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I am a man that is magic, but not a magican...a Magicman!!!!!!

  • What do you think of boys who wear tighty whities?

    I wear tighty whities and whenever a girl finds out, either by accident or on purpose, they always laugh. Sometimes its in jest and light-hearted but other times they lose all respect. And guys always tease me in the locker room (high school). What do you think? Do girls get teased for their underwear choice or is this strictly a guy think?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Why are briefs/tighty-whities viewed as childish?

    I'm sixteen and like to wear briefs sometimes, usually to school because they can hide random erections easily (if you're a guy you understand). But I always get a lot of crap for wearing them, from both boys and girls. (short story) It all started in fifth grade, when I was on the playground and one of my friends (who was a girl) saw the waist band of my white underwear. She then exclaimed "you still wear tighty whitees" as if it were a bad thing. I was extremely naive back then, and thought that everyone wore that underwear, and it was normal, I didn't know there was some "magical" age where you had to switch. But I was still embarassed and shamefully nodded my head. She blushed and then told my other friend (also a girl) and she blushed. She saw that I was embarassed and said that its ok and that her little brother wears them too, as if that were to help. Fast forward four years and I hide the fact that I wear them, like by wearing boxers when ever I have gym or swim class. So what's the deal? Why do tighty whitees get such a bad rap? Is it because they are childish or something? What are your thoughts?

    5 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • Girls: What do you/would you think of a guy wearing tighty whities?

    I'm a guy and I wear tighty whities, but i keep it secret because of the stigma. I know most guys make fun of boys who wear them, what do girls think?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Is it wrong to be in love with a freshman? ( I'm a senior in high school)?

    She's fourteen, I'm seventeen and I'll turn eighteen in late March. We both have a lot in common and she's the first person I've felt connected to in a while. My love life is nonexistent and I suck at taking to girls, the only reason we talk now is because she made the first move. What should I do?

    BTW we go to different schools and only talk at church

    2 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • Why are girls no longer taught modesty these days?

    When I growing up, girls were raised with morals and values, things called modesty and self respect. They wore appropriate length dresses and skirts, tops were not too tight and covered everything, and the few times they wore pants they were NEVER so tight. Leggings are a sign of our society morals going the way of rome. I swear I see 14 and 15 year old girls in leggings and crop tops l, the damn tights are so tight that I can see the outline of their underwear and whatnot. Speaking of underwear, that is a problem too. My mother always bought my sisters underwear in packs from Walmart. Now tweens shop for thongs and lingerie at Victoria's Secret. What is the problem these days? Why can't girls learn to be modest anymore?

    6 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • Should I go to the homecoming dance?

    Here's the deal. It is my senior year, and up until this point I have never gone to a single football game or dance or anything at all. I feel like I'm missing something by not going at least once and I want to use it as a test to see if I should attend my senior prom. But I don't know what I should do? I have no friends, only aquaintences (used very loosely) and I have been sitting alone at lunch since freshman year. I'm not very social and wouldn't know what to do? Is homecoming supposed to be really formal, I see pictures of other schools and kids treating it as like a prom, taking pictures, taking dates, but it might be different here. My school is majority black and our county is notoriously rachet/ghetto. I haven't seen it (homecoming) presented as the same way some other schools have it.

    What do you think? Should I go? And if so should I bring a date.

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • GIRLS: Would you view a guy as childish if you caught him wearing tighty whities?

    I came across this weird blog post but it kinda hit me in an emotional way because something similar happened to me. I'll post the link below if you're interested and I strongly recommend reading it.

    But do tighty-whities/briefs turn you off and why?

    7 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • What do you make of this quote? (Thought exercise)?

