are still friends with benefits and that even though he really cares about me and that we are exclusive in our sexual activities that he doesn't see us going any further nor does he see hinself going any further with anyone. I am too invested to walk away and I don't want to lose him but I feel like I'm not being understanding enough with his situation. Honestly I just wanted to vent because it has been bothering me for a long time, and maybe looking for other perspectives

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How soon can you get in saltwater after getting an Ear Piercing?

    Okay so I am getting a piercing monday in my earlobe, and then going to the beach next saturday for a week. I don't plan on actually swimming but water may get in there. So one, how soon would it be "safe" to get in the ocean and two, if the saltwater does come into contact with said stud, what should I do?

    Also before anyone says anything, yes saltwater can help heal but the ocean's salt concentration is too high for that and filled with other contaminants that can infect/damage your healing.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How to avoid pushing my boyfriend away from his faith?

    I'm not a member of the Christian church, I want no parts of it and there is far too much bitterness in my heart for it. My boyfriend is a pretty devout Christian, which is surprising considering he is dating another man... But I do not want to be the thing that pushes him away from Christianity, and since I am firmly set in my ways, while I can support him I will not convert for him and this worries me, because I'm afraid my negative attitude will slowly drive him away from this thing that makes him happy. So my question is how do I stop him from being driven away through my attitude?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I have a fever of 100.4 but I don't feel sick?

    Okay so I've had a fever, a minor one at that for about half a day, it started last night and I just felt cold and lethargic. Those feelings went away when I took a Advil PM and they only have just come back in the last hour or two. I also have a slight discomfort (not pain) when I breathe in deeply. I'm worried that I will pass this on to my boyfriend, are there any chances of this passing to him from kissing? I know I'm not giving you enough information but I just don't want to make him sick.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Why is my love "gross"?

    I've been thinking about this question all day. Why is love between two men or two women so taboo to society? I'd never be able to kiss my boyfriend in school or even in a public place without being made fun of or stared at. No matter how much society says it is supportive it seems that we will still be treated like freaks.

  • My fellow gay men! Can you answer this question?

    Okay so I got into a debate with a friend and she said she wasn't comfortable with him watching porn. I told her that he was probably just letting off steam, since that's what I do. She doesn't see him during the week so I asked her what she honestly expected from him.

  • Why can't I make eye contact with people I dislike?

    I cannot make eye contact with people I dislike or am unsure about and I don't know why. My eyes will dart away and I can't even look at their face. For example, there is this one guy at school who really likes me, and he makes me really uncomfortable and he is pretty annoying. No one likes him to my knowledge but I always try to be civil to him but I just can't look at him. It's like this with a lot of people.

  • Why is homosexuality singled out more than any other sin?

    Hello Christians, how are you? Why is it that homosexuality is singled out more than any other sin? People wear mixed fabrics, let their children talk back, allow divorce, cheat, eat shellfish, and so on and so on. Why is it when many of these other "sins" are accepted, homosexuality is still hated? There are no angry backwoods hicks holding up signs about how your thirty percent polyester, seventy percent cotton shirt is going to send you to hell.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • My gay boyfriend doesn't want me to give him a hand job?

    Okay we've only been dating for three weeks so I understand that he isn't ready. But I'm afraid that he will never let me do anything sexual with him. He's Christian and I am honestly unsure how to proceed. I have talked to him about it and he said he isn't ready which I'm fine with, but most guys I know would jump at the opportunity for a free handjob. Do you really think he isn't ready but he will be? Or will he ever want me the same way I want him? I care about him a lot so this isn't that big of a deal, I am perfectly happy waiting for him to be ready.

    Other info, we are both virgins, I'm a lot more sexual than he is it seems and I'm staying at his house this weekend. He's also in the closet to his family and I'm not.

  • Why are women so paranoid that their boyfriend/husband is gay?

    As a gay man this question always confused me. You hear the stories about it, there are entire forums dedicated to it, is it really that common of a phenomenon?

  • Why the "Q" in LGBTQ?

    It has been used in two ways, either "questioning" or the more common way I have heard it "queer". I really dislike the term, personally because it implies that there is something wrong with homosexuality, but I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who feels this way. So how do you feel about the Q?

  • LGBT, was my mother right to do this?

    Okay my boyfriend and I were cuddling on the couch. We had been making out pretty much all day but we stopped when my mom got home. We were lying there on the couch in eachother's arms and watching Sherlok Holmes on the TV. Yesterday (he had left by then), my mom told me that I was being really disrespectful by cuddling in front of her. While it is her house and she certainly has the right to do what ever she wants to inside of it I couldn't help feeling pretty insulted. She said she would never let my sister do that either but then again my boyfriend was at my house... With me... Alone... For almost five hours.... And I am proud to say nothing sexual happened! But yet i am still disrespectful?

  • LGBT: How right did your first kiss/makeout session feel?

    I just had one and I have to say, I never felt so right. With him lying in my arms and his lips on mine, I have to say people really don't portray how great it is in movies... Also this means first kiss with someone you are genuinely attracted to.

  • Bisexual guys/gals! Would you rather....?

    Okay I was really unsure if I should ask this question so please try not to be offended. Okay here goes: would you prefer to date the opposite sex if only because it was easier?

    As a gay guy I have always felt hesitant to date a bisexual guy, this is mostly because I don't think I'd be strong enough in the relationship, a bisexual man won't be treated badly, stared at, or denied his rights with a woman like he would be for being with me. I don't doubt his integrity but that would wear down anyone! I honestly can't say I would blame him that much... But anyway that's how I feel about it, how do you feel about it?

  • Does the receiver of a call get charged between cellphones?

    Okay my boyfriend has Verizon and I have sprint but I have unlimited minutes, so I can call him without worry but will his phone be charged/use minutes?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • A question for bisexuals!?

    Okay being gay I have only experienced one side of the spectrum, but I have always wondered something..... Does the attraction you have for different genders... Feel any different? Like are the feelings you have for males and females feel differently or are they the same? I suspect they are the same but I have no way of knowing.

  • Is there a good way to make embarrassing erections to go away?

    Okay my boyfriend and I were watching a movie, he had his head resting on my shoulder and was rubbing my hand. And I felt so content but out of the blue I got one of the hardest erections I have ever gotten.. Is there a way to make myself a little less sensitive or learn to control it better? I'm 17 if that matters :p.

  • What percent of the population is homosexual/bi?

    The reason I'm asking is because there seem to be many more gay people in the world than conservative studies suggest but far fewer than the more extreme studies. So, in your opinion, educated or non, what percent of the population is homosexual/bi?

  • Why do people feel the need to tell me "they have no problem with gay people?"?

    When I tell people I'm gay they always go on this long speech about how they have no problem with gays, so and so is gay in their family and blah blah blah. Like it is something special that they are okay with it. It isn't a big deal and I don't know why they feel the need to express their being "okay" with who I am like I have some horrible disease... Has anyone else experienced this?