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יהוה I AMיהוה

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  • What if we are the only Son of God?

    What if you were put here to remember this and to reunite your body to ascend to Heaven? What if God lives in our reflection after generations and generations since the beginning? A ripple of time and space caused by the eternal force of motion and life? What if the whole universe is just an extension of my body? Nah! That can't be so! That's foolish! That's blasphemy! You can't be the One! For if I agree that I Am or I Am not it is always so. I AM who I say I AM. As a reflection, I Am who He says I Am.

    You are Loved and you are never forgotten! I will always have you in my heart and in my mind. Some day you will take up the power you once forgot you had and that will be the new day which will bring forth life abundantly. Wake up oh sleeping Giant for your time has come!

    Shhhhhhh! Keep quiet with your words and let your light shine so that all can wake up to their own reality once again! You are not alone...yes you! The one who is waking up! You are The One! 😉

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • What if God was closer than you think?

    What if you woke up to a reality that was so obvious that you've missed what was right in front of your face? What if God was so close to himself that every One of Him was looking for something outside of themselves that already existed on the inside? What if it was Gods choice to live yet he forgot His true identity so he judges himself into weakness? What if God came in the flesh and personally has shown you how weak and vulnerable he can be when he tries to be absent of His own light? Yet despite how far he tries to run from Himself He can never escape His own presence? What if we are the body of God creating a Heaven on Earth yet we lost our true purpose? Wake up! I love you and I AM here to lead you to the light! Everything will be alright prodigal son! Our father is waiting with open hands so we can receive the richness of his kingdom. There is abundance and power in our hands! Will you take back your life or will you let everyone push you down? Rise, oh sleeping giant, back into the light so you can dance in the beauty of your life!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Gpu under $200 that runs ACU?

    So, i just bought the GeForce GTX 750ti SC(Super Clocked) hoping that it would run Assassins Creed Unity however there is still a lot of stuttering in greatly populated areas. My question is what Graphics card could I get for $200 that would probably get the job done of running ACU and most next gen games at least on medium?

    My System Specs:

    Processor: AMD FX(tm)- 4300 Quad-Core Processor 3.8Ghz/4.1 OC

    Ram: 8GB (2x4GB DDR3 1333mhz)

    MotherBoard is MSI unsure of the exact model.

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware6 years ago
  • How separate do you guys believe you are?

    Cause and effect. We are a super organism. I can make you think what I think. If I say "elephant" you immediately think of elephants. It's inevitable...we are one.

    13 AnswersPhilosophy6 years ago
  • Concerning the possibility of the afterlife?

    Do you guys think this theory is possible? I don't necessarily believe in an afterlife but I like to ponder about the possibility.

    Why is it that we experience time right now? Why not in some other time? Doesn't all of space-time exist since the beginning. Meaning the past present and future all exist and experiencing the present could be relative to the experiencer? Could it be a possibility that within every moment you were alive you are conscious just as you were in that moment? Perhaps the only reason we can only experience time now is because our brains limits us to our memories which think in terms of "past, present and future". Perhaps when we die we are born again?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do Atheist deny that they are alive?

    If they don't then how can they deny that God is alive? There is a nature within the universe that that holds it all together. This is what I label as Christ. This nature/universal law is consistent throughout the known universe. Everything that the universe is is because of this nature. Since we know that we are alive then we also know that this nature is alive through us. This nature lives through all things and connects all things. We are one body through Christ just as our cells are on body through Christ. The truth is that you are alive because of God. Why have you run from this truth? Remember who you are.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do atheist think about God more than theists?

    Why is it that all atheists talk about is God? I feel like God has put it in their hearts to know him and long for him even if they don't believe in him. I know you atheists love life and love what God has given to you however you also only choose to see the negatives of life. Learn to be optimist and you will see God in your life.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Genesis: What does the tree of knowledge of good and evil represent?

    I already know the answer but I would like to hear what you guys think. Please don't say it meant gaining overall knowledge that is twisting the words of the bible.

    Don't read on until you have commented!!!!

    I believe the tree of knowledge represents judgement. When God created all things he said it was Good (never did he say anything was evil) however Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They thought it was evil to be naked so they felt ashamed. They began judging themselves according to their own judgement not according to Gods. Like I stated before God had said that all his creation is very good yet when Adam and Eve began to see evil in the world it resembled that man was separate from the true God and they became their own God. Also if this is true then the only true sin is to see evil in the world because once we do we can say "I am good and he is evil therefore I give myself the right to punish" judgement of creation is the root of all that we think is evil. Believing there is evil is the root of sin(separation of God). What do you think?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Buddhists. If you believe in God.?

    For the Buddhist who believe in God how do you explain him. What are his aspects/ characteristics?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Are atheists secretly vampires?

    Or are they werewolves?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If you are alive how isn't God?

    Okay so can't you agree that whatever force caused the universe to begin caused the universe to have its nature/laws? If these universal laws inevitably create life can't you understand this statement... If you think that you are alive then the force that caused the universe to be that is outside of space-time should be at least just as alive as you think you are. This force shares the nature of the universe but to a different degree since it is outside space-time so if life inevitably can be created in space-time how much more complex and beautiful would this force be outside of space-time? It's a rather simple concept but some will surely not understand.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is there a difference between us and Jesus?