    As an aspiring writer I am challenging myself to journal at least once a day. To achieve this I've stolen an idea from my english teacher and I am taking a quote every day and just writing my thoughts on it. This is if you want to join in too. There is no write or wrong, only what you make of it. I choose it from a random quote generator, so are long, some are short. Here is my first one:

    “Oh wow, you know what's wrong with all these families on TV? All these kids say stuff no kid would say. Stuff grown-ups want them to say. Man, I'd make a really realistic family. Where kids get spankings. On TV parents say, 'Oh, you shouldn't do that ever again. Now you can have ice cream.' Forget it.”

    - Macaulay Culkin

    4 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • TEENS: What do you make of this quote? (Thought exercise)?

    As an aspiring writer I am challenging myself to journal at least once a day. To achieve this I've stolen an idea from my english teacher and I am taking a quote every day and just writing my thoughts on it. This is if you want to join in too. There is no write or wrong, only what you make of it. I choose it from a random quote generator, so are long, some are short. Here is my first one:

    “Oh wow, you know what's wrong with all these families on TV? All these kids say stuff no kid would say. Stuff grown-ups want them to say. Man, I'd make a really realistic family. Where kids get spankings. On TV parents say, 'Oh, you shouldn't do that ever again. Now you can have ice cream.' Forget it.”

    - Macaulay Culkin

    2 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Is it weird that it is my senior year of high school and I have no friends or social life?

    I'll try to make this quick and short. During my freshman year I always sat alone at lunch and ate my lunch by myself. Now it is my senior year and i find myself doing the same. All the kids around me already have their cliques and groups well established either from freshman year or even from middle school. The last time I can remember having really good friends and not aquaintances was at the end of sixth grade. I was happy in elementary school, things were so much simpler then, but my best friend moved away after sixth grade and i switched schools because my mom didn't like the middle school i was about to go to, and it was all down hill.

    I want friends, a friend, a friend that i can have for a lifetime. But all the cliques are too well established at my school, it would only be awkward to try and but in. What should i do?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • TEENS: Would you consider an arranged marriage?

    Hold on, give me chance first. Starting a relationship is hard, especially if you're a shy guy like me. Because you are a guy you are for some reason expected to be the "pursuer" in everything, and I expect its no easier for girls who for the most part have to wait to be "pursued". There is so much uncertainty in these things, why not just let it be taken care of by someone else. Imagine this, your parents find you a set of beautiful young girls (or guys) and present them to you on your 21st birthday, and you are given the choice to chose one of them. Would you do it? Or would you rather find love the traditional way?

    14 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • TEENS: How was your first day of school?

    Its my senior year (turnup #classof2015) and i was kinda excited for the new year but now i feel its going to be REALLY long. I have the same four classes every day, 3 are AP (Lit, Psych, Bio) and my AP Literature teacher is killer, piling on the hw the very first day. And the people in most of my classes are not really that entertaining, not like in past years. But that was just me, how about you?

    7 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Why are boys allowed to run around topless and/or in their underwear while girls are told to cover up?

    Its an observation i've made over the years. Boys as kids run around without shirts and sometimes in their underwear and it is looked at as innocent carefree and normal. I have never seen girls allowed to do the same thing. Its so weird, like they are both young, at that age they haven't even developed breasts so what are they covering, and even if they do have breast I personally believe that woman should be able to go around topless and that we have needless sexualized breasts. Would you/do you allow your daughter to run around like this or would you/do you cover her up? Thoughts

    7 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • TEENS: Do you take showers in public locker rooms?

    I swim and everytime we change in the locker room (im a guy) all the guys either go to the stall to change or use a towel, and are always repulsed and childish towards the older middle aged/ederly guys who change right there and walk around in the nude like its no big deal. They'll change openly if its just in underwear but they always are weird with nudity. I've come to the point in my life where I've stopped caring what people think now I just change in the open and sometimes even shower (we have open communal showers), though only when i'm on my own practicing, not when I'm with the team, i don't care if strangers see me naked once. I don't know exactly how girls handle the locker room situation so I can't exactly speak about that. What do you all think?

    BQ: Why is it in some pools the ladies showers are closed stall while the men's in communal?

