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  • Any Head Start Teachers? I am filling out my application and want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.?

    I am about to graduate with my degree in early childhood inclusive edu. and have been job hunting. There are not a lot of openings for pre-k teachers in the school districts and I am thinking of applying at Head Start. What can you tell me? Is it a good place to work? I have my heart set on preschool. Do they pay hourly or salary?

    1 AnswerPreschool3 years ago
  • Parents of Preschoolers. I am writing a paper for school. Would you be willing to answer my questions?

    Hello, I am a student who is working towards my degree in Early Childhood Education. I am interviewing families who have/ have had children in Early Childhood programs so that I can become a successful teacher who is able to see from a family's perspective. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out.

    > Why did you enroll your child in an early childhood program?

    > How was the program selected and what traits were important?

    > What is your overall attitude about contact between home and school?

    > What do you expect from teachers?

    > What do you want teachers to know about your family and your child?

    > How is your experience as a parent different from that of your parents?

    > What is the structure and size of the household? (Who lives there)

    > What roles do different adults fill in the household?

    > Where do the extended family members live? Are they able to provide any support to the immediate family?

    > What issues do you face balancing family time and work?

    > What are the joys and challenges of family life?

    > What is your typical day like?

    > What is your parenting style?

    > What reactions did you have to becoming a parent? Any adjustments that needed to be made? Changes in adult lifestyle? Neg. or Pos. aspects?

    > What satisfaction do you gain from parenting? What are you most proud of?

    Thank you in advance for your help

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Question for preschool/early childhood educators?

    Do you implement any child health programs in your center? If so, how do you do this or what kind of programs are used?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerPreschool7 years ago
  • Apps for ipad 4 that would be useful in college?

    I'm starting college classes shortly and some of my classes required me to purchase an ipad 4. I am learning how this thing works and just wondered if there were any apps that would be helpful for a college student. Thank you!

  • Best keyboard case for an ipad 4?

    I just found out that I am required to buy an ipad 4 or a MacBook for classes this fall. What is a good keyboard case for an ipad? If you don't have a specific one to recommend, do you have any ideas as to what I should look for in a keyboard case (knowing me, I will pick one because it is pink and then it will be junk;)

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Do past waaay past...affect financial aid for college?

    I am almost 35yrs old and going back to school in the fall. I attended the same community college for a semester after I graduated high-school. I did not know what I wanted to study and just took some general classes and was also pregnant at the time. Needless to say, I did not excel but managed to pass the classes...this was 17 yrs ago. I am at a place now where I am ready to go back and have a goal in mind. I have been getting mixed messages from the financial aid office. When I talked to the school, they said they needed additional information from me and would send me an email. The email said I did not qualify due to current academic status? I have no CURRENT academic status. They still have all of my information on record and that is also an issue because sometimes I am listed with my maiden name and other times it has my married name. I had them update things, but nothing has changed. So please tell me, can I get denied financial aid at 35 because I did bad that one semester when I was 18? Thanks.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • Speaking in Tongues...What do you think?

    Ok, so I have had 2 experiences with this in my life and I have to be honest and say that it creeped me out. I had been looking for a new church to attend and this was maybe my 3rd or 4th time at this particular church. They had a guest speaker that day and he gave a very good message. I will not say that I was "worked up, emotional, or over excited" by it however. He started to bring some of us to the front of the church to pray (myself included) and was praying to God to fill us with the Holy Spirit. All of the sudden my mouth was spewing gibberish. I had no control over it at all and it wasn't words I was forming really, more like sounds and noises. I was more than freaked out and never went back to that church. Later that night, I was praying to God myslef to help me to understand what had happened...was I filled with the Holy Spirit? Was I involved in some kind of cult activity? Was it Satan? I was really confused and all of the sudden it happened again. Nothing of the kind has happened to me since. What do you think? I am not even the loud vocal person in the congregation shouting Amens and Halleluias...I am the one sitting in the back trying to get her kid to quit climbing on the church pew. Any thoughts on the subject? Thanks.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why would it hurt my son to have his toenails cut?

    It has always been a fight to cut my son's nails. I would have to wrestle him down and he would kick me and cry and say that it hurt him. I thought he just didn't like it and was being dramatic. He is now almost 11yrs old and it is still a major ordeal. He can't bring himself to cut them himself and when I do it he grits his teeth and squeezes his hands into fists while fighting back tears. I am always gentle and only trim them...never cutting short. He says that having his fingernails cut hurts too, but it is bearable. Why would it hurt him so bad?

    9 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Careers in Book editing or publishing?

    My son is a Sophmore in high school. I worry about him at times because he has struggled in school because of ADD, yet he is a very very smart boy. He has done some thinking about his future however and one of his passions is reading. He has a way of telling stories and is interested in being an author one day. He is also quite critical of books that he reads, pointing out mistakes or ways he would have done it differently...He has also asked questions about jobs in publishing and working with books. I have no idea what kind of jobs are out there. What kind of jobs are out there for a boy who is passionate about reading and writing books?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What size loaf pan do you prefer for yeast breads?

    I've always enjoyed baking and since getting my dream mixer for Christmas, I have been baking like crazy. I am trying to improve my bread making skills for sure. Most of the recipes I have been using call for a 9x5 pan, but I had someone tell me small pans are better. Is this true? What size loaf pan works the best? Is there a brand that you like better than others or what should I look for in a loaf pan? Thanks.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Potty training a 4yr old boy...yes I said 4.?