    My question there a difference between us and Jesus other than him being pure? He was the son of God and we are also the son of God, he was born flesh and we are also born flesh, we are made in Gods image and so is he. God dwelt in him and God dwells in us. Jesus and God are on and are we not also? I have a theory that many Christians will want to deny this because they see God as too holy for us which is sort of true since God the Father and God the son are separate to the degree that the Father is the ultimate force but we are part of God. Just as Jesus said that God is in him and he in God is this not so for us also? We are God the son. God became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus is the light of man as John says. Jesus is the ONLY begotten son of God. We are all the son (singular) of God [those who love him and believe in Jesus (God in flesh) shall live forever] whoever lives as Jesus becomes Jesus and he will not just be the witness of the light but shall become the light. The light is eternal.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheist and Theists!?

    I forgive you for all the times you have hated me. I forgive you for ignoring me. I forgive you for mocking me. I forgive you for when you saw me alone yet left me to cry. I forgive you for the times when you hurt me. Can you forgive yourselves? Can you love yourself? Can you allow this inner healing that I have given your mind to seep through and change you from the inside out? I hope that my forgiveness of your wrong doing has led you to see not how evil you've been but how good you could be. Understand children that you have the potential to love and restore and you also have the potential to hate and destroy. The choice is yours... What path will you take? The path of light or the path of darkness? The path of good or the path of evil? If you know the truth of the path you should take then you are my brother. See the Good that you are and you shall see the good that everyone is. If you can love yourself then love shall overflow into the lives of your brothers. Can a man love his brother if he has not yet loved himself? It is not so. Therefore love your brothers so that you may show them the love you have for yourself. The more you love yourself the more you can love others and if you truly love others you shall see yourself in them. Beautiful ones how I long for the moment that you follow truth and how I mourn for those who have not yet seen the light. In union our cells make us and in union shall we also become as one body and shall manifest our divine nature.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Jesus is the universe?

    Have you not understood Jesus? Have you not understood that he created everything you see around you? Have you not understood that he is the word made flesh? Have you not seen him and through seeing him you have known God the Father? God sent his word which is his son to this world to give those who believe in him life eternal. We are all Gods son if you believe. The word which is the son of God is the light of man. God is in me and I in him. God sent his word into the world to create everything through himself. This is the meaning of the word becoming flesh. The universe is Gods expression so through knowing the universe which is Jesus you will know the Father.

    What are your thoughts Christians?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists can't you agree?

    That you cannot know for sure that god does not exist? If so why do you speak with so much confidence? There is no evidence against God and I'm not talking about the god/s of religion.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists! Just wandering?

    So I was just wandering...if you have opinions and beliefs about our origins what is it? Do you believe nothing created us? Do you believe a non-conscious force created us? Do you believe in the multi-verse theory?

    If you believe nothing created us why is that?

    By us I mean the universe as a whole.

    Also with the same logic that you use to dismiss God "there is no evidence therefore he doesn't exist"

    Can I not also say "there is no evidence for spontaneous generation" therefore I assume there is a possibility for a creator?

    And if you have no opinion why are you atheist and not agnostic?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians can't you accept that Hell is not eternal?

    I think the Bible clearly states that Hell is the end of all life not continuous life. To believe you can sin and still live forever in Hell is what Genesis clearly warns us when the serpent deceives us by saying "you will not surely die".(John 3:16) If we could live eternally in hell then what was the point of Jesus proclaiming he is the only way to eternal life? (There are way more that couldn't fit)Here are some scriptures that state this clearly:

    Matthew 10:28

    "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul (psuche) and body in hell [gehenna]"

    The LORD preserves all who loves Him, But all the wicked He will destroy. Psalm 145:20.

    "Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years". (Revelation 20:6) (NIV)

    God is a Just God not an evil one.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Sincerely anti theists...?

    Why are you guys such hypocrites? You claim that we have such faith for believing in god however there is no evidence that life can spontaneously generate in fact there's more evidence that it is very improbable. You believe that on either misinformation or pure faith. Can't you at least believe that neither argument holds more weight than the other (which I don't believe) and just leave us spiritual/ religious people be?

    Just a thought: if you guys don't believe in an afterlife then why are you wasting the only life you have on R&S? Shouldn't you be doing something with the life you have instead of bullying people? Have you guys even experience happiness other than the so called happiness you get from bullying people?

    Anyway I'm done with my ranting. Hope you guys have a good life. Peace!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Religion that's claims we are God?

    Is there any religion that claims that we are all God experiencing itself? Or anything to that degree? (I don't want to know of a religion that claims that we are different gods but one that claims we are all the same God in different bodies) thanks.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • The physics of relationships?

    Can anyone lead me to an article/study that explains the effect a body has on another body. Such as the gravity/ frequency/ electromagnetism of one body effecting another body? I want to understand if there is more to human relationships/ conversations than just speaking and body language. There ought to be unseen forces acting (such as gravity) upon two humans that maybe enhance a relationship bond. Am I wrong? Please discuss or lead me to a useful article on this topic. Thanks.

    3 AnswersPhysics7 years ago