    11 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Is modesty a lost virtue?

    I've been reading a book dealing with the subject of modesty and essentially the author argues that a return to modesty is needed more than ever in our current generation, citing outrageous celebrities such as miley cyrus and the current craze with leggings as a sign of decline in societal morality. Modesty in her view deals mainly with women and makes no mention of men for the most part (which as a self-proclaimed male feminist, find offensive to both genders). Do you agree? Should we return to Victorian style romanticized modesty? Thoughts please.

    BQ1: Have you ever been made fun of for your under choice? (Granny panties for girls, tighty whities for guys). The author uses an anecdote how how a girl was teased in the locker room for wearing "granny panties".

    BQ2: Are you going to wait till marriage for sex?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • TEENS: Are you Christian?

    I'm in an interesting position, I'm 17 years old and was raised Christian and believed it completely until the around the age 14 when I began discovering new religions and evidence against my religion and actually studied evolution and etc and now I'm agnostic I guess, leaning towards atheist but I still go to church and youth group every sunday where I'm forced to cringe at the lessons that now seem totally irrelevant to me. My parents don't know and recently my mom has been questioning me about my "spiritual journey" and had been getting on me for not praying or reading my devotional that i got when i was like six. What's truly ironic is that I actually help with the children's ministries, something in which I morally oppose since their minds are fresh and innocent and don't really know any better other than what their authority figures tell them.

    Sorry for the rant. My question is are you or where you ever Christian? How is/was your experience as a Christian? I'm still interested in hearing all perspectives since I am still trying to make up my mind in a way looking for life's answers. And lets all try to be more civil than the infamous R&S section :)

    13 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • TEENS: Is modesty a lost virtue?

    I've been reading a book dealing with the subject of modesty and essentially the author argues that a return to modesty is needed more than ever in our current generation, citing outrageous celebrities such as miley cyrus and the current craze with leggings as a sign of decline in societal morality. Modesty in her view deals mainly with women and makes no mention of men for the most part (which as a self-proclaimed male feminist, find offensive to both genders). Do you agree? Should we return to Victorian style romanticized modesty? Thoughts please.

    BQ1: Have you ever been made fun of for your under choice? (Granny panties for girls, tighty whities for guys). The author uses an anecdote how how a girl was teased in the locker room for wearing "granny panties".

    BQ2: Are you going to wait till marriage for sex?

    7 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Should I pursue Writing/Journalism as a career?

    I am a junior right now, soon to be a senior and it seems like life is moving so fast. For so long I thought I was certain of my career path, that i'd be a zoologist. But recently I have taken up an interest and a serious interest in writing, both fiction and nonfiction. I have just finish my first YA manuscript and hope to send it to an agent soon and I am currently working on a new scifi series. I was really passionate about animals and zoology when I was little, and I still am but writing as been dominating my life a lot and it feels like I have not done enough to prepare for a career in zoology. I feel so overwhelmed with all these decisons shoved at me now, colleges, scholarships, classes, tests, I am so scared. Like I was always told as a kid don't worry if you don't know what you want to do when you grow up yet, you have plenty of time before. Well, time is running out, and I am still uncertain. And its not like i can go to college and find my major there, not these days with high *** tuttion. I just need advice. Which one should I pursue? Zoology? Writing? Both maybe?

  • GIRLS: How would you feel if you got a note from a secret admirer?

    I'm a boy and 17 and I am so shy and socially awkward. I think I have like social anxiety disorder or at least some degree of it, but there is this girl I've had a crush on since freshman year and I have been petrified to talk to her. We are in the same English and world history class but we only talk occassionally, she only sees me like everyone else sees me as, the quiet smart kid that everyone goes to for help. Anyway, I want to admit my feelings before it is too late and I was thinking maybe I could write her a note (since I am a writer, aspiring author). Is that still a thing? Is it seen as romantic or just creepy nowadays? How would you feel if you got one?

    6 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago