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  • The janitor was using Pine-Sol and Obama didn't know?!?

    The janitor was using Pine-Sol on the floors and Obama didn't know?! He is the President! Isn't he supposed to know everything every government employee does in the government?! What a failure of leadership!

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who will win these Republican Hunger Games?

    Will it be cancer kids? War veterans? Capital Hill police? Who will triumph in the fight for funding as House Majority Boy (Not a Leader or a Man) Boehner tries to get "something" in exchange for doing his job?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Is the Affordable Care Act a bill or was it passed into law by Congress and signed by the POTUS?

    Looking at the REPUBLICAN MEMBERS OF Congress I'm not the only one who's confused

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Why wont Obama accept the Republican's compromise?

    Time and time again Republicans have offered to compromise with Obama and he has refused. All they want, in exchange for doing their jobs, is for President Obama to dismantle the Affordable Care Act passed into law and deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court. Yet, here is is, acting like it's unreasonable to demand that the Democrats repeal all their legislation just to keep the government running.

    How rude.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Are you a bigot for not liking homosexuality?

    It's so confusing. If you simply express the opinion that you don't like homosexuality, people will start calling you a bigot! It's so mean! So what if you dislike complete strangers for something they cannot change and has no effect whatsoever on your life, it's not bigoted.

    What, am I now a bigot if I don't think women should vote? What if I think miscegenation is the root of all our problems? Where does this PC train-wreck stop?

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why, in times like these, must the news try to fill an hour with 2 mins of info?

    Does anyone find value in useless speculation?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How many people have been killed with violent video games in 2013?

    Dianne Feinstein has signaled that she's ready to act against the menace that is violent video games industry. Shame on us if we've already forgotten those lost from the last mass video game attack. Shame on me, especially, because I can't seem to remember it. Surely the esteemed senator wouldn't push the narrative that violent video games have anything at all to do with real people dying So, there must be some evidence out there, right?

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If Chris Dorner were hiding in your neighborhood, would you support a drone strike on him?

    As we all know collateral damage is a sad but necessary part of our noble drone program and that any innocent lives lost overseas are a sacrifice we are willing to make. I'm just wondering if that applies here in the Homeland (tm)? Is there anyone who believes in drone strikes overseas, even if that means innocents are caught in the crossfire, who would be squeamish about bringing that level of safety and freedom protectin' here?

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • When is the right time to have the gun control debate?

    At a press briefing today after the horrific school shooting leaving at least 30 dead, the President's spokesman said that today is not the day for a gun control debate. The administration apparently believes that the carnage is too raw, and that focus should be on the victims. So I have to ask: when *is* the right time for this debate. Because if we are going to wait for a time when families aren't grieving after a murderer used his/her gun for its intended purpose then we will be waiting forever. These tragedies seem to happen every week, yet it's never the "right time."

    We need to have that "conversation." As a country, we need to decide, whether this is the price we are willing to pay for the unrestricted distribution of firearms. This is a conversation that is long overdue.

    Guns don't kill people, people do. But they do it faster, easier, and on a far grander scale with guns.

    30 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What is wrong with Florida?

    Can anyone who lives there tell me why Florida can't seem to get their act together come election time. Every four years it's as if election day catches Florida completely by surprise. 8 hour lines! Thats inexcusable. Rick Scott is clearly incompetent, and that's assuming he isn't purposefully trying to suppress votes, but he hasn't been Governor forever. He had to take a break to kill Harry Potter's parents.

    Thank the maker President Obama's victory over Mitt Romney was so decisive that FL ended up an afterthought. But shouldn't we do something now to make sure this doesn't happen again in four years time?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • With 6 days until the election, will Romney announce what he will cut?

    Or, "could" cut, we should say because Mitt will never be President. But, as it's Halloween, I thought we'd all get a kick out of imagining the horror of America's Nightmare that would be a Romney Presidency.

    The latest Primary Promise coming back to bite Romney is that he would "return" FEMA to the states. How would that work? No one knows because Romney wont tell us, he wont even tell us if he still supports it or if that was a couple of shakes of the ol' Etch-a-Sketch ago. He was asked some 13 times at his "Hurricane Relief/Victory Rally"* but refused to answer.

    Is this the Profile in Courage we can except from President Romney? Thank the Gods we will never know as this was all a Halloween American Nightmare.

    *In which supporters were given items purchased by the campaign to give to Romney so they'd get some good video. These items were then loaded onto a truck which will presumably make its way to NJ someday. It should be pointed out that, while arguably well intentioned by some people involved, this is horribly inefficient and it is better to donate money directly to relief charities instead of forcing them to deal with the random supplies. These organizations know best what, when, and how to get supplies to people in need. More proof of Romney's incompetency in the face of adversity.

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Now that Romney has endorsed Affirmative Action...?

    At the last debate Romney proudly declared that he affirmatively acted to hire female candidates over qualified male ones to his administration. He said he had whole binders full of women to promote over male candidates, not because they were more qualified, but because they were women. According to him, he even had to make special considerations like allowing the women to leave early because they have to go home to perform womanly duties like cooking dinner.

    So does Romney realize he was practicing Affirmative Action? or is it OK because he gave the jobs to women and not specifically "Blah" people.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Did you see the shocking tape premiering exclusively on every rightwing wesbite and tv show tonight?

    OMG You Guys! President Obama once wen to a church with a guy named Jeremiah Wright? Why wasn't this known during the 2008 campaign?! This was covered up by the lame-stream media and now we're all just finding out about this Jeremiah Wright person for the first time tonight as a shocking video appears on every right wing website and TV show tonight, exclusively.

    Do you guys think this is a Game Change™'r? Will this campaign ever be the same?

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is it Karma that Romney was brought down by a Carter?

    For years Republicans have lodged ridiculous and petty attacks against President Jimmy Carter. Now after a RNC where any mention of Romney was an afterthought, it's been revealed that President Carter's grandson was the one who unearthed the Game Changing clip that historians would write about if anybody could remember the name of the man who lost to President Obama in 2012.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why wont Democrats reveal their plan for the elderly?

    Oh wait. It's called Medicare. Democrats, and the majority of Americans, believe Medicare is just fine the way it is and shouldn't be transformed into a voucher program as prescribed by Romney/Ryan.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Does Mitt Romney lack even a semblance of class?

    Today Mitt Romney decided to end his race to the bottom by making a joke about birth certificates. After a campaign filled with lies about Medicare, Welfare, and Healthcare; now Mitt Romney has added Prenatal Care. What was he thinking? Is he the Honey Badger, he just don't give a care?

    The birth certificate nonsense was a dark time in our history, that the first African-American president had to display his birth certificate will be a source of shame to this country for decades to come. Thankfully Romney/Ryan's loss in November will go a little towards its redemption.

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is Paul Ryan dragging his mother to Florida?

    This brave courageous leader is dragging his poor mother to Florida to lie for her son. The poor woman must be filled with grief that her son would make her lie on his behalf. This is just like Paul Ryan's initial run for congress when he dragged his sister and her infant child from event to event in the hot sun without a hat for the wee one so that voters would think he was married.

    Ryan will stop at nothing to lie about his plans to kill Medicare and doom America's seniors (past and present) to healthcare rationing by wealth.

    Does anyone have another reason why he would subject this woman to a loud raucous filthy Republican campaign even in the heat of a Florida summer?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Mitt Romney used a whiteboard to make up lies about Obamacare, wouldn't an Etch-a-Sketch be better?

    President Obama's plan protects Medicare and finds savings by cutting out Fraud, Waste, and Abuse. Romney/Ryan's plan would not only destroy Medicare for future seniors, but would raise current seniors costs by up to 6000 dollars a year. That may be chump change for Romney and his dancing horse, but that's life and death for many seniors.

    Do you think he should put away the white board and bring out the Etch-a-Sketch?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Are Republicans trying to rig the 2012 elections?

    After a disastrous 2004 election where long lines led to 174,000 Ohio voters leaving their polling place without voting (Bush won the state by 118,000 votes), Ohio instituted common sense early voting laws. Now, Ohio republicans seem intent on a repeat of 2004 and are doing everything they can to curtail access to anyone who even looks like they might vote Democratic.

    They tried to cut early voting down from 35 days to 11, with no early voting on Sundays when the state's black population tends to vote.

    They took away the ability of veterans, women, doctors, 9/11 first responders who moved to Ohio, Nuns, priests, the elderly, disabled to vote the three days before an election; this is the time when a majority of 2008 early Ohio voters exercised their constitutional right.

    Worst of all, Republicans are going county by county and limiting voting hours in Dem leaning counties while expanding them in Rep leaning counties.

    This is a travesty and anyone; Republican, Democrat, or "Independent;" should be outraged by what the Republican party is doing.

    17 AnswersPolitics9 years ago