    I babysit my nephew during the school year and he will be 4 soon. He has not yet been potty trained and his mother is at a loss. He is a very smart boy, too smart I think, but they didn't start trying to train him until later because they had issues with training their daughter and felt they pushed her too soon. When they did try, they were inconsistant and now I feel that they have let it go too long. I just started watching him again and am dertermined to do this, but it is a huge power struggle. I got rid of the pull-ups and have been keeping him in underwear and he will go if I ask him or remind him too, but will not tell me when he has to go or go on his own. And he will absolutely NOT poop on the potty. Any ideas for potty training an older child?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • What color bedding will look good with green walls?

    We are moving into a new house this summer and my kids will finally all have their own rooms and have been busy picking paint colors. My son, who is 15, choose a bright green color. Not lime green, but more of an apple green I guess? I don't's bright, but not neon-lol. I was thinking a dark blue or navy might go well with it. What do you think? Any ideas?

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Would you prefer a daycare that charged by the hour, day, week, month?

    I plan to open a daycare to help with the extra cost of the new home we are buying. I have thought about this for a long time, but can't quite decide how I should charge. I already babysit my brother's kids and they pay me flat fee each month and it works well for me. Would you prefer a daycare that charged weekly or monthly? Would you prefer one that charged a flat rate for full time and a flat rate for part time reguardless of age of the child or charged more for infants, but decreased price as they get older? I just want this to be as simple as possible and any info you can give me would be great? Anyone know average cost of daycare in Iowa?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Should I charge weekly/monthly for daycare?

    We are buying a new home and I am seriously thinking of doing some in home daycare to help with the extra cost. I am a SAHM of 4, I worked at an appletree preschool for about 3yrs before I decided to stay home when I had my 2nd child, and I have been babysitting my niece and nephew for the last 6yrs so I have some experience. My sister in law paid me $400 a month for one child and $600 a month for two. This is full time and she pays me the same ammount each month regaurdless of how many days they come. This works well for me, but if I were to start a daycare in my home is it better to charge by the day, hour, weeek, month? What other rules should I have in place before I agree to watch someones child?

    3 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • Daisy chain tattoo with a bumble bee?

    I have wanted a tattoo for years, but could never justify it. I thought If I reached my goal weight I might get one or for my birthday or mothers day...Well, I have lost 85lbs and kept it off for 2yrs & my birthday is next month so I'm thinking it may be the time.

    I want my tattoo to be meaningful to me and symbolize my 4 children and myself. I want a white daisy chain with 4 flowers and my kids names worked in with each flower. I choose white daisies because they have always been my favorite flower and my grandmother always planted them and filled the yard with them for me and they are the first flower my kids pick for my in the summer. They are simple and happy and make me think of my kids, grandma, and mother. I wanted them in a chain to show how we are "linked together". I was thinking I would put a little bumble bee with it's trail leading it to the flowers to symbolize myself. I just figured that bees and flowers are dependent on each other and need each other and a bee is protective (and yes, cute too). I want this tattoo on my left shoulder blade.

    Is there any ideas you might have, opinions, tips on getting my first tattoo? Yes I know that my opinion is the one that matters here, but I am planning on placing something permanently on my body and want to take all things into consideration. Thanks a lot.

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • fix the old wood floors or put down laminate?

    My husband and I are buying my parent's house from them and among many of the renovating projects that we have listed is what to do with the living room floor. My mom has old carpet there now that desperately needs to be replaced and we would like a wood floor...real or laminate, but money is an issue so we were leaning to laminate just because it's more in our price range. I do know that the living room has the original wood floor under the carpet, which would be great, except that there is a big gap where a wall was removed a long time ago. Should we attempt to salvage these wood floors and fill in this gap or should we just go with laminate? Any ideas or help would be great. Thanks.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • How do I pack for my daughter's plane trip?

    I know this sounds crazy, but I have never been on a plane in my life and need a little help. My 11yr old daughter is going on a trip to NJ to visit her bff this summer. She will be flying with her friends mom and her other bff and will be gone for 2wks. I want to pack light so they will not have to check any bags (she will be staying at her friends home so she can do laundry and will have most toiletries and such available to her). I'm not sure what size bag is considered carry-on? Can she bring her carry-on plus a backpack or something to keep with her? What kinds of things will she want to have with her on the plane? Will she need an ID to fly. I already signed and notarized a consent form. I'm a little nervous about her traveling without me and just want her to be ready. Any advice would be great...thanks.

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • Affordable vehicles that seat there such a thing?

    I have a family of 6 and have been driving a 2003 chevy venture for about 8 years now and I think my poor mama bus has finally bit the dust. I know that I cannot expect a car big enough to seat 7 to be very fuel efficient and I know all cars seem to be outrageous as far as price goes anymore...but any options out there that might be the best of the worst? We are moving this summer to a house in the country, so 4wd might be nice...but not necessary. Anything I should look into?

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • Was I wrong to let my daughter shave her legs?

    My daughter is in 5th grade and has been asking for about 8mos now if she could shave her legs. It was getting cold outside when she first mentioned it. I explained to her that I would let her shave her legs if she was feeling embarrased about it, but it is something that you need to keep up with and do on a regular basis and since it was cold outside she might want to give it until summer to worry about it. She agreed but as soon as she was in shorts she started asking again. She does have very hairy legs and I can see where this could be a problem for her. She said that a few girls have teased her about it-not really to be mean but it bugged her just the same. I bought her a nice razor and some shave gel and we went in the bathroom and shaved our legs together. She did a great job and seems very happy. When her father found out he was soooo upset! He has such a hard time with his baby girl growing up and keeps saying that she is too young. What do you think?

    My son will be 15 in a few weeks and I ordered an electric razor for him as well because he is getting a mustache and crazy stray hairs on his chin. I told my husband that he needed to teach him how to shave and he didn't like that idea either! I guess I will teach him. I'm pleanty broken hearted about my babies all growing up, but I'm not going to let them get made fun of!!

    10 AnswersParenting9 years